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This week was a slow week at my internship.

I stayed and helped maintain Campus

Closet and used my free time to organize donations and fold donated clothes. A volunteer came

to help Monday and Wednesday from 12:30-5:30. I explained to her what to say when people

walk in and how to answer any questions they may have. I told her to tell them that everything is

free to students, and they can take whatever they would like, and I showed her where to put the

donations. I explained to her that often people other than students will come in and try to take the

donations. It can be an awkward situation to tell them that this service is only available to

students. I told her that many people will come in and ask what Campus Closet is and I told her

to say that we are a free service to students. We take donations and the donations go to students

that are in need or would just like to take advantage of the resource.

While she was volunteering, I went to work on my project for the Office of Sustainability

in the library since it is already cramped in Campus Closet and there is only one chair. I learned

the IRB process for my internship project and how I need to go about submitting my proposal

and my survey. I am still waiting on a few mentors to review my survey and give any feedback

they may have before I submit it. I met with my supervisor at the end of this week to discuss any

new ideas for how to promote my project. It was hard because my supervisor said that she kind

of feels like a fish out of water and she is not sure how to help me, but I am not sure what I am

doing either. Coming up with ideas like tabling events or classroom presentations on my project

give me a goal to shoot for. It gives me an opportunity to show what I have learned and share the

information with students on campus who are interested. Many other interns at the Office of

Sustainability are very eager to learn more about my project. It feels like a lot of pressure

because I am in this in between period where I am still waiting on feedback and reviews while

also trying to stay as productive as possible.

Day Time In Lunch Time Out Hours Worked

Monday, 9:00 AM 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM 8

February 13 2:00 PM

Tuesday, *Sick day

February 14

Wednesday, 9:00 AM 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM 8

February 15 2:00 PM

Thursday, 9:00 AM 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM 9

February 16 1:00 PM

Friday, 9:00 Am 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM 8

February 17 2:00 PM

Total Weekly 33


Total Hours to 205


Weekly Hours: 33

Total Hours to Date: 205

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