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Effective Listening 1

N a m a : Lintang Sekar Arum N i m : 2020130028 Kelas : 1-01


1. Open your portal

2. Download the answer sheet (can be downloaded anytimes)
3. Download audio/short film (can be downloade during your class time)
4. After doing your work submit it via your portal.
5. Your time is only 90 minutes
A. Retell the story by your own sentences based on the story given (Hot Snake)’. The length of the
story is about 75 words

Fireman had put out a big forest fire. then try to finds out how the fire starts. Usually, a forest fire is
caused by broken glass or cigarette end. but they didn’t find any.
At last they find out the remain of a snake around the electric wires of a 16000 power line. Then he
solved the mystery, he explain that a bird has snatched up the snake and then drop it on wires, then
wound itself to the wires, there are sparks come up and start the fire.
B. Compose your own questions and Answers based on the Video (my Shoes)

1. Who is the director of the film?……………………………………………….

Nima Raoofi
2. Where are they ?..................…………………………………………………….
They are in Park bench
3. When the woman come to pick up the boy?……………………………………
The woman came after the boy with white shirt leave
4. Why the boy with white shirt leave to another place?………………………………….
The boy goes to another place because envy with other boy brand new shoes and wishes that he
were the other boy
5. How can the boy didn’t like his shoes?………………………………….
Because his shoes is already broken and everyone bullied him
6. What can we learn from the film?……..………………….
Everyone has their own weaknesses and leak. Sometimes we always want to be like other
people. Even though it is not certain that the life we hope for is better than what we have.

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