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Calamba Doctors’ College

Virborough Subd. Parian, Calamba City Laguna 4027

Tel.Nos: (049) 545-9921/ 545-9922
Academic Year 2021-2022


ALMAJEDA, Kalyn Mackenzie P., BSN2A

Five mediums of art and explain contribution to your whole well-being.

Painting: Painting can be a form of self-expression, providing a creative outlet for emotional
release and stress reduction. The act of painting can also promote mindfulness, allowing
individuals to focus on the present moment and let go of negative thoughts and emotions.

Music: Music can have a powerful effect on mental and emotional well-being, helping to reduce
stress, anxiety, and depression. It can also improve mood, promote relaxation, and enhance
focus and concentration. Music can also promote social bonding and a sense of community
through shared experiences such as concerts and performances.

Film: Watching and making films can provide a form of escapism, allowing individuals to
temporarily disconnect from the stresses of daily life. It can also provide a means of emotional
expression and reflection, allowing viewers to connect with the experiences and perspectives of
others. Film can also promote cultural awareness and appreciation, exposing viewers to
different lifestyles, beliefs, and perspectives.

Photography: Photography can provide a means of self-expression, allowing me to capture and

share my perspectives and experiences. It can also promote mindfulness, allowing individuals to
focus on the present moment and appreciate the beauty in everyday life. Photography can also
promote a sense of connection to the natural world and a deeper appreciation for the

Dance: Dancing can promote physical fitness and coordination, as well as emotional well-being
through stress reduction and increased self-confidence. It can also promote social bonding and
a sense of community through shared experiences such as dance classes and performances.
Dancing can also provide a form of self-expression, allowing individuals to express themselves
through movement and music.

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