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College of Agriculture and Industrial Technology
San Enrique, Iloilo
5036 Philippines
Contact No.: (033) 323-2058/
Website: Email:

I. Title: Madre de Agua (Trichanthera gigantea) Fresh Leaves

Supplementation for Hog Fatteners

II. Proponents: Inst. Rezeld P. Alarva

Dr. Myna P. Prudente
Mr. Jason Caballero

III. Research Priority Area/Thrust: Sustainable Agriculture

IV. Background of the Study

Hog raising is one of the most lucrative home businesses that you
can easily start with, especially if you are living in a home with a wide
backyard. Hogs can be used for various purposes: they can be sold in as
pork meat in the market, or processed into cold cuts, or traded live for
those who are into the roasting business.
Starting a hog business at home doesn’t require a big capital,
compared to other forms of entrepreneurial ventures. All you need are a
few things, such as patience and perseverance, and the passion for
raising animals, as eventually you can integrate other farming ideas with
your already existing hog business.
In hog raising the biggest investment comes from feeds, that is why
many come up with a diet plan in hog raising so that it can save money o
minimizes expenses by utilizing natural feeds, such as leftover food and
green leaves and vegetables. It can help raisers and also the animals to
grow vigorously and produce good quality meat (Cadion, 2013).
Hence the researchers come up to use fresh madre de agua
leaves as supplemental feeds to the hog fatteners.

V. Objectives of the Study

The study will be conducted to determine the growth
performance of Hog Fatteners supplemented with fresh madre de agua

College of Agriculture and Industrial Technology
San Enrique, Iloilo
5036 Philippines
Contact No.: (033) 323-2058/
Website: Email:

Specifically, it seeks to:

1. Determine the growth performance of hog fatteners in terms
of the body gain in weight, feed conversion ratio and the final
2. Determine if there is a significant difference on the growth
performance of hog fatteners supplemented with fresh madre de
agua leaves.

3. Compute the return of the investment of hog fatteners

supplemented with fresh madre de agua leaves.

VI. Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study will be conducted to determine the growth performance

of hog fatteners supplemented with fresh madre de agua leaves in
terms of the body gain in weight, feed conversion ratio, final liveweight
and the return of investment.
The study will compose of four treatments replicated three times
in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The treatments will be
the amount of fresh madre de agua leaves to be incorporated to the
daily ration of hog fatteners such as 5% (T1), 10% (T2), 15% (T3) of
the total ration and one control or without supplementation of fresh
madre d agua leaves (T4).

In this study, there will be two heads in every treatment with a total
of twenty four experimental units using crossed breeds. The
experimental treatments will be the varying amounts of chopped madre
de agua leaves to be mixed to the daily ration of hog fatteners. Mixing
will be done every morning before feeding time; while madre de agua
preparation will be done two times a week and this will be placed in a
sack ready for mixing.

All data to be gathered will be analyzed using the Analysis of

Variance in CRD and data with significant results will be subjected to
Duncan’s Multiple Range Test.

College of Agriculture and Industrial Technology
San Enrique, Iloilo
5036 Philippines
Contact No.: (033) 323-2058/
Website: Email:

VII. Significance of the Study

The study will be beneficial to hog raisers on how to utilize

alternative feeds in raising hogs or swine. This study will also serves
as guide for other researchers on the utilization of made de agua as
part of the daily ration of hog fatteners.
For famers, the result will also serve as basis in producing or
planting madre de agua as cheap source of feeds for commercial scale
if proven to be effective in the growth performance of hog fatteners.

VIII. Methodology

Research Design. Completely Randomized Design (CRD) will

be used in this study using four treatments replicated three times. The
treatments will be: T1-5%; T2-15%; T3-15%; fresh madre de gua to be
incorporated to the daily ration of hog fatteners and T4-no
supplementation. Each treatment will be provided with individual pen
in which each pen will be loaded with two heads with a total of twenty
four (24) heads.

A1 D3 B1 D1
B2 D2 A2 A3
C1 C2 B3 C3
Figure 1. Experimental La-out of the study

Locale/Study Site. The study will be conducted at ISCOF-San

Enrique Campus Animal Science Area located at Poblacion Ilaya,
San Enrique, Iloilo, four kilometres away from Passi City in the fourth
district of the province of Iloilo.

College of Agriculture and Industrial Technology
San Enrique, Iloilo
5036 Philippines
Contact No.: (033) 323-2058/
Website: Email:

Procedure. The study will be implemented following the

management procedures and practices which include the preparation of
the experimental rearing pens, preparation of experimental treatments,
preparation of experimental rations, feeding and watering, gathering of
data and methods of gathering data.

Preparation of Experimental Rearing Pens. Rearing pens in

the piggery will be divided into four divisions representing the
experimental treatments. Each pen will be installed wwith improvised
feeding troughs where the feeds incorporated with fresh madre de agua
leaves will be placed during feeding time. Ad libitum watering will be
practiced throughout the duration of the study. Disinfection will be done
prior to the start of the study.

Preparation of Experimental Treatments. Experimental

treatments using chopped madre de agua leaves will be incorporated
to the daily ration of the hog fatteners using different amount in every
treatment except from the control group.

Preparation of Experimental Ration. Experimental ration will

be prepared every morning using 5%, 10% and 15% of the total ration
of the hog fatteners during the finishing stage. This will be done on the
last month of the rearing period prior to marketing. This will be done
from the start of the five months after farrowing.

Data Analysis. All data to be gathered will be analysed

statistically using the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) in RCBD. Data
with significant results will be subjected to Duncan’s Multiple Range
Test (DMRT).

IX. Working Bibliography

Cadion, Maridel (2013). Hog Raising 101. Retrieved from on August
27, 2018.

Manaig, Elena M. (2015). Effects of Trichantera Leaf Meal and

College of Agriculture and Industrial Technology
San Enrique, Iloilo
5036 Philippines
Contact No.: (033) 323-2058/
Website: Email:

Femented Leaves on the Gowth Peformance and Carcass

Characteristics of Grower-Finishe Pigs. Laguna State
Polytechnic University, Siniloan, Laguna.

Mapesos-de- Vera , Marivic. Raising Native Pig Using Madre de

Agua (Tichantera gigantean) as an Alternative Cheap Feed
Source.. National Swine and Poultry Research and
Development Cente, Quezon, Philippines.

Nhan, NTH, Peston, T, Dolberg, F. ( ). Use of Trichantera

gigantean leaf meal and fresh leaves as livestock feed.
Department of Animal Husbandry, Cantho Univesity, Vietnam.

X. Budgetary Requirements
24 heads piglets @ PhP2,500.00 Php 60,000.00
20 bags hog grower @ 1300 26,114.40
Supplement 2,000.00
Materials for rearing pen; 12 pens @ PhP500 6,000.00
Labor prep. of rearing pen @ 3,000.00
Labor; in maintenance @PhP50/day 1,500.00
Labor (maintenance)prep of treat @Php100/day
(30 days) 3,000.00
Tarpaulin ; title 500.00
Misc. Exp. 4,000.00
Total . . . Php 106,114.40
Instruction/production 86,114.40
Counterpart __________________
PhP 20,000.00

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