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Personal Development Plan

∙ How your strengths and opportunities from your SWOT analysis could help you gain the
qualifications needed for an entry level job?

My strengths and opportunities from my SWOT analysis could help me gain the qualifications
needed for an entry level job in media because they need someone who is reliable and
organised in everyday life. This would help me in the media business with an entry level job as
they need someone who is time efficient and reliable. I also am a creative person meaning I
could create an idea out of anything and have an open mind to new ideas. I have known
knowledge and prior experience to working in film and radio and understand the use of each
piece of the equipment. This is helpful in an entry level job as I would already have the
knowledge of what they are doing. I also have knowledge of various different camera shots and
editing skills that could be used whilst filming in a production and knowledge of a radio desk and
how to record a radio show. I also have the best ability to work around editing techniques on
Adobe Premiere Pro for any type of production in the media industry. These skills and strengths
of mine would help me gain the qualifications for an entry level job in media as I have had prior
experience in the works of production and would understand each section and part that was
going on.

∙ What type of entry level job you would aim for and how you could fulfil the

I would aim to be a Content Creator. I would aim for this for an entry level job as It is a role that
can be found in both creative and non-creative industries. This can be in any business creating
content to engage with its audience .I could fulfil the requirements as I am a creative person and
have excellent communication skills with other people. Typically, they are likely to interact with
clients, marketing and digital teams, production teams, budget holders, contributors, artists and
end users. An employee in this occupation will be responsible for delivering high quality content
on time and on budget that meets the brief. They need to be aware of the legal and regulatory
framework and take this into account throughout the content development process.A content
creator would need to take into account ethical considerations and wider organisational policies.
A content creator would typically report to a senior colleague within their functional area. They
are required to keep up to date with new technologies, platform developments and consumer
trends. The requirements for this entry level job is to have a certain type of behaviour: a creative
curiosity, empathy, resilience, working under pressure and courage. This is the type of behaviour
that they are looking for in this entry level job. The skills that are required for this entry level job
are: solve communication problems, present ideas and visual aid, research cultural trends and
opportunities that could enhance an idea for a client’s business, identify appropriate internal and
external experts that can help produce the idea, time efficient work and deadlines.

∙ How an entry level job could help you get a job within the film industry?

An entry level job could help someone get into the film industry as it gives them experiences prior
to jumping straight to the job. An entry level job is giving you an idea of what the job contains and
what is involved in it. An entry level job doesn’t require any prior experience to the topic/ job as
long as you can fulfil the needed requirements and can do the job right. An entry level job related
to the film industry would help you as a person to get a feel of the atmosphere and decide if it’s
the thing that you want. You would learn new things in the entry level job and gain skills that you
didn’t previously know and further your knowledge on the film industry. Entry level jobs are useful
as it gives you the experience and knowledge for the future and this is useful. For completing an
entry level job you would also get the needed qualifications to further get a job in the film
industry. However, in the film industry it is a very competitive career.
Explain how you will achieve your plan and conclude with what you feel would
be your ultimate film industry job

I would achieve my plan to further into the media industry business by completing an entry level
job in which is related to media. I would meet all the requirements and get the job done in order
to get the qualifications that are needed. I could also get into a media industry business as an
apprentice and experience what it's like to be there and see everything come to life from ideas to
a production to a film, tv show, radio show etc. I also would like to complete a higher media
course as I would like to further into the future get into the media industry as I would like to get
into the cinematography and be able to shoot films and tv shows or an editor. This would only be
achievable if I did all the things to lead up to the moment. Meaning I would want to further my
knowledge in the different camera angles and shots that can be used whilst filming. If I were to
go into the editor career I would need to learn all the editing skills that could be used and the
editing space that they will be using in order to edit the production.

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