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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 6

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. identify the benefits of enhancing/decorating bamboo, wood, and metal products;
b. value the importance of cooperation in every class activity;
c. draw enhanced/decorated bamboo, wood, and metal products and present them to
the class.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Benefits of enhancing/decorating bamboo, wood, and metal products.
Instructional Materials: Cartolina, marker, pictures
Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning, Differentiated Instruction

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
Teachers Activity Students Activity
1. Drill

Good morning, class.

Good morning, teacher.
Please sit down and pick up pieces of paper
or trash under your chairs.
(The pupils will pick up trashes.)
Are you ready to learn again today?

Okay, then let’s start! Yes, teacher!

This morning I am going to show you some

pictures. What you need to do is to classify
whether the products in the picture are made
of bamboo, wood, or metal.
Paste the pictures on the board.
(Pupils will raise their hands if they want to
answer in front.)

2. Review

What was our topic last meeting?

Importance and Methods of enhancing/
decorating bamboo, wood, and metal
What are the methods of
enhancing/decorating bamboo, wood, and
metal products?
Woodturning, hand carving, pyrography,
flocking, inlaying,
Gilding, staining, and painting.

In metal products, you can do the techniques

of engraving, etching, adding metal
enhances, making image transfer, and
texturing and embossing.

Okay, very good!

Now, let’s proceed to our new lesson.

B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation

Which one could be sold first or would

people choose to buy?
The second one, teacher.
Because it has designs which are really good.

How about this one?

The second once again, teacher. The design is
very appealing.

The first one, teacher.

2. Presentation of the lesson

What do you think will be our topic for

About which one is better, teacher.
You’re almost there, any other ideas?
I think it’s about which one is saleable.
Okay, thank you for your answers.

Our topic for today is all about the benefits of

enhancing/decorating bamboo, wood, and
metal products.

3. Setting of Standards

Before we start, let us set our classroom rules

first. - Listen attentively.
- Raise your right hand if you want to
Do you have any suggestions? talk.
- Cooperate in every class activity.
- No bullying

As you are the one who made those rules, I

hope you are more inclined to follow them.

4. Discussion

Today we will be talking about the benefits

of enhancing/decorating bamboo, wood, and
metal products.

What do you mean by enhancing?

To improve to a much better version.
What could be the reason why a product
needs to be enhanced?
It is not saleable anymore.
You are right!
Aside from that, it is not profitable anymore,
there is a problem with the durability, and no
longer appealing as time goes by.

What do you mean by benefits?

An advantage or profit gained from
Okay, it is something that produces good or
helpful results/effects

Is it a bad thing or good?

A good thing.
Because it would be much better than it
already is.
What do you think will be the benefits if you
will enhance or decorate the bamboo, wood,
and metal products?
I think one of the benefits is, it would be
more appealing to the customers and will
make them buy the products.
Very good!

Now, here are some benefits that you can


✓ It would be more saleable to

customers when enhanced and
✓ It helps maintain their durability (Minor questions will be asked to the
against harsh elements. students during class discussion.)
✓ Enhanced or decorated will beautify
the product itself.
✓ Can easily be noticed or be eye-
✓ If decorated well, it will give an
artistic look that other products don’t

Those are the benefits if you want to consider

enhancing or decorating your finished

5. Application (Groupwork)

The teacher will group the class into four (4).

Enhanced/decorate the assigned product to

make it more eye-catching and saleable.

Group 1- Bamboo, enhance and draw then

present your product to the class through a
short advertisement as if you are selling your
finished product.

Group 2- Wood, enhance and draw then

present your product to the class as if you are
selling them by creating a short rap.

Group 3- Metal, enhance and draw then

present your product to the class through a
short roleplay as if you are selling your
finished product.

Group 4- Bamboo, enhance and draw then

present your product to the class through a
short chant as if you are selling your
enhanced product.

6. Generalization

What is the reason why a product needs to be

Because it is not profitable anymore, there is
a problem with its durability, and no longer
appealing as time goes by.
Enumerate the benefits of
enhancing/decorating bamboo, wood, and
metal products
✓ It would be more saleable to
customers when enhanced and
✓ It helps maintain their durability
against harsh elements.
✓ Enhanced or decorated will beautify
the product itself.
✓ Can easily be noticed or be eye-
✓ If decorated well, it will give an
artistic look that other products don’t
IV. Evaluation
Direction: Choose and encircle the correct answer.

1. Which one is not considered as the benefit of enhancing /decorating bamboo,

wood, and metal products?
a. Enhanced and decorated products tend to be more saleable.
b. It helps maintain their durability against harsh elements.
c. Products that are made from wood and bamboo do not need to be decorated
because of their natural beauty.
d. Can easily be noticed or be eye-catching.
2. The following are reasons to enhance your finished product, except ONE.
a. It is more saleable.
b. More durable and beautiful.
c. It is more eye-catching
d. It makes the products expensive and unsaleable.
3. What do you mean by benefits?
a. A condition or situation that causes problems.
b. Something that produces good or helpful results or effects.
c. Difficulties in achieving something.
d. Makes a bad result.
4. It would be more_____ to customers when enhanced and decorated.
a. Unsaleable
b. Unattractive
c. Saleable
d. Unmarketable
5. What will happen if the product is not attractive and durable for the customers?
a. They will buy the product.
b. It will be saleable.
c. A lot of customers will like it.
d. It will not be saleable and profitable.
V. Assignment
Direction: Look at the illustration and answer the questions that follow. (5 points for
each item)

1. Which one looks better?

2. Which one will demand a higher price at the market? Why?
3. Why is there a need to enhance/decorate a finished product?

Prepared by:

Rosedel P. Mapute

Checked and observed by:

Eleaine E. Arota
Cooperating Teacher

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