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At the end of the lesson students should be able to:
a. Visualizes percent and its relationship to fractions, ratios, and decimal numbers
using models.
b. Defines percentage, rate or percent, and base.
c. Appreciate the relationship of percent to decimal, ratio, and fractions.


a. TOPIC: Visualizes Percent and it’s Relationship to fractions, Ratios and decimal Numbers
Using Models.
b. REFERENCES: Growing Up with Math pp.217-219, Math for life pp.254-247, Mathematics
for a better life pp. 208-210.
c. MATERIALS: Power point presentation
d. Value Integration: Develop the critical thinking, collaboration, determination.




Our Father
Can you lead the prayer, Calanza.
Who art in Heaven

Hallowed be thy name

Thy kingdom come

Thy will be done on Earth

As is it in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive us our trespasses

As we forgive

Those who trespass against us

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from evil

● Greetings

Good morning children! Good morning ma’am!

● Checking of Attendance

Who are absent today? No maam!

Very good!

● Motivation

Who among of you can give the meaning of Ma’am the percentage is a number or ratio that
percent? represents a fraction of 100
Very good!

● Review

Who among you have baby brother and sisters Student 1: Ma’am I have a baby brother.
who still take milk from bottles?

That’s nice!

Do you know how to prepare their milk?

Yes ma’am!

How many ounces of water do you use? How

many scoops of milk do you put? Ma’am 5 ounces of water, and 3 scoops of milk



Okay now! Let me have here in front five boys and

five girls, form a circle. While the music is being (boys and girls form a circle)
played the participants move around.

Directions: When the music stop I will say the

boat is sinking group yourself into 2. The group (the participants started to perform the activity)
continues till the described players necessary to
form a ratio is achieved.
B. Analysis/ Discussion

For instance, the first group there are 3 girls and 1

boy left.

Then the ratio of a boys to girls is 1;3

The ratio of girls to boys is 3;1

If we are to write the ratio 1;3 in fraction which

Ma’am the numerator will be the 1 and
will be the numerator ? the denominator?
denominator is the 3 or 1/3.
That is correct!

If we are to get how many percent of the pupils

(the students perform the operation)
are boys, in relation to the group, divide the
numerator by denominator.


There are 33% in relation to the girls oin the group.

In decimal, change percent to fraction with

denominator of 100. Then express the fraction as (students perform the activity)

Or simply drop the % symbol, then move the

decimal point 2 places to the left.


Ratio is a comparison between two or more

quantities. It can also be expressed as fraction , the
first number being the denominatror. Through
ratios and fractions we can get the percent
equivalent by dividing the numerator by the
denominator . The result is a decimal but move
decimal point two places the right and affix the
percent sign.

Direction: Group yourself into 5.

Using a pictures you will give the ratio of the

number shaded parts to the unshaded part. Then
change them to fractions, decimal and percent.

E. Assessment/ Evaluation:

Write the name of each shaded part as fraction,

ratio, percent and decimal.

Direction: complete the table below using the given data
1. The set of even numbers from 1 to 20.
2. The set of odd numbers from 1 to 20.
3. The set of composite numbers from 1 to 20.
4. The set of prime numbers from 1 to 20.

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