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April 5, 2023

Capstone Update #1

During spring break I spent around 5-6 hours on the project. I have a daily plan on my journal and it
basically outlined the first video I plan to record. Also during the break I spent time with my mom
cooking food with recipes I got from my research. Most of the meals are high protein foods and simple
to make . My videos will contain cooking, reflecting in front of the camera like a checkup, and doing an
activity such as working out, basketball, boxing, etc. Currently I haven’t touched on my capstone since
the last week of spring break, but with this long weekend I plan on starting to record my first video
which will be a quick insight on my goals, plans, and daily/weekly routine. I’m aiming towards uploading
5-12 min videos once a week on YouTube. I’ll also create my channel and make it look presentable by
next Monday. For editing I’ll use adobe premiere, I have access to my computer at home and I’ll use a
USB that will hopefully contain all my work on it.

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