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Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Exam Requirements

After completing my associates degree at CSN I plan to transfer to UNLV, as

such, by passing the Praxis I will be able to receive my Teacher Licensure. I am confident

that I will be able to pass math upon the first try by attaining the required score of 144.

Though I am concerned about reaching the respective scores of reading and writing, 150

and 156. However, as long as the writing exam consists of both a multiple choice and a

written portion then I am confident that I can reach a satisfactory score.

Exam Preparation

Though I have not taken the Praxis Core exam, the steps that I took to take the

practice tests are going to be the ones that I use building up to my eventual taking of the

exam. It has been a long time since I’ve been able to go through a full exam without

getting frustrated, from boredom, which in turn leads to lower grades. So I plan to work

up my tolerance by increasing my activity on one subject rather than jumping around

multiple projects, as I normally do. Though I am confident in my math skills, I will not

cut off the subject entirely from my study schedule, rather include it in a manner where it

will allow me to take a break from the other two subjects.

Unfortunately, I have become reliant on music to focus, in an effort to drown out

noises that would distract me, but the praxis exam will definitely not allow that.

Therefore, I will make an effort to study the normal noise of my house, to combat that

situation. Furthermore, I will make an effort to read more nonfiction and study more

grammar rules. Although I do read and write in my spare time, the exam does not provide

those topics so I will distance myself from such genres to enable myself in reading the
exam’s chosen topics without feeling frustrated from the lack of excitement that I have

allowed myself to grow accustomed to.

I am planning to take the exam at home, as such I will need to prepare an

environment where I can be alone. I will also make my environment as peaceful and

simple as possible to avoid a wandering mind.

Exam Results

Upon taking the practice tests, I found results that were quite shocking, at least to

myself. When I was younger I was praised for my math skills, however, as the years went

by these skills were no longer my strength. As such, when I received an 83% I was

pleasantly surprised, as this means that at least in regards to math, I am likely to pass.

Furthermore, as my math skills degraded, my English skills seemed to improve, in

particular my writing skills. However, upon my scores, 48%(writing) and 45%(reading), I

realized that once again I need to focus on these skills, unless I wish to pass these

sections of the Praxis.

Future Exam Preparation

One thing I have noticed about study methods, at least those I have tried, my

chances of passing an exam increase when I look into the course's previous tests. And as

long as I have a list of topics that will be addressed in the exam then I can create a

cohesive study plan for myself. I prefer to study on my own because difficulties don’t

arise from not understanding a topic rather from impatience with wanting to finish

something, an exam, as soon as possible. Rather than a tutor I require someone to provide

practice tests and then tell me which are wrong and why they were wrong, etc. In this

regard, a study book would be more beneficial as it will provide me with study material,
and explanations; along with the Praxis practice test, I have already taken versions 1 of

each. I plan to study some more before taking Version 2 of each to measure my

improvement. Based on the results I will decide when to take the official Praxis Core

Exam. As long as I pass two of the three core exams, I will schedule my exam day for a

week or two later to provide some additional study time, relaxed on the passed practice

tests, and extensive on those that weren’t passed.

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