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Read: Case Problem ‘Mandalay Homes: Building Sustainable Innovation in Residential

Constructions’ by Hoffman, A., at al., WDI Publishing, December 2022, W03C79 
Prepare a Managerial Report* structured as follows:
Task 1-1: Structure and present your paper as a Managerial Report, with a cover page,
table of content, executive summary, main body, and appendices. Expected length of
Assignment 1: up to 6 pages APA format, excluding cover page, table of contents, and
Task 1-2: Prepare a short overview of the residential construction industry in the US and
describe the business model of Mandatory Homes 
Task 1-3: Which frontier should Mandalay Homes prioritize (or which combination of
frontiers: (i) resource management and distributed energy resources, (ii) governmental
regulations vs. performance-driven building standards, (iii) technology and innovation) 
Task 1-4: How can Mandalay leadership work with regulators to push building code
standards to catch up to performance-based standards? 
Task 1-5: What are some potential downsides to Mandalay’s pursuit of further innovation
instead of a growth strategy? 
(*) INSTRUCTIONS: How to write a managerial report: Skill Development Guide-Writing
a Formal Report.pdf 
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