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Architectural Science II- ARCH 3262

Heating, Cooling and Ventilation Systems in Buildings

EiABC_ Chair of Architecture and Building Science_ Eyob Wedesu _2017

•Is the primarily a function of the sun
•The word ‘’ climate’’ comes from the
Greek Klima, which means the slope of
the earth in respect to the sun

Climatic Elements:
Sun, Wind, Water
Air temperature, Solar radiation,
Humidity, Precipitation (rain, snow),
Wind (speed & direction),
Climate Data Sources:
 Meteorology office (direct)
 Microclimate survey
 Local people
Interrelation Among Climatic Elements

SUN and Wind

• SUN : giant heat machine in the atmosphere

• since the atmosphere is largely transparent, the

main heating of the air occurs at the earth’s surface

• When heated the air rises and creates low-pressure

area at ground level

• Because the earth is heated more at the equator

than at the poles, giant global convection currents
are generated.
The global wind pattern
Interrelation Among Climatic Elements

Factors that affect wind

• Uneven distribution of land mass
• Because of its higher heat capacity , water doesn’t heat up or
cool down as fast as land.
• So Temperature changes over water tend to be more
moderate than over land
Interrelation Among Climatic Elements

Wind and Mountains

•Mountains also create local winds that vary from
day to night
•During the day, the air next to the mountain surface
heats up faster than the free air at the same height,
thus, warm air moves up along the slope during
the day
• At night the process reverses
Interrelation Among Climatic Elements

In narrow valleys, this phenomenon can create very strong winds

Wind Direction- of Addis Ababa
Interrelation Among Climatic Elements

Wind and Water

• Day- Night reversal of winds occur nearly large bodies
of water.
• The large heat capacity of and conductivity of water
prevents it from heating or cooling as fast as land.
• During the day the air is hotter over land than over
water the resultant pressure creates sea breeze and at
night the temperature and air flow reverse
• At what time do think that the flow of Air stops or no
breeze ?
• The night breezes are weaker than during the day.
Interrelation Among Climatic Elements
Moisture and Temperature
•Moisture in the air has a pronounce effect on
the ambient temperature
•In dry climates there is a little moisture to
block the intense solar radiation creating very
high summer day-time temperature(over
380c) and cool nights since there is little
moisture to block the long-wave radiation
• In dry climates, the diurnal temperature
range is high(over 170c)
• In Humid and specially cloudy regions the
reverse happens. The diurnal range is small.
Global sub division
Many different (and some very complex) systems of climate classification are in use,
for different purposes.
1 Cold climates, where the main problem is the lack of heat (under heating), or
excessive heat dissipation for all or most of the year.
2 Temperate (moderate) climates, where there is a seasonal variation between under
heating and overheating, but neither is very severe.
3 Hot-dry climates, where the main problem is overheating, but the air is dry, so the
evaporative cooling mechanism of the body is not restricted. There is
usually a large diurnal (day–night) temperature variation.
4 Warm-humid climates, where the overheating is not as great as in hot-dry areas, but
is aggravated by high humidities, restricting the evaporation potential.
The diurnal temperature variation is small.
In Ethiopia

Temperate (Dega), Peaks 1500-2500m

Sub-tropical (W.dega), 800-1500m

Tropical (Kola), Lowland below 500m

In Ethiopia
Five zones are identified
Hot-Dry low land -East
Dry plateau -East and Central North
Humid plateau -South & South west
Upland (High land) - Central
Wet low land -west
Macro and Micro Climate

Macro: Global, Regional Scale – larger scale

Micro: Local, Site Scale- small scale

Modified by local factors

Referred for the immediate application on design
Site planning, Building design
• Local climate can be quite different from the climatic region in which it is found
• So if buildings are to relate to their environment they must be designed for the
microclimate in which they exist.
Macro and Micro Climate

The following FACTORS are the ones that differ microclimate to macroclimate.
• Elevation above sea level:
. 2oc drop for every 300m rise
• Forms of land
. south facing slopes are much warmer than north facing slopes
because they receive much more solar radiation
• Size, Shape and Proximity of water bodies
. higher heat capacity
. Significant temperature moderator
. Increase humidity
Macro and Micro Climate
• Soil type:
. Heat capacity
. color
The cliff dwellings at Mesa Verde, Colorado,
. water content benefit from the heat-sink capacity of the
stone walls and rock cliff.
• Vegetation:
. By means of shading and transpiration,
plants reduce air and ground temperature
. Evapotranspiration

Yemerehane Kerestos Chrch 45km from Laibela

•Man-made Structure:
. Buildings, streets and parking lots because of their
number, size, mass and color have a very significant
. Dark Asphalt roads
Urban Heat Island

•Is a city area that is significantly warmer

than its surrounding due to human
•Solar radiation will be 20 % less due to air
•RH will be about 6 % less due to reduced
amount of evapotranspiration.
•Wind speed is about 25 % lower, very high
local wind speeds often occur in the urban
According to the list of cities you will be assigned prepare a climate data sheet
Submission date: Nov 13, 2017
Solar Geometry
Architectural Science II- ARCH 3262

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