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Motivation Letter Internship


My name is Catalina Garcia. I was born and raised in Bogota, Colombia and I am 25 years old. I did my
bachelor's degree in International Business Administration at University of La Sabana in Bogota and
graduated in 2020. Since I was young, I was fascinated by the international sector including learning
from different cultures and society. I had the opportunity to live in different countries such as Mexico,
do my exchange in Canada, participate in a summer camp in London and do an intensive course on
French in Lyon; all these experiences help me to shape the woman I am today and to improve my
social/communicative skills including my language learnings specially in English, Italian and French. After
graduating I work as a Marketing Intern for a multinational in the pharmaceutical sector called:
GlaxoSmithKline and as a Customer Service representative in Amazon.

After COVID I decided I wanted to start doing my master’s degree in my areas of interest which are arts,
culture and media. This is why I decided to come to Milan, Italy to start my master’s degree. Currently I
am a student in Economy and Management of Arts & Culture at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
in Milan, Italy. I am currently looking for opportunities to do my internship in this industry specially in
the marketing/communication or human resources areas since I really enjoy the contact with people. I
consider myself a very communicative, empathic and proactive person who enjoys working in teams.
Also really disciplined, determined woman who loves to work towards my goals and who simply loves
culture, art, cinema and the entertainment industry.

I decided I wanted to do an internship because I had already the experience on doing one for my
bachelor’s degree and was one of the most enriching experiences of my life. The internship is the
perfect opportunity for you to learn from the theory and topics you have learned in university and bring
them to real life. It is putting everything on practice and the first step for entering to the working world.
My first internship taught me so many things such as being independent and responsible for doing my
own tasks, having a boss and people to respond to, collaborating with my team members, having
deadlines and working under pressure. Also, I had the opportunity to meet so many people and learn
from the bests; people who have been working for years and had so much to teach to young students
like me. I could grow as a person and as a professional since this is the moment where you can make
mistakes and learn from them. It also gave me the chance to envision myself in the future and decide in
which areas or industries I really felt comfortable in. This is why doing an internship in the cultural/arts
sector is an opportunity I can’t miss. Specially in a country like Italy or any European country that can
help me make my path here and open so many doors for my future jobs. I am really excited for this new
experience and all the learnings I can take from it.

Catalina Garcia Gonzalez

Milan, Italy.

28. 11. 2022

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