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Business Description
Provide a short description about the business you have selected

Business Name

Hikaya Snaps

Description of the business

We are small grown B2B company in Jakarta with experience in business photography since
2013. We focus on child photography on candid pictures that brings out a child personality. We
bring something new and different to the pictures of your child memories in school era. We
offer a modern photography services creating a unique modern twist. Our have also worked
with hundreds of wedding events to create wedding photography. Our company is also
considering focusing on weddings as a new line of business. Get discount until 40% in first ten
days every month in this 2024.

Achieve 1000 new customers in the first semester of 2024 in both child and wedding
photography. All services offered online but the the photographers work offline. Based on the
trend in the number of kindergarten students been accepted and graduated every end of
semester in Jakarta, we believe we can achieve at least 1000 new customers. We will also
recruit new photographers working in other islands in Indonesia that will work under our brand/
Key Performance

Key Performance Indicators
Draft three KPIs for the business you’ve selected

Subscriptions/sales - our goal is to have 1000 new customers to our new child and wedding
photography service ; therefore, we need to track our sales to ensure we are on track for
the end of the month.

Website traffic to new product page - we know the likelihood of customers subscribing will
increase the more we send to the new product page.

Conversion rate - we need to understand how many of the number of people coming to the
site are actually subscribing so we can optimize the landing page or the traffic coming to the
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