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Building a Mindset for Teaching Internship

Name: Angelica S. Cordova Course/Section: BSEd Filipino 4-B Date: March 3, 2023
Cooperating Teacher: Judie D. Datu Subject: Filipino 8
I. Intended Learning Outcome: Formulate initial ideas on the value of
Teaching Internship in teacher preparation.
II. Experiential Tasks:
a. Exposure: Recognizing teaching Internship as an Integral Component of
Experiential Learning in Teacher Education
b. Participation: Preparations on Becoming a Student intern
c. Identification: Confirmation of Personal Qualities for Teaching Internship
d. Internalization: Expectations for Oneself during the Teaching Internship
e. Dissemination: Expressing One’s Expectations on Becoming a Student
1.1 EXPOSURE: Recognizing Teaching Internship as an Integral Component of
Experiential learning in Teacher Education
A. Understanding the Management Structure of the Teaching Internship Program
The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) formally institutionalizes
Teaching Internship as the culmination of the Experiential Learning component of
the Teacher Education Curriculum (CMO No. 74 and 75, s 2017). As a student
enrolled in Bachelor in Elementary/Secondary Education, you are now officially
referred to as pre-service teacher and specifically a student intern enrolled in
Teaching Internship course.
B. Roles and Responsibilities of the College Supervisors of the Teacher Education
Institutions (TEIs) and the mentors of the Cooperating Schools

You will be working directly with your College Supervisors of the Teacher Education
Institutions (TEIs) and the mentors of the Cooperating Schools
College Supervisor Mentor Teacher
● Orient the Pre-service Teachers ● Observe mentor-mentee
on the rationale and procedures relationships,
of the experiential learning
● Assist the student interns in honing
their skills through:
● Conduct orientation meetings to
- regular class observation and post
clarify expectations on both
parties, conference,
● Determine the readiness and - lesson planning,
ability of the pre-service
teachers to undergo teaching - use of varied
internship, strategies/approaches/techniques,
● Coordinate with the cooperating -classroom management,
school head regarding the
activities and teaching internship - assessment of learning outcomes,
needs of the student interns,
- questioning techniques,
- preparation of instructional
materials, examinations, various
assessment modes
- accomplishment of different forms
● Conduct regular observation and
evaluation of student teachers,
● Coordinate regularly with the
cooperating school
and related work.
principal/head teacher, and
cooperating teacher regarding ● Observe, coach/mentor and evaluate
performance of the student the performance of the student
● Submit written reports to the
College Dean, copy furnish the interns,
School Principal and the SDS, at ● Model effective teaching and
least twice a month regarding management techniques,
the: progress/performance of
student interns, ● Provide the student teacher the
problem/difficulties met by the opportunity to intern independently
student interns, solutions/actions and collaboratively and
taken to solve the problem, ● Allow the student interns to
● Conduct debriefing sessions, participate in co-curricular and
interview/case studies of student school/community activities.

C. Teaching Internship as Experiential Learning

As a student Intern picture, yourself being on-site in your cooperating school
actually DOING learning-teaching tasks, SHARING or discussing with your
mentors, your thoughts and reactions, PROCESSING and filtering your classroom
observations and actual teaching experiences in order to GENERALIZE or pick
up the good lessons and best practices which you can APPLY when you later
enter the world of work as a professional teacher.
1.2 PARTICIPATION: Preparations on Becoming a Student Intern
Activity 1- Personal Qualities of a Promising Pre-Service Teacher
● Teachable - explain.

1. The box below lists the skills your Mentor Teacher is expected to home in you
during the internship period. Describe your experience in the corresponding space
Teaching Skills Description of Experience
1. Lesson Planning Due to the fact that you speak to
yourself when you compose a lesson
plan, it can be difficult and time-
2. Use of Varied Strategies The students' curiosity is positively
Approaches/Techniques piqued by a range of educational
techniques, ideas, approaches, and

3. Classroom Management While some pupils lack the necessary

maturity, others do. As some pupils' bad
behavior is interpreted negatively,
dealing with it might be difficult. Having
a lot of patience is therefore a
requirement for teaching.

4. Assessment of Learning Outcomes We continuously do sincere assessments

to make sure the learning outcomes are
proficient, effective, and fruitful.

5. Questioning Techniques That's fantastic because we frequently

ask questions on real-life scenarios to
encourage students to share their

6. Preparations of Instructional We gather the materials needed for

Materials discussions and make sure every student
has access to them.

7. Preparations of Before evaluations, we make sure

Examinations/Various Assessment students understand the material, and
Modes then we create exams that solely test
what we covered.

2. Can you identify some of your personal qualities that helped you perform those
skills in the past? Write them in Column A. In Column B, write what you were
able to do because you possess such personal qualities.
Column A Column B
My personal qualities which are helpful in What I have accomplished?
performing the teaching tasks before
1. I have enough internal motivation to I'll make sure that every task I'm given is
finish any task. finished on time.

2. My communication skills are strong. The right voice tone inspires pupils to
participate fully.

3. I have extensive expertise on the topic I always made my lessons simple to

understand and delivered them simply.

4. I am well-equipped to respond to Giving students an appropriate answer.

inquiries immediately.

5. I use creativity when creating Authentic assessments and topic related.

assignments or tests for my students.

Activity 2: Recall of your Educational beliefs or Philosophy

When you took up a course related to educational philosophy you were guided to
declare some belief statements on education. What do you believe in now that you
are to be a student intern?

My Belief Statements Regarding

1. School
- Schools are well-established institutions that are either operated by the public or
private sector.

2. Learners
- A person who is doing their best to learn about a certain topic or how to
accomplish something out of a desire to do so.

3. Curriculum
- The curriculum acts as a common reference for all educators for what is
necessary for teaching and learning so that every student can access dependable
academic experiences.

4. Teaching
- The capacity to assist students in planning, directing, and maximizing the flow
of developing life events.

5. Teachers
- The teacher's role is to assist students in learning by imparting knowledge and
creating an environment where students can and will learn efficiently.

1.3 IDENTIFICATION: Confirmation of Personal Qualities for Teaching Internship

Can you identify those qualities which you now possess which will help you become
a good student intern?

I think I am…
1. Hardworking

2. Confident

3. Creative

4. Honest

5. Always on time

6. Have a well-modulated voice

7. Responsible

8. Polite

9. Well-Dressed

10. Respectful

Which do you want to change or modify now that you are a student intern?
To be changed: Why?
1. Emotional Change Understanding our emotions is an important
part of life, and how we deal with them
determines who we will be as teachers.
2. Leadership I must give myself permission to be
influenced and even altered.

3. Communication I must speak clearly and concisely.

4. I focus on one setup only. I must implement innovative teaching

strategies and methodologies.

5. Self-Evaluation As a teacher, I must acknowledge the need

for change, both within and outside of me.
The first step toward improvement is
recognizing that something is wrong.
6. I move slowly. Working as fast as possible is essential to
arrive on time for class.

7. I need to learn how to manage my time As a teacher, time management is vital

correctly. since we have many workloads to finish and
pass on time
8. Sometimes I feel shy standing in front of Public Speaking is very important for a
a lot of people. teacher.

9. I have this Mañana habit sometimes. As a future Educator, I must do my task on


10. There are times when I don’t feel As a future Educator, it is very important to
confident about myself. be confident, especially in front of students.
1.4 INTERNALIZATION: Expectations for Oneself during the Teaching Internship
What expectations do you have for yourself during this internship period? What
personal qualities would you try to develop further as a student intern?

I should have access to, and knowledge of the resources used in the classroom as a
teaching intern. Examples of resources utilized in the classroom include books, manuals,
and technology. I have responsibilities as a student teacher, including checking
attendance, reviewing the content, creating assessments, and routinely calculating grades
with my cooperating instructor. Another thing to think about is the professional bond I
need to forge with my students, fellow interns, and cooperating teacher. To thoroughly
understand the teaching profession, familiarization is necessary because the internship
serves as our practice and training ground before we become instructors. I intend to
maintain my strengths throughout this program in order to succeed in this fieldwork.

1.4 DISSEMINATION: Expressing One’s Expectations on Becoming a Student Intern

Given the personal qualities you now possess and some professional beliefs you have
on education, prepare an essay on “What I can become through Teaching Internship”

Future Educator

Every intern will acquire a lot more from their experience than just college credits.
Your life and future career will benefit from the knowledge you gained during your
internship. I'll start by saying that effective communication is frequently one of the
teaching internship skills that is most respected and has a big impact on the working
world, especially for teachers. This might boost my self-assurance when speaking in front
of an audience and interacting with people from all backgrounds. Next, we probably have
a number of obligations related to internships. We must develop the ability to manage
multiple tasks at once in order to select activities according to importance or workload as
future instructors. In the end, being timely is not the only important aspect of being on
time. It is imperative that we show the students that we are serious when we advise them
to "attend the class on time." By doing these things, I will certainly become a great
teacher in no time. I can impart knowledge to my students in a dignified and honest
manner that they may use as a key to a better life and career.

1.5 REFLECTION: Based on the task that you made, what challenges await you as a
future teacher? How will you manage learning in the future classroom? How will you
prepare yourself to respond to 21st teaching-learning.

The best environments for learning are those where pupils feel comfortable.
motivated to study. Successful professors act more like moderators, encouraging and
assisting students as they make their own discoveries. Self-learning is encouraged in the
classroom since it promotes lifelong learning. An active classroom is one that encourages
sharing. Second, people in general are social beings, and students are no exception.
wherever possible, let students work in pairs and small groups. This encourages the
growth of speaking and listening abilities and teaches pupils how to collaborate to
accomplish shared objectives. Then, learning is more than just memorization and
retention. Pupils' critical thinking skills enable them to do much more than just
comprehend information. Last but not least, promote creativity among your students at all

1.7 DOCUMENTATION: Based from the 1.1 EXPOSURE: Understanding the

Management Structure of the Teaching Internship Program. Submit/Post the
needed following pictures/logos.

1. CHED- Commission on Higher Education

2. DHVSU- Don Honorio Ventura State University (Main Campus)

3. COE- College of Education

4. DepEd- Department of Education

5. College/Student Teaching Supervisor (half body shot)

6. Mentor Teacher/Cooperating Teacher/s (half body shot)

7. Pre-Service Teacher/Yourself in Complete Uniform (whole body shot)

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