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I, As a Grade 8 Student

Arvin M. Gologabin

Good afternoon to all the Grade 8 students of Aquamarine, my classmates, and to our
beautiful English teacher, Ma’am Lorina P. Macalos.
Today, I stand in front of you to deliver a speech about my journey being a Grade 8
student. Like everybody else, I also had my fair share of school life flashbacks of my life. A
student understands the meaning of school life and they consider it to be the golden time of
their lives.
My school life was a learning experience for sure. Being a Grade 8 student is an
incomparable part to my past year levels. I’ve had a lot of mistakes. I can remember how
naïve I was. Yet I have been saved thanks to my genuine friends and real teachers. I still
remember how my classmates became my friends. During weekends we would play online
games and stroll around in our town and neighboring towns. We would also take part in
various co-curricular activities such as school-based encampment as Boy Scouts. When I
entered this year, I was a Grade 8 student who was shy and afraid of my classmates. And now
that I’m moving up scared of leaving my Grade 8 life, friends, and inspiring teachers.
Moreover I enjoy going to barrio fiesta not just because of food but because of the bonding
and the friendship we create.
Dear classmates, it is really sad that we’re going to be separated next school year. I
hope we all enjoyed being a Grade 8 student this year together. That it was a great experience
for all of us. I hope we all become achievers academically. Know that I’m always here as a
friend. We’ll still see each other next school year as Grade 9 students, so let us not forget
each other. As we pass by other, if ever we get in separate sections, let us smile and
remember how happy we were. Good luck to all our future endeavors and thank you all for
the wonderful memories.

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