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SEMESTER: 2022/23.2 (2023.1)

Fakultas : FKIP/Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Kode/Nama MK : PDGK4304/Bahasa Inggris untuk Guru SD
Tugas :1

No. Soal
1. Perhatikan wacana berikut:
Miss Jill works at school. She always starts to work at 7 a.m. and finishes at 2 o’clock in the afternoon.
She goes to work by train but she comes home in the afternoon by bus. She sometimes sits and talks to
a child. The children sleep most of the time. At 6 o’clock in the morning. Miss Jill gives the children
breakfast at 5:30. She usually feels very tired.

a. Berdasarkan wacana tersebut identifikasilah bentuk kata kerja di setiap kalimat, Jelaskan bentuk
kalimat yang digunakan sesuai dengan Forms apa.
b. Apakah frequency adverbs dalam wacana tersebut termasuk dalam bentuk simple present? Jelaskan
mengunakan 2 contoh yang ada dalam kalimat tersebut!

2. Perhatikan Dialog berikut ini!

Richard : Mom, I will go home late today.
Mother : What will you do, Richard?
Richard : I will go to play basketball with John
Mother : What time will you finish?
Richard : I will take at two past twenty
I will get home at a quarter to four

a. Berdasarkan dialog yang ada tentukan pengunaan kata preposition yang digunakan, lalu jelaskan
apakah sudah sesuai dengan fungsi pengunaan preposition tersebut!
b. Buatlah 2 contoh kalimat dengan mengunakan prepotision tersebut!

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3. Perhatikan susunan kalimat di bawah ini !

1. Yes. That would be good
2. Would you like a cup of coffee?
3. Cream and sugar?
4. Oh, no
5. This machine is out of order.
6. Please.
7. You ought to complain. These machines are always out of order.
8. Did you lose your money?
9. What’s the matter?
10. I sure did

Lengkapi dialog berikut ini dengan susunan kalimat di atas!

At viding machine
Man :........
Woman : ....
Man : ....
Woman : ...
Man : ...
Woman : ...
Man : ...
Woman : ...
Man : ...
Woman : ...

4. Perhatikan teks berikut ini:

My hobby is playing football. Playing football (1) ... my favourite hobby since I (2)... a kid. If I was playing
football, sometimes I difficult to stop by my mother.

Now, I (3)... soccer field twice a week. Every Friday an Sunday. For me, playing football is an effective to
health and strength my mind. And last month, in June, I (4)... win the football camphionships. I (5) ... very
happy. That’s why I am happy and really like playing football.

Pertanyaan :
a. Lengkapi paragraf tersebut dengan pengunaan grammar yang sesuai!
b. Jelaskan pengunaan bentuk kalimat yang di gunakan!

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5. Perhatikan Topik Berita berikut ini :

The Covid-19 pandemic that has hit the world for the past six months has had an impact on changing
teaching and learning activities. This country is no exception, since mid-March bold learning activities
(online learning) have become an option for the ministry of education and culture to prevent the spread of
the Covid-19 virus from spreading. The practice of online education (online learning) is carried out by
various levels of education from elementary, junior high, high school, to college levels. There are no longer
learning activities in communication classrooms commonly carried out by educators: teachers and
lecturers. The right step but without adequate preparation. As a result, many educators stutter in facing
this drastic change. Meanwhile, there is practically no other way to minimize the spread of Covid-19 by
limiting human encounters in large numbers. The government also limits meetings, to a maximum of 30-
40 people. Even then, with a very strict health protocol: wear a mask, keep a minimum distance of 1.5
meters, and use soap.

This article has been published on with the title "Online Education in the Covid-19 Period",
Click to read: Pendidikan-daring- in the
days of covid-19? page = all.

Editor: Ana Shofiana Syatiri

a. Berdasarkan wacana tersebut silahkan anda analisis Topik apa yang sesuai paparan di atas!
b. Kemukakan 2 pendapat anda dalam bahasa Inggris terkait pentingnya pendidikan bagi anak di masa

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