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Our society faces many problems today.

Some of these problems are environmental

problems, corruption, discrimination, poverty, and other problems as well. As a Christian, we

must do our part to help fighting and solving the said problems. We must not be a burden to

society, and we must not contribute to these problems. In addition, as a Lasallian, I must always

do the three Lasallian core values which are the faith, zeal for service, and communion in

mission. In these difficult times, our faith must increase and not decrease to strengthen our

relationship with the Lord, and we will not stumble against challenges and trials. We must

always serve others and be humble. Lastly, we must always have unity and continue to do our

purpose and mission given by the Lord to us.

As I said above, one of the problems our society face today is poverty. The song Bahay

by Gary Granada depicts the picture of poverty in our society today. The singer narrates what he

saw and felt when he went in a dump site here in the Philippines. I realized that I am very lucky

to have a beautiful house right now. Many Filipinos suffer from poverty, and they live in a house

that is made up of tires, used galvanized roof, and recycled materials from garbage. It is very

hard to believe that the place they live in is called a house. As a student, I will do my part to vote

the proper government officials that will help our fellow Filipinos from poverty and will make

them live in place where everyone can call it a house.

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