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Short Business Description

Provide a short description of your selected business

Business Name


Description of the business (two to three sentences)

● Harume is a business that producing handmade and natural product

range that include artisan soap, aromatherapy massage oil, body butter
and deodorant stick.
● We are a B2C company that located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur.
● Our business operated fully online. We using marketplace platform to
sell our product.
Draft a SMART goal for your selected business

Specific What needs to be done?

Measurable Can it be measured?
Achievable Can it be done?
Relevant Should it be done?
Time-bound When will it be done?

Harume Goals

● To achieve total sale RM1500 (10 boxes) per week for

the month of August for upcoming new launch of our
Gift Box set named Kotak Cinta (Love Box). Based on
the trend in the number of subscribers we currently
have, we believe we can achieve the target.
Key Performance Indicators
Draft three KPIs for your selected business based on your SMART goal for your
selected business

● Total Sales - our goal is to have 10 buyers to our new

launch gift box – we have to track our total sales by the
1 end of every week

● Post reach and engagement – more reach and

engagement will increase the conversion

● Conversion rate – to meet our sales target

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