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Chemistry Exemplar Paper

Section A – Short response questions


1. Table given below shows number of electrons and protons of given elements.

element No of electrons No of protons

X 13 10
Y 18 18
Z 11 10

Which ones of the elements given above are cations?

A X and Z C all of them
B Y D none of them (2)

2. When all the electrons of an atom appear in the first main energy level, the element
can ONLY be in:
A Group 1 C Group 3
B Group 18 D Period 1 (2)

3. When a chlorine atom forms an ion, the ion will have the same number of electrons
A Ar C O2-
B Ca D Na+ (2)

4. When a metal atom combines with a non-metal atom, the non-metal atom will…
A lose electrons and decrease in size.
B lose electrons and increase in size.
C gain electrons and decrease in size.
D gain electrons and increase in size. (2)

5. Which substance is an example of a network solid?

A nitrogen dioxide B carbon dioxide
C sulfur dioxide D silicon dioxide (2)

6. Which element does the following electron configuration represent?
B Mg D Si

7. Which of the elements below has the greatest mass number?

A Argon C Potassium
B Lithium D Neon

8. Consider the trends in ionization shown below. Which of the statements is false?

A the ionization energy generally increases as you move across a period

B the noble gases have the highest ionization energies
C the ionization energies drop after the alkali metals
D the ionization energy of nitrogen is higher than that of oxygen (2)

9. Which of the following properties is not a result of metallic bonding?

A luster C malleability
B conductivity D low density (2)

10. Which of the following is an example of a synthesis reaction?

A manganese dioxide added to hydrogen peroxide
B heating of hydrated copper(II)sulphate
C heating of copper carbonate
D magnesium ribbon burns in oxygen (2)

TERMINOLOGY (Question 6-10)

Give the correct scientific term for each of the following.

6. Substances found on the periodic table. (1)
7. The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom. (1)
8. A change that does not alter the chemical nature of the substance. (1)
9. A change of substances into other substances through a reorganization of the
atoms. (1)
10. A group of two or more atoms that are covalently bonded and that functions as a
unit. (1)

Section B – Contextual questions


Consider the substance, SiF4.

1.1 Give the chemical name for this compound. (1)
1.2 Draw a Lewis diagram for this compound. (2)
1.3 Draw an Aufbau (energy level) diagram for fluorine. (3)
1.4 Give the electron configuration for silicon. (2)
1.5 SiF4 forms when hydrogen fluoride reacts with silicon dioxide. This reaction
produces some water as well.
1.5.1 Is this considered a chemical or physical change? Give a reason for your
answer. (2)

1.5.2 Write a balanced chemical equation for this reaction. (4)

1.5.3 Silicon dioxide is also known as silica. What type of particles does silica
have? (1)


Magnesium and calcium are both alkaline-earth Metals.

2.1 Why are both these elements grouped together on the Periodic Table? (1)
2.2 Magnesium has two isotopes, magnesium-24 and magnesium-26. The relative
atomic mass of Mg is 24,3 g. (3)
2.2.1 Define the term isotopes. (2)
2.2.2 Use the information given to deduce the relative abundance of
magnesium-24. (4)

2.3 How does the atomic radius of calcium compare to the atomic radius of
magnesium? (1)
2.4 Which metal will be the most reactive metal, magnesium or calcium? (1)
2.5 Calcium metal reacts with nitric acid to form calcium nitrate solution and hydrogen
gas. Write a balanced chemical equation for this reaction. Include state symbols in
your final answer. (5)
2.6 Magnesium bonds with chlorine to form magnesium chloride.
2.6.1 Use Lewis diagrams to show the formation of magnesium chloride. (3)
2.6.2 What structure will solid magnesium chloride have? (1)
2.6.3 What type of particle is the smallest particle present in magnesium
chloride? (1)
2.6.4 Magnesium chloride dissolves well in water. How does the electrical
conductivity of solid magnesium chloride compare with the conductivity of
magnesium chloride solution? (2)

2.6.5 The reaction produces thermal energy, is this considered an endothermic or

exothermic reaction? (1)


Classify the following as Homogeneous, Heterogeneous or pure substances:

3.1 air (1)
3.2 salt in water (1)
3.3 copper metal (1)


Copy and complete the following table by filling in the missing information

Chemical name Chemical formula Type of bonding

zinc sulphate

Na3PO4 ionic


phosphorus trifluoride covalent



From the list of solids given below, choose one correct answer for each statement.
Options may be used multiple times.

copper magnesium oxide hydrogen fluoride oxygen

5.1 Particles are held together by strong Coulombic forces. (1)

5.2 The bonds between atoms are polar covalent. (1)

5.3 The bonds between atoms are non-polar (pure) covalent. (1)

5.4 Good conductor of electricity and heat. (1)

5.5 A material with a sea of delocalized electrons around positive kernels. (1)

5.6 Bonds formed due to the transfer of electrons. (1)

5.7 Forms a crystal lattice structure. (1)

5.8 Forms simple molecular structures. (1)

5.9 Contains a double bond. (1)

5.10 Formed when a single pair of electrons are shared unequally between two atoms
in the molecule. (1)


The following notation can be used to represent element X. This element can be found
on the left-hand side of the periodic table.
6.1 How many protons does this element have? (1)
6.2 Determine the number of neutrons in the nucleus. (1)
6.3 This element can be found on the right-hand side of the periodic table. Would this
element be able to conduct electricity? (1)
6.4 Would this element have a higher or lower electronegativity than potassium? (1)

6.5 Would this element be more likely to form positive or negative ions? (1)


An unknown element is found in the second period of the periodic table and has four
electrons in its p-orbital. This element forms an ionic bond with element Y.
6.1 Identify the element using your periodic table. (1)
6.2 What is meant ionic bond? (2)
6.3 Would element Y be a metal or a non-metal? (1)

[Total: 95 marks]

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