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Naomi F. Righi l 2º ano EM l 2022

Aula 1 Taking a train is much better for the

Nature and Bugs environment because it does’t emit pollutant
1. What is the main cause of global warming? 8. What is more effective than recycling?
Greenhouse gases. Reusing

2. What problems can fertilizer and pesticides

The excess use of fertilizers can cause soil
toxicity, and pesticides can pollute water and

3. What is the greenhouse effect?

The rise of the temperatures caused by the
rise of the levels of the greenhouse gases.

4. How do rainforests help to control global

They can turn carbon dioxide in oxygen by

5. What type of soil do rainforests grow on?

Why is this a problem?
The soil that the rainforest grow on are very
acidic and low in nutrients.

6. Which countries use the most renewable

Brazil, China and EU countries.

7. Why is taking the train better for the

environment than planes?

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