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92 92 In the language classroom


1 For questions 1–7, choose the best option (A, B or C) to complete each
statement. ’ AK
1 Movement and physical manipulation are good for __________ learners.
A visual
B older
C kinaesthetic
2 Teachers should take care to use __________ input.
A roughly-tuned
B finely-tuned
C technical
3 Teachers should encourage young learners by using appropriate …
A roughly-tuned input.
B praise.
C stories.
4 Because they see and hear the same language again and again, __________ are
really useful in young learner classrooms.
A songs
B stories
C pictures
5 We can teach __________ to young learners so that they become part of the
language of the classroom.
A typical classroom phrases
B roughly-tuned input
C the L1
6 When teaching young learners it is sensible to focus on …
A accuracy rather than meaning.
B meaning rather than accuracy.
C correction rather than fluency.
7 We can make __________ for different classroom activities.
A different tables
B designated areas
C groups


2 What do young learner classrooms look like? Using the photos in

Essential Teacher Knowledge, classrooms that you know, or photos that
you find online, find examples of the following.
• Classrooms with designated areas
• Classrooms where children are seated in rows
• Classrooms where children are seated in small groups at tables

Which is your favourite photo? Why?


3 In many classrooms around the world children have to sit in rows. How
‘child-friendly’ is that? How can we make such situations more child-
friendly? ’ AK



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