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| S13

Proposal Evaluation: Impact and Viability Date:

Evaluate the different aspects of each of your short-listed action proposals.

Action Proposal 1 Phycologist

a What problem or objective will the solution address?

Having a person to talk and express your feelings

b Can this action have an impact on someone’s life? Explain.

Yes, because it will help students

c What tasks are required for us to participate in this initiative?

Convince the director, convince students, and convince family parents

d What resources are required or available for us to implement this action?

The money of parents

e Can we access the resources required to perform this action?

Maybe, because we need to convince family parents

f Can we perform this action in one week? If not, explain why.

Not because we need to convince many people and money, and furniture.

g What is your opinion of this solution?

That it will not serve too much, because like the unique time we had is at recess and it
will be so occuped

8th Grade · Challenge 1 · Health & Well-Being 1


Proposal Evaluation: Impact and Viability Date:

Action Proposal 2 Feeling box

a What problem or objective will the solution address?

That you can express your feelings with liberty

b Can this action have an impact on someone’s life? Explain.

Yes, because like many people need like do something

with hands to express and writing is a good form

c What tasks are required for us to participate in this initiative?

Having and box and announcemt

d What resources are required or available for us to implement this action?


e Can we access the resources required to perform this action?


f Can we perform this action in one week? If not, explain why.


g What is your opinion of this solution?

It will help many people with their feelings

8th Grade · Challenge 1 · Health & Well-Being 2


Proposal Evaluation: Impact and Viability Date:

Action Proposal 3 Inside Out Parody

a What problem or objective will the solution address?

The way you need to express your feelings

b Can this action have an impact on someone’s life? Explain.

Like knowing that other people are suffering

c What tasks are required for us to participate in this initiative?

Record, make and story, edit

d What resources are required or available for us to implement this action?

Get in a house and something to record

e Can we access the resources required to perform this action?


f Can we perform this action in one week? If not, explain why.


g What is your opinion of this solution?

That is so good to advertise people that they are not alone

8th Grade · Challenge 1 · Health & Well-Being 3

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