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Sekolah : SD Esa Sejahtera Pekanbaru (SD SES)

Kelas/ Semester : I/ I (After Mid)
Mata Pelajaran : English
Materi pokok : Let’s Play
Alokasi Waktu : 6 x 30 Menit (3 Pertemuan)

1. After discussion, students able to:
 use 10 unfamiliar words about toys correctly
 use expression ‘What’s his/her …? How old is he/she?’ correctly

2. After discussion, students able to:

 use 8 kinds of adjectives correctly
 draw values from a story entitled ‘The go-cart race’

3. After doing some activities, students able to:

 answer questions based on reading activities correctly
 identify 5 shapes correctly

1. Materi Pembelajaran Reguler Pertemuan 1
Vocabulary Focus: kite, doll, monster, plane, computer game,
train, car, bike, and go-cart

What’s his name? his name’s Ben

How old is he? he’s seven
What’s his favorite toy? his favorite toy’s his ball

2. Materi Pembelajaran Reguler Pertemuan 2

Vocabulary Focus: beautiful, ugly, old, new, long, short, big, and
Story in TB page 26-27 entitled ‘The go-cart race’

3. Materi Pembelajaran Reguler Pertemuan 3

Vocabulary Focus: square, circle, rectangle, triangle,

Pertemuan 1 : Scientific Approach
Pertemuan 2 : Scientific Approach
Pertemuan 3 : Cooperative Learning

SES Primary School: 1 – English


1. Media
No Alat/Bahan Jumlah
1. Slide power point 1
2. Gambar/Video MP4 1

2. Alat
No Alat/Bahan Jumlah
1. Laptop 1

3. Sumber Belajar
 Super Minds 1 (Cambridge) Textbook
 Super Minds 2 (Cambridge) Workbook
 Internet
Tujuan kegiatan dan
Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Time Teaching Aid
To inform the goals of ❖ Students greet teacher and pray before
Opening 10’ ● Welcoming
learning process and to lesson begin (ask leader to lead pray)
build students booster (PPK: Respect & Religious)
before doing the main ❖ Teacher check students attendants and ask
activity students to prepare all the stuffs that they
needed (PPK: Citizenship and
❖ Teacher mentions classroom rules
❖ Teacher mentions topic and learning

❖ Students and teacher brainstorming about
toys played by kids
● Slide PPT
❖ Sharing motivation about names of toys

Demonstration and Challenging Question:

❖ Students look at the toys brought by
❖ Students is asked about how to ask
somebody about their favorite toy

Warming Up
❖ Virtual RPS
To build student critical Main Activity 1: Watching the video
Main 10’
thinking before they start to  All students watch the video about toys ●MP4
learn (Observing and (Critical Thinking, Creativity, TPACK,
Questioning) ICT)
 Students ask a question in chat box

Main Activity 2: Look and Number ●Slide PPT

to identify and use 10 10’
 Students look at the picture and words on
names of toys correctly the screen (TPACK)
 Students number the pictures of toys name
to use expression ‘What’s correctly. (Critical Thinking, TPACK)
his/her …? How old is  Teacher confirms the correct options
he/she?’ correctly (Communication)

SES Primary School: 1 – English

(Finding Information) Main Activity 2: Look and Circle ●TB
 Students look the pictures on the screen ●MP4
 Students circle the correct option (HOTS:
 Teacher confirms the correct sticker
placement. (Communication)

Main Activity 3: Look and Tell

 Students look at the question series 10’ ●Slide PPT
(Associating) prepared by teacher on the screen.
(Communicating)  Students answer the questions and tell the
result to the class (HOTS: Analyzing)
 Teacher gives feedback and confirmation
Refleksi pembelajaran 1. Students and teacher make a conclusion 10’ ●WB
about the lesson
2. Teacher gives a summative assessment as
skills practice to solve the problem about
the achievement indicator competency
3. Students listen instruction for the next
material cover
4. As a reinforcement material that has been
studied, teacher gives instruction for find
out the other reference about the topic from
journal or internet

Tujuan kegiatan dan Tim

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Teaching Aid
Sintaks e
To inform the goals of ❖ Students greet teacher and pray
Opening 10’ ● Welcoming ppt
learning process and to build before lesson begin (ask leader
students booster before doing to lead pray) (PPK: Respect &
the main activity Religious)
❖ Teacher check students
attendants and ask students to
prepare all the stuffs that they
needed (PPK: Citizenship and
❖ Teacher mentions classroom
❖ Teacher mentions topic and
learning objective
Apperception ● Slide PPT
❖ Students and teacher brainstorm
about the use of adjective.

❖ Sharing motivation about some
kinds of adjectives.

Demonstration and Challenging

❖ Students look at the toys brought
by teacher
❖ Students is asked about how to
ask somebody about their
favorite toy

SES Primary School: 1 – English

Warming Up
❖ Virtual RPS
To build student critical Main Activity 1: Watching the ● MP4
Main 10’
thinking before they start to video
learn (Observing and  All students watch the video
Questioning) about toys (Critical Thinking,
Creativity, TPACK, ICT)
 Students ask a question in chat
to use some kinds of adjective
Main Activity 2: Listen and Number 10’ ● Slide PPT
to draw values from a story  Students open TB page 25
(Finding Information)  Students listen and number the
picture correctly (Critical
Thinking, TPACK)
 Teacher confirms the correct
options (Communication)

Main Activity 2: Listen and Stick ● TB

10’ ● MP4
 Students open TB page 23 and
listen carefully to the
conversation audio (TPACK)
(Associating)  Students decide to stick the
stickers based on the
(Communicating) conversation. (HOTS:
 Teacher confirms the correct
sticker placement.

Main Activity 3: Look and Tell

10’ ● Slide PPT
 Students look at the picture and
information on the screen
 Students answer the question
related to expression ‘What’s
his/her …? How old is
he/she? (HOTS: Analyzing)
 Teacher gives feedback and
confirmation (Communication)
Refleksi pembelajaran 1. Students and teacher make a 10’ ● WB
conclusion about the lesson
2. Teacher gives a summative
assessment as skills practice to
solve the problem about the
achievement indicator
competency today
3. Students listen instruction for the
next material cover
4. As a reinforcement material that
has been studied, teacher gives
instruction for find out the other
reference about the topic from
journal or internet

SES Primary School: 1 – English

Tujuan kegiatan dan Tim
Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Teaching Aid
Sintaks e
To inform the goals of ❖ Students greet teacher and
Opening 10’ ● Welcoming
learning process and to build pray before lesson begin (ask leader
students booster before doing to lead pray) (PPK: Respect &
the main activity Religious)
❖ Teacher check students
attendants and ask students to
prepare all the stuffs that they
needed (PPK: Citizenship and
❖ Teacher mentions classroom
❖ Teacher mentions topic and
learning objective

Apperception ● Slide PPT

❖ Students and teacher
brainstorm about the use of adjective.

❖ Sharing motivation about
some kinds of adjectives.

Demonstration and Challenging

❖ Students look at the toys
brought by teacher
❖ Students is asked about how
to ask somebody about their favorite

Warming Up
 Read and Color
Orientasi Peserta Didik Main Activity 1: Look and Ask ● MP4
Main 10’
Terhadap Masalah  All students look at the
picture of object showed by teacher
(Critical Thinking, Creativity,
 Students ask a question in
chat box

Main Activity 2: Tick or Cross! 10’

 Students are divided into 4 ● Slide PPT
groups by teacher. (Collaboration,
 Students read the material
on the screen (TPACK)
 Students tick or cross based
on the correct answer (Critical
Mengorganisasikan Peserta Thinking, TPACK)
Didik Untuk Belajar.  Teacher confirms the correct 10’
options (Communication)

Main Activity 2: Look and Tell

Membimbing Penyelidikan  Students look at the pictures
● Picture
and shapes showed by teacher on
the screen. (TPACK)
 Students write 3 sentences
for each picture to tell to the friends
Mengembangkan Dan (HOTS: Analyzing, Creating)
Menyajikan Hasil Karya  Have students present their
SES Primary School: 1 – English
works. (Communication)
Menganalisis dan  Teacher gives feedback and
mengevaluasi proses confirmation (Communication)
● Slide PPT
pemecahan masalah.
Refleksi pembelajaran 1. Students and teacher make a 10’ ● WB
conclusion about the lesson
2. Teacher gives a summative
assessment as skills practice to solve
the problem about the achievement
indicator competency today
3. Students listen instruction for
the next material cover
4. As a reinforcement material
that has been studied, teacher gives
instruction for find out the other
reference about the topic from journal
or internet

F. Penilaian Hasil
1. Kompetensi Sikap
Penilaian sikap dapat dilihat dari observasi perilaku peserta didik sehari-hari, baik terkait
dalam proses pembelajaran maupun secara umum. Pengamatan langsung dilakukan oleh
guru. Berikut instrumen penilaian sikap Bertanggung Jawab:

No. Sikap Bertanggung Jawab
1 2 3 4
1 Tidak menyalahkan orang lain atas kesalahan sendiri
2 Melaksanakan tugas dengan serius
3 Meminta maaf ketika melakukan kesalahan

Petunjuk: berilah tanda ceklis (√) pada kolom skor sesuai sikap rasa ingin tahu yang
ditampilkan oleh peserta didik:
Aspek yang di amati
No Nama Siswa A B C
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
4 = 5 aspek pengamatan terpenuhi
3 = 3 – 4 aspek pengamatan terpenuhi
2 = 1 – 2 aspek pengamatan terpenuhi
1 = tidak pernah, apabila tidak ada aspek pengamatan terpenuhi

2. Kompetensi Keterampilan

1. Discuss in a group of four! Tell about your friends’ favorite toy!

Rubrik Penilaian

1 2 3 4

SES Primary School: 1 – English

2. Write a text about your favorite toy! Tell about your favorite toy!

Rubrik Penilaian

1 2 3 4

Berilah tanda (✓) pada nomor diskriptor yang tersedia berdasarkan hasil pengamatan.

Aspek yang di amati

No Nama Siswa A B C
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Keterangan :
Kurang (K) : Jika satu deskriptor muncul
Cukup (C) : Jika dua deskriptor muncul
Baik (B) : Jika tiga deskriptor muncul
Sangat Baik (SB) : Jika empat deskriptor muncul

3. Kompetensi Pengetahuan
Pertemuan 1
1. A round toy that can bounce is called as a ….
A. ball
B. go-cart
C. plane
2. A kid toy that has four wheels is called as a ….
A. bike
B. train
C. car
4. A soft toy shaped like human or maybe animal is called as a ….
A. doll
B. train
C. go-cart

SES Primary School: 1 – English

Pertemuan 2
Look at the following picture!

1. The correct sentence to describe the picture with the red arrow is ….
A. It’s a new bag
B. It’s a pink bag
C. It’s a long bag
Look at the following picture!

2. The correct sentence to describe the picture with the red arrow is ….
A. It’s a small ball
B. It’s a big ball
C. It’s a purple ball

Pertemuan 3
Look at the following picture!

1. The shape of a boat sail is ….

A. square
B. triangle
C. rectangle

SES Primary School: 1 – English

Alternatif Kunci Jawaban
Petemuan 1
Key Answer Score
1) A 3
2) 2) C 3
3) A 3

Total Score 9

Petemuan 2
Key Answer Score
1) A
3) 2) B 3

Total Score 6

Petemuan 3
Key Answer Score
1) B
Total Score 3

SES Primary School: 1 – English

Rubrik Penilaian

G. Pembelajaran Remedial
Berdasarkan hasil analisis ulangan harian, peserta didik yang belum mencapai
ketuntasan belajar diberi kegiatan pembelajaran remedial dalam bentuk;
a. bimbingan perorangan jika peserta didik yang belum tuntas ≤ 20%;
b. belajar kelompok jika peserta didik yang belum tuntas antara 20% dan 50%; dan
c. pembelajaran ulang jika peserta didik yang belum tuntas ≥ 50%.

H. Pembelajaran Pengayaan
Berdasarkan hasil analisis penilaian, peserta didik yang sudah mencapai ketuntasan
belajar diberi kegiatan pengayaan dalam bentuk penugasan untuk mempelajari soal-soal

Mengetahui Pekanbaru, Juli 2021

Kepala SD SES Pekanbaru Guru Mata Pelajaran

Novi Kurnia, S.Pd Vera Yanti Silalahi, S.Pd

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran SDS SES English I – TP. 2021/2022

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