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2nd goal

WOOP - 2nd goal

W - My wish is to wake up before 6 a.m.
O - I would be more energetic during the day time and be more focused studying at school.
O - I mostly sleep when I get back home and start to do my homework after I get up around 8
P - Recording, Evaluate, Find strategy, Finish up everything before going to sleep, Use study hall
period at school to finish the school homework.

1 November 2023

Research - Tips to wake up early

● Limit screen use before bed
● Don’t sleep after come back from school
● Plan a morning activities
● Put your alarm clock across the room so that you have to get out of bed.
Plan to try the strategies
● 2 - 5 November = Limit time screen
● 6 - 9 November = Don’t sleep after get back from school
● 10 - 13 November = Plan a morning activities
● 14 - 17 November = Put the alarm across the room

2 November 2023

- Limit screen use before bed -> Used screen until 22.00
- Problem: I went to talk with my mom, then I went to bed around 22.45
- Wake up - 6.25 a.m.

3 November 2023

- Limit screen use before bed -> Used screen until 22.15
- Problem: I read a novel until 23.00, then I went to bed immediately after.
- Wake up - 6.17 a.m.
4 November 2023

- Limit screen use before bed -> Used screen until 21.55
- Problem: I arranging my stuff in my house since I did not have time during the
morning, I went to bed around 22.25
- Wake up - 6.30 a.m.

5 November 2023

- Limit screen use before bed -> Used screen until 21.58
- Problem: I went to packing all my stuff to prepare myself to school while also
cleaning my study table, I went to be around 22.30
- Wake up - 6.20 a.m.

6 November 2023

- Don’t sleep after get back from school -> Went to bed since 21.50
- Wake up - 6.10
7 November 2023

- Don’t sleep after get back from school -> Went to bed since 21.30
- Wake up - 6.00

8 November 2023

- Don’t sleep after get back from school -> Went to bed since 21.45
- Wake up - 5.55

9 November 2023

- Don’t sleep after get back from school -> Went to bed since 21.00
- Wake up - 5.59

10 November 2023

- Plan a morning activities -> Plan to get up and review about ad chemistry class
- Wake up - 5.30
11 November 2023

- Plan a morning activities -> Plan to get up and eat breakfast with my family
- Wake up - 6.00

12 November 2023

- Plan a morning activities -> Plan to get up and give food offerings to a buddhist monk
with my family
- Wake up - 5.47

13 November 2023

- Plan a morning activities -> Plan to get up and eat breakfast with my family
- Wake up - 6.00

14 November 2023

- Put alarm across the room

- Wake up - 6.15
- Problem : Went to get the alarm, then close it

15 November 2023

- Put alarm across the room

- Wake up - 6.20
- Problem : Went to get the alarm, then close it

16 November 2023

- Put alarm across the room

- Wake up - 6.28
- Problem : Went to get the alarm, then close it

17 November 2023

- Put alarm across the room

- Wake up - 6.25
- Problem : Went to get the alarm, then close it
Results summary for goal 2

Solutions Outcome

Limit time screen This solution still not really improves me since even though I
have limited my screen time, I still find other things in my
room to do. Some of them were packing my bag, arranging my
room or even talking with my mom. So, I still wake up after
6.00 a.m. because I went to bed late.

Stay awake after get back This solution also led me to wake up early since staying awake
from school after school causes me to get to sleep earlier than usual
because I felt so tired from school. During the school time, I
used lots of my energy. So, usually I would come back from
school and sleep before doing all my work. I think this
solution is working for me, but it might not be the best for me
in the future because I couldn’t always stay awake after school
or get to bed early.

Plan morning activities This solution has suited me the best from all of the solutions I
tried. I think this is because I know what I will be doing in the
morning and I want to achieve the goal that I have set in the
morning. So, when I heard the alarm, I closed it and started
doing my plan immediately. Even though I might get to bed
late in the future, setting a plan for the morning would be a
way to motivate me to wake up early.

Put alarm across the room This solution improves me the least since putting an alarm
across the room I could still get the alarm to close it. So, I still
wake up after 6.00 a.m. and nothing has changed.
2nd goal Reflection

I chose to set this goal because I was a person who needed time after waking up from my bed for
myself to become energetic and ready to learn new things. If I just wake up from my bed and I
have to go study within an hour, I feel like I will not be focused in class since I will still be lazy
and sleepy. In grade 12, I have Math as the first class for almost the whole week. So, I think it
would be beneficial to me if I could be awake and energetic since I arrived at school. Moreover,
waking up early will allow me to have time to spend on some activities I like which are watching
movies and youtube videos.

As I had researched ways to wake up early, I had chosen 3 strategies to try with 1 of the
strategies I came up with on my own, which I think it might help, and find out which one would
suit me the most. Those strategies are to limit the time screen, stay awake after getting back
from school, plan morning activities, and put an alarm across the room. I had found out that
planning morning activities and staying awake after getting back from school led me to my goal.
Since when I plan the activities I would do after waking up, I will have motivation and want to
do the things I have planned along with having a chance to spend time with my family. Being
awake after getting back from school was the most challenging strategy from all of them, but this
also improves me. When I got back to school, I tried not to go to sleep and finish everything
which made me feel so tired, so I went to bed early and I could wake up early too.

From this goal, I might not achieve my goals everyday, by waking up before 6 a.m., with every
strategy. But I could know which ways are working for me. The failures I have with limiting my
time screen is that even though I was not on my phone I still find other things to do which
causes me to sleep late at night. Also for putting the alarm across the room, this would not work
for me at all since I just walk to get the alarm, close it and continue sleeping. After I have found
the best solutions for myself, I continue using both plans for morning activities and being awake
after school which results in me as a person who wakes up early, which is before 6 a.m. I have a
plan with myself that if I continue doing this and my body gets used to this wake up time, it will
be easier to wake up early in the future. Also, I want to improve myself to wake up earlier and
earlier. Now I have started setting my new goal which is to wake up before 5.30 a.m. because I
want to do morning stress and exercising.

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