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Republic of the Philippines

Technological University of the Philippines

Ayala Blvd., Ermita, Manila

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Subject Professor: MR. RONNEL M. ARBUTANTE

Subject Code: - PROFED14
Course Title: - THESIS WRITING
Semester: 1st Semester
School Year: 2022-2023


I. Topic/Title

E-Learning Strategies for Learning Programming among ICT Students of

Technological University of the Philippines

II. Rationale

The purpose of this study is to examine the e-learning strategies of ICT students in
learning programming for the improvement the student's capabilities through the learning
process while using digital media and connecting online. Online learning intention had a
positive effect on online learning motivation. In addition, online learning strategy and
motivation had a significant indirect effect on online learning effectiveness. A student's
ability to learn independently influenced his learning behavior. During this pandemic,
student motivation has become an important factor in supporting student success in online
learning. According to Samoylenko N. et al (2022) technology uses ICT and e-learning
tools to shape students' professional skills. In this context, the term "digital literacy"
includes the ability to implement software and technology, as well as the ability to process
information and communicate online in English and native languages. There are many ICT
and e-learning tools available to teach and assess students' language skills, both online
and offline.

According to Picciano (2017), the use of ICT to improve teaching and learning is
central to the teacher's role as creator of the educational Online learning provide students
with numerous opportunities to acquire new knowledge and develop skills by engaging
and interacting with new learning environments. The implementation of the concept of
"open education" has changed the way students acquire, share, and integrate knowledge
with virtually unlimited access to high-quality teaching and learning materials. Therefore,
the simple transfer of knowledge is not as relevant as the potential of technology and face-
to-face communication, as well as the development of students' creative potential, skills,
and professional competences in the digital environment. Therefore, facilitating interaction
is considered the most important trend in higher education. E-learning is a modern term
that refers to a scientific and technological advancement in the field of education. It entails
the development of E-Learning, educational, and non-educational institutions, as well as
their planning, implementation, and evaluation. There are labor-market-specific curriculum
design and development centers. E-Learning aims to achieve goals and functions that
contribute to the resolution of educational and scientific problems by promoting active
educational participation. Programs, putting them to use on the Internet, giving feedback,
and achieving educational efficiency in educational and research performance Academics
can improve their performance with the help of education technology. It assists academics
in staying current on new academic issues and scientific research.

E-Learning contributes to changing the roles of teacher and learner by assisting

teachers in overcoming temporal and spatial boundaries, saving time and effort in
delivering skills and knowledge. The learner has evolved into a scholar and knowledge
explorer. The second goal that universities strive for is scientific research. It is a societal
requirement that contributes to It facilitates the presence of universities in society. E-
Learning is a method of education that aims to interact through the use of computer
technology, stimulates the development of skills, increases creativity using modern
electronic methods, and provides E- Learning content to all students both inside and
outside the university, and contributes to the learning process in an easy and enjoyable
way for the learner, achieves the principle of equal educational opportunities, and aims to
increase the efficiency, and quality.

III. Statement of the Problem / Objective of the Study

The study aims to inspect the strategies of ICT students in E- learning programming
in Technological University of the Philippines.

It specifically addresses to the following significant problems:

1. What are the demographic of the students in terms:

a) Age?
b) Sex?
c) Year Level?
d) Course?
1. 2. How does the students describe the occurrences of E-learning strategies

during new normal, in terms of:

a) Cognitive and help-seeking

b) Emotion control
c) Elaboration and Practical application
d) Motivation Control

3. Is there a significant difference between the E-Learning Strategies for learning

programming and demographic profile of the students?

IV. Methodologies

A. Research Design

The research design for this study is quantitative because the researchers want to
find out the e-learning strategies of ICT students in learning programming. Specifically, this
research is descriptive design because it aims to describe the strategies of ICT student in
learning programming among BSIE ICT and BTVTED computer Programming student in
terms of the variables in Cognitive and help-seeking, emotion control, elaboration and
practical application, and motivation control

B. Research Locale

This study was conducted in College of Industrial Education of Technological

University of the Philippines – Manila, Academic year, 2022 – 2023. The aim population of
this study are the BSIE ICT, and BTVTED Computer Programming in first year to fourth
year students.

B. Sample and Sampling Technique

The subjects of this research are 422 students. The table below shows the
breakdown of the number of recorded number of students enrolled in BSIE ICT and
BTVTED Computer Programming for the 2022-2023 academic year.

Year Level Section Number of Students

First year BSIE ICT 58

BTVTED Computer 57

Second year BSIE ICT 41

BTVTED Computer 25

Third year BSIE ICT 41

BTVTED Computer 32

Fourth year BSIE ICT 34

BTVTED Computer 52

Total: 340

With that, the researchers used the Slovin's Formula in determining the appropriate
sample size. From population size of 340, a sample size of 181 students were chosen to
represent the population with 5% margin of error.

n = N / (1+Ne²)


n = no. samples

N = total population

e = margin of error

n = 340 / [1+340(0.5)²]

n = 181

The sample for the study being discussed was developed using the stratified
approach. According to Parsons (2017) Stratified sampling is a probability sampling
method that is implemented in sample surveys. The target population's elements are
divided into distinct groups or strata where within each stratum the elements are similar to
each other with respect to select characteristics of importance to the survey.

D. Instrument

This study will make use of an adopted survey questionnaire for technology
acceptance. This is a 20item test with aspects measuring the following variables Cognitive
and help-seeking, emotion control, elaboration and practical application, and motivation
control. This instrument is adapted from the study of Peter Warr and Jonathon Downing
the Learning Strategies Scale (LSS) Model for strategies that the ICT student use in E-
learning programming.

E. Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher will adapt LLS model for survey questionnaire as data gathering.
The data shall be collected through the following procedures; first, prepare the survey
questionnaire using google form and in order to protect the privacy and confidentiality of
the respondents' data, the surveys must include a consent form in compliance with the
Data Privacy Act of 2012. With the help of the class representatives, the questionnaire link
will be distributed through Facebook Messenger group conversations among students. To
ensure a higher percentage of survey form returns, the surveys must be fully completed
within three days.

V. Expected Outcomes

The study intends to give new insights regarding the strategies of ICT student in E-
learning programming. The researchers seek to determine the use of Learning Strategies
Scale in Learning Programming. The researchers believe that this study will contribute to a
better ICT education in the country.
VI. Timetable

VII. List of References

Hongsuchon, T., Emary, I. M., Hariguna, T., & Qhal, E. M. (2022). Assessing the impact of online-
learning effectiveness and benefits in knowledge management, the antecedent of online-
learning strategies and motivations: An empirical study. Sustainability, 14(5), 2570.

Investigation of Student Learning Strategies and satisfaction in online ... (n.d.). Retrieved
November 17, 2022, from

Martins, L. B., Zerbini, T., & Medina, F. J. (2018). Learning strategies scale: Adaptation to
Portuguese and factor structure. Psicologia: Reflexão E Crítica, 31(1). doi:10.1186/s41155-
Samoylenko, N., Zharko, L., & Glotova, A. (2021). Designing online learning environment: ICT
tools and teaching strategies. ATHENS JOURNAL OF EDUCATION, 9(1), 49-62.

Tsai, M. (2022). The model of strategic e-learning: Understanding and evaluating student ...
Retrieved November 17, 2022, from

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