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According to Deming, people do better work when they have _________ motivation

Select one:
a. Extrinsic
b. Intrinsic
According to Deming, people do better work when they have intrinsic motivation.

Which of the following is not an element of Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge (SOPK)?
Select one:
a. Knowledge of Variation
b. Psychology
c. None of the above.
All of the following are elements of Deming's System of Profound Knowledge (SOPK):
Knowledge of Variation
Theory of Knowledge
Theory of Systems

In mass production, we tend to have ___________ employee engagement as compared to

Lean production.
Select one:
a. Greater
b. Less
This is because Lean production encourages employee involvement and empowerment,
whereas mass production relies on rigid procedures and standardized processes that do not
allow for much employee input or creativity.

Which of the following is not one of the explicit recommendations of the Institute of Medicine as
discussed in class?
Select one:
a. Patient Centeredness
b. Efficiency
c. Low cost

The current state map in Value Stream Mapping should be mostly drawn by referring to past
Select one:
a. True
b. False
The current state map in Value Stream Mapping (VSM) should be drawn by directly observing
the current state of the process. While past documents may be useful in understanding the
process history and identifying potential improvement areas, the VSM should be based on direct
observation and data gathering to accurately reflect the current state of the process. This helps
to identify waste, inefficiencies, and opportunities for improvement in the current process.
According to Deming’s Chain Reaction, which of the following statements is not necessarily
Select one:
a. Better quality costs money
b. The purpose of an organization is to create jobs and more jobs
c. Better quality helps a company grow its business
d. None of the above

The term Lean was first found in the literature in the ______________
Select one:
a. 1980s
b. 1930s
c. 2000s

Drawing extra blood samples, in case we may need to perform more tests, is closest to which
kind of waste?
Select one:
a. Waste of Defects
b. Waste of Motion
c. None of the above

External customers are always only those who pay for the product or service
Select one:
a. True
b. False

The Deming Prize is awarded by ______________

Select one:
a. JUSE (Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers)
c. None of the above

According to Deming who is responsible for eliminating common causes of variation?

Select one:
a. The workers
b. Management
c. Customer

It is ___________ to classify what kind of waste an activity is before working to reduce or

eliminate it
Select one:
a. Important
b. Unimportant
If it is determined that an activity constitutes necessary waste, it implies that the activity
Select one:
a. Is value adding
b. Cannot be eliminated at present
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above

Ideally, organizations should have a _____________

Select one:
a. Process focus
b. Results focus
This means that they should focus on improving their processes and systems rather than just
achieving results. By improving processes and systems, organizations can create sustainable
and long-term improvements in quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction

In most organizations, the majority of the time spent by a customer is in ______________

Select one:
a. Value added activities
b. Non-value added activities
c. None of the above

Deming’s 8th Point states “Drive out fear.” The fear he refers to is due the _________
Select one:
a. Fear of failure
b. Fear of poor quality
c. None of the above
it is not specifically referring to fear of failure or fear of poor quality. Instead, it is a more general
call to eliminate fear and anxiety from the workplace and to create an environment where
employees feel safe to speak up, ask questions, and share ideas without fear of retribution or
negative consequences.

One of the more common methods a lot of companies use for cost reduction is
Select one:
a. Reduction of waste in processes
b. Headcount reduction
c. None of the above

Value is one of the five elements of Lean. In healthcare it refers to the cost that a patient has to
pay for treatment.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
It refers to providing the highest quality care to patients with the minimum amount of waste and
resources, rather than the cost that a patient has to pay for treatment.

According to Deming we __________ try to intervene when we observe common cause

variations in a process.
Select one:
a. Should
b. Should not

One of the reasons why Deming succeeded in getting the Japanese to follow his advice was
Select one:
a. He insisted on commitment from top management
b. He used sophisticated statistical methods
c. None of the above

Value Stream Mapping ___________ itself to continual improvement

Select one:
a. Lends
b. Does not lend

The operating room can be an example of gemba

Select one:
a. True
b. False

Value Stream Mapping is primarily used for __________________

Select one:
a. Flow Kaizen
b. Activity Kaizen
c. None of the above

According to the Kano model, if we provide Basic Quality attributes, customers will be satisfied
Select one:
a. True
b. False
According to the Kano model, providing Basic Quality attributes will not necessarily lead to
customer satisfaction, as these attributes are expected and taken for granted by customers. The
Kano model categorizes product or service attributes into three categories: Basic Quality,
Performance, and Excitement.

Not many companies are able to sustain 5S efforts because:

Select one:
a. It is very difficult to understand
b. It requires a lot of investment
c. None of the above
The reason why not many companies are able to sustain 5S efforts can vary, but it is not
because it is difficult to understand or requires a lot of investment. In fact, 5S is a simple
methodology that can be easily understood and implemented with little investment. Some
possible reasons why companies struggle to sustain 5S efforts include lack of commitment from
management and employees, inadequate training and education, failure to maintain 5S
standards, and resistance to change.

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