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1.What are the 4 different of societies?

Ans: Culture, Politics,Ethics, Human societies

2.Give the valuing of the uniqueness in the Globalization?

Ans: Color, Age, Religious,Affiliations, ethnicity,education,social
And economic.

3. What are 4 importans to helps avoid miscommunication?

Ans: Cultural Relativism
Lack of Knowledge of other culture
Discrimination and harassment
Language differences

4. What are 5 importants in Globalization and Communication?

Ans: Review communication
Analyze the message received
Be open to an accepting
Learn about and apply what us learned
Consider language needs

5. What did you see in the center of image?

Ans: Global or Earth

6. Where Global communication help?

a. World b. Business C. Technology and Internet✔️

7.What are Global communication directly affected of Globalization?

a. It helps to increase business opportunities✔️ b. It is for people
don’t like to socialize c. It maybe for the individual personality to us

8. What a way to facilitate communication with each other?

a. Letters b. Technology✔️ c. Acting

9. Well However, since ever can out communication with people

through social media or other platforms like?
Ans: -E-mail

10. A general understanding of the differences in conducting

communication from one country to another or from on culture to
another helps avoid…
Ans: Misscommunication

(11-15) Write list 5 the specific contributed to easy access and

exchange especially in these days?

Ans: Cell phone, Apps, Business, Money, Laptop.

Name: Dolph Andrew M. Geronimo Course: BSTM- 1 BLCK3

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