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Leai Faye C.

BSAF 3-2
Rizal’s Life, Work and Writings
Activity 4

Do you think students like you should engage in political rallies concerning political issues? Give
your stand on this matter.

• In my opinion, I should not engage in any political rallies concerning political issues. I
know and understand that students are conducting rallies for the government to hear
their voices. Hence, the treatment that they are receiving during and after their rallies is
harsh. Some of them get bruises and injuries from the rallies that they are making. I do
not want to experience that. I suggest that students like us should voice our concerns in
the right way. We should reach out to our government nicely. We should voice our
concerns in a way that no one gets hurt. If they still do not listen to our concerns, that is
the time when we should conduct this kind of rally, but in a nice way and in the correct
place. If they do not want to listen to our concerns, this is the time when we should
realize and evaluate: are the people we put in government positions the right people?

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