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Narrative Report

Last 25th of February 2022, I conducted an activity again that can help children to learn

more things and to be literate. That day their activity is learning how to read simple words, in

short combination of consonants and vowel. The said activity is very easy for them because

they already know how to figure out the different sounds of the alphabet. The said activity only

takes about 30 minutes.

After 5 minutes of break I told them that we need to continue our activity to finish it

already since we only have last 1 activity, and that activity is identifying the different parts of

the human body with their modules. They all identified the different kinds of the body parts of

their body from head to toe. After identifying I told them to write their answers in their

modules so that their teacher can check it after they pass.

After writing their answer I told them to arrange their belongings and the chair they use

for our surroundings to look beautiful and clean. The activity ended after 1 hour and the

children I’m teaching leave our house happily and go back to the place where they’re playing.

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