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Submitted to the English Education Study Program, Language Education Faculty

of IKIP Siliwangi in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Sarjana

Pendidikan Degree



ID 19220234









Jihan Ayu Yustiana
ID. 19220234

Approved by

Supervisor I Supervisor II

Acep Haryudin, M.Pd, Cynantia Rachmijati, M.M.Pd,

NIDN. 0402018602 NIDN. 0409038302

I hereby certify that this research paper entitled “Improving Writing Skills of

Narrative Text Assisted by Cartoon Film for Tenth Grade Student in

Bandung Barat” is completely my own work, where due references are made in

the text and that contains no material which has been submitted for the awards of

any other Degree or Diploma in any University or Institution. I am fully aware I

have cited some statements and ideas from many sources, and all of the citations

are properly acknowledgment. If any claims related to this paper persist in the

future, I will be fully responsible for clarification.

Cimahi, 2023


Jihan Ayu Yustiana


Praise to Allah SWT, who has given convenience to the researcher for fisnishing

this paper entitled “Improving Writing Skills of Narrative Text Assisted by Cartoon

Film for Tenth Grade Student in Bandung Barat”. Additionally, the research would

like to convey his profound gratitude to everyone who helped the researcher in

completing this research paper. This research paper contains some examples of

teaching writing narrative text assisted by cartoon film can help students to learn

English and improving their skills, especially in writing skills. Hopefully, this

research paper can help the readers to expand their knowledge about writing skill.

Cimahi, 2023


Jihan Ayu Yustiana


“You gotta be your own hero”

This paper is dedicated to:
My beloved parents
My Grandmother
My older sister
and the last for Myself


Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, praise to Allah SWT, for his blessing and mercies so

that the researcher could start and finish writing this research as who has given

guidance, mercy, and good health so the researcher was able to finish this research.

Shalawat and salam are delivered to our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW.

During the completion of this paper, the researcher get a lot help, advice and

motivation from many people, therefore, the researcher would to express her

gratitude to:

1. Acep Haryudin, M.Pd as the first supervisor, thank you for your careful

guidance to finish this thesis.

2. Cynantia Rachmijati, M.M.Pd as the second supervisor, thank you for the

careful and suggestions that are valuable to the researcher.

3. Yana, S.Pd, M.Hum as Head of study program of English education.

4. All lecture of English education studies program in IKIP Siliwangi.

5. Ayu Rosania Janari, S.Pd, as English teacher of SMK Cendekia Batujajar.

6. Students of SMK Cendekia Batujajar for objective research.

7. My beloved parents Sunden Kusumah and Nina Nuryana who always gives

prayer, material, and motivation to complete this studies.

8. My beloved sister Siti Asri Nurlatifah S.Ak, and my grandmother who

always gives support in finishing this thesis.

9. Muhammad Rezqy who saved and provided support to the researcher.

10. All of my beloved friends.

11. Everyone who helps the researcher finish her studies that she cannot

mentions them one by one.

And finally, thanks are due to all people who have prayed and supported

may Allah, the almighty bless them all.

Cimahi, 2023


Jihan Ayu Yustiana


The objectives of this research were to know the effectiveness of cartoon films in
improving students writing skills of narrative text, to describe the implementation
of cartoon film in improving students writing skills, and to find out students and
teacher obstacles in learning writing narrative text assisted by cartoon film. This
research applied an explanatory sequential mixed method. This research was
conducted students of 10th grade at one of vocational school in Bandung Barat. The
population was consist of 144 students with the sample of 36 students. The
instruments of this research were test, observation, and interviews. The findings of
this research are that after pretest and treatment it show that the value of Sig in
Shapiro-Wilk is 0.091 was higher from >0.05 that shows the data was normal. 0.378
>0.05 it shows that the data is homogeneous, the paired t-test result was 0,000<0,05.
there was effectiveness using cartoon film to improve writing skills. From
observation, the researcher found that learning assisted by cartoon film successfully
improved the students writing skills. From interview result, that the obstacles faced
by students that they still have struggled in determining story ideas and
vocabularies, where as the teachers obstacles was regarding the internet and device.
This research concluded that the use of cartoon film was really helpful in improving
writing skills. This proves that the hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and (Ha) was

Keywords: Writing Skills, narrative text, and cartoon film


STATEMENT......................................................................................................... i
PREFACE .............................................................................................................. ii
MOTTO AND DEDICATION ............................................................................ iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................... iv
ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... vi
TABLE OF CONTENT ...................................................................................... vii
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................... ix
LIST OF FIGURE ................................................................................................ x
LIST OF APPEDINCES ..................................................................................... xi
CHAPTER I........................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1
A. Research Background ................................................................................ 1
B. Research Questions .................................................................................... 4
C. Objective of the Research .......................................................................... 4
D. Hypothesis of the Research ....................................................................... 5
E. Significances of the Research .................................................................... 5
F. Definition of Key Terms ............................................................................ 6
G. Organization of the Research ..................................................................... 7
CHAPTER II ......................................................................................................... 9
LITERATURE REVIEW..................................................................................... 9
A. Writing ........................................................................................................ 9
1. Definition of writing ............................................................................... 9
2. Process of Writing ................................................................................ 10
3. Indicator of writing .............................................................................. 11
4. Writing Difficulties ............................................................................... 13
B. Narrative text ............................................................................................ 14
1. Definition of Narrative Text ................................................................ 14
2. Generic Structure of Narrative Text .................................................. 15
3. Language Features of Narrative Text ................................................ 15
4. Example of Narrative text ................................................................... 16

C. Cartoon Film ............................................................................................ 17
D. The Advantages and Disadvantages Using Cartoon Film .................... 18
1. Advantages ............................................................................................ 18
2. Disadvantages ....................................................................................... 18
E. Previous Study .......................................................................................... 19
CHAPTER III ..................................................................................................... 24
METHODOLOGY.............................................................................................. 24
A. Research Method ...................................................................................... 24
B. Research Design ....................................................................................... 24
C. Research Procedure ................................................................................. 26
D. Populations and Sample .......................................................................... 26
E. Research Instrument................................................................................ 27
F. Data Collection Technique ...................................................................... 33
G. Data analysis ............................................................................................. 35
CHAPTER IV ...................................................................................................... 39
RESULT AND DISCUSSION............................................................................ 39
A. Results ....................................................................................................... 39
1. The Effectiveness of Improving of Students’ Writing Skills assisted
by Cartoon Film ...................................................................................... 39
2. The implementation of Improving Writing Skills of Narrative text
assisted by Cartoon Film ........................................................................ 43
3. Students’ and Teacher Obstacles in Improving Students’ Writing
skills assited by Cartoon Film ................................................................ 53
B. Discussion .................................................................................................. 57
CHAPTER V ....................................................................................................... 60
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .............................................................. 60
A. Conclusion................................................................................................. 60
B. Suggestions ................................................................................................ 61
REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 63
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 66
APPENDINCES .................................................................................................. 67


Table 3. 1 Instrument Observation Sheet .............................................................. 29

Table 3. 2 Instrument Interview ............................................................................ 31
Table 3. 3 Assessing Rubric .................................................................................. 31
Table 4. 1 The Tabulation Students’ Score ........................................................... 40
Table 4. 2 Normality Test ..................................................................................... 41
Table 4. 3 Homogeneity Test ................................................................................ 42
Table 4. 4 Paired Samples T-test........................................................................... 42
Table 4. 5 Observation Sheet in the First Meeting................................................ 43
Table 4. 6 Observation Sheet in the Second Meeting ........................................... 46
Table 4. 7 Observation Sheet Third Meeting ....................................................... 49
Table 4. 8 Conclusion of Each Meeting ................................................................ 51
Table 4. 9 Interview Students Obstacles ............................................................... 53
Table 4. 10 Field Note Teacher Obstacles ............................................................ 56


Figure 3. 1 Reseacrh Method ................................................................................ 25

Figure 4. 1 First Meeting ....................................................................................... 45
Figure 4. 2 Second Meeting .................................................................................. 48
Figure 4. 3 Third Meeting ..................................................................................... 51


Appendix 1. Letter of Statement..………………………………………………. 68

Appendix 2. Lesson Plan……………………………………………………….. 73
Appendix 3. Assessment Rubric.……………………………………………….. 86
Appendix 4. Students’ Result………………………………………………….. 91
Appendix 5. Observation Sheet and Field Note………………………………. 101
Appendix 6. Interview……..…………………………………………………. 108
Appendix 7. Documentation…………………………………………………...111
Appendix 8. Guidance Card………………………………………………..…..115



This chapter discusses the background of the research, the research questions,

the objectives of the research, the significance of the research, the hypothesis,

the definition of key terms, and the organization of the research paper.

A. Research Background

Teaching and learning activities in writing need some skills for the students

to master. Including writing, listening, speaking, and reading. Writing could

be the most difficult skill compared to others since it several difficulties that

cannot be found in other skills according to Harmer (2007) as cited in

Aulianisa (2019).

Writing has always formed part to the syllabus in teaching of

English. When students can express their feelings, ideas, thoughts and

opinions to others, it means that students are able to write. Process writing

incorporates the four basic: Writing stages- planning, drafting, revising, and

editing. And three other stages externally imposed on students by the

teacher are responding (sharing), evaluating, and post-writing, according to

Pourverdi (2016) as cited in Setiawan & Mulyadi (2021).

The researcher have conducted interviews with teachers in school to

be addressed. The researcher found problems in writing and the learning

process at the school. The first is because the location of this school is not

in the middle of the city, making foreign students with English language and

it is ingrained in their brains that English is difficult, writing skills in English


are in this school is still considered difficult because students are still

confused in determining the right vocabulary for what they write and

compose sentences using proper grammar, students also do not have the

confidence to write because they feel writing in English is quite complicated

and wording or wording is difficult and the letter must be correct, if it is

wrong or different then the meaning will be different.

Most of them had difficulties in writing narrative text because: The

students lack of vocabulary and the students difficulties in using appropriate

vocabulary so they could not develop their writing. The students had low

skill in using correct capitalizations and spelling. The students were not able

to develop their ideas into coherent paragraph and they also could not

organize well their idea into narrative text as stated by Kumala (2019)

entitled “The use of Cartoon films to improve students’ skill in writing

Narrative texts”.

Film is a term associated to the art of making motion pictures. It is

vital to employ engaging media when teaching English, particularly when

teaching writing, so that pupils do not become bored. Cartoon films is

process of giving the illusion of movement to drawings, models, or animate

objects Katchen 1999 as cited in Kumala (2019). Example of the cartoon

film is: The lion king, Coco, Turning Red, and etc. According to Fitriana

(2018) in “The use of animation movies to improve students’ writing skill

of narrative text” cartoon film can make them more fun in learning

english,because the series of event on animation make students easier to


memorize. The plot, scenario, and actors in it will make it easier for them to

generate creative ideas. Students will learn actual examples of past tense

usage from movie participants, making it simpler for them to develop and

organize the proper grammar, spelling, conjunctions, and vocabulary into a

paragraph of narrative.

Therefore, the researcher is interested in investigating the

implementation process of Improving students writing skills assisted by

cartoon film. This research will reveal not only implementation, but also the

students responses to the implementation, as well as their difficulties and

obstacles during the learning process. The researcher will used a cartoon

film produced by Disney Animation Studios that has a title “Encanto”

(2021), with running time 46.25 minutes. The film which tells the tale of

one family, the name is Madrigals, who live hidden in the mountains in

magical house, and every child in the family had a unique gift from super

strength to the power to heal except one, Mirabel. This cartoon film is

included in a fairy tale genre which is one type of Narrative text because

“Encanto” tells a fantasy story shrouded in magic.


B. Research Questions

Based on Research Background, the problems in this research are

formulated as follows:

1. How is the effectiveness of the implementation cartoon film to

improving writing skills students of narrative text for tenth grade


2. How is the implementation in teaching narrative text to improve

students writing skills?

3. What are the students and teacher obstacles in learning narrative text by

using cartoon film to improve students writing skills?

C. Objective of the Research

Based on the formulation of research problems, this study aims to identify

and examine:

1. To know the effectiveness of the implementation cartoon films in

improving students writing skills narrative text

2. To describe the implementation of cartoon film in improving students

writing skills

3. To find out students and teacher obstacles in learning writing narrative

text assisted by cartoon film


D. Hypothesis of the Research

According to Greenwald (1975) null defined as, “not valid; of nil; of no

value, effect, or consequence; insignificant.” The null hypothesis in

statistical hypothesis testing most frequently refers to the idea that there is

no difference in treatment effects or no correlation between variables. In the

behavioral sciences, null hypotheses frequently correspond to the

nonstatistical definition of null, which is that they are “worthless,”

“unimportant,” and possibly “invalid.”

This hypothesis answered of the research questions, hypothesis of this

research include:

Ho: There is not an influence of teaching narrative text by using cartoon

film to improve speaking skill in first grade high school.

E. Significances of the Research

With the implementation of this research is expected to provide input for:

a. Teachers

To motivated teacher in finding a new or good media to teach writing

and useful media. Become a comparative study for teacher in provide

creative learning, a pleasant atmosphere in teaching writing in narrative


b. Students

To improving writing skills. Hopefully students can get to know the

benefits of learning by using visual media such as cartoon films and

motivated to be more interested in writing.

c. School

Hopefully this study will motivated school to provide better learning


F. Definition of Key Terms

To specify the key terms used in this research in order to prevent

misconceptions of the terminology and topic content:

1. Improving writing skills

An activity or efforts to learning writing, using some method or media

for the better in writing and improve the wiritng skills.

2. Writing skill

Writing is an activity in which characters are used to generate a some

note. Writing skill is our process of pouring the ideas that are in our

minds to be made into writing in a learning process.

3. Narrative text

Narrative text is a story with complication or problematic it tries to find

the resolutions to solve the problems.


4. Cartoon film

Cartoon is a film for cinema, or television, made with clay, dolls, 3-D

models, and another materials. As an audiovisual, Cartoon film can

motivate students in learning process.

G. Organization of the Research

The content of the paper are as follows:

Chapter I Introduction : This chapter shows the

background of the research,

research questions, objectives

of the research, significance of

the research, definition of key

terms and organization of the


Chapter II Literature Review : This chapter presents the

theoretical framework from

some literature review to

support the research about

improving writing skills of

narrative text for tenth grade

students assisted by cartoon


Chapter III Methodology : This chapter provides the

methodology and procedures

used in this research, in order

to get the data to answer the

question in chapter 1.

Chapter IV Results and Discussion : This chapter explains the

results of the research, based o

the data collection process.

Chapter V Conclusions and Suggestions : This chapter shows the

conclusions of the research.



This chapter explains in detail about writing, the definition of writing, the

process of writing, indicators of writing, Narrative text, the definition of

narrative text, generic structure of narrative text, language features of narrative

text, and Cartoon Film.

A. Writing

1. Definition of writing

Raimes 1983 define writing is the ability to use the eyes, brain, and hand

to express ideas, feelings, and thoughts in words, phrases, and

paragraphs. Conversely, writing is the mental act of coming up with new

ideas. Consider how to articulate them and how to organize them into

statements and paragraphs that are understandable to a reader. The

writer imagines, organizes, drafts, edits, and reads as part of the writing


Writing is one of the most powerful communication tools used today

and for the rest of our life. Writing is the process of thinking to invent

ideas, thinking about how to express into good writing, and arranging

the ideas into statements and paragraphs clearly. Heaton 1975 in Fauziah

et al., (2021) argues that “writing skills are complex and sometimes

difficult to teach, requiring mastery not only of grammatical and

rhetorical devices but also of conceptual and judgemental elements”.


Meanwhile, Meyers (2005:2) says writing is producing language

through a technique accomplish when you doing something and when

you speak. Writing is verbal communication with other people. Writing

is also an action process that involves organizing your thoughts, putting

them on paper, and then reshaping, and editing them.

2. Process of Writing

Kroll (1997) in (Vangah, F. Pourvandi, Jafarpour, M., & Mohammadi,

2016) argues the main focus in writing instruction is on the process of

creating writing rather than the end product. Process writing in the

classroom is highly structured since it demands the orderly teaching of

process skills. At all phases of the writing process, teachers frequently

arrange appropriate classroom activities to enhance the learning of

certain writing skills.

According to Harmer in Raudatus (2020) the writing process is the

stage a writer goes through to produce something in the final written

form. The following are examples of designed learning experiences for


a. Planning

Planning is the stage students learn to organize and structure their

writing during the planning stage. It’s mostly about coming up with

new ideas.

b. Drafting

The core of process writing is drafting. Write the main body of using

the paragraphing structure you have been planned. The writer must

use the idea that he generated in the planning as a guide.

c. Responding

You will have gotten feedback about your composition from several

of your classmate.

d. Revising

To get the right information, you must revising. Revising includes

adding, changing, rewriting, and developing.

e. Editing

The way to revise and improve the first draftis called editing. Editing

is essential part of preparing a piece of writing for public reading or

publication. Editing also means adding, changing, rewriting, and

developing to get the content right.

f. Evaluating

Rewriting the text and implementation the corrections.

3. Indicator of writing

According to Jacob (2012) as cited in Fitriana (2018) there are six

categories that are often the basis for the evaluation of students writing.

There are five components of writing as follows:


a. Content

The content of writing is about the ability to think creatively and

develops thought, excluding all irrelevant information. Also the

content of writing should be well unit and complete because the

characteristic of good writing. Content is unity, this means that

every sentence contributes to one principle, unifying throughout.

b. Organization

Organization in writing involves coherence, order or

importance, general to specific, specific to general,

chronological order and spatial pattern and express fluent

expression: ideas clearly stated/supported, succinct, well-

organized. Logical sequence and cohesive.

c. Grammar

Grammar has many patterns that depend on situation and

condition, generally called by “tenses”. Tenses are an importan

material in learning English, because it helps to compose

sentence well, especially in using verb. (Siddiqui, 2020) said that

English tenses in grammar are tools to help speakers to express

time in the language.

d. Vocabulary

Vocabulary as one of the requirements of good writing is always

dependent on the effective use of the word. Vocabulary is one of

the language aspects dealing the process of writing.


e. Mechanics

Mechanics includes the capitalization, punctuation, and spelling

appropriately. This aspect is very important simce it leads the

reader to understand or recognize immediately what the author

means certainly.

4. Writing Difficulties

In writing, students often find difficulties in transferring ideas from their

source language (Indonesia) in to the target language (English).

According to Harmer (2005:16) there are four difficulties in written text,


1. Grammar

The description of how words can take on different forms and be

integrated into sentences in a language is called the grammar of that

language. Communication may suffer if grammatical rules are

broken too casually, and it is very difficult to create appropriate

grammar rules.

2. Vocabulary

Vocabulary included in students difficulties because the vocabulary

since the term has both synonyms and antonyms, which causes

problems for the students. Finding true synonyms is very

challenging for students, although costly and expensive appear to

mean the same on the surface, they differ slightly in that we tend to

use the former in reference to larger projects and sums of money

while expensive has a wider range of applications.

3. Handwriting

Many students struggle to create English letters because of how

different their original language’s with spelling English. Despite

handwriting activities, it should not be anticipated that all students

employ the exact same style. Students with poor handwriting should

be pushed to get better handwriting.

4. Spelling

The fact that there isn’t always a clear correlation between a words

pronounciation and its spelling is one of the reasons spelling is

challenging for English language learners. That issue make spelling

difficult for some students. Reading, especially extensively, is one

of the best way to assist students in improve their spelling.

B. Narrative text

1. Definition of Narrative Text

Pardyono (2007) said in (Purba 2018) says narrative text is a type of text

that consist of problems and remedies, often aimed at giving readers a

moral lesson. According to Anggitaningrum et al., (2021) Narrative text

is a text that tells something imaginative or something that is only

imaginary and its purpose is only to entertain the reader. It is a sort of

writing that is intended to amuse and to engage in various ways with


actual and vicarious experience; narrative also deals with difficult

situations that lead to crises or turing moments in the lives of characters.

According to Delisa and Eliawati as cited in Aulianisa (2019),

Narrative text is essentially a story with events that constitute problem

form one or more characters who are motivated to confort and solve the


Meanwhile Aderson (1997) argues Narrative is aimed to tell stories

that are about a person or a group of people overcoming problems, show

how people react to experinces, and explore social and cultural values.

2. Generic Structure of Narrative Text

According to Gerot and Wignell in (Of & Negeri, 2020), generic

structure of a Narrative text as follow:

a. Orientation: Introduction or opening from the story, includes

introduce the characters, time ,and place.

b. Complication: Describing the rising conflict or problem from the


c. Resolution: Showing the way of participant to solve the problem.

d. R-orentation: It is a closing remark to the story it is optional.

3. Language Features of Narrative Text

Narrative text has five language features. The language features

from narrative text as follow :

a. Past tense: In narrative used past tense (verb 2), e.g. ate, etc

b. Noun: it usually used as pronoun in the story, e.g. grandmother,

carriage, etc.

c. Time connective: conjunction word usually used in narrative text,

e.g. before, after, etc.

d. Action verbs: the verb to show an event or activity e.g. climbed,

wrote, etc.

4. Example of Narrative text

Narrative have 5 kinds of story, the researcher focused to Fairy tale.

The text of Fairy tale from narrative text as follow:


Once upon a time, in a village there lived a beautiful girl named

Cinderella with her wicked stepmother and two step sisters. She

worked hard all day. One day, they all went to a ball in the palace,

leaving Cinderella behind. Cinderella was feeling sad. Suddenly

there was a burst of light and the fairy godmother appeared.

With a flick of the magic she turned Cinderella into a beautiful

princess with glass slippers and a horse carriage appeared at the

door. The fairy godmother warned Cinderella to return before

midnight. Cinderella arrived at the ball, the prince saw her and fell

in love with her.


They dance together all night. As the clock struck twelve, Cinderella

rushed out to her carriage leaving one of her slippers behind. The

prince went to every house in the town with the slipper until he found

Cinderella. The prince and Cinderella lived happily ever after.

C. Cartoon Film

According to Horbny (1995:434) as cited in Kumala (2019) defines Films

as a story recorded as a set moving pictures to be shown on television or the

cinema. Film is a term associated to the art of making motion pictures.

According to Bordwell and Thompson (1997: 50), kinds of film are into:

(1) Animated films, they generally consist of drawing by artist called

cartoons. (2) Documentary films, present information on many subject.

Show men life and work throughtout the world, technology, and illustrate

various aspects of life in nature. (3) Experimental films, are made for many


Watching cartoon film inpire students to find out English Pronunciation

and writing. Cartoon film have significant advantages in teaching learning

process, especially in language teaching. According to Wittich and Schuller

in Kumala (2019) Cartoon is elicits great interest, builds confidence. The

humor in cartoon has great benefits to stimulate students in teaching

learning process, such as: making students feel relax and ejoy in class;

making students paid attention to the story of cartoon films. Poulson (2006)

states that cartoons can offer a wealth of possibilities. Cartoon film is


interesting and increases students motivation. Basically a cartoon is a form

of media which uses animation and characters.

D. The Advantages and Disadvantages Using Cartoon Film

1. Advantages

According to Kacthen (1995) in (Efrizal, 2018) says that cartoon films

or animation movies usually tell a simple story that is easy to follow.

Cartoon may be organized in non-linear ways, highlighthing the

complexity of concepts. Cartoon can appeal to students intrinsic

motivation because they may be more fun for students to share and

review. Cartoon may help students retain information because it uses

both words and pictures (Dual coding theory). Furthermore, the

following benefits of employing film in the teaching and learning

process: (1) Film are excellent at describing processes, especially when

done in “slow motion”. (2) The movie may teach students something,

whether they are intelligent or not. (3) A film can transport student from

one country to another country. (4) If necessary, the movie can be

replayed to increase clarity.

2. Disadvantages

According to Azhar as cited in Fitriana (2018), the disadvantages of

employing film in teaching and learning process are as follows: (1)

English movies are often expensive and time consuming. (2) When the

video is shown, the images change, making it impossible for all students

to follow the information presented in the movie. (3) Film are not always

fit for the demandsand goals of learning. Ocasionally, it is difficult for

the teacher to preview a program, and this increases the possibility of

not being appropriate for a particular group of students. In other words,

the students are the passive subject that only watched and listens to the


E. Previous Study

1. Teaching Writing by using Cartoon Movies for Teenagers in

Salumakarra by Palopo (2021). The focus of this study was to find out

whether the use cartoon movies media improves writing skills for

teenagers in Salumakarra. The researcher applies the pre-experimental

method, there was carried out in one class, and the population of this

research was teenagers (16th-18th) at Salumakarra. The data got from

writing test by gave pre-test and post-test to the teenagers and the data

was analyzed by using SPSS20. Based on the result the researcher

recommending of teching wiritng narrative by using cartoon movies for

teenagers (16th-18th) years old is effective.

2. The Use of Cartoon Films to Improve Students’ Skill in Writing

Narrative Texts by Kumala (2019). The formulated research problem

was “How effective is the teaching and learning process when cartoon

films are used to teach writing narrative texts of class VIII B SMP

Negeri 1 Sidoharjo Sragen?” The focus of this research is about the


improvement of students’ writing skills using cartoon film as media

teaching. This study was classroom action research with the researcher

as the teacher, and the researcher collected the data using qualitative and

quantitative data. The qualitative data was collected from observations,

interviews, while quantitative data collected from the students’ writing

score in pretest and posttest. From this study, some conclusions were

drawn. The increase in students’ participation, students’ performance

and students’ project during teaching learning activity were the evidence

cartoon film as media was successful to be implemented. The students

got easier in generating and organizing the ideas when they write.

3. The Influence of using Cartoon Films Towards Student’s Ability in

Writing Narrative Text at First Semester of the Eighth Grade at SMPN

25 Bandar Lampung in the Academic year of 2018/2019 by Parancana

(2019). This study was focused to find out whether: The influence using

cartoon films in revision stage of teaching writing, especially for

student’s ability in writing narrative text.

4. Improving Student’s Writing Narrative text Through Silent Movie

“Larva” by Anjani (2020). Qualitative methods was conducted in this

research, to collect the data that was supported by the student’s writing

tests result. The isntruments used were interview guidelines and the

observation checklist, the interview was addressed to the students and

English teacher. In conclusion, implementing silent movie “Larva” can

improve student’s writing ability of narrative.


5. Using Cartoon Films to Improve the Students’ Writing Ability at

Elevent Grade by Hartini (2022). The objective of this research is to find

out whether there is a significant difference between the student’s

writing skill of narrative text of the elevent grade students who are

taught by using cartoon film and those who are taught by using

conventional teaching writing. That research it was conducted as

experimental study, and the data collection was test technique. The data

were processes by using t-test. The result shows that there is significant

difference between the group and the hypothesis accepted.

6. The Use of Silent Cartoon Movie “Chom Animation” on Students’

Writing Skill in Narrative Text by Nuraini et al., (2022). This research

aims to improve the writing skills of class XI by using the silent cartoon

movie “Chom Anmation”. This research is a qualitatitve research, and

the research method used is case studies which is a research process in

which researcher get systematic, factual, and accurate. The researcher

made 2 observation because in the first observation the student’s writing

had not been successful, and then the second observation showed that

the students’ writing skill improved after seeing the silent cartoon movie

“Chom Animation”. It was also found that watching the cartoon movie

was more likely to help them improve their English.

7. Improving the Tenth Grade Student’s Narrative Text Writing

Achievement by Using Cartoon Video at MA An-Nur Rambipuji by

Jember et al., (2020). This classroom action research was intended to


improve students’ active participation and their narrative text writing

achievement by using cartoon video at MA An-Nur Rambipuji in the

2019/2020 academic year. Based on the result of the preliminary study

which was done before conducting this research, only 10 student got >

75 while 20 students getting score less than in writing. In addition result

of this research of writing test is showed tht the students writing

achievement improved.

8. The Implementation of Film to Improve Students’ Ability in Writing

Narrative Text by (Usman, 2021). The research using a quasi-

experimental research design. The objective of this research is to test the

effectiveness of film to improve the student’ ability in writing narrative

text. This research using the pre-test and post-test in order to analysze

the students ability in writing before and after the treatment. The result

of the data analysis indicated that the students; ability in writing

narrative text was improved.

9. Improving Students’ Ability to Write Narrative Texts Using Pictures

(Eliyawati 2020) The study is aimed improving students’ writing ability

by using picture in narrative text. The survey used of t-test data of

experimental and control groups on pre-test. The researcher found that

the students gave positive responses on the use of the picture on student

narrative writing skill. It indicates using snapshot is very good, an idea

or belief toward English is essential are excellent, and they also agreed

toward the difficulties of writing text without any media.


10. Improving Students’ Skill in Writing Narrative Text Through

Animation Movie by (Ginting et al., 2019) this research used

quantitative and qualitative research to collect the data, researcher

conducts test. The test are pre-test and post-test. The result showed that

the teaching students‟ skill in writing using video can improve students‟

skill in writing narrative text. An increase in mean scores indicates that

there is an increase in students‟ skill. The student‟s pre-test score was

63.69; it increased to 72.50 in the first post-test up to 78.02 in the second


Based on the theory from previous study writing is a very

difficult skill because it one need to have good skills. Writing, students

must be able to express meaning using language that accurate and can

be accepted by readers. One of them is in writing narrative text, in

writing narrative text it takes imagination and feelings to make a story.

Therefore, students need media that can stimulate their imagination to

create narrative texts.



This chapter presents the research method, research design, research procedure,

the subject of the research, the research instrument, data collection technique

and data analysis.

A. Research Method

The research method used to answer the research question in this research

using Mix Method. According to Creswell (2013) a mix method research is

an approach in research that combines or connects quantitative and

qualitative research method. This method was choosen according to

characteristic because the research question to be answered include

outcomes and processes that involve combining quantitative and qualitative

data. Researcher choose to use Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods


B. Research Design

According to Creswell (2013), in this design consists of first collecting

quantitative data and then collecting qualitative data to help explain or

elaborate on the quantitative result. In explanatory sequential design,

according to Creswell (2013) consist of first collecting quantitative data and

then collecting qualitative data to help explain or elaborate on the

quantitative results. The rational for this approach is that the quantitative


data and results provide a general picture of the research problem: more

analysis, specifically through qualitatitve data collection is needed to refine,

extend or explain the general picture.

Cresweel & Clark, 2011

Figure 3. 1 Reseacrh Method

This research conducted to know the effectiveness, to describe the

implementation, and to find out the obstacles students and teacher of using

Cartoon Film in learning Narrative Text to improving students writing skills

at First Grade of Senior High School in Bandung Barat and this design is

used by researcher because use the explanatory sequential method is to test

the proposed hypothesis, it is hoped that this research can explain the

relationship and influence between the independent and dependent variables

in the hypothesis.

C. Research Procedure

The research procedure according to Creswell, (2013) follows the stages of

Sequential Explanatory Design. There are:

1. Formulate the problem

2. Formulating the theoretical basis and hypothesis

3. Collecting sata and analyzing quantitative data, on students’ writing

narrative text

4. Testing the hypothesis

5. Collecting data and analyzing qualitative data related to writing

narrative text assisted by cartoon film and the difficulties during


6. Analyzing quantitative and qualitatitve data

7. Formulate conclusions and suggestions

D. Populations and Sample

1. Populations

According to Crowl in Merdiawan (2019) population is group of people

to whom researcher wish to apply their finding sometimes researcher

conduct their studies used entire population is carrying out the research,

the research took at ten grade student of SMK in Bandung Barat. There

were four classes the total population can be drawn as follow 72


2. Sample

Sample is subset of people used to represent population, the sample of

this research was class X OTKP 4 that 36 student in one class. To obtain

the sample the researcher used cluster sampling technique as result the

research took the tenth grade students which students as sample of this


E. Research Instrument

This study uses two types of test, observation, and interview as research

instruments. The two types of test namely the pre-test given to students

before students and get post-test given after students receive treatment,

besides that the test contains making a story.

1. Test

This instrument is used to answer the first research questions. With the

test, we could find out what were the student’s difficulties in learning

writing using cartoon film. The test in this research used a pre-test and

post-test practical. The researcher gives the pre-test before the

researcher does the research, and the post-test after the researcher gives

treatment that the researcher wants to analyse and compare the data.

Below are examples of questions test given to participants in pre-test

and post-test:

a. Pre-test

1. Make a Narrative story about Fairy Tale!
2. Do not forget bout generic structure of Narrative text (Orientation,
Complication, and Resolution)

b. Post-test

1. Write a story from this picture!

2. Write a moral message that you get from the film!


2. Observation

This instrument was used to answer the second research questions. To

know the real situation when implementing the media in teaching

writing activity. This attitude observation activity is carried put during

the learning aactivities taking place, by observing participant behavior

individually. This attitude observation assessment format is in the form

of a table designed to facilitate the researcher giving values according

to predetermined criteria.

Table 3. 1 Instrument Observation Sheet

Observation Sheet
Observer :
Teacher :
Date/Time :
Topic :

No Activities Yes No Evidence

1. The students were engaged in
the activity
2. The students participated

actively in teaching and

learning process
3. The students understood the
target language with case
4. Students can understand the
material well

No Activities Yes No Evidence

5. The student understood the
teachers instruction
6. The students faced some

difficulties in accomplishing
the task
7. Students solve in what they
8. Students are able to work in
understanding the material
9. The students asked the
teachers when they have
questions about the materials

10. The students comprehended

the materials
11. The students able to transfer
the material
12. The students summarized or
reflected the lesson

3. Interview

This instruments to answer the research questions about the

implementation of the method in treatment, and about student

difficulties in learning writing comprehension. Interviews are means of

gathering data that is consistent with the study goal. Every interview

must be able to establish a good relation with the respondent in order to

obtain accurate and objective information. The interview questions are

as follows:

Table 3. 2 Instrument Interview

1. Do you find difficulties in writing narrative text?

2. What do you think about learning narrative text with assisted of

cartoon films?

3. What are the shortcomings and obstacles in cartoon film-assisted


4. Is there a difference felt before and after watching the film

“Encanto” in learning to write?

5. Are you going to watch the movie “Encanto” or another cartoon with

the intention of practicing writing in the future?

4. Assessment Rubric

Scoring Rubric from Jacobs, et al (1981) in Assessing Writing (2009)

Table 3. 3 Assessing Rubric

Aspect Criteria Score

Excellent to
substantive; relevant to 30 – 27
very good
assigned topic.
some knowledge of
Good to subject; adequate range;
26 – 22
Average mostly relevant topic,
but lacks detail.
Content limited knowledge of
subject; little substance;
Fair to Poor 21 – 27
inadequate development
of topic.
does not show
knowledge of subject;
Very Poor 16 – 13
no substantive; not

fluent expression; ideas

Excellent to clearly stated/
20 – 18
very good supported; well
organized; cohesive.
somewhat choppy;
loosely organized but
Good to
main ideas stand out; 17 – 14
Organization Average
limited logical but
incomplete sequencing.
non fluent; ideas
Fair to Poor confused or 13 – 10
does not communicate;
Very Poor 9–7
no organization.
sophisticated range;
Excellent to effective word/idiom
20 – 18
very good choice and usage;
appropriate register.
adequate range;
occasional errors of
Good to
word/idiom form, 17 – 14
choice; usage but
Vocabulary meaning not obscured.
limited range; frequent
errors of word/idiom
Fair to Poor form, choice, usage; 13 – 10
meaning confused or
essentially translation;
Very Poor little knowledge of 9–7
English vocabulary.
effective complex
constructions; few
Excellent to errors of agreement,
25 – 22
very good tense, number, word
order/ function, articles,
pronouns, prepositions.
Language Use / effective but simple
Grammar construction; few errors
Good to of agreement, tense,
21 – 18
Average number, word order/
function, articles,
pronouns, prepositions
major problems in
Fair to Poor 17 – 21

constructions; fluent
errors of negation,
agreement, tense,
number word order/
function, articles,
pronouns, prepositions,
and meaning confused
or obscured.
virtually no mastery of
sentence construction
Very Poor rules; dominated by 10 – 5
errors; does not
demonstrates mastery of
convention; few errors
Excellent to
of spelling, punctuation, 5
very good
occasional errors of
spelling, punctuation,
Good to
capitalization, 4
paragraphing, but
meaning not obscured.
frequent errors of
Mechanic spelling, punctuation,
Fair to Poor 3
paragraphing; poor
handwriting; meaning
no mastery of
conventions; dominated
by errors of spelling,
Very Poor punctuation, 2
handwriting illegible.

F. Data Collection Technique

1. The data in this study were processed based on the type of data collected.

Quantitative data in the form of test result to measure the effectiveness

of the application of Narrative text learning to improve students writing


skills assisted by cartoon film media. Quantitative data is processed with

inferential statistics using SPSS. The data was obtained from the results

of two tests, namely the pretest and posttest:

a. Pre-test

At the first meeting the researcher administered a pretest at the

anitial meeting. This test is used to determine and measure student’

abilities in writing skills before treatment. The pretest was held on

February 15, 2023 for X OTKP 4 as a sample. In this study

conducted by writing test questions to see where the ability and

inability of students lies in the test.

b. Post-test

After completing the pretest and also teaching treatment for writing

skills, the researcher gave posttest with the same coverage form the

pretest to get different results, the posttest aimed at knowing and

measuring students’ abilities after pretest treatment. Are there sills

that develop from the treatment that has been given. Posttest is

expected to be able to change the previous values with the strategy


2. The researcher collected the data qualitatitve by checking students

activities in the classroom using observation sheet and interviewing

students to answer the implementation process and the obstacles faced

of teaching and learning Narrative text using cartoon film.


a. Observation

In the process of getting the data through observation, the researcher

used an observation sheet. In this way, the researcher knew the

scenario and implementation of Cartoon film in teaching learning

activities. The researcher could observe student’s behavior in the

classroom. The second part in observation activity used field notes.

Both of them will checked whether the activity was based on steps

of learning or not, to know the best scenario in implementation of


b. Interview

To collecting data of interview the researcher made question about

responses using cartoon film in teaching writing in the classs with

students. The categories of students for interviewed, there are three


G. Data analysis

All of data in this research were processed and analyzed to know the

description of abilities and skill in writing competence and description of

the implementation cartoon film as a media.

1. Quantitative Data Analysis

Quantitative data was taken from the results of fairy tales stories made

by students during pre-test and post-test administration. The data is

collected and assessed as follows:


a. Scoring the students’ result used formula as follows:

Score Assessor 1 + Score Assessor 2

= Final Scores

b. Normality Distribution Test

One-sample shapiro wilk test in SPSS version 26 for windows used

to analyze the normally distributed. In this case, the result of the

normality distribution was also used to find out whether or not the

hypothesis that had been determined was accepted. The first step in

calculating the normality distribution test stated that hypothesis:

Ho: the scores of the sample class are normally distributed.

Ha: the scores of the sample class are not normally distributed.

The second step in calculating the normality distribution test is to

determine the significance level in the level α=0.05. the level

significance criterion for normality distribution states that if the

probability > 0.05, where as if the probability is more than the level

of significance (0.05), the null hypothesis is accepted and the score

are normally distributed.

Normality of the data begins by looking at the using Shapiro-

Wilk. And if the data is not normally distributed the researcher will

do a non-parametric test and do a Wilcoxon test.


c. Homogeneity

According to (Usmadi, 2020) the homogeneity test is used to

determine whether or not certain population variants are the same.

The analysis of dependent sample t-test and ANOVA required the

performance of this test as a prerequisite. The two variance

silimilarity test compares the two variences to determine whether or

not the data distribution is homogeneous. If the data group fits the

normal distribution, homogeneity test can be performed.

d. T-test

The paired sample t-test is used to compare the difference between

two population means in the matched sample design, the paired

sample t-test is frequently utilizied. The fundamental presumption

of this test is that the observations are uncontaminated and normally

distributed (Kim et al., 2018). The paired t-test, sometimes called

the dependent sample t-test was analyzed using SPSS version 26 for

windows. According to Gerald (2018) when performing research,

the first step in the carriable view is to write pre-test in the first

column under the first row. Under data view: In data view we go o

analyse and then click compare means. We move to the paired

sample t-test from comparative means. Move the pre-test scores into

variable 1 and post-test scores into variable 2 under the paired

sample t-test input before click on ok.


2. Qualitative Data Analysis

Qualitative data from observations and interviews were used to

systematically answer implementation and student responses.

a. Observation Sheet

This attitude observation sheet is completed while the learning

activity is in progress by observing each participants behavior. It has

a number of components, including presence, activity, honesty, and

communication abilities. This table-based structure for the attitude

observation assessment is intended to make it easier for the

researcher to provide values in accordance with specified criteria.

b. Interview

The structured interviews have three sub-titles and total 5 questions.

The interview activities were carried out after the posttest was given

to participants. Only students who had highest, sufficient, and lowest

scores of pretest and posttest were interviewed.



This chapter present results and discussion of the research. Result section shows the

research data findings about improving writing skills assisted by cartoon film. In

this part, the description is divided into four subsections: the improvement of

students writing skills assisted by cartoon film in learning narrative text, the

implementing cartoon film in learning activity, and the difficulties during the

process of improving writing skills assisted by cartoon film. Also, present the

discussion section.

A. Results

This section present the result of each instrument based on research questions

started from the improvement of students’ English writing skills assisted by

cartoon film, the implementing of cartoon film I n learning activity, and the

obstacles during the process of improving writing skills assisted by cartoon film.

1. The Effectiveness of Improving of Students’ Writing Skills assisted by

Cartoon Film

This section shows the result of improvement students English writing skills

assisted by cartoon film. This part will explain the statistical result, statistic

is a method relating to the collection and presentation of data so as to

provide useful information the result of the test can be seen as follows:


Table 4. 1 The Tabulation Students’ Score


1 62 76
2 61 74
3 68 75
4 66 71
5 81 73
6 67 90
7 61 69
8 85 90
9 67 90
10 58 69
11 76 90
12 53 76
13 62 71
14 50 69
15 52 81
16 72 75
17 61 71
18 75 80
19 92 96
20 45 67
21 63 67
22 78 81
23 52 81
24 58 65
25 39 61
26 91 97
27 72 87
28 83 82
29 74 76
30 51 96
31 71 88
32 71 88
33 71 67
34 63 74
35 68 70
36 82 83

a. Normality test

To find out the data of the research was normal or not the researcher

used SPSS program software. Can be said data was normal if the

significance values were higher than 0,05. It means if the data is lower

than 0,05 the data is not a normal distribution. The table of normal

distribution test as below: The data was then analysed using the Shapiro-

wilk test to identify the normality

Table 4. 2 Normality Test

Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

PRETEST .074 36 .200* .989 36 .974

POSTTEST .133 36 .108 .948 36 .091

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Based on the table, significance value of pre-test was 0,974 higher

than 0,05 and significance value of post-test was 0,091 higher than 0,05.

It means pre-test and post-test was normally distributed. Because both

of the data was normally distributed, it continued to analyzed

homogeneity test.

b. Homogeneity test

This test is requirement before carried out other tests, such as the T-test.

This test is used to ensure that the data group comes from a population

that has the same variance (homogeneous).


Table 4. 3 Homogeneity Test

Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
pretest-posttest Based on Mean .787 1 70 .378

Based on Median .842 1 70 .362

Based on Median and .842 1 65.551 .362

with adjusted df

Based on trimmed mean .793 1 70 .376

From the result of statistical above, it can be seen that the

significance score is 0,378, it is higher than 0,05. It means the data is

distributed homogen. The researcher than continues the paired t-test.

c. Paired T-test

Table 4. 4 Paired Samples T-test

Paired Samples Test

Sig. (2-
Paired Differences tailed)
95% Confidence
Interval of the
Std. Std. Error Difference
Mean Deviation Mean Lower Upper t df
Pair PRETEST – - 10.852 1.809 -15.616 -8.273 - 35 .000
1 POSTTEST 11.94 6.604

Based on the table above it is known that the Sig (2-tailed) value is

0,000, due to the one-party hypothesis, the sig/2 is 0,000/2 = 0. Then Ho

is rejected and Ha is accepted, so that it can be concluded that the results

of the post-test after giving treatment using cartoon film are effective to

improve students’ writing skills than the result of the pre-test before

giving treatment not using cartoon film.

2. The implementation of Improving Writing Skills of Narrative text

assisted by Cartoon Film

The implementation of improving writing skills assisted by cartoon film

followed teaching scenarios that had been made. In the observation sheet, it

is called pre-activity, whilst-activity, and post-activity. The focus activity

was different in every meeting.

a. First meeting

In the first meeting, there are results of the learning process in the form

of observation sheets as follows:

Table 4. 5 Observation Sheet in the First Meeting

Observer : Ayu Rosania Janari, S.Pd Observation Code:
Teacher : Jihan Ayu Yustiana
Observation Setting :
Date / Time : 22 February 2023
Topic : Meeting 1
No. Activities Yes No Evidence
The student was They trying to adjust
1. ✓
enganged in the activity. learning

The students participated

They answered the
2. actively in teaching and ✓
teachers questions
learning process.
The students understood
They not understand
3. the target language with ✓
explanation in English

They provide feedback

Students can understand
4. ✓ related to the material
the material well.
being studied
The student understood
5. ✓ They did their task
the teachers instruction.
They asked to the
The student faced same
teacher to re-explain

6. difficulties in ✓
something don’t
accomplishing the task.
They asking if there is
Students solve problems
7. ✓ something they don’t
in what they do.
Students are able to work They have been able to
8. in understanding the ✓ work in understanding
material. material together
The students asked the They ask about material
teachers when they have that thet don’t
9. ✓
questions about the understand especially
materials. about language features
The students

Students do not fully

10. comprehended the ✓
understand the material
They able to convey he
The students able to
11. ✓ result of the material and
transfer the materials.
their task
The students
The students summarized summarized the material
12. ✓
or reflected the lesson. in the end of learning

Based on the observation sheet at the first meeting on 22th February 2023

(see in table 4.5) showed that the teaching and learning activity was

running well. And the implementation of cartoon film had been done in

this meeting at whilst activity or the main activity.

a) Pre-activity

This part showed students actively participated in the activity, it

showed by their activity in class. Besides that, students tried to

construct their English capability so that they spoke by mixing the


language between Bahasa and English. In this meeting, 35 students


b) Whilst-activity

In this part, students is excited and would expect to know how about

instruction. Some students had difficulties that they did not

understand what the teacher said and then, the teacher re-explain

what student did not understand yet especially about language


c) Post-Activity

The last observation on post-activity, students and teacher had a plan

for the individual project that the students would do. After that,

student were able to transfer, share their knowledge, and summarize

about the material based on their capability.

Figure 4. 1 First Meeting


b. Second meeting

In the second meeting, there are results of the learning process in the

form of observation sheets as follows:

Table 4. 6 Observation Sheet in the Second Meeting

Observer : Ayu Rosania Janari, S.Pd Observation Code:
Teacher : Jihan Ayu Yustiana
Observation Setting :
Date / Time : 01 March 2023
Topic : Meeting 2
No. Activities Yes No Evidence

The student was They trying to adjust

1. ✓
enganged in the activity. learning
The students participated
Responding what the


2. actively in teaching and

teacher asks
learning process.
The students understood
They can answer what
3. the target language with ✓
teacher asked
They understand and they
Students can understand
4. ✓ will make a story from the
the material well.
The student understood They did the learning
5. ✓
the teachers instruction. activity very well

The student faced same They are confused to


6. difficulties in ✓ determine the correct

accomplishing the task. sentence
Students solve problems They asked to the teacher
7. ✓
in what they do. about some vocabulary
Students are able to work
Overall learning process
8. in understanding the ✓
is individual

The students asked the

teachers when they have They asked when they
9. ✓
questions about the don’t understand

The students
They did the tasks
10. comprehended the ✓
The students able to
11. ✓ They accomplished it
transfer the materials.
The teacher always asks to
The students summarized
12. ✓ students who will
or reflected the lesson.
conclude today materials

Based on the observation sheet at the first meeting on 01th March 2023

(see in table 4.6) showed that the teaching and learning activity was

running well. There were some important points consisting of pre-

activity, whilst-activity, and post-activity.

a) Pre-activity

The students’ responses was good in this activity, it showed by their

answers while the teacher asked and recalled the previous material.

In this activity, the students were more confident when they

delivered and shared their information and knowledge based on

material in previous meeting. All students attended in the second


b) Whilst-Activity

In this meeting, students were more comfortable and more confident

during the activity. This activity is in the form of showing a cartoon

film as a complement to the material, after which students will be

asked to make a story which will later be used as a task. Besides that,

the time in this activity was not enough, so that the teacher was

dealing with the students to continue in next meeting.

c) Post-Activity

The students asked all about what they did not understand to the

teacher actively and the students summarized about the whole

activities in this meeting. The students were enthusiastic about doing

the learning activity.

Figure 4. 2 Second Meeting

c. Third meeting

In the third meeting, there are results of the learning process in the form

of observation sheets as follows:


Table 4. 7 Observation Sheet Third Meeting

Observer : Ayu Rosania Janari, S.Pd Observation Code:
Teacher : Jihan Ayu Yustiana
Observation Setting :
Date / Time : 08 March 2023
Topic : Meeting 3
No. Activities Yes No Evidence
The student was They answer what
1. ✓
enganged in the activity. teacher asked
The students participated They always ask if there
2. actively in teaching and ✓ something don’t

learning process. understand

The students understood They responding the
3. the target language with ✓ questions from the
case. teacher
They are able to
Students can understand understand the
4. ✓
the material well. instruction and do tasks
The student understood
5. ✓ They did the tasks
the teachers instruction.
They already
The student faced same understood the task but

6. difficulties in ✓ sometimes they

accomplishing the task. confused in vocabulary
and grammar
Students solve problems Students complete what
7. ✓
in what they do. they have write
Students are able to work
Overall learning process
8. in understanding the ✓
is individual
The students asked the

teachers when they have They face the teacher to

9. ✓
questions about the the ask questions
The students
10. comprehended the ✓ They tasks are correct

There some a smarther

The students able to
11. ✓ shared the material with
transfer the materials.
their friends
The lesson its clearest
and students
The students summarized
12. ✓ summarized the material
or reflected the lesson.
in the end of learning

The third meeting on 08th March 2023 (see in table 4.7).

a) Pre-Activity

In this activity, students engaged well in responding to the teacher.

When the teacher was recalling the previous meeting material, the

students answered actively. In this meeting all students are attended.

b) Whlist-Activity

The main activities were giving the tasks and evaluating the

experience of the tasks. The students have to make a story based on

the cartoon film they previously watched. After that, the teacher

evaluated the experience of the tasks to know about student’

understanding and their experience after the implementation of

cartoon film as a media teaching learning. In this activity, the teacher

gave the students a change to ask what the students still did not


c) Post-Activity

The teacher asked the students to share their feelings during the

learning activity and did the tasks. The students were enthusiastic

when the teacher asked. It showed that the students had interest in

learning to write using cartoon film. Lastly, the teacher reminded the

students who had not submitted the project to collect their project as

soon as possible.

Figure 4. 3 Third Meeting

Table 4. 8 Conclusion of Each Meeting

NO Meeting Summary
1 Meeting 1 The teacher started with greeting and asks the

(February 22th, 2023) students to pray and then teacher checked the

students attendance list. The teacher presentation

in front of their class about narrative text. At this

first meeting, the teacher explain about definition

of narrative text, generic structure, language

feature, and type of narrative text. Then do the

practice of narrative text. For evaluation, the


teacher asked about the material that had been

studied, let students ask questions if something is

not understood, and make conclusions about the


2 Meeting 2 The class started with a greeting led by the class

( March 01th 2023) leader and the teacher checked attendance list.

The teacher starts learning by asking about

material in previous meeting. In the main activity

the teacher gives a cartoon film to students for

them to watch and understands. Because there

was not enough time the teacher asked students

to continue watching the film in the next


3 Meeting 3 The class began with a greeting led by the class

(March 08th 2023) leader and responded by teacher. The teacher

checked the attendance list. The main activity

included continued the rest of the film they

watched in previous meeting and asks students to

make up a fairy tale story based on the film they

have watched by paying attention to grammar,

vocabulary, and good storyline. After that the

teacher asked the students to share their feeling

during the learning activity and did the taks.


3. Students’ and Teacher Obstacles in Improving Students’ Writing

skills assited by Cartoon Film

a. Students’ Obstacles in Using Cartoon Film to Improve Writing


To identify problems emerging in the field, the researcher made

preliminary classroom observations and interviews. The researcher

interviewed students of X OTKP 4. The interview with the students

were done on 30 February 2023 to three students.

This can be seen from the interview 3 students transcript below:

Table 4. 9 Interview Students Obstacles

No Questions Respons Conclusion

1 Apakah Anda S1: Ya, kadang gaada
menemukan kesulitan ide buat nulis ceritanya
dalam menulis teks S1: (Yes, sometimes I
naratif? don’t have the idea to
(Do you find write a story)
difficulties in writing S2: Kadang suka males Sometimes students
narrative text?) nulis karena ceritanya have difficulty in
harus panjang sama determining what
nyambung, terus suka ideas or themes
kehabisan ide they should write
S2: (Sometimes, I’m too
lazy to write because the
story has to be long and
connected, and running
out of ideas)

S3: Paling di awal-awal

suka bingung harus nulis
cerita apa aja sih miss.
S3: (At first, I was
confused about what
stories to write, miss.)
2 Bagaimana menurut S1: Seru, jadi lebih
anda tentang banyak tau dan dengar
pembelajaran teks kosakata bahasa inggris
naratif dengan yang baru.
berbantuan media S1: Exciting, so I know
film kartun? more and hear new
(What do you think English vocabulary. Students feel
about learning helped by film-
narrative text with S2: Bagus jadi tidak assisted learning,
assisted of cartoon because students
films?) sometimes feel
S2: (Good, so it’s not
bored during
boring) learning, and lack
vocabulary so they
S3: Sedikit pusing karena
make makeshift
film nya bahasa Inggris, stories

tapi seru.

S3: (a little dizzy because

the film is in English, but

it's fun)

3 Apa saja kekurangan S1: Suka bikin gamau

dan kendala dalam belajar lagi, karena


pembelajaran banyak kosa kata yang

berbantuan media baru di dengar jadi

film kartun? harus bolak-balik baca

(What are the subtibtlenya Students less know

shortcomings and S1: (Like makes me not vocabulary in

obstacles in cartoon want to study anymore, English, so they

film-assisted because there are a lot of still need the help

learning?) new words that I hear, so of teachers and

I have to read the dictionaries

subtitles back and forth)

S2: Banyak kata-kata

yang saya tidak tau

dalam Bahasa inggris

jika tidak melihat


S2: (There are many

words that I don't know

in English if I don't see

the writing)

S3: Karena dalam

Bahasa Inggris

S3: (Because in English)


Based on the table interview (see table 4.8) it can be concluded, that the

obstacles experienced by students are mostly a matter is lack of

knowledge of vocabulary, lack of creativity in determining story ideas,

and because they still think English is a difficult and confusing


b. Teacher Obstacles in Using Cartoon Film to Improve Writing


This field note to know teacher obstacles when during learning


Table 4. 10 Field Note Teacher Obstacles

Field Note Observation
Teacher : Jihan Ayu Yustiana
Date/Time :

Time Situation Activitty

Teacher Student
Pre-Activity There are some students The students are less focused
who are still busy with because of learning hours
other activities when the during the day
teacher is in the class

Whlist-Activity Had trouble getting a During the film showing,

signal to stream the film, many students were not
because at that time the paying attention, were
internet was under repair, sleepy, and were chatting
and difficult to control
students to stay focused

Post-Activity It is difficult to convince Students are not confident

students that there are when asked to make learning
those who want to come conclusions in front of the
forward when asked to class
make conclusions or
explain a little about the

B. Discussion
There were three objectives of the research, first to analyze the effectiveness

of improving writing skills students assisted by cartoon film, the

implementation of cartoon film to the writing learning process, and to find

out students and teacher obstacles. The outcomes of the research are

discussed in the paragraph as follows:

1. The effectiveness of improving writing skills students assistes by

cartoon film.

The data show that cartoon film can be giving solution strategy in

improving students writing skills. It can be seen that from Table 4.2 the

data was normal because the significant in Shapiro-Wilk was was 0,944

for pre-test and 0,091 for post-test which more than 0,05 this is can be

implied that the data was normal distributed. Moreover, the table 4.3

showed that the significanct was 0,376 which more than 0,05 it means

the data was homogeny. The researcher also used T-test to analyse the

data on table 4.5 that showed significant was 0,000 it means that Ho is

rejected and Ha is accepted. This is line with Palopo (2021) who utter

learning narrative text assistes cartoon film media is significantly

effective in class.

2. The implementation of cartoon film to the writing learning process.

As can be seen from the data gained observation, the implementation of

cartoon film to the writing learning process was running well. Starting

from pre-activity, there were not any serious problems and the activity

was running well, supported by students who were engaged in the

activity. The second one, students participated actively, and then

students understood the target language.

In the second activity at whilst-activity, students understood the

writing instruction from the teacher. Cartoon film was used as an media

in teaching narrative text to improve writing skills to make students

more creative and independent with their idea in learning. It is in line

with Hartini (2022) students can express their ideas in the right way

because they can convey their messages successfully by using a good

organization if they see significant examples, including film media.

In the final activity was post-activity, that the students have big

enthusiasm in teaching learning process with confidence shared their

learning experience by collecting their tasks and shared with friends,

and the last one students summarized or reflected the material. Besides

that, the students evaluate and share their feelings during the learning

process with the media. It is in line with Pahlawan & Tambusai (2022)

a movie is one among of the visual aids that can be used in a writing

class. It makes lessons more fun. It can also be used to create situation

for writing classes more clearly, that the students have big enthusiasm

in teaching learning process.

3. Teacher and students obstacles when the implementation of

teaching narrative text assisted by cartoon film to improve writing


To know teacher and students obstacles during the learning process, the

researcher gained the data through field note and interview. The

objective of field notes in this research was to know the teacher obstacle,

and the objective of interview in this part want to know the students

obstacles during learning activity. From the data, the most obstacles that

faced by the teacher was in the signal or internet.

And the students obstacles toward lack of vocabulary, and ideas. It

is in line with Astiti in Purba (2018) which argued the students were not

confident to write because they did not master vocabulary, ideas

generation, and grammatical features well. From all of the obstacles

were faced by the students, the students solved the problems by asking

to other students problems they did not understand and using the



In this chapter, the researcher discusses the conclusion of the research and the


A. Conclusion

Based on the results of the research and discussion that have been described

in the previous chapter, three conclusions are obtained as follows:

1. The Effectiveness of Improving Students’ Writing Skills assisted by

Cartoon Film required pre-test, treatment, post-test to get the data and

to analyze the data used SPSS software. From the result statistical

calculation normality test is 0,974 for the pre-test and 0,091 for post-

test. It can be conluded that the significance level of the class is higher

than 0,05 , which means H0 is accepted and the data distribution was

normal. And from the result significance homogeneity is 0,376, it is

higher than 0,05. It means Ho is accepted or in the other words the

variance of population are homogeny. The researcher than continues the

test by using t-test, it can be seen that the value of t-test is the Sig (2-

tailed) value is 0,000, due to the one-party hypothesis, the sig/2 is

0,000/2 = 0. Then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted.

2. In the implementation, has conducted in three meetings. The use of

cartoon film as an media was running well. The investigation revealed

that the students were engaged in the learning and participated actively,

and became challenged to do things.


3. The students’ obstacles toward determining story ideas or have

difficulty imagining, and students find it difficult to master vocabulary.

The students were a little bit confused when watching film if whitout

seeing subtitles. Additionally the teachers’ obstacles toward the internet

signal for streaming the film in schools provide is less stable sometimes.

B. Suggestions

Based on the result of the research, the researcher would like to give some

suggestions, especially for the teacher, students, and for English teaching

and learning activity.

1. For Teacher

The English teachers have to be more creative in finding a new medium,

technique, and approach in order to make the teaching and learning

activity more effective. Besides that, the teacher should pay more

attention to the student’s condition in order to make students still

comfortable and enjoy the activity.

2. For students

Writing is a very essential skill in learning a language. Thus, the students

should try to be more confident and creative when writing some story or

anything. Do not hesitate and be scared to writing english. always

practice because it makes perfect


3. For other researchers

In this research, media cartoon film had been applied in teaching

writing. It is very important to make the activity more effective, always

try to discover an innovative and unique medium, technique or approach

to support the education


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The researcher name is Jihan Ayu yustiana, all of her friend call Jihan. She

was born in Bandung on 23 January 2001. She is the middle child and have one

older sister and one youngest sister. She grew up in Kp. Cihampelas, Kab. Bandung

Barat. She studied at elementary school of SDN 1 Cihampelas and graduated in

2013. She continued her study to junior high school of SMPN 1 Batujajar and

graduated in 2016. Then, she continued her study to senior high school of SMAN 1

Batujajar and graduated in 2019. Than she continued her study at IKIP Siliwangi in

2019. In IKIP Siliwangi she took Faculty of Language Education of English

Education Study Program.







Satuan Pendidikan : SMK Cendekia Batujajar

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : X/2

Materi Pokok : Teks Narrative

Aloksi Waktu : 12 x 45 menit (3x pertemuan)

A. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian
3.10 Menganalisis fungsi • Mengidentifikasi fungsi
social, struktur teks, social teks naratif
dan unsur kebahasaan • Mengidentifikasi struktur
pada teks naratif teks naratif
sederhana, sesuai • Mengidentifikasi unsur
dengan konteks kebahasaan teks naratif
4.15 Menangkap makna • Menceritakan kembali isi
teks naratif lisan dan teks naratif dengan kata-
tulis berbentuk cerita kata sendiri
pendek sederhana • Menentukan struktur teks
naratif dengan benar
• Melengkapi teks naratif
rumpang dengan kosakata
yang tepat

• Menjawab pertanyaan
berkaitan dengan isi teks
naratif dengan tepat

B. Tujuan pembelajaran
1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi social teks naratif
2. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks naratif
3. Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan teks naratif
4. Menceritakan kembali isi teks naratif dengan kata-kata sendiri
5. Menentukan struktur teks naratif dengan benar
6. Melengkapi teks naratif rumpang dengan kosakata yang tepat
7. Menjawab pertanyaan berkaitan denga isi teks naratif dengan tepat

C. Materi pembelajaran
1. Fungsi Sosial (Social function)
To amuse or to entertain the reader with a story
2. Sruktur teks (Generic Structure)
a. Orientation (Pengenalan tokoh dan memberi tahu kapan, dimana
peristiwa itu terjadi : Who,where,when)
b. Complication (Komplikasi : menceritakan awal mula
c. Resolution (Resolusi : pemecahan masalah)
3. Unsur kebahasaan (Language Features)
a. Using Past Tense
b. Active Verbs
c. Conjunction
d. Specific Noun (Noun Phrase)
e. Adjective and Adverbs

D. Metode Pembelajaran
a. Discovery Learning

E. Media/alat, bahan, dan sumber belajar

1. Media : Film kartun, proyektor, laptop, smartphone, power point
2. Sumber belajar
a. Buku paket Splash
b. Internet

F. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pertemuan 1
Sintak Langkah-langkah kegiatan waktu
Kegiatan 1. Guru mengucapkan salam 10 menit
pendahuluan pembuka dan menyapa
peserta didik.
2. Guru menanyakan kabar
kepada peserta didik.
3. Guru dan peserta didik
berdoa untuk memulai proses
4. Guru memeriksa kehadiran
peserta didik.
5. Guru menyampaika tujuan
pembelajaran kepada peserta
Kegiatan Inti 1. Guru mengajak siswa untuk 150 menit
berdiskusi mengenai apa itu
naratif teks dan macam-
macam narrative teks
(mengarahkan mereka

berkomunikasi sebelum
memulai penjelasan tentang
naratif teks)
2. Guru memberikan penjelasan
mengenai teks naratif.
3. Peserta didik diberikan
waktu untuk bertanya
mengenai materi yang belum
4. Guru memerintahkan peserta
didik untuk mencari contoh
naratif teks mengenai
dongeng atau fairytales
5. Guru membimbing peserta
didik untuk memahami isi,
unsur kebahasaan, dan
struktur dari naratif teks.
Kegiatan 1. Guru memberikan
Penutup kesempatan peserta didik
materi pembelajaran.
2. Guru mengakhiri
pembelajaran dengan
memberikan motivasi dan
3. Guru memberikan informari
mengenai materi untuk
pertemuan selanjutnya.
4. Guru dan peserta didik
menutup pembelajaran

dengan doa dan

mengucapkan salam.

Pertemuan 2
Sintak Langkah-langkah kegiatan Waktu
Kegiatan 1. Guru mengucapkan salam 10 menit
Pendahuluan pembuka dan menyapa
peserta didik.
2. Guru menanyakan kabar
kepada peserta didik.
3. Guru dan peserta didik
berdoa untuk memulai proses
4. Guru memeriksa kehadiran
peserta didik.
5. Guru menyampaika tujuan
pembelajaran kepada peserta
Kegiatan inti 1. Guru memerintahkan peserta
didik untuk membuat teks
naratif dengan
memperhatikan unsur
kebahasaan, dan struktur
2. Guru meminta peserta didik
untuk menentukan bagian-
bagian (general classification
and identification) dari teks
naratif yang sudah mereka

3. Guru meminta peserta didik

untuk mengumpulkan
hasilnya dan meminta
beberapa peserta didik
Kegiatan 1. Guru memberikan
Penutup kesempatan peserta didik
materi pembelajaran.
2. Guru mengakhiri
pembelajaran dengan
memberikan motivasi dan
3. Guru memberikan informari
mengenai materi untuk
pertemuan selanjutnya.
4. Guru dan peserta didik
menutup pembelajaran
dengan doa dan
mengucapkan salam.

Pertemuan 3

Sintak Langkah-langkah kegiatan Waktu

Kegiatan 1. Guru mengucapkan salam 10 menit
pendahulun pembuka dan menyapa
peserta didik.
2. Guru menanyakan kabar
kepada peserta didik.

3. Guru dan peserta didik

berdoa untuk memulai
proses pembelajaran
4. Guru memeriksa
kehadiran peserta didik.
5. Guru menyampaika
tujuan pembelajaran
kepada peserta didik.
Kegiatan Inti 1. Guru membahas sedikit 150 menit
mengenai hasil
pembelajaran pertemuan
2. Guru menampilkan film
kartun yang berjudul
3. Guru meminta peserta
didik untuk menyimak
dan mencerna film
4. Setelah itu, guru
memerintahkan siswa
untuk menuliskan dan
menceritakan kembali
beberapa potong adegan
dari film Encanto dengan
memperhatikan unsur
kebahasaan dan struktur
dari teks naratif
Kegiatan Penutup 1. Guru mengakhiri
pembelajaran dengan

memberikan apresiasi
kepada siswa karena
sudah mengikuti
pembelajaran dan
mengerjakan tugas
dengan baik.
2. Guru dan peserta didik
menutup pembelajaran
dengan berdoa dan
mengucapkan salam.

G. Penilaian
a. Aspek Pengetahuan
Jenis penilaian : Tes
Bentuk Penilaian : Uraian
b. Aspek Keterampilan
Jenis penilaian : Non Tes
Bentuk penilaian : Lembar untuk kerja
c. Aspek sikap
Jenis Penilaian: Non Tes
Bentuk Penilaian : Lembar untuk kerja

Teaching Materials (Power Point)


The Carrtoon Film




Scoring Rubric from Jacobs, et al (1981) in Assessing Writing (2009)

Aspect Criteria Score

Excellent to
substantive; relevant to 30 – 27
very good
assigned topic.
some knowledge of
Good to subject; adequate
26 – 22
Average range; mostly relevant
topic, but lacks detail.
Content limited knowledge of
subject; little
Fair to Poor 21 – 27
substance; inadequate
development of topic.
does not show
knowledge of subject;
Very Poor 16 – 13
no substantive; not
fluent expression;
Excellent to ideas clearly stated/
20 – 18
very good supported; well
organized; cohesive.
somewhat choppy;
loosely organized but
Good to main ideas stand out;
17 – 14
Organization Average limited logical but
non fluent; ideas
Fair to Poor confused or 13 – 10
does not communicate;
Very Poor 9–7
no organization.
sophisticated range;
Excellent to effective word/idiom
20 – 18
very good choice and usage;
appropriate register.
Good to adequate range;
17 – 14
Average occasional errors of

word/idiom form,
choice; usage but
meaning not obscured.
limited range; frequent
errors of word/idiom
Fair to Poor form, choice, usage; 13 – 10
meaning confused or
essentially translation;
Very Poor little knowledge of 9–7
English vocabulary.
effective complex
constructions; few
errors of agreement,
Excellent to
tense, number, word 25 – 22
very good
order/ function,
articles, pronouns,
effective but simple
construction; few
errors of agreement,
Good to
tense, number, word 21 – 18
order/ function,
articles, pronouns,
Language Use
major problems in
/ Grammar
constructions; fluent
errors of negation,
agreement, tense,
Fair to Poor 17 – 21
number word order/
function, articles,
pronouns, prepositions,
and meaning confused
or obscured.
virtually no mastery of
sentence construction
Very Poor rules; dominated by 10 – 5
errors; does not

demonstrates mastery
of convention; few
Excellent to errors of spelling,
very good punctuation,
occasional errors of
spelling, punctuation,
Good to
capitalization, 4
paragraphing, but
meaning not obscured.
frequent errors of
spelling, punctuation,
Fair to Poor 3
paragraphing; poor
handwriting; meaning
no mastery of
dominated by errors of
Very Poor spelling, punctuation, 2
handwriting illegible.

Total Scores = 100; minimal sore = 34; maximal score = 100. The result of

the test is then classified into categories of extremely good, good, fair, low,

and extremely low.

0 – 44 = E / Extremely low

45 – 59 = D / Low

60 – 74 = C / Fair

75 – 89 = B / Good

90 – 100 = A / Extremely Good


Percentage The Elements of Writing

Elements of Writing Score

Content 30
Organization 20
Vocabulary 20
Language Use / Grammar 25
Mechanic 5
Total Score 100

Assessment with Intereter

Score Assessor 1 + Score Assessor 2

= Final Scores




1 AMY 62 65 75 77 62 76
2 AR 62 60 68 80 61 74
3 AVH 66 70 91 88 68 90
4 AAH 65 67 70 72 66 71
5 CAL 80 81 70 75 81 73
6 DS 67 66 90 90 67 90
7 DNA 62 59 68 70 61 69
8 DA 84 85 92 88 85 90
9 DRG 70 64 92 88 67 90
10 ENH 58 57 68 70 58 69
11 ES 78 74 91 88 76 90
12 FAB 54 51 75 77 53 76
13 IWA 62 62 70 72 62 71
14 JP 50 50 67 70 50 69
15 LJ 55 53 80 81 52 81
16 MRJ 70 74 75 75 72 75
17 MTJ 61 60 70 72 61 71
18 MM 75 74 81 79 75 80
19 NAA 91 92 95 96 92 96
20 NS 46 44 65 68 45 67
21 NAA 63 62 68 66 63 67
22 PI 78 78 80 82 78 81
23 PSA 55 48 80 81 52 81
24 RA 58 58 65 65 58 65
25 RMN 41 36 60 62 39 61
26 RNN 92 90 97 96 91 97
27 RAR 71 73 88 85 72 87
28 RMA 80 85 82 81 83 82
29 SDR 72 76 75 77 74 76
30 SR 51 51 96 96 51 96
31 SAD 71 71 88 87 71 88
32 SM 70 71 88 87 71 88
33 SNA 70 71 68 67 71 67
34 TNFM 70 55 68 80 63 74
35 TA 68 68 70 70 68 70
36 WFS 80 83 85 80 82 83

Attachment Pre-test

Attachment Post-test



Meeting 1

Observer : Ayu Rosania Janari, S.Pd Observation Code:
Teacher : Jihan Ayu Yustiana
Observation Setting :
Date / Time : 22 February 2023
Topic : Meeting 1
No. Activities Yes No Evidence
The student was They trying to adjust
1. ✓
enganged in the activity. learning
The students participated
They answered the
2. actively in teaching and ✓

teachers questions
learning process.
The students understood
They not understand
3. the target language with ✓
explanation in English
They provide feedback
Students can understand
4. ✓ related to the material
the material well.
being studied
The student understood
5. ✓ They did their task
the teachers instruction.
They asked to the
The student faced same
teacher to re-explain

6. difficulties in ✓
something don’t
accomplishing the task.
They asking if there is
Students solve problems
7. ✓ something they don’t
in what they do.
Students are able to work They have been able to
8. in understanding the ✓ work in understanding
material. material together
The students asked the They ask about material
teachers when they have that thet don’t
9. ✓
questions about the understand especially

materials. about language features

The students
Students do not fully
10. comprehended the ✓
understand the material
They able to convey he
The students able to
11. ✓ result of the material and
transfer the materials.
their task

The students
The students summarized summarized the material
12. ✓
or reflected the lesson. in the end of learning

Field Note Observation

Teacher : Jihan Ayu Yustiana
Date/Time : 22 February
Meeting :1

Time Situation Activitty

Teacher Student
Pre-Activity There are some students The students are less
who are still busy with focused because of
other activities when the learning hours during
teacher is in the class the day

Whlist-Activity Teachers have difficulty The students are less

managing students who focused because of
are sleepy and do not want learning hours during
to write the day

Post-Activity It is difficult to convince Students are not

students that there are confident when asked to
those who want to come make learning
forward when asked to conclusions in front of
make conclusions or the class
explain a little about the

Meeting 2

Observer : Ayu Rosania Janari, S.Pd Observation Code:
Teacher : Jihan Ayu Yustiana
Observation Setting :
Date / Time : 01 March 2023
Topic : Meeting 2
No. Activities Yes No Evidence
The student was They trying to adjust
1. ✓
enganged in the activity. learning
The students participated
Responding what the
2. actively in teaching and ✓

teacher asks
learning process.
The students understood
They can answer what
3. the target language with ✓
teacher asked
They understand and
Students can understand
4. ✓ they will make a story
the material well.
from the film
The student understood They did the learning
5. ✓
the teachers instruction. activity very well
The student faced same They are confused to

6. difficulties in ✓ determine the correct

accomplishing the task. sentence
They asked to the
Students solve problems
7. ✓ teacher about some
in what they do.
Students are able to work
Overall learning process
8. in understanding the ✓
is individual
The students asked the
teachers when they have They asked when they
9. ✓
questions about the don’t understand

The students
They did the tasks
10. comprehended the ✓
The students able to
11. ✓ They accomplished it
transfer the materials.

The teacher always asks

The students summarized
12. ✓ to students who will
or reflected the lesson.
conclude today materials

Field Note Observation

Teacher : Jihan Ayu Yustiana
Date/Time : 01 March 2023
Meeting :2

Time Situation Activitty

Teacher Student
Pre-Activity There are some students After the break students
who are still busy with do not go straight to
other activities when the class
teacher is in the class

Whlist-Activity Had trouble getting a During the film

signal to stream the film, showing, many students
because at that time the were not paying
internet was under repair, attention, were sleepy,
and difficult to control and were chatting
students to stay focused

Post-Activity It is difficult to convince Students are not

students that there are confident when asked to
those who want to come make learning
forward when asked to conclusions in front of
make conclusions or the class
explain a little about the

Meeting 3

Observer : Ayu Rosania Janari, S.Pd Observation Code:
Teacher : Jihan Ayu Yustiana
Observation Setting :
Date / Time : 08 March 2023
Topic : Meeting 3
No. Activities Yes No Evidence
The student was They answer what
1. ✓
enganged in the activity. teacher asked
The students participated They always ask if there
2. actively in teaching and ✓ something don’t

learning process. understand

The students understood They responding the
3. the target language with ✓ questions from the
case. teacher
They are able to
Students can understand understand the
4. ✓
the material well. instruction and do tasks
The student understood
5. ✓ They did the tasks
the teachers instruction.
They already
The student faced same understood the task but

6. difficulties in ✓ sometimes they

accomplishing the task. confused in vocabulary
and grammar
Students solve problems Students complete what
7. ✓
in what they do. they have write
Students are able to work
Overall learning process
8. in understanding the ✓
is individual
The students asked the

teachers when they have They face the teacher to

9. ✓
questions about the the ask questions
The students
10. comprehended the ✓ They tasks are correct

There some a smarther

The students able to
11. ✓ shared the material with
transfer the materials.
their friends
The lesson its clearest
and students
The students summarized
12. ✓ summarized the material
or reflected the lesson.
in the end of learning

Field Note Observation

Teacher : Jihan Ayu Yustiana
Date/Time : 08 March 2023
Meeting :3

Time Situation Activitty

Teacher Student
Pre-Activity There are some students Still want to rest outside
who are still busy with
other activities when the
teacher is in the class

Whlist-Activity There are some students some students are lazy

who are lazy to write so to write because of
they must always be learning during the day

Post-Activity Teacher difficulty when students are too relaxed

asking for assignments to in doing assignments so
be submitted on time they can not collect on


1. Apakah Anda menemukan kesulitan dalam menulis teks naratif?

Siswa 1: : Ya, kadang gaada ide buat nulis ceritanya.

Siswa 2: Kadang suka males nulis karena ceritanya harus panjang sama

nyambung, terus suka kehabisan ide

Siswa 3: Paling di awal-awal suka bingung harus nulis cerita apa aja sih


2. Bagaimana menurut anda tentang pembelajaran teks naratif dengan

berbantuan film kartun?

Siswa 1: Seru, jadi lebih banyak tau dan dengar kosakata bahasa inggris

yang baru.

Siswa 2: Bagus jadi tidak bosan.

Siswa 3: Sedikit pusing karena film nya bahasa Inggris, tapi seru.

3. Apa kekurangan dan kendala dalam pembelajaran berbantuan film


Siswa 1: Suka bikin gamau belajar lagi, karena banyak kosa kata yang

baru di dengar jadi harus bolak-balik baca subtibtlenya.

Siswa 2: Banyak kata-kata yang saya tidak tau dalam Bahasa inggris jika

tidak melihat tulisannya.

Siswa 3: Karena dalam Bahasa Inggris


4. Apakah ada perbedaan yang dirasakan sebelum dan sesudah menonton

film “Encanto” dalam belajar menulis?

Siswa 1: Ada miss, sebelum menonton bingung gapunya ide harus nulis

dongeng apa tapi pas sudah nonton film jadi punya ide lain.

Siswa 2: Ada jadi lebih seru, dan jadi tau kosa kata baru.

Siswa 3: Keren, jadi tidak bosan

5. Apakah Anda akan menonton film "Encanto" atau kartun lain dengan

tujuan berlatih menulis di masa mendatang?

Siswa 1: iya akan, karena ternyata dengan menonton film kita jadi lebih

banyak inspirasi.

Siswa 2: mau, karena seru dan bisa sambil belajar

Siswa 3: iya mau.



Learning Activities



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