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General Biology

Midterm Reviewer

❖ Cellular Trasnports and

Mechanisms ● Examples of diffusion: spraying of
aerosols, and perfumes.
Osmosis ● High concentration (inside the can)--
- A special type of diffusion the molecules are packed tighty
- Is the movement of water through a together…
selectively permeable membrane ● To a LOW concentration – when
like the cell membrane sprayed, the molecules are released
- Water moves across the membrane to a more free environment.
from an area of high concentration to ● The particles spread out.
an area of low concentration
Passive Transport
Osmosis Concentration - A process that does not require
energy to move molecules from a
● Hypertonic: the water or solution high to a low concentration
OUTSIDE of the cell is saltier than
the INSIDE of the cell. Phospholipid Molecule
● Hyper= ”more” or “above” - Having both hydrophobic and
hydrophilic heads from the plasma
Hypertonic Solutions: a high membrane.
concentration of solute relative to another
solution. When the water is placed in a Lipid Molecule
hypertonic solution, the water diffuses out - Are amphiphatic, that is, they
of the cell, causing the shell to shrivel. possess both polar hydrophilic
(water loving) and nonpolar
Hypotonic Solutions: contain a low hydrophobic (water repelling)ends.
concentration of solute relative to another
solution. When a cell is placed in a Integral Proteins
hypotonic solution, the water diffuses into - Are like tunnels or channels for the
the cell, causing the cell to swell and passage of water and/ or other
possibly explode. substances

Isotonic Solutions: contain in the same ● Uniporter- transports substances in

concentration of solute as another a unidirectional manner depending
solution. When a cell is paced in an isotonic on the concentration gradient.
solution, the water diffuses into and out of ● Symporter- transports different
the cell at the same rate. The fluid that types of molecule in the cell
surrounds the body cell is isotonic membrane at the same time.
● Antiporter- involved in secondary
Diffusion active transport of two or more
- Occurs when particles move from an different molecules or ions across a
area of high concentration to an area phospholipid membrane.
of low concentration.

Indig. C. E.1
Peripheral proteins ● If a solution’s pH is unbalanced, it is
- Act as receptors for hormones, corrected with a BUFFER.
recognition centers, and antigens.
Function of the Cell Membrane
Facilitated diffusion ● Separates the components of a cell
- Is a types of passive transport which from its environment–surrounds the
relies on carrier proteins in order for cell
the substance to mov down their ● “Gatekeeper” of the cell–regulates
concentration gradient. the flow of materials into and out of
the cell–selectively permeable
Active transport ● Helps cell maintain homeostasis–
- a process that involves the stable (internal) balance
movement of molecules from a
region of lower concentration to a ❖ Endocytosis and Exocytosis
region of higher concentration
against a gradient or an obstacle - Transport larger molecules such as
with the use of external energy.” proteins and polysaccharides, and
even very large particles.
❖ The Cell Membrane and
Homeostasis Endocytosis
- the process of capturing a substance
Homeostasis or particle from outside the cell by
- Is a stable substance engulfing it with the cell membrane,
- a self-regulating process by which a and bringing it into the cell.
living organism can maintain internal
stability while adjusting to changing Types of Endocytosis
external conditions. ● Phagocytosis
● Pinocytosis
Cell membrane ● Receptor- Mediated
- Is responsible for maintaining
homeostasis (home- E-O-Stay-sis) Phagcytosis
within the cell through balancing the - A process in which the plasma
pH, temperature, glucose, water membrane inaginates or fold inward,
balance. to form a vesicle that brings solid
substance into the cell.
pH and Homeostasis
● The pH of a solution tells how acidic
or basic it is.
● pH range form scale 0-14
● Solutions with a pH from 0-6 are Pinocytosis
acidic - the uptake of extracellular fluids and
● Solutions with a pH of 8-14 are basic dissolved solutes
● Solutions with a pH of 7 are neutral

Indig. C.E. 2
- The term pinocytosis is derived from - Refers to the first two individuals that
the Greek word “pino,” meaning “to are crossed in a breeding
drink,” and “cyto,” meaning “cell.” experiment.

Receptor- Mediated Phenotype

- Occur wherein the molecule can - Outwardly expressed trait or
bind to the surface of the membrane. characteristics.

Clathrin Genotypes
- a protein that plays a major role in - Internal heredity information that
the formation of coated vesicles. contain genetic code
- Located inside the nucleus of the
❖ Introduction to Genetics cells of the plants that are
responsible for the observed traits.
- The science of studying heredity Genes
information - Are parts of DNA and carry heredity
information passed from parents to
Heredity children.
- refers to the passing of traits from
the parents to their offspring. Recessive
- Shows its specific trait when both
Heredity Characteristics parents pass the gene to the child
- Characteristics that can be inherited - Represented by small letter
from the parents (e.g. eye color,
hair, etc,) Dominant
- Shows its specific trait even if only
Gregor Johann Mendel on parent passed the gene to the
- Father of genetics child
- First studied the science of modern - Represented by capital letters
- Used Pea plant (Pisum Sativum) in Homozygous
his investigation. - Two of the same form of a gene–one
from each parent
- Different forms of a gene, which Heterozygous
produce variations in a genetically - Two different forms of a gene– one
inherited trait. from mom and the other from dad
are different.
Monohybrid Cross
- Shows crossbreeding involving a ❖ Mendelian Pronciples
single trait or character factor.
Law of Heredity
Parental Generation

Indig. C.E. 3
- The studies of Mendel regarding
- the inheritance of one pair of factors
( genes ) is independent of the
inheritance of the other pair.

Law of Segregation
- States that a gene pair carries two
separate characteristics.

Law of Independent Assortment

- States that during the gamete
formation, the gene paor assorts

Non-Mendelian Patterns of Inheritance

- involves the pattern of inheritance
that does not follow Mendel's laws

Incomplete Dominance
- States that the pattern of
inheritance, where an intermediate
phenotype other than the two
parental phenotypes, is observed.

- Is a condition wherein both alleles
are expressed resulting in the
formation of the phenotype or

Multiple Allele
- A gene existing in more than two
allelic forms.

Indig. C.E. 4

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