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#556 Interior B. Morada Avenue, Lipa City

 (043)757-3327 TLGA High School Department

Activity 3.1.2
“Types of Volcanoes”

-Activity Worksheet Template

1. On your activity worksheet template, compare and contrast the 3 different types of volcanoes.
2. Use a tri-Venn Diagram as your format.
3. Refer to this example.

Section Names Activity No. Date


Activity Title

The Lipa Grace Academy, Inc. is a leading educational The Lipa Grace Academy, Inc. is the arm of the Lipa “Train up a child in the way he should God-fearing
institution dedicated to share the truth of God’s love; Evangelical Church which carries out its Christian Education go, and when he is old, he shall not Respectful
providing each learner the best opportunity to grow as a Program to share God’s blessing to children of school age in depart from it.” Accountable
total person responsible for God and country. the spirit of the Great Commission. – Proverbs 22:6 Compassionate

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