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Date: May 9, 2022

To: Ms. Jhessalyn Hawkins Pacis

From: Alexa E. San Valentin


Calamodin, or Calamansi, is a citrus fruit that originates in the Philippines and look a lot
like tangerine. Actually, it is an intergenic hybrid of the mandarin orange and kumquat, full of
nutritional goodness. No wonder that the health-focused people in the west have taken note of the
eyebrow-raising calamansi extract benefits.
Calamansi extract has a lot of health benefits. This includes: fights inflammations, hide in
collagen production, boost the immune system, detoxifies your body and it is also used in different
cosmetics products.

In this time of summer, we sweat a lot not just because it is hot but it is because we are from
the Philippines. A lot of teenagers are dealing with body odor and its bothering them so much. They
cannot find affordable products that will cure the unpleasant smell that their body’s produce.

1. To help teenagers deal with their body odor.
2. To help teenagers save money from buying expensive products.

Teenager can deal and remove their body odor with an affordable yet effective soap. They
don’t have buy expensive products and can save money.


For my project, I plan to make a soap out of calamansi extract and write an essay about how
significant calamansi is to solve body odor.

Ingredients: Calamansi extract, Sodium Hydroxide, Lavander scent
1. Get the calamansi extract and put it on a clean container.
2. Grind the sodium hydroxide. (NaOH)
3. Boil a ½ cup of water.
4. After it boils, mic the NaOH with the hot water.
5. Put three spoonful of calamansi extract and one spoonful of lavender scent.
6. Dry it for 24 hours.
1. May 10: Research about calamansi.
2. May 20: Design the prototype.
3. May 25: Gathering of materials needed.
4. May 30: Start making the soap.
5. June 2: Plan and write he first draft of the paper.
6. June 15: Complete paper and present the project to the class.


 Calamansi – 60 pesos/kg
 Sodium Hydroxide – 125 pesos/ kg
 Lavander Scent – 100 pesos

Is the Late President Ferdinand E. Marcos deserving of being buried at the

Libingan ng mga Bayani?
Yes, for I believe that whoever served our country, the Philippines with all braveness, dignity,
and self-sacrifice deserves to buried at the Libingan ng mga Bayani. However, the AFP has already
explained the rules for a person to be qualified in Hereos’ Cemetery. Thus, Marcos fits the
qualification set by the Department of National Defense.

According to Philippine Veteran Affairs Office these are the qualifications: Medal of Valor
awardees, president, secretaries of national defense, chiefs of staffs of the Armed Forces of the
Philippines, retired and active military personnel who died in line of duty, Veterans of Philippine
Revolution, government dignitaries and statesman, and national artist and scientist.

Other people in our country, too, see and knows this qualifications. But they simply do not agree
from it because they still dwell in the past or should I say, “The History” that is written by the victors.

Although, some Filipinos doesn’t recognize and disagree how qualified Marcos is being buried at
the Hereos’ Cemetery, but the majority agrees. And I too. And here is why.

First of all, Marcos was a soldier who served in the Second World War, awarded the Medal of
Valor and even Gen. Douglas MacArthur personally recognised Marcos’ service during war. Earned
the Medal of Valor for extraordinary gallantly and intrepidity at the risk of life above and beyond the
call of duty in a suicidal action against enemy forces at the junction of Salian River and Abo-Abo

A lot of anti-marcos such claims and stated that this achievements Marcos had was all fake and it
is even said that it was only an imagination for the loyalist.

Another reason why I believe that Marcos is deserving of being buried at the Libingan ng mga
Bayani is simply because he was a former president, thrice elected in democratic elections. He serve
for 20 years and 57 days. Beside from that, Marcos was also a Commander-in-Chief led in the
Philippines through a tumultuous era: the Cold War.

Finally, when duty called, Marcos answered and performed his job as a executive by declaring
martial law to solve the rebellion. Martial law ushered in an era of stability after years of uprising by
the communists. Through the government’s policies, the Philippines states remains standing and
whole, not under a communist government.

A lot of Filipinos believe that he is a hero while some would call him evil dictator. But I strongly
believe that the Ferdinand E. Marcos was a man who served his country as a soldier and a president.
A man with vision and knew how to deal with the circumstances of his time.
As you see, such qualifications fits him. The achievements itself showed how much he was
deserving of being buried at the Libingan ng mga Bayani. I hope that other Filipinos will come to
realize the great things he did for the country.



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