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When stranded on a deserted island with a group, it is important to have a strategy in place to

survive. The first step is to choose one essential tool that will aid in survival. This could be a
knife, a machete, a fishing net, or a pot for boiling water. Once the tool is chosen, tasks should
be delegated to each person in the group.

Some tasks that should be assigned include building a shelter, starting a fire, finding and
purifying water, gathering food, and creating a signal for rescue. Each person should have a
specific role to play and work together to achieve common goals. It is important to establish a
system for decision-making and communication to avoid conflicts and ensure everyone's safety.

Regular team meetings should be held to evaluate progress and adjust the strategy as needed.
Surviving on a deserted island requires resilience, resourcefulness, and cooperation. By
working together and utilizing each person's strengths, the group can increase their chances of
survival and ultimately be rescued

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