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ECONOMY Oral - 1. Accurate information from speaker. 2. Reliable source.

Script,- 1. Shows the actual message. 2. Understand market trades easily.

printing press – 1. Supply the majority. 2. Propagate faster.

Electronic – 1. Radio and Television invented. 2. RF is wireless and contact less.

Digital – Important news can be stored individually. 2. Businesses form faster.

Oral – 1. Attached emotion. 2. Convey natural and accurate intention.

POLITICS Script – 1. Catches attention. 2. Easily distinguish the message.

printing press – 1. Copy important information. 2. Produce large number of copies.

Electronic – 1. Latest propaganda aired in seconds. 2. Contact immediate response.

Digital – 1. Covers a wide range of communication. News scattered across the globe.

Oral – 1. Prevent misinformation. 2. Immediate response.

EDUCATION Script – 1. Effective learning. 2. Better visualization.

printing press – 1. Provide large number of copies. 2. Written news can be copied for schools.

Electronic – 1. Long distance communication. 2. Research information much faster.

Digital – 1. Record files. 2. Play digital files in a loop.

Oral – 1. Adoption is slow. 2. Misunderstanding.

Script – 1. Concise view. 2. Create visualizations.

CULTURE printing press – 1. Culture written in a magazine. 2. Culture spread starts.

Electronic – 1. Television is its primary medium. 2. Aired frequently.

Digital – 1. Adoption of neighboring culture. 2. Mixed culture starts.

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