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Northgate High School

Senior Project Project & Mentor Verification Form

Name of Student: llya Piskun Period 1

Mentored Project: Programming an Android Application

As a Senior Project mentor, your final responsibility is to verify completion of your student's work and to pass
his/her project. This is due by Thursday May 20, 2021. Mentors may write additional comments on the back
this sheet

1. Please check if youhave seen the following documents:

YES Your student's Letter of Intent - explains plans for Senior Project.
Yes AMentor Agreement - explains your responsibilities.
Yes Acopy of your student's Senior Project Research paper.

diligently actioned.
Comments: Excellent progress throughout, in my opinion the Plan was well conceived and
dealing with large
The time frame for completion looked great and I was optimistic, however sometime when
delays, like verifications
companies like the Google Play store, the process can become hurdled, by complicated
person's verification, and hinder the
of identity, sifting out real entities from Al, this definitely can slowa
process to uploadwork.

2 Please list dates you have met with student:

Date 03/05/23 Reason for Meeting First Mentor interview/meeting
Proiect Essay
Date 0423/23 Reason for Meeting Review of Project &Senior
Date 05/14/23 Reason for Meeting Disccussion of
Additional meeting dates: 0S/17/23 Final Discussion on finishing project and its success

level of confidence, with very sound

Comment: Throughout every meeting Mr. Illya Piskun displayed aclear buit,
confidence on what needed to be done
ideas and knowledge that he learned through out the process, his
sound ideas, I am very Proud of his
his listening skills and implementation of suggestions created
Please assess the quality of the project. Please
3 Howdid the project stretch or challenge the student's abilities?
make additional comments on the back if necessary:
clearly define a process for the app to work, diligently
Mr. Piskun had to successfully learn a programing language,
conceiving and implementing his plan to move
research ways to do things, accept constructive criticism while
See Back page for more.
forward toachieve the goal of successfully programing and android app.

on the project:yes/no YES

4. Please verify that your student spent at least 20 hours
Mentor Name (please print) Tetiana Piskun Signature
Qualifications as mentor QA Engineer
Date 05/18/23 Telephone Number: 902-760-0815 Mentor's
Polnt #3 Challenges Continued
Gaining a mentor on his subject was an achievement, and being able to solicit advice and help is key to success.
Mr. Piskun had to go beyond his comfort zone, gain advice action the advice and create a plan to obtain the
objective, the challenges in learning a new programing language, receiving mentor recommendations, actioning
Ideas, and testing them are usually skill sets gained in programming Courses/School. That achievement alone
has been proved by his accomplishment at how he handled this project, building on his knowledge and skill and
expanding his confidence level through out the process and finally achieving his objective. Excellent Job

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