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I. Buying goods process (Documents and billing records):

1. Purchase order: Phiếu mua hàng

- lists items to buy

- sent to suppliers

- signed by authorized purchaser

2. Delivery note: Phiếu giao hàng

- details the items delivered

- signed by the purchaser as proof of delivery

3. Goods received note: Phiếu nhận hàng

- issued after the goods are inspected for damage or wrong delivery

- sent to suppliers

4. Sales invoice: Hoá đơn bán hàng

- requesting payment

- describing all items which the purchaser buys

- sent to the purchaser


- Credit note is issued if the purchaser returns any defective goods or wrong orders
(Phiếu ghi có - hoá đơn điều chỉnh giảm thanh toán cho khách hàng do hàng hoá
bán bị trả lại).

- Statement of accounts summarizes clients' purchases in a month and their amount

owed (Bản sao kê tài khoản - tóm tắt các danh mục hàng hoá khách hàng mua và
số tiền họ nợ).
- Remittance advice is used If the customer is paying by cheque, the remittance
advice often accompanies the cheque (Giấy báo chuyển tiền - thường đi kèm theo
khi thanh toán bằng séc).

5. Electronic payment: Thanh toán điện tử

- The bank transfers money to settle the statement of account (Ngân hàng làm thủ
tục thanh toán).

6. Cash receipt: Giấy báo nhận tiền

- issued to confirm the receipt of payment.

- sent to the purchaser.

II. Financial statements - statutory financial accounts include:

- Balance sheet (assets = liabilities + shareholder’s equity): bảng cân đối kế toán

- Income statement (revenues - expenses = net profit): bảo báo cáo kết quả hoạt
động kinh doanh

- Cash flow statement (net cash flow = inflows – outflows): bản báo cáo lưu
chuyển tiền tệ

If inflows > outflows => positive cash flow; if inflows < outflows => negative cash


- They are prepared annually, usually at the end of the year: chúng được lập hàng
năm thông thường vào cuối năm

- They are published officially: chúng được công bố công khai rộng rãi


Regulators (tax authority, government), shareholders, investors, lenders...: các nhà

quản lý như cơ quan thuế, chính phủ, các nhà cổ đông, các nhà đầu tư …
III. Management accounts - management statements:

- Sales ledger: A sales ledger normally records the sales your business has made,
the amount of money received for your goods or services: sổ bán hàng ghi chép các
giao dịch bán hàng

- Purchasing ledger: A purchasing ledger records all purchases made by your

business. It monitors your business’s outgoings, how much money your business
owes creditors: sổ mua hàng ghi chép các giao dịch mua hàng

- Cash ledger: A cash ledger records detailed information regarding cash

transactions from a variety of sources including payments from customers,
dividends on investments, sales of equipment: sổ tiền mặt ghi chép các giao dịch
tiền mặt


- They are prepared monthly, or even weekly: chúng được lập hàng tháng thậm chí
hàng tuần

- They are not published outside the company: chúng không được công bố ra ngoài
công ty

- They provide information for controlling the business: chúng cung cấp thông tin
để kiểm soát doanh nghiệp

Users: Managers: ban giám đốc

IV. Accounting principles

- Consistency: it cannot keep changing its accounting systems every year: nguyên
tắc nhất quán

- Prudence: it must be careful (prudent) in its estimates of the value of things it

owns: nguyên tắc thận trọng
- Going concern: company is believed that it has enough money to continue
trading next year: nguyên tắc hoạt động liên tục

V. Different responsibilities of accountants and auditors

- Accountants prepare the statutory financial accounts of a company at the end of

every financial year: nhân viên kế toán lập các báo cáo tài chính

+ Auditors investigate and test the accuracy of the accounts; They are appointed by
the shareholders to ensure objectivity: nhân viên kiểm toán điều tra độ chính xác
các báo cáo tài chính

VI. Auditing process

Step 1: Defining the scope of the audit – xác định phạm vi kiểm toán

- Having an interview with the company's management

- Looking at problems in the previous audits

- Deciding what will be inspected and what the method will be used

- Making a plan and timetable for the audit

Step 2: Examining the company's accounting systems – kiểm tra hệ thống kế


- Looking at the company's documents including invoices, receipts, ledgers, bank

statements, etc. and check for accuracy or frauds.

Step 3: Examining the internal controls – kiểm soát nội bộ

- The purpose is to see if the staff follow the company’s rules.

Step 4: Running / doing substantive tests – khảo sát thực tế

- Visiting warehouses, factories, offices. This helps auditors make sure the assets
really exist.

Step 5: Writing a letter to management – viết thư gửi cho ban giám đốc
- Describing what has been found and what needs to be corrected and require the
management to correct the mistake.

Step 6: Signing off the audit - Completing the audit report – hoàn thành báo cáo
kiểm toán

- They declare that in their opinion the accounts are accurate and give a true and
fair view of the company's position. And then report the results to the shareholders
in annual reports.

VI. Auditor's opinion

- An Unqualified Opinion: quan điểm nhất trí toàn phần

- A Qualified Opinion: quan điểm nhất trí từng phần

- An Adverse Opinion: quan điểm từ chối

VII. Tax

Tax avoidance: tránh đóng thuế

Tax evasion: trốn đóng thuế

Tax planning: lê kế hoạch đóng thuế

VIII. Divisions

- Audit division: bộ phận kiểm toán

Checking the accuracy of a company’s account

Testing for accounting fraud and errors

Advising on accounting standards

- Advisory division: bộ phận tư vấn

Reorganizing a company’s finances

Helping companies with mergers or acquisitions

Advising on budgets and cost control

Advising on accounting standards

- Tax division: bộ phận thuế

Reducing a company’s tax costs

Interpreting new changes in tax laws

Maximizing profit by reducing your tax costs

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