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What can you propose to win the battle against suppression of press freedom
in the Philippines? 
= As a student journalist, I would love to write unconditionally. Expressing the truth
without the fear of being suppressed is really a magical thing to do. It might also be
a source of inspiration to continue writing in this country where writers are
somewhat called liars, and where journalist where treated as terrorists.

2.If you are already a professional media influencer like the subject in the
documentary film, how will you encourage the people to be Media Information
= Now that the impending date of our documentary film as a subject requirement
draws near, it somehow gives me the gist of the struggle of making people a Media
Information Literate. If in some case I get the chance to be a professional media
influencer someday, I would continue in making documentary films that exhibits
the truth and nothing but the truth. Philippines is a country whose in love with the
entertainment culture but close-minded to these kinds of topics. It is me, us, who
are privileged to learn stuffs connected with these social issues and do such thing
to help them be literate in this field. I would always use my knowledge to promote
how education is really powerful and how does being literate can shape our
country and of the whole world.

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