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Page 14. Wheelchairs. Ex. 1, 2, and 3. (Give complete answers to the questions).

Ex 1 Read the article on p.15 quickly. Tick the things that are mentioned.

1. _x_ computer programs

2. __hospitals

3. __problems getting around buildings

4. __sport

5. _x_ what wheelchairs are made of

6. __ children

7. _x_ history of wheelchairs

8. _x_ high-speed wheelchairs

Ex 2

1. wheelbarrows

2. light metal

3. don’t need to use their arms or have someone to push

4. small movements from head, tongue and breath

5. Travel upstairs

Raise the user to reach high shelves

Balance on two wheels in the shower.

Ex 3

1. arm rest




6. all- purpose wheelchair

Page 53. Mobile medical units Ex. 1, 2, and 3. (Give complete answers to the questions).


After a natural disaster several issues that a hospital will have are lack of staff, medicine and
possible lack of energy.


1. Wars and introduction of health services to rural areas.

2. The NorHosp is divided in modules so it can adapt to the situation.

3. Yes, it contains light weight equipment.

4. Disposable to cover 14 (fourteen) days.

5. Medical offices module provides outpatient service.

6. The disinfect or insecticides has to be order separately.


1. sustained

2. durable

3. operational

4. autoclaves

5. disposables

6. triage

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