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Module 2: Evaluate (Impact Assessment)

What is the impact of the project on the recipient community and you as the implementer of the


The National Service Training Program – Civic Welfare Training Service 2 (NSTP-CWTS 2) of

Saint Louis University initiated a tree planting program as a project to be accomplished by the students

taking the course. The program positively impacts not only the recipient community but also the students

involved in many different ways possible.

First, the advantages of tree planting are not limited to a better environmental condition of

society but extend to the well-being of the residents. The planted trees offer a wide range of long-term and

immediate advantages. For instance, trees improve air quality, lessen the risk of floods, slow down heavy

rain, and remove as well as store carbon from the atmosphere. This leads to the reduction of the chances

of flooding and the impacts of heat. Consequently, it will have a significant positive impact on mental

health and wellness, lower stress levels, and promote outdoor exercise for the residents who live nearby.

They will also gain from the enhanced environmental quality and improved amenities that come with

planted areas in addition to these advantages.

On the other hand, as the students who implement the project, we have come to develop a sense

of responsibility, community engagement, and achievement for the project. We now more than ever also

recognize the importance of hard work, perseverance, and dedication which we will soon certainly apply

to our future undertaking as professionals. Moreover, there is also a feeling of empowerment as we

slowly make a difference and contribute to the school and the community positively. The tree planting

project also gave us a chance to stay active while at the same time appreciating nature and destressing,

away from our daily university life.

In conclusion, this tree-planting program imposed by NSTP- CWTS 2 helps students foster civic

consciousness among them, instilling a sense of nationality and readiness , and fostering their

participation in public and civic activities which encourages them to actively contribute to the well-being

of our society.

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