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Freedom is Power

Press freedom is to have the immunity from taking damage from stating facts and opinions. It is a
freedom that gives us power to voice out every detail without thinking of the recoil. However, with great
power comes great responsibility.

Freedom is power and absolute power corrupts absolutely. It is true that such power is what we need to
truly become the best version of journalists that we could be. But, it could also us to becoming
corrupted animals that knows no limits or boundaries.

Press freedom must be given to all journalists, but before doing so, we must first clearly define what
being a journalist means. Press freedom is essential not only to fulfill the passion of every journalist, but
also to be able to give every necessary detail that everyone deserves to hear. We must live in a world
full of truth, but it can only be achieved by properly disseminating it to avoid wreaking havoc.

We need press freedom as journalists, so we must become journalists that deserve the power of that
freedom. Freedom is a power that should be given generously, but must be used moderately.

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