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Aplikasi ICD-10 merupakan salah satu alat bantu pemberian kode diagnosis
seorang perekam medis. ICD-10 mempermudah perekaman yang sistematis dan diagnosis
penyakit dan masalah kesehatan lainnya yang didukung oleh pedoman klasifikasi
penyakit melalui Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan RI No.50/MENKES/SK/I/1998 tentang
Pemberlakuan Klasifikasi Statistik Internasional sehingga ICD-10 resmi dipergunakan di
seluruh Indonesia Penelitian menggunakan metode kajian studi literature dengan analisis
kualitatif yang dilakukan dengan cara mendeskripsikan fakta-fakta yang ada kemudian di
analisis, diuraikan, mencari kesamaan, pandangan, dan ringkasan terhadap beberapa
penelitian. Ditemukan aplikasi koding ICD 10 telah dimanfaatkan dalam pelaksanaan
koding rekam medik dengan kendala pada ketidakjelasan tulisan dokter sebagai penegak
diagnosa dan tindakan medis, ketidaklengkapan pengisian resume namun, sangat efisiensi
dan efektifitas membantu petugas rekam medis dan user dalam pencarian kode diagnosa
lebih mudah, cepat dalam pencarian kode diangosa penyakit. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian
tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa ICD-10 membantu pekerjaan petugas rekam medis
dalam pencarian kode diagnosa dan kode penyakit.

Kata Kunci : akurat, efisien, ICD-10, koding, kendala, rekam medik


The ICD-10 application is one of the tools for coding the diagnosis of a medical
recorder. ICD-10 facilitates systematic recording and diagnosis of diseases and other
health problems which are supported by disease classification guidelines through the
Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 50 / MENKES / SK /
I / 1998 concerning the Application of International Statistical Classification so that ICD-
10 is officially used throughout Indonesia The research used a literature study method
with qualitative analysis which was carried out by describing the facts that were then
analyzed, described, looking for similarities, views, and summaries of several studies. It
was found that the ICD 10 coding application has been used in the implementation of
medical record coding with the problem of unclear doctor's writing as the enforcer of
medical diagnosis and action, incomplete resume filling, however, the efficiency and
effectiveness of helping medical record officers and users in finding diagnostic codes is
easier, faster in searching code diangosa disease. Based on the results of this study, it can
be concluded that the ICD-10 assists the work of medical record officers in searching for
diagnosis codes and disease codes.

Keywords: accurate, efficient, ICD-10, coding, constraints, medical records

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