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Energy Efficiency in Production Engineering

M1 Team Project – The Journal Club

Kilian Dickel, M.Sc.; Ahmed Faraz Tariq, M.Sc.
Team project dates
Wednesdays (CIM-Raum)
Module Date Time Team Project Duration (allocated)
Groups for Team-Project, handout of papers for
1 18.04.2023 4:15 PM 45 min
Journal Journal Club
2 25.04.2023 4:15 PM Club Independent work in groups -
3 02.05.2023 4:15 PM Short presentation of papers 45 min
Milestone 1: formulate research question and create
4 09.05.2023 4:15 PM 45 min
Research experimental design
5 16.05.2023 4:15 PM Independent work in groups -
(RBL) Milestone 2: analyse energy data and complete energy
6 23.05.2023 4:15 PM 45 min
break down analysis
- 30.05.2023 Exkursion week -
7 06.06.2023 4:15 PM Independent work in groups
8 13.06.2023 4:15 PM Milestone 3: Power/Energy Sankeys, E-VSM 45 min
9 20.06.2023 4:15 PM Research Independent work in groups -
10 27.06.2023 4:15 PM Milestone 4: formulate improvement measures 45 min
11 04.07.2023 4:15 PM Independent work in groups -
Milestone 5: calculate optimized design and compare
12 11.07.2023 4:15 PM 45 min
results (Sankey/E-VSM)
13 18.07.2023 4:15 PM Final presentation of results 45 min
Exam 24.07.2023

Datum | Referent/in | Kurztitel der Präsentation (bitte im Master einfügen) | Seite 2

Team project – Rules
Team Project – The presence is mandatory
▪ We have 7 Team Project Meetings
▪ What to do if you are not able to come:
▪ Write an E-Mail to Ahmed and Kilian
▪ If you are sick, always stay at home!
▪ You still need to arrange with your group and catch up with your part of the team project assignment

What to do if a team member doesn’t show up / answers / doesn’t do the part of the assignment
▪ Inform us! We are then going to contact the person
▪ Everyone has to be envolved in order to pass the Team Project
▪ The person is either going to catch up fast or to be excluded from the TP

▪ As a group you are responsible for organizing your assignment!

Datum | Referent/in | Kurztitel der Präsentation (bitte im Master einfügen) | Seite 3

Examination regulations @ NPLCE
Examination+ (Klausur+) allows to get achievements from team project acknowledged

▪ For completion of the module, the mandatory team project has to be passed successfully

▪ Based on the feedback from students we want to acknowledge the achievements and efforts
related to the team project.

▪ Therefore, we have changed the examination regulations to “examination+”

(“Klausur+”, cf. §9 (11) APO)

The evaluation of the team project accounts for “bonus points” for the final grade

▪ Since last year, students have the option to choose between a “normal examination” (Klausur) and
optional the “examination+” (Klausur+), see next slide.

Datum | Referent/in | Kurztitel der Präsentation (bitte im Master einfügen) | Seite 4

Examination regulations @ NPLCE
Examination+ (Klausur+) allows to get achievements from team project acknowledged

▪ option a) gives extra points on the team project, is not required but recommended
▪ option b) gives 100% of final grade to be achieved


a) final grade based on b) final grade

bonus points (only) based on
+ regular exam points regular points

Bonus Points max. 10 Max. 100 Points

regular Points max. 100

The evaluation of the TP: partly through presentations and

partly quick tests with ca. 3 questions.

Datum | Referent/in | Kurztitel der Präsentation (bitte im Master einfügen) | Seite 5

Team project – The Journal Club
Team Project – Research Question 1: “The Journal Club”
▪ A journal club is a group of individuals who meet regularly to critically evaluate recent articles in the
academic literature.
▪ Journal clubs are usually organized around a defined subject in basic or applied research.
▪ The articles contents are presented and critically discussed e.g. regarding the confirmability of
conclusions, the validity of the data used or the reproducibility of conducted experiments.

Why do we adapt this concept?

▪ You become more familiar with advanced literature in a field of study.
▪ Through active participation in discussion you can improve your skills of understanding and debating
current research topics.
▪ Analysing scientific articles helps to understand the scientific research process.
▪ You improve your presentation skills by presenting the authors approaches and results.

Datum | Referent/in | Kurztitel der Präsentation (bitte im Master einfügen) | Seite 6

Team project – The Journal Club
Your Task:
▪ A research process was carried out by the authors of your paper
▪ Now you’re supposed to analyse it step by step
▪ In two weeks you will present your results with a presentation


Data Literature
Analysis Review

Data Derivation of
Collection Hypotheses

[Creswell 2008]

Datum | Referent/in | Kurztitel der Präsentation (bitte im Master einfügen) | Seite 7

Team project – The Journal Club
Typical Research Process

Research ▪ Accurate determination of the research problem

1. Question ▪ Definition of the research question
→ What is the initial research question of your paper?

▪ Review of the existing theoretical and empirical knowledge

2. Review → Which knowledge about the topic does already exist?

Derivation of ▪ Derivation of hypotheses from the existing knowledge

3. Hypotheses
→ Which hypotheses did the authors derive? What do they want to prove?

Datum | Referent/in | Kurztitel der Präsentation (bitte im Master einfügen) | Seite 8

Team project – The Journal Club
Typical Research Process

Research ▪ Selection of a suitable experimental design to verify the hypotheses

4. Design → Did the authors carry out experiments? Explain them.

Data ▪ Collect required data and carry out experiments

5. Collection → Which kind of data did the authors collect, e.g. by conducting their

▪ Data preparation and analysis with suitable methods

6. Data Analysis ▪ Presentation of the collected data
→ Which methods did the authors use for analysing and
presenting the data? What are their main findings?
Datum | Referent/in | Kurztitel der Präsentation (bitte im Master einfügen) | Seite 9
Team project – The Journal Club
Typical Research Process
▪ Interpretation of the results
7. Interpretation
▪ Derivation of conclusions to answer the research question
→ Which conclusions were made based on the analysis?

Report & ▪ Presentation of the results

8. Critical ▪ Critical review of the methodology and organisational aspects and an
assessment of the quality of research results
→ Did the authors do a critical review? Which aspects were named here?

Datum | Referent/in | Kurztitel der Präsentation (bitte im Master einfügen) | Seite 10

How to present in a group of 7 in 5 min?
▪ Organize yourself who is going to make the presentation slides

▪ And who is going to present

▪ Name the persons presenting on the main Slide as
„Moderator(s): Person X,Y,Z etc.“

So everyone has to do something!

Datum | Referent/in | Kurztitel der Präsentation (bitte im Master einfügen) | Seite 11

Team project – The Journal Club
Module Date Time Team Project Duration (allocated)
Groups for Team-Project, handout of papers for
1 18.04.2023 4:15 PM 45 min
Journal Journal Club
2 25.04.2023 4:15 PM Club Independent work in groups -
3 02.05.2023 4:15 PM Short presentation of papers 45 min

Today and next week (18./25.04.):

▪ Analyze a scientific paper related to energy efficiency in production engineering
▪ Prepare your presentation according to the template
▪ Organize yourself within your group (8-9 groups in total)

In two weeks (02.05.):

▪ Live presentation of results (5 min per group)
Please use the provided template
Please send us the presentation per e-mail by Tuesday 02.05, 12 PM!

Datum | Referent/in | Kurztitel der Präsentation (bitte im Master einfügen) | Seite 12

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