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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Lipa City, Philippines

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 4

I. Objective
After the lesson, the students are able to:
1. define a rule of a number pattern
2. give general algebraic descriptions of the relationship between terms and
their position in a sequence and to justify solutions
3. discover patterns by looking at the difference between two successive numbers.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Patterns in Number Sequence
Materials: laptop, chalk, blackboard

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. 1. Prayer
Please stand and let us pray.
(The students will stand and pray)
2. Greetings
Good morning class!
Good morning Teacher!
3. Classroom Management
Before you sit, kindly arrange your
chairs properly and put the trashes near
B. Motivation

Okay, before we start with the discussion. Let us

do some activity to energize and it will also lead
you to our topic today.

To start the activity, you will get a piece of paper

here. You will see patterns of shapes.

You have to complete the patterns by finding it

to your classmates. After you complete the
pattern, you will come in front together with
your group with the same pattern.

Are you ready?

Yes Teacher!

(The students will do the activity given by the

What do you think our topic for today? teacher.)

Patterns in Number Sequence!

Okay. Very good. Today we will talk about the
Patterns in Number Sequence.
C. Discussion
Have you watched the video that was uploaded
in Schoology?
Yes Teacher
Patterns are formed by arranging items, such as
numbers, shapes, pictures, or letters in a
The rule in patterns determines or tells what the
next item in the sequence or series will be.
A number sequence is a list of numbers that
follows a pattern in a certain rule.

Here are the examples.

(The teacher will give examples)

Do you understand the lesson?

Yes Teacher!
Do you have any clarifications?
Nothing Teacher!

D. Activity
Did you do your seatwork?
Yes Teacher!
Okay, let us answer your answer.
(The teacher will call a student to answer the
given seatwork)
(The student will answer the activity in the
book page 256, numbers 1-3 and page 257
numbers 14-17)

IV. Assessment

Which figure, pattern or number should come next? Write the letter only.

Prepared by:

Ronnalyn S. Aranda

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