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Chipichips Corporation


Banana and Kamote chips is very popular in us it’s a delicious snack and easy to
make with a few ingredients and easy to find. We decided to try this small business our
member has a farm of bananas and kamotes that we can make as delicious snack that
can attract customer satisfaction

Vision: To be a good supplier of seller and quality banana chips and kamote chips with
maximum customer satisfaction.

Mission: We are committed to produce good quality and safe health products to our
customers without sacrificing safety and quality for profit.

Tagline: Life’s Sweeter with Banana & Kamote Chips1

III. Market

Primary Market Research


Primary Market Research

The Kamote chip industry has been growing rapidly in recent years, and with it, the
primary market. Kamote, also known as sweet potato, is a versatile crop that can be
used in various dishes and snacks. The rise of the Kamote chip industry can be
attributed to its health benefits and unique taste.
Target Market

Primary Target Market

If we offer this product in the market will be youngsters

of colleges & universities who enjoy these kind of
product. When we will get a successful response then we
lunch this product of specific city where college or
university exists. In our first attempt we will target three
cities within the 7 months
to the first lunching.
Secondary Target Market

Secondary target market for banana and kamote chips can be health-conscious
individuals who are looking for a healthier snack option. These chips are made from
natural ingredients, which makes them a perfect choice for people who want to avoid
processed snacks. Additionally, they can also appeal to those who prefer gluten-free
and vegan options.
Direct Competitors

Banana chips and kamote chips are a popular snack that has been enjoyed by people
all over the world for many years. As the demand for healthier snacks increases, more
and more companies are entering the market with their own versions of banana chips.
These direct competitors offer similar products, but with slight differences in taste,
texture, and packaging.

One of the most well-known direct competitors of banana chips is Plantain Chips. Made
from plantains instead of bananas, these chips have a slightly different flavor and
texture than traditional banana chips. Another competitor is Terra Chips, which offers a
variety of vegetable-based snacks including plantain chips as well as sweet potato and
beet chips.

Other direct competitors include Trader Joe's Banana Chips, Bare Snacks Banana Chips,
and The Good Crisp Company's Banana Chips. Each company offers its own unique spin
on this classic snack, whether it be through their use of organic ingredients or
innovative flavors like cinnamon or chocolate.

Overall, while there may be many direct competitors in the banana chip market, each
company brings something unique to the table. It ultimately comes down to personal
preference when choosing which brand to indulge in for your next snack break.
Indirect Competitors

Banana chips and kamote chips are a popular snack that people all over the world
enjoy. They are made of deep-fried or baked banana and kamote slices. While potato
chips and tortilla chips are direct competitors, banana chips also have indirect

Dried fruit is a major indirect competitor of banana chips. Dried fruit is frequently
regarded as a more nutritious alternative to traditional snacks such as potato chips and
candy bars. It provides a sweet and satisfying snack without the added sugar and fat
that many other snacks contain.

Granola bars are another indirect competitor of banana chips and kamote chips.
Granola bars, which contain whole grains, nuts, and dried fruits, are frequently
marketed as a healthy snack option. They provide a quick on-the-go snack that can be
consumed at any time of day.

Despite these indirect competitors, banana chips and kamote chips continue to be a
popular snack option for those looking for a crunchy and satisfying snack. They are
distinct from other snacks on the market due to their distinct flavor and texture.
Price Strategy

Price strategy is critical in any business because it determines whether a product

succeeds or fails. When it comes to banana chips and kamote chips, the pricing strategy
should be carefully considered to ensure that the product is priced competitively while
still making a profit for the company.

One possible pricing strategy is to charge a premium for banana chips. This would
position the product as a premium, high-quality snack. Another option is to offer them
at a lower price point, making them more accessible and appealing to customers on a
tight budget.

Finally, the price strategy chosen will be influenced by a number of factors, including
production costs, target market, and competition. It is critical to conduct market
research and analyze consumer behavior before deciding on a pricing strategy.

Finally, the price strategy for banana chips can make or break their market success.
Prices should be carefully considered to ensure that they are competitive while still
generating a profit for the company.
Promotion Strategy

To promote our business to our target audience to increase sales. A promotion strategy
can be used to raise product awareness and attract new customers in the case of
banana chips and Kamote chips

Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter could be useful for
marketing banana chips and Kamote chips. Images and videos that are visually
appealing and highlight the product's quality, taste, as well as wellness benefits can
help generate consumer interest.

Another promotional strategy is to offer discounts or free samples at local grocery

stores or farmers' markets. Customers could test the product before buying it,
increasing the likelihood of repeat purchases.

Collaboration with food bloggers or social media influencers with a large social media
following can also help increase brand awareness and credibility.

Finally, a well-planned promotion strategy is critical for the success of any business.
Manufacturers of banana chips can effectively market their products to their target
market by utilizing various marketing channels such as social media platforms, in-store
promotions, and collaborations with influencers.
Place Strategy

Our product distributed in areas where healthy snacks are in high demand. This can be
seen in supermarkets, health food stores, and online marketplaces. The product should
also be available in convenience stores and vending machines to cater to customers
who are always on the go.

To maintain freshness and quality, the product should be properly packaged with clear
labeling indicating the ingredients used and nutritional information. To entice potential
customers, the packaging should also be appealing.

Finally, in today's competitive market, a well-planned placement strategy is essential for

banana chip and Kamote chips success. By selecting appropriate distribution channels
and locations, businesses can effectively reach their target audience while maintaining
product quality and freshness.
Product Strategy

Product strategy is essential in any business, and a product's success is determined by

how well it is planned and executed. Banana chips are one such product that has
become increasingly popular in recent years. Banana chips are a healthy snack that is
becoming increasingly popular among health-conscious consumers.

The product strategy for banana chips should focus on creating a unique and high-
quality product that stands out from the competition. The first step would be to find
high-quality, ripe but not overripe bananas. Slice the bananas thinly and fry them in
coconut oil to give them a crispy texture.

The packaging of the banana chips should also be carefully considered so that they
stand out on store shelves. A clear, resealable bag with attractive labeling will entice

Marketing efforts should also emphasize banana chips' health benefits, such as their low
calorie and high fiber content. Social media platforms can be used to reach out to
health-conscious consumers looking for nutritious snack options.

Finally, a successful banana chip product strategy includes sourcing high-quality

ingredients, attractive packaging, and effective marketing efforts emphasizing our
product's health benefits.
Price Strategy

Kamote chips are a popular Filipino snack made of thinly sliced sweet potatoes that are
fried until crispy. Kamote chip pricing strategy is critical for both manufacturers and

One pricing strategy for Kamote chips is to set a premium price point, positioning the
product as a high-quality snack with distinct flavor and texture. This strategy may
appeal to consumers willing to pay more for a higher-quality product, but it may limit
the potential market size.

Another possibility is to offer Kamote chips at a lower price point, making them more
accessible to a broader range of consumers. This strategy may be especially effective in
areas where other snack products are fiercely competitive.

Finally, the pricing strategy for Kamote chips will be determined by factors such as
manufacturing costs, target market demographics, and the competitive landscape.
Manufacturers and retailers can optimize their pricing approach for maximum
profitability while still meeting consumer demand by carefully considering these factors
and testing different pricing strategies over time.
Activities Schedule

Free taste May 27, 2024

Discount June 23, 2024

Buy 1 take 1 October 2, 2024

Market Strategy

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