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Bài luận cuối cùng:

In some countries an increasing number of people are suffering from

health problems as a result of eating too much fast food. It is therefore
necessary for government to impose a higher tax on this kind of food.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Ví dụ: Hương tram là 1 ca sĩ. Hương tram rất nổi tiếng.
E đồng ý hay k?
Ví dụ: hút thuốc thi có hại. cty thuốc lá nên đóng cưa.
E đồng ý hay k?
Đề thi: gặp sd sk là do ăn quá nhiều đồ ăn nhanh. Chính phủ nên tang
E đồng ý hay k?
Sang speaking part 3:
Cho 1 vân đề: cha mẹ là giáo viên tốt nhất.
E đồng ý hay k?
Dạng đề: đồng ý hay k đồng ý? Có 3 cách triển khai: => dễ :1 mặt =>
khi k đủ ý để chứng minh > nên 2 mặt
C1: đồng ý hoàn toàn: chứng minh 1 mặt:
C2: k đồng ý hoàn toàn: chứng minh 1 mặt:
C3:đồng ý 1 phần: văn thảo luận: 1 măt đồng ý – 1 mặt k
Mở bài: c1 copy đề bài.
C2: I strongly agree with the statement that “ quan điểm”
= I strongly agree with this statement for many reasons (e đồng ý vs
quan điểm đó vì nhiều lý do)
Đề thi quá dài => đưa quan điểm ra câu thứ 2
Đề thi có 1 câu => quan điểm ngay caau thứ 1. : ngta nói “cha mẹ là
giáo viên tốt nhất”. tôi hoàn toàn đồng ý vs quan điểm nay vì nhiều lý
In some countries: ở 1 số quốc gia = in some parts of the world
an increasing number of people are suffering from health
problems=issues: tang lên các vấn đề về sk
as a result of : như là kết quả của/ hậu quả của
eating: consuming = consumption: tiêu thụ/ sự tiêu thụ
too much fast food = junk food = this kind of food: loại thức ăn này
statement : quan điểm= opinion = view = idea
impose = increase = raise: tang lên
a higher tax : thuế cao hơn
It is therefore necessary for government to impose a higher tax on this
kind of food. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this
It is necessary for Ai đó to V: => Ai đó should V=> government should
impose a higher tax on this kind of food
It is necessary for Lan to study hard -> Lan should study hard.
Mở bài:
It is true that in some nations, an increasing number of people are suffering from
health issues as a result of consuming too much junk food. Therefore, I
strongly agree with the statement that the government should impose
a higher tax on this kind of food.
Đồng ý hoàn toàn tang thuế: tìm lý do
Thân bài: ít nhất 3 lý do => chia 3 đoạn
First of all, sk của ng dân là quan trong cho sự phat triển của quốc
gia=> nếu suốt ngày ăn đồ ăn nhanh => bị bệnh : béo phì/ cao huyết
áp/ … => k thể lv hiệu quả => ảnh hưởng đến sự phat triển kte
Secondly, khi tang thuế => thực phẩm sẽ đắt => ng mua sẽ giảm=>
ngta phải tự nấu ăn => sk sẽ đảm bảo.
Finally, tang thuế là 1 biện pháp => chính phủ sẽ áp dụng 1 số biện
pháp khác để giảm tiêu thụ => vd: hạn chế việc quảng cáo trên TV/
media => it ng biết
Kết luận: đúng là thức ăn nhanh ảnh huwnowngr sk => gaimr sự tiêu
thụ => chính phủ cũng caafa hạn chế quảng cáo trên media.
It is true that in some nations, an increasing number of people are suffering from health issues
as a result of consuming too much junk food. Therefore, I strongly agree with the statement
that the government should impose a higher tax on this kind of food.
First of all, I think a higher tax should be imposed on fast food because the health of the people
is important to the development of the country. For example, if a person has his daily meals
with the consumption of fast food, he is likely to face health problems such as obesity or high
blood pressure and so on, which makes him work ineffectively.
Secondly, I also believe that increasing taxes would raise prices and lower consumption. In fact,
when it is too expensive for people to buy this kind of food, only a small percentage of the
population could afford it. Therefore, they will spend more time cooking meals at home, which
is better for their health.
Finally, in addition to imposing a higher tax on fast food, I think the government should limit
the time of fast food advertisements on television or social media.
In conclusion, I agree that with the higher taxes imposed on fast food, the number of people
consuming fast food will decrease and the health of people will be enhanced. However, to
solve the problem effectively, the government should take action by changing the time of
advertisements on television.
Education: giáo dục:
Listening: bỏ
Reading: 4 bài văn: => chép 5-7 chữ đầu tiên của đề :
Speaking: chép nguyên đề
Writing: thư: chép 1 yêu cầu của đề. - / luận: chép đoạn đầu của : 2’ chép đề.

Đề 4: Some people believe that university students should be

required to attend classes. Others believe that going to classes
should be optional for students. Discuss both views and give your

Thảo luận đưa ra ý kiến:

Chứng minh 1 đúng
Chứng minh 2 đúng
Nên tự chọn => k ai đi học.
Bắt buộc =>

Sinh viên đại học đi học là điều bắt buộc

Đi học thì dc tự chọn
 Hs có thể dc tư chon đi học nhưng tôi nghĩ việc đến trường
nên bị bắt buộc.
Đoạn 1: lý do tại sao hs được tự chọn:
- Sv đã trưởng thành – có đủ quyền công dân: nếu họ cảm thấy k
cần thiết => họ k cần di học
- Có thể tự học ở nhà => gd đai học k cần qtam quá triknhf mà chỉ
nhấn mạnh kết quả -> tự học mà có kết quả-> tốt
Đoạn 2: tuy nhiên, việc bắt buộc đi học đáng dc cân nhắc hơn:
- Thầy cô dạy những thứ k có trong sách => nếu hs k hiểu bài =>
họ sẽ cho ví dụ cho tài liệu
- Có bạn bè/ mở rộng mối quan hệ => có nhiều bạn => cải thiện kĩ
năng giao tiếp của bản thân
Kết luận: hs đi học thi có nhiều lợi ích hơn.
Nowadays, many people wonder whether or not university
students should attend classes. Some of them say that going to
classes should be optional for students, but I personally think that
they should be required to attend classes regularly.
There are many reasons why attending class is optional for
university students. Firstly, students are really adults. If they find it
unnecessary to go to classes, they could stay at home and do
something else. Secondly, instead of going to class to learn,
students can stay at home for self-study. In fact, in university
education, people should focus on their results rather than the
process. When a student can study to pass the exams, he is
However, I believe going to classes would be much more
considered. The first, teachers can teach students a lot of
things that cannot be obtained from books. Since some
professors believe that books cannot provide enough
information for students to understand, they will give them
more examples and materials. The second, by attending the
classes, students have more chance to make friends and widen
their relationships. It means that they will have more friends
and improve their communication skills.
In conclusion, I think students should go to classes because of
those reasons. By considering both views, students can make
the best decisions for them.
Đề 6: Some universities require students to take classes in
many subjects. Other universities require students to specialize
in one subject. Which one is better? Thảo luận đưa ra quan
1 môn tốt => nhiều môn tốt hơn
Ddoanj 1: vì sao 1 môn tốt :
Đoạn 2: tuy nhiên, nhiều môn tôt hone =>
- Yêu cầu hs học nhiều môn
- Yêu cầu học 1 môn
Nhiều ng phân vân liệu là hs nên học 1 hay nhiều môn. Dù học
1 môn vẫn tôt vs hs nhưng tôi tin nhiều môn thì tốt hơn.
Đoạn 1: tại sao 1 môn có thể tốt:
- Tiết kiệm time:
- Tiết kiệm tiền:
Đoạn 2: tuy nhiên, nhiêu môn đáng cân nhắc hơn nhiều.
- Có nhiều kiến thức – hiểu biết về nhiều lĩnh vực khcas nhau
- Có nhiều lựa chọn về nghề nghiệp trong tl

Nowadays, many people wonder whether or not university

students should learn one subject or many subjects. Some of
them say that studying one subject should be important for
students, but I personally think that students should study more
than one subject.
There are many reasons why students should learn one subject.
The first, they can save a lot of time. In fact, when students focus
on only one major, they will have more time to finish their
homework and assignments in a shorter time. The second, by
attending in one subject, students have a chance to save a huge
amount of money. Clearly, everything will cost a lot of money like
books, materials so that if they work on one subject, they can
save much money for their families.
However, I believe that attending many subjects would be
much more considered. Firstly, by learning many subjects,
students can gain a lot of knowledge and widen their
understanding about many different fields. For example, pupils
who study science also understand about art or music.
Secondly, students who graduated with many courses are likely
to have better career in the future. In fact, when they work in
various kinds of fields, they can select the most suitable job
that they prefer.
In conclusion, I think students should attend more subjects
than only one. By considering both views, students can make
the best decision for them.
Học 1 hay nhiều môn / bị bắt buộc đi học hay dc tự chọn/ nên
tự làm btvn hay cha mẹ giúp/ đề thứ 4: hs k cần đi học đại học
– hs cần học đại học để kiêm việc
Đưa về 1 mẫu:
6 câu cố định: 2 mở bài / câu 1 đoạn 1 : the first, …/ the
second,….. the third, …..
/ câu 1 đoạn 2: firstly, …. Secondly,…finally
/ 2 câu kết bài: 70 từ: đúng đường.
Speaking part 3: 5 điểm: giống 1 bài essay:
Tất cả đề part 3 => đc lấy từ 1 đề essay toefl/ielts => khó.
Văn đồng ý hay k đồng ý?
Định dạng: 1 câu tiêu đề= 1 quan điểm
- Ý số 1
- Ý số 2
- Ý số 3 (đưa về 1 mặt)
- Ý của em. (đưa về 2 mặt)
Đề 1: parents are the best teachers: cha mẹ là gv tốt nhất
- be closer to the children: gần gũi con cái:
- teach them with love and responsibility:
- understand the strength and weakness: điểm mạnh – yếu => hướng dẫn
- [Your own idea] moreover/ finally : bỏ
Đề 1: Mở bài: ngta cho rằng” copy đề”. Vad tôi hoàn toàn đồng
ý qiuan điểm này vì nheieuf lý do:
Mở: Many people think that “đề”. And I strongly agree with the
statement for many reasons.
Lý do 1 – idea 1: be closer to the children: gần gũi con cái:
lý do 2: idea 2: teach them with love and responsibility:
Idea 3: lý do 3
Kết luận: therefore, bê lại đề = thay tương đương.
Gửi bài làm lên nhóm
Đề 2: Speaking part 3
Internet is a good source to collect information.
- easy access: dễ truy cập
- rich information: giàu thông tin
- low cost: chi phí thấp
- [Your own ideas]

Các em dc nghỉ soạn 2 bài speaking: độ dài 120-150 từ

Đề 1: parents are the best teachers.
Many people think that parents are the best teachers. And I
strongly agree with this statement for many reasons.
Many people think that parents are the best teachers. And I
strongly agree with the statement for many reasons. Firstly,
parents are really close to the children. Actually, when I was a
child, they taught me many good things like how to talk, ride a
bike, take care of myself and so on. Secondly, they always teach
me with love and responsibility. In fact, parents provide me with
practical experience and knowledge that I need to join in my life
and they can forgive all my mistakes. Finally, they are always there
for me so they understand my strengths and weaknesses to give
me the best guidance to become a good person. Therefore, I
would say that parents are the best teachers.

Đề 1: parents are the best teachers

you know, many people think that parents are the best teachers.
And I strongly agree with the statement for many reasons. First,
they are always close to me and they teach me small things like
talking, eating when I was a child until I grow up. Second, they
teach me with love and responsibility. They also set a good
example on me and help me understand about the value of love,
and anything in life. Finally, thank to the love of my parent, I
become o good person. I know how to love, how to take care of
ather people. Therefore, I believe my parents are the best
teachers to me.
many people think that parents are the best teachers. And I
strongly agree with the statement for many reasons. Firstly,
Parents are closer to the children. Secondly, Parents teach
them small thing like eating, talking ưehen they was a child
until I grow up with love and responsibility. Finally, parents can
undersand the strenghth and weakness of children to teach
them to be a good person. Therefore, I believe my parents are
the best teacher to me

Many people think that parents are the best teachers. And I strongly agree
with this statement for many reasons. Firstly, they are really close to me.
Actually, they teach me small things like talking, eating when I was a child
until I grow up. Secondly, they help me understand about the value of love,
responsibility and anything in life. (I know that I always get an undivided
love from parents). Moreover, they understand my strengths and
weaknesses so they will give the best guidance for me. Finally, thanks to the
love of my parents, I become a good person. I know how to love, how to
take care of other people. Therefore, I believe my parents are the best
teachers to me.
Đề 2: Speaking part 3
Internet is a good source to collect information.
- easy access: dễ truy cập
- rich information: giàu thông tin
- low cost: chi phí thấp
- [Your own ideas]
2 cách trả lời:
C1: đồng ý hoàn toàn
C2; đồng ý 1 phần: lợi ích => đoạn cuối => tuy nhiên,internet cũng có 1
số bất lợi. ……kết luận: mặc dù + đề, nó cũng có 1 số bất lợi.
many people think that internet is a good source to collect information. And I strongly agree
with the statement for many reasons. The first reason is we can easily access internet
whenever or wherever we want with a smart phone or a laptop. The second reason is the
Internet has given us access to a vast repository of information. In fact, anyone with a
smartphone or computer connected to the internet can find information on any topic within
seconds. The third reason is that the cost to pay for using the internet is not so high that all
classes can use them. Therefore, internet is a good source to collect information.
From Phan Thị Huyền Trang to Everyone: 08:50 PM
You know, many people think that "internet is a good source to collect information". I think
there are many reasons for that. The first reason, the development of internet in the last
decade of 20th century helps citizens easily access it. Actually, instead of going library, people
can stay at home to find much information with a click of mouse. The second reason, a lot of
information is available on Google and it's really diversity. Finally, the cost of the internet is
very cheap. People have a chance to find much information. Therefore, i believe that internet
is a good source to collect.
From Phạm Thị Thu Thảo to Everyone: 08:50 PM
Nowadays, the internet becomes important in life. There is an opinion that the internet is a
good source to collect information. And I strong agree with the statement for many reasons.
First, the internet is an easy-to-access system. we can access the internet anytime, anywhere
with just a phone or computer. Moreover it has no age.
Second, internet is rich in information. Actually, it is a place of great knowledge. It helps us
quickly find information, news whether new or old, through large sites like Google or Wiki
Finally, the cost to find out information online is very low. If you buy a book or take a course,
you have to pay much higher than searching for information on the internet. Even that
information is completely free.
Therefore, internet is a good source to collect information.
From Hương Ly to Everyone: 08:52 PM
Many people think that internet is a good source to collect information. And I strongly agree
with the statement for many reasons. First, internet is really easy to access and people use it as
a tool of entertainment. To be honest, the people can listen to music, chat with friends
whenever they want, which can help them relax after a busy time of work. Second, internet is
very rich information. We can search for any information we want. Moreover, instead of
sending a letter or go shopping, people can do these things at home with a click of mouse.
Finally, the low cost of using the internet is suitable for people and thanks to internet we may
make friend with many people on social networking websites. Therefore, I believe internet is a
good source to collect information to people.
Many people say that internet is a good source to collect information. And I strongly agree
with this statement for many reasons. First of all, the internet is a very rich source of
information. It gives us a lot of information like news, economy, culture and so on. The second,
we can get information about every aspect in a very fast and convenient way. for example,, we
can find everything we want on Google or Wikipedia in seconds or minutes. Moreover, the cost
of internet is cheap so it’s suitable for all classes in life. Therefore, internet is a good source to
collect information so I believe it’s a wonderful invention of modern life.

Many people think that Internet is a good source to collect information. And I
strongly agree with this statement for many reasons. Firstly, people can easily
get access to the Internet everywhere because every family not only in big
cities but also in the countryside can have Internet connection. Therefore,
people find it easy to gather data on the Internet. Secondly, the internet is a
rich source of information. People can find any kinds of information on the
internet with a click of mouse. The Internet provides information at a very low
cost or even free. It is only the monthly fee for Internet connection that you
have to pay. Therefore, I believe that internet is a tool for people to get
Btvn: ghi âm bài internet -> nhóm
Đề 3: television has destroyed communication among family and friends.
Tự tìm idea:
Ti phá hủy sự giao tiếp giữa gd vs bạn bè.
Many people think that “đề”. And I strongly agree…..: bất lợi coi tv đến giao
tiếp: nói chuyện/ chia sẻ/ danh time => cô độc. buôn chán. Đánh mất di nhưng
ng bạn, tinh bạn thực sự.
Cách 2: Many people think that “đề”. And I partly agree : 1 phần: coi TV phá
hủy sự giao tiếp=> neeuscoi tv quá nhiều => k co time cho gd. Bạn bè/
Tuy nhiên, TV nó vân có lợi => dành 1-2 tiếng mỗi người.=> thu giãn, cập nhật
Đề 4: khó: it is said that “Not everything that is learned is
contained in books". K phải mọi thứ đều được học từ sách vở.
Đồng y hoàn toàn/ đồng y 1 phần
Đồng ý: k pahir mọi thư học từ sách => chứng minh ngoài sách học dc từ nhưng thứ khác .
Đồng ý 1 phần: đúng kiến thức lấy từ sách => tuy nhiên ngoài sách còn lấy kiến thức từ nơi
khác (teacher, parents, friends, internet, myself)
Many people think that /not everything that is learned /is contained in
books. And I strongly agree with this statement for many reasons.
Firstly, beside books, I can learn from teachers to gain knowledge= no lịt.
Moreover, I can also learn from people living around us /like my family
and friends about many things in life.
Secondly, I also widen my understanding from the activities that I
personally take part in. Actually, knowledge gained from experience is
more important than knowledge gained from books because it is practical
and stays with us forever.
Finally, no one can teach us how to live our life so sometimes, we have to
learn from our experience. Therefore, I believe not everything that is
learned is contained in books.
Bài 5: success: thành công

when people succeed, it is because of hard work, luck has

nothing to do with success: ngta thành công là vì chăm chứ chứ k
pải vì may mắn.
succeed : (v) -> success (n): sự thành công
luckn: may mắn
3 gợi ý:
- Practice makes success : thực hành tạo ra thành công
- Burn in work, well-deserved: hết mình vs cv -> trả công xứng
- Luck is a natural part: may mắn là yếu tố tự nhiên
- Many people think that when they succeed, it is because of hard
work, luck has nothing to do with success. And I strongly agree
with this statement for many reasons.
Firstly, if people are hard-working, they will gain a lot of
knowledge and skills which are really important for their work. It
means that they have a chance to widen their understanding
about many aspects in life. Therefore, they will easily succeed.
Secondly, when people burn in work, they are well-deserved.
Finally, I think luck is a natural part. Actually, although they are
always lucky in life, they will fail without working hard.
Therefore, I believe if people want to succeed, they have to
work hard.
Đề 6-7-8: chuỗi: studying abroad: 3 dạng
Dạng 1: studying abroad has many benefits.
- Have better education: giáo dục tốt hơn=> trường top => có đầy
trag thiết bị.cs vật chất => taams bằng có giá trị
- Become independent : độc lâp=> tự cham soc bản thân,
- Find a better job => mo ra canh cửa viehc làm tốt hơn..
- Your own idea => mở rộng hiểu biết gặp gỡ
Dạng 2: studying abroad has some drawbacks
- Live far away from home
- Cost of living
- Culture shocks
Dạng 3: studying abroad has both benefits and drawbacks.
Ghép vào form speaking:
Many people think that “ đề”: 120=150 từ.
Many people think that studying abroad has many benefits. And
i strongly agree with this statement for many seasons. Firstly,
many students travel abroad to study at a top university. In fact,
the can gain a valuable qualification, so they can open the door
for better job opportunities. The second, students have a chance
to winder their understanding and meet up with many people
from all nations in the world. Therefore, they have a chance to
make more friends and discover new horizons. Therefore, i
believe that studing abroad has many benifits
many people think that " studying a broad has many benefits". And i
strongly agree with this statement for many reasons
firstly, You know,studying abroad it’s a way have better of education,
Students abroad to study at a top university, they will have is
the degree is better, Tobehonest, these universiti have
the best equiment for student study, so they can open the door for bettter
It can help people widen understanding and get more experience.
Moreover, they can discover new things and meet up with many people.

Many people think that studying abroad has many benefits. And I strongly
agree with this statement for many reasons. Firstly, many students travel
abroad to study at a top university. In fact, these universities have the
best equipment for students to study, so they can open the door for
better job opportunities in the future. Secondly, they will become more
independent because they have to take of themselves. Finally, students
have a chance to widen their understanding and meet up with many
people from all nations in the world so they have a chance to make more
friends and discover new lands. Therefore, I believe that studying abroad
has many benefits.
Btvn: soạn đề 7-8:
Btvn 2: 2 bài speaking mới: part 2:
Đề mới speaking part 2:
When you get on a train alone, what do you do? Use specific reasons and
examples to support your opinion: put your bag on the seat so people will not sit
next you, move your bag so people can sit down, talk to the other people.
Khi đi tàu 1 mình => cất túi đúng chỗ để hành lý => cất túi để cho ng khác ngồi + sẽ
nói chuyện.
You know, when I get on a train alone, there are 3 options for me: put my
bag on the seat so people will not sit next me, move my bag so people can
sit down, talk to the other people. Whenever I get on the train, I will move
my bag so people can sit down and talk to the other people sitting next to
You know, when I get on a train alone, there are 3 options for me: put my
bag on the seat so people will not sit next to me, move my bag so people
can sit down, talk to the other people. Actually, whenever I get on a train, I
will move my bag and talk to the other people sitting next to me. In fact,
each train has a luggage compartment so passengers can put their bags
here to give enough space for the other people. Moreover, each person
buys only one ticket. It means that they own only one seat. Finally, I think
that traveling by train will be really boring without talking during the trip so
we can talk together.

Khi lên tàu: cất túi nhường ghế

- Nói chuyện vs những ng bên cạnh:
- Chứng minh: tại sao phải cất túi: tàu có khoang chứa hành lí => cât túi vào chỗ
này để nhừng chỗ ng khác
- Nhường chỗ => mỗi ng chỉ mua có 1 vé=> chỉ sở hữu có 1 chỗ ngồi
- Phải nc ng khác=> hành trình đi rất buồn/ chán => vui.
Xử lí tình huống: dang đề mới.
The first reason is
The second reason is
I don’t choose to put my bag on the seat because ……
Therefore, I think when I have a journey or a trip on a train, I will move my bag as
well as talking with people around me.
Đề mơi 2: dễ => viết khó 1 chút
Các bạn chờ tí. Mạng hay bị như vậy mấy phút đầu.
A group of people is planning a trip from Danang to Hanoi. Three means of
transport are suggested: by train, by plane, and by coach. Which means of
transport do you think is the best choice?
Theo mẫu: chủ ngữ: 1 nhóm người => they.
You know, a group of people is planning a trip from Danang to Hanoi. There are 3
options: traveling by train, by plane, and by coach.
You know, a group of people is planning a trip from Danang to Hanoi.
There are 3 options: traveling by train, by plane, and by coach. In my
opinion, traveling by train is the best choice for many reasons. The first
reason is it’s really flexible and they don’t have to wait too long.
Actually, they can buy tickets whenever they get on the train. The
second reason is it’s cheaper so it’s suitable for all classes in life. They
shouldn’t choose to travel by plane because it’s too expensive. And I
think traveling by coach can make them feel carsick. Therefore, I would
prefer to choose traveling by train.
You know, A group of people is planning a trip from Danang to Hanoi. There are 3
options:traveling by train, by plane, and by coach. In my opinion, traveling by
………is my best choice for many reasons.
The first reason is]
The second reason is
I don’t choose traveling by ……….because
And I think going by ……………
Nếu chọn tàu => advantages of traveling by train
Nếu k chọn may bay: => disadvantages of traveling by plane
Tổng két toàn bộ đề thi.
Sbd: giờ vào: 6h45 sáng => 7h30 mới băt đầu
Cmt, thẻ sinh viên.
Đọc : 4 bài đọc: 40 câu: 1 tiếng: -> trúng đề : cẩn thận: đọc lại câu hỏi + đáp án
 K trúng đề: 15’: thừa 30-45’: xin giấy chép speaking vào giấy nháp: chép
toàn bộ part 1. Chép mẫu part 2.
 Máy tự chuyển: chỉ dung chuột
Viết: 2 phần;
Thứ: 15’ làm bài
Luận: 30’ làm bài
Thừa 15’’ check chính tả:
Deefd mới; hiều dạng bài. Hiểu mở, kêt bài. Câu cố định thân bài: hiểu bài
Nháp nhanh để đánh máy
Nghe: tracwh nghiệm: 40’: nghe 20’ – 20’ trống để dành time đọc đề:
21-35 trong đề mẫu
File 1; 2 điểm: let’s talk …..: ghi âm xong; 30s chuẩn bị; 2’ trình bày: nói to, rõ rang
rõ âm, tốc độ ổn dịnh, ngữ điệu hợp lí, tự tin, k dc thở qua mạnh.
Mở part 2: ghi âm
Tb: điểm 1+2: 5
Mở part 3: phân loại thi sinh: 6-7; C1:
Check file trc khi rời khỏi ghế.

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