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My name is idayat eniola Raheem ,300level statistics department ,I just want to share my experience of

my 12weeks mentorship program.I worked at Mo’s regal kitchen,we deal with foods continental cuisine
and pastries, actually I’ve been learning at Mo’s regal kitchen before we were asked to go for the
12weeks mentorship program and I have a lot of ideas about baking catering so for the 12weeks
program I had to go and learn more from my boss and it was nice knowing more ,I did a lot of practicals
and had to teach the new students also because I was my boss best student so she was happy I came
back to learn more so I was in charge of teaching new students and also it was a great opportunity for
me to learn more because I learnt more of content creating and new ways of plating foods and new
continental cuisine,I was given an assignment by my boss to make a 3tier cake within 2days that was my
first time of making a 3tier cake and I was so happy I could do it even with all the fear I had to overcome
my fear and had enough courage to make a 3tier cake ,I had a lot of experience at work with my boss
and it was nice having ceo of Mo’s regal kitchen as my boss

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