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Summary of the Important Finding and Recommendations

4.1 Setting, Purpose, and Description of Project

Setting: The project focuses on establishing a Honey Toast dessert business in a suitable

location. The setting will encompass a stylish and inviting environment where customers

can enjoy the unique and visually appealing Honey Toast creations. The business will aim to

create a warm and welcoming atmosphere that enhances the overall dining experience.

Purpose: The purpose of the project is to meet the growing demand for innovative and

indulgent desserts, specifically focusing on the popular dessert known as Honey Toast or

Shibuya Toast. The project aims to provide customers with a fun and memorable dessert

experience by offering a wide range of Honey Toast variations with delicious toppings,

high-quality ingredients, and visually stunning presentations.

Project Description: The Honey Toast project centers around crafting and serving the

renowned dessert, Honey Toast. Honey Toast features thick, fluffy slices of bread toasted to

perfection and topped with an ingredients such as honey, fresh fruits and creamy ice cream.

The project will emphasize the uniqueness of Honey Toast by offering a variety of flavor

combinations and artistic presentations that appeal to customers seeking a visually

captivating and indulgent dessert experience.

The process of serving Honey Toast involves the following steps:

a. Preparation: The bread slices will be sourced and prepared in-house, ensuring their

thickness, fluffiness and perfect toasting.

b. Toppings and Ingredients: The project will source high-quality ingredients, including

honey, fresh fruits, and premium ice cream, to create a delightful combination of flavors and

textures on top of the Honey Toast slices.

c. Presentation: The Honey Toast will be meticulously arranged and presented in an

aesthetically pleasing manner, ensuring a visually captivating dessert that customers can't

resist sharing on social media.

d. Self-Service: Customers will have the freedom to serve themselves the desired amount of

Honey Toast slices and customize their toppings based on personal preferences. This self-

service aspect adds a fun and interactive element to the dining experience.

4.2 Market Potential

Market Potential: The Honey Toast business has a strong market potential,

appealing to a diverse range of demographics including:

 Gender: Honey Toast appeals to both male and female customers, with its

visually captivating presentation and indulgent flavor combinations

attracting a wide audience.

 Age: Honey Toast can cater to various age groups, including younger

generations who seek unique dessert experiences and older individuals

looking for a nostalgic twist on traditional desserts.

 Occupation: The business can attract customers from various occupations,

including students, working professionals, and individuals from the creative

industry, who have visually appealing value and Instagram-worthy desserts.

 Interests: Honey Toast appeals to dessert enthusiasts who are interested in

trying new and innovative culinary creations. The unique nature of Honey

Toast, with its customizable toppings and artistic presentations, captures the

interest of those seeking a memorable dessert experience.

4.3 Source of Production Supplies

The production supplies for the Honey Toast business will be sourced from local

suppliers who prioritize quality and freshness. High-quality bread slices will be obtained

from local bakeries known for their expertise in creating thick and fluffy bread.

Premium honey varieties will be sourced directly from local beekeepers and honey

farms, ensuring the freshest and most flavorful options. Fresh fruits and ice cream

toppings will be procured from local produce markets and dairy suppliers, supporting

the local community while ensuring the best quality ingredients. Additionally,

decorative elements such as edible flowers and chocolate drizzles will be sourced from

local specialty baking suppliers and confectionery distributors, adding a touch of local

charm to the visually appealing Honey Toast creations.

4.4 Technical Feasibility

Our Technical Feasibility will include several feasibility assessments, such as

SWOT Analysis, Porter’s Five Forces Model Analysis, as well as PESTEL Analysis.

The SWOT Analysis are as follow:

 Strengths: Unique and visually appealing dessert, customizable flavor

combinations, potential for strong brand recognition and social media

presence, opportunity to create a memorable dining experience.

 Weaknesses: Limited customer familiarity in certain markets, reliability

on specific ingredients and suppliers, challenges in managing toast base


 Opportunities: Increasing demand for unique desserts, potential to tap into

experiential dining and social media-driven food culture, expansion and

franchise possibilities.

 Threats: Competition from existing dessert establishments, fluctuating

ingredient costs and availability, evolving consumer preferences and


As the year goes by, there might be threats that force our business to keep on

developing. To predict the potential barriers of the business, we use Porter's Five Forces

Model Analysis. There are five forces in the environment according to Michael Porter

that can affect the business:

 Threat of New Entrants: Moderate

Potential for new dessert businesses to enter the market due to the growing

demand for unique desserts. However, establishing a strong brand and gaining

customer loyalty may act as a barrier to entry.

 Bargaining Power of Suppliers: Low to Moderate

Suppliers of bread, honey, fruits, ice cream, and decorative elements may have

some bargaining power.However, the availability of multiple suppliers and the

ability to source locally can provide options and reduce supplier power.

 Bargaining Power of Buyers: Moderate

Customers have some bargaining power as they can choose from various dessert

options and may compare prices and offerings. However, the unique and visually

appealing nature of Honey Toast can differentiate it and reduce buyer power to

some extent.

 Threat of Substitutes: Moderate to High

There are various dessert options available in the market that could serve as

substitutes for Honey Toast. Other visually appealing and customizable desserts

could attract customers away from Honey Toast.

 Competitive Rivalry: Moderate to High

The dessert industry is highly competitive, with numerous establishments offering

a variety of dessert options. Competition can come from traditional dessert shops,

cafes, and other trendy dessert concepts.

PESTEL Analysis is an analysis conducted by marketers to analyze and monitor

the macro-environment factors that can impact on an organization. Therefore, this

analysis can be used to predict the future prospects of a business. Pester Analysis are

divided into a several indicators, such as:

a. Political

b. Economic

c. Socio-cultural

d. Technological

e. Environmental

f. Legal

The following shows the PESTEL Analysis that we have conducted:

a. Political: The Honey Toast business complies with government

regulations, such as Law No. 29 of 4947, ensuring adherence to the law

and maintaining a standard of operation.

b. Economic: The business operates in a stable and gradually growing

economy, indicating a favorable environment for consumer spending on

indulgent food items like Honey Toast.

c. Socio-cultural: There is a significant interest among people to spend

their money on unique and visually appealing desserts like Honey Toast,

aligning with the current socio-cultural trends and preferences.

d. Technological: The business capitalizes on social media platforms for

promotion, leveraging the widespread use of technology to reach and

engage with a larger audience.

e. Environmental: The Honey Toast business promotes sustainability by

minimizing the use of plastic and paper, showing its commitment to

environmental responsibility.

f. Legal: The business holds a valid license to sell HALAL foods and


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