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Session : 2

सामयिक परीक्षा 1 -प्रयिदर्श प्रश्नपत्र (2023-24)

कक्षा -9
यिषि-य िंदी (सेट 1)

समि:- 2 घिंटा पूर्ाांक - 40

सामान्य यिदे र्:–

● प्रस्तुत प्रश्न-पत्र में दो खंड हैं - क और ख।

● खंड 'क' में बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न तथा खंड-'ख' में िर्णनात्मक प्रश्न हैं ।
● प्रत्येक खंड के सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर दे ना अवनिायण है ।
● यथासंभि सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर क्रमशः दें ।
खिंड – क (बहुयिकल्पीि प्रश्न)

प्रश्न1 - यिम्नयिखखि गद्ािंर् को पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नोिं के उत्तर दीयिए- (1x4=4)

उपिास रखना केिल धावमणक विवध-विधान या कमणकां ड का ही अं ग नहीं है । उपिास-व्रत भारतीय संस्कृवत के पूर्ण
स्वास्थ्य के सूत्र हैं । ऋतु -पररितणन के समय व्रत इसवलए रखे जाते हैं वक बदलते मौसम में कई वकस्म की बीमाररयााँ
आती हैं । बीमाररयों से लड़ने की रोग-प्रवतरोधक शक्ति तभी प्राप्त होगी, जब शारीररक और मानवसक शुद्धता होगी।
इसी से जीिनी-शक्ति भी प्राप्त होती है , वजससे बल ि बुक्तद्ध का बराबर संतुलन बना रहता है ।उपिास के दौरान शरीर
के पाचन-संस्थान को पू र्ण रूप से विश्राम वमलता है तथा शरीर में विद्यमान पुराने खाद्य अिशेष और दू वषत पदाथण नष्ट
होकर बाहर वनकल जाते हैं । गलत खाद्य पदाथण ही विजातीय ्रव्य यानी विष का काम करते हैं । इस विष को जब शरीर
रोग द्वारा वनकालने का प्रयत्न करता है तो भूख स्वतः समाप्त हो जाती है । अतः उस समय उपिास करना अवनिायण हो
जाता है । भोजन लेने से तीव्र वनष्कासन वक्रया रुक जाती है । भूख न रहने पर भोजन न वकया जाए तो पू र्ण रूप से
शारीररक सफाई होकर रोग का कारर् जड़ से समाप्त हो जाता है । उसके पश्चात् वनयवमत तथा उपयुि आहार दे ने पर
रोग के लौटने की आशंका नहीं रहती।
(क) भारिीि सिंस्कृयि में पूर्श स्वास्थ्य का सूत्र यकसे मािा गिा ै ?
I. ऋतु -पररितणन को III धावमणक विवध-विधान या कमणकां ड को
II. उपिास और व्रत को IV. योग को
(ख) भारिीि सिंस्कृयि में ऋिु पररििशि के समि व्रि रखिे का यिधाि क्ोिं ै ?
I.परं परा है III. बदले मौसम की बीमाररयों से लड़ने में मदद करते
हैं ।
II.धावमणक विवध विधान का अंग है IV.भूख समाप्त करने के वलए
(ग) बीमाररिोिं से िड़िे की रोग-प्रयिरोधक र्खि िभी प्राप्त ोगी िब :

I. भोजन नहीं करें गे III. जब शारीररक ि मानवसक शुद्धता होगी

II. स्वावदष्ट भोजन करने से IV. धावमणक विवध-विधान से

(घ) रोगोिं को िड़ से िभी समाप्त यकिा िा सकिा ै िब म :

I. भूख न लगने पर भोजन न करें । III. भूख लगने पर भोजन न करें ।

II. वबना भूख के भोजन करें । IV. अवधक स्वावदष्ट भोजन करें ।
प्रश्न2 - यिम्नयिखखि काव्ािंर् को पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नोिं के उत्तर दीयिए-(कोई चार ) (1x4 =4)

रर्भेरी सुन, कह 'विदा'-'विदा ‘ उस बवलदान-प्रवतष्ठा में ,

हाथों में कुमकुम थाल वलए, पथ भूल न जाना पवथक कहीं॥
कुछ जल कर् ढु लक रहे होंगे। कुछ मस्तक कम पड़ते होंगे,
कतण्य -प्रेम की उलझन में , जब महाकाल की माला में।
पथ भूल न जाना पवथक कहीं॥ मााँ ! मााँ ग रही होगी आहुवत,
िेदी पर बैठा महाकाल, जब स्वतंत्रता की ज्वाला में।
जब नर बवल चढा रहा होगा। पल भर भी पड़ असमंजस में,
बवलदानी अपने ही कर से , ‘पथ भूल न जाना पवथक कहीं॥
वनज मस्तक बढा रहा होगा।
क . कयििा यिम्न में से कौि-सा भाि प्रस्तुि कर र ी ै ?

(I) दे शभक्ति (III) ईश्वर भक्ति

(II) मातृभक्ति (IV) उपयुणि सभी
ख . ‘कुछ िि कर् ढु िक र े ोिंगे’ में यकसके यिए क ा गिा ै ?

(I) मााँ (III) पत्नी

(II) बहन (IV) उपयुणि सभ
ग . 'पथ भूि ि िािा पयथक क ी िं' में पयथक कौि ै ?

(I) सैवनक (III) अवतवथ

(II) यात्री (IV) उपयुणि सभी
घ . 'पि भर भी पड़ असमिंिस में ' में '-ि ााँ असमिंिस' का अथश ै -

(I) उलझन (III) कशमकश

(II) दु विधा (IV) उपयुणि सभी
ङ . कौि-सा कथि असत्य ै

(I) सैवनक मातृभूवम की रक्षा हे तु जा रहा है ।

(II) सैवनक बवलदान हे तु स्वयं तत्पर है ।
(III) सैवनक वनज स्वाथण के वलए असमंजस में है ।
(IV) सैवनक स्वतं त्रता की ज्वाला में कूदने जा रहा है ।
प्रश्न3 – यिम्नयिखखि चार भागोिं में से यकन्ी िं िीि के यिदे र्ािुसार उत्तर दें - (1x3=3)
(क) यिर्ेषर् यिर्ेष्य का सिंबिंध___________ समास में ोिा ै
I.कमणधारय II.तत्पुरुष III.बहुव्रीवह IV. द्वन्द्द्व
(ख)अव्िी भाि समास का स ी उदा रर् ि ी िं ै -
I.जीिन-मरर् II. रातोंरात III.यथाशक्ति IV. आजीिन
(ग) यिगु समास का स ी उदा रर् ि ी िं ै -
I.चौराहा II. वत्रकोर् III.चिन्नी IV. वत्रनेत्र
(घ) बहुव्रीवह समास का सही उदाहरर् है -
I. पीतां बर II.नील कमल III.कमल-चरर् IV.नीलां बर
प्रश्न4 - यिम्नयिखखि में से यकन्ी िं चार के यिदे र्ािुसार उत्तर दें - (1x4=4)
(क) मैंिे उसे उठािा और खािा खखिािा |
I. सरल II संयुि III. वमवश्रत IV. आज्ञािाचक
(ख) 'आि धूप यिकििे की सिंभाििा ै' यमश्र िाक् में बदयिए-
I) आज धूप वनकल सकती है । III) संभािना है वक आज धूप और बाररश आएगी।
II) आज धूप और बाररश आने की संभािना है । IV) संभािना है वक आज धूप वनकले।
(ग) ‘ अभी िुम बा र िाओ। ‘ ि िाक् यकस प्रकार का िाक् ै –
I) आज्ञा िाचक िाक्य III) इच्छा िाचक िाक्य
II) संकेत िाचक िाक्य IV) विस्मय िाचक िाक्य

(घ)‘ ो सकिा ै ि बािार गिा ो। ‘ इस िाक् में अथश के आधार पर िाक् का कौि सा िाक् भेद ै ?
I) विधान िाचक िाक्य III) प्रश्न िाचक िाक्य
IV) आज्ञा िाचक िाक्य
II) संदेह िाचक िाक्य

(ङ)‘ मिदू रोिं िे काम कर यििा। ‘ इस िाक् में उद्दे श्य और यिधेि छााँट कर यिखखए –
I) उद्दे श्य – काम कर वलया , विधेय – मजदू रों ने III) उद्दे श्य – मजदू रों ने , विधेय – काम
IV) उद्दे श्य – वलया, विधेय – मजदू रों
II) उद्दे श्य – मजदू रों ने , विधेय – काम कर वलया

प्रश्न5- यिम्नयिखखि गद्ािंर् को ध्यािपूिशक पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नोिं के उत्तर स ी यिकल्प चुिकर दीयिए-(1X3=3)
कदावचत सीधापन संसार के वलए उपयुि नहीं है । दे क्तखए न, भारतिावसयों की अफ़्रीका में क्या दु दणशा हो रही है ? क्यों
अमरीका में उन्हें घुसने नहीं वदया जाता? बेचारे शराब नहीं पीते , चार पैसे कुसमय के वलए बचाकर रखते हैं , जी
तोड़कर काम करते हैं , वकसी से लड़ाई-झगड़ा नहीं करते , चार बातें सुनकर ग़म खा जाते हैं विर भी बदनाम हैं । कहा
जाता है , िे जीिन के आदशण को नीचा करते हैं । अगर िे ईंट का जिाब पत्थर से दे ना सीख जाते तो शायद सभ्य
कहलाने लगते। जापान की वमसाल सामने है । एक ही विजय ने उसे संसार की सभ्य जावतयों में गण्य बना वदया। लेवकन
गधे का एक छोटा भाई और भी है , जो उससे कम ही गधा है । और िह है 'बैल'। वजस अथण में हम 'गधा' का प्रयोग करते
हैं , कुछ उसी से वमलते -जु लते अथण में 'बवछया के ताऊ' का भी प्रयोग करते हैं । कुछ लोग बैल को शायद बेिकूफी में
सिणश्रेष्ठ कहें गे, मगर हमारा विचार ऐसा नहीं है । बैल कभी-कभी मारता भी है , कभी-कभी अवड़यल बैल भी दे खने में
आता है । और भी कई रीवतयों से अपना असं तोष प्रकट कर दे ता है , अतएि उसका स्थान गधे से नीचा है ।
(क) भारििायसिोिं की अफ़्रीका में दु दशर्ा क्ोिं ो र ी थी ?

I. सीधेपन के करर् lll. पररश्रमी होने के कारर्

ll. सहनशील होने के कारर् lV.सभी विकल्प सही हैं ।
(ख) 'बयछिा के िाऊ' यकसे क ा गिा ?

I.बैल को ll.गधे को lll.भैंस को lV. ताऊ जी को

(ग) बैि का स्थाि गधे से िीचा ै। ऐसा क्ोिं क ा गिा ै ?

I. बैल सब सह लेता है । lll. बैल कभी -कभी विरोध भी करता है ।

ll. िह गधे से आकार में बड़ा होता है । lV. िह गधे से अवधक सहनशील होता है ।
(घ) सभ्य िायििोिं में िापाि की गर्िा क्ोिं ोिे िगी ?

I.क्योंवक उसने अन्याय का विरोध वकया। III. जापावनयों ने अमेररका का अनु करर् वकया।
II.उसने ईंट का जिाब पत्थर से दे ना सीख वलया था । IV. I और II दोनों सही हैं ।
प्रश्न6-यिम्नयिखखि साखी को पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नोिं में यकन्ी िं िीि के उत्तर स ी यिकल्प चुिकर दीयिए --
- (1x3=3)
ऊाँचे कुल का जनवमया ,जे करनी ऊाँच न होय।
सुबरन कलस सुरा भरा ,साधू वनंदा सोइ ।।
(क) इिं साि की म ाििा यकससे आाँ की िािी ै?

l. धन से ll. उसके गुर्ों lll. कद काठी से lV. ऊाँचे कुल से

(ख)सुबरर् शब्द का तत्सम रूप है -

l.सुबनण ll. सिर्ण lll. स्वर्ण lV. सोना

(ग) दो े की दू सरी पिं खि में कौि -सा अििंकार ै ?

l.यमक ll.श्लेष lll.अनुप्रास lV.उपमा

(घ)दो ा सिंदेर् दे िा ै यक -
l. ऊाँचे कुल में जन्म लेकर यवद ्य क्ति नीच कमण करता है तो िह वनन्दा का ही पात्र होता है ।
ll.ऊाँचे कुल में जन्मा ्य क्ति श्रेष्ठ होता है , िह वनन्दा का ही पात्र नहीं होता है ।
lll. साधु हमेशा वनंदा का पात्र होता है ।
lV.इनमें से कोई नहीं ।
खिंड -ख (िर्शिात्मक प्रश्न)

प्रश्न7 - यिम्नयिखखि में से यकन्ी िं दो प्रश्नोिं के उत्तर 25 से 30 र्ब्ोिं में दें - (2x2=4)

(क) कां जीहौस में कैद पशु ओं की हाव़िरी क्यों ली जाती होगी?
(ख) 'दो बैलों की कथा' पाठ मानि-समाज को क्या प्रेरर्ा दे ता है ?
(ग) छोटी बच्ची क्यों दु खी थी और उसके के मन में बैलों के प्रवत प्रेम क्यों उमड़ आया?
प्रश्न8- यिम्नयिखखि में से यकन्ी िं दो प्रश्नोिं के उत्तर 25 से 30 र्ब्ोिं में दें - (2x2=4)

(क) मोट चूि मैदा भिा । इस पंक्ति के माध्यम से कबीर क्या कहना चाहते हैं ?

(ख) कबीर ने संसार को स्वान रूप क्यों कहा है ? स्पष्ट कीवजए ।

( (ग) मनुष्य की पहचान उसके गुर्ों से होती है । इसका उदाहरर् कबीर ने वकस रूप में वदया है ?आप उनके कथन
से वकस प्रकार सहमत हैं ? स्पष्ट कीवजए।

प्रश्न9-यिम्नयिखखि में से यकसी एक प्रश्न का उत्तर 50 से 60 र्ब्ोिं में दें :- (3)

(क)'इस जल प्रलय में' पाठ के आधार पर तुकी में आए भूकंप का िर्णन अपने शब्दों में कीवजए ।

(ख) नौजिान और कुत्ते के ्य िहार को दे खकर आपको वकन जीिन मूल्ों को अपनाने की प्रेरर्ा वमलती है ?

प्रश्न10- यिम्नयिखखि में से यकसी एक यिषि पर पत्र यिखखए – (4)

I. अपने नए विद्यालय के विषय में बताते हुए नाना जी को पत्र वलखें।

II. लखनऊ के सौंदयीकरर् हे तु नगर वनगम आयुि को पत्र वलख कर प्रशंसा कीवजए ।

प्रश्न11-यिम्नयिखखि यिषि पर िगभग 40 -50 र्ब्ोिं का एक सिंिाद-िेखि करें - (4)

अनािश्यक खचण न करने के विषय में दादा और पोते के मध्य संिाद वलखें।


प्रश्न 12 -यिम्नयिखखि यिषि पर िगभग 40 र्ब्ोिं का एक अिुच्छेद यिखें-

I. करत करत अभ्यास के, जड़मवत होत सुजान

सामयिक परीक्षा 1 -प्रयिदर्श प्रश्नपत्र (2023-24)

कक्षा -9
यिषि-य िंदी (सेट 2)

समि: 2 घिंटा पूर्ाांक : 40

सामान्य यिदे र्:–

● प्रस्तुत प्रश्न-पत्र में दो खंड हैं - क और ख।

● खंड 'क' में बहुविकल्पी प्रश्न तथा खंड-'ख' में िर्णनात्मक प्रश्न हैं ।
● प्रत्येक खंड के सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर दे ना अवनिार्ण है ।
● र्थासंभि सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर क्रमशः दें ।
खिंड – क (बहुयिकल्पीि प्रश्न)

प्रश्न1 - यिम्नयिखखि गद्ािंर् को पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नोिं के उत्तर दीयिए- (1x4=4)

ऐसा कोई वदन आ सकता है , जबवक मनुष्य के नाखूनों का बढ़ना बंद हो जाएगा। प्रावर्शास्त्रिर्ों का ऐसा अनुमान है वक
मनुष्य का र्ह अनािश्यक अंग उसी प्रकार झड़ जाएगा, वजस प्रकार उसकी पूूँछ झड़ गई है । उस वदन मनुष्य की पशुता
भी लुप्त हो जाएगी। शार्द उस वदन िह मारर्ािों का प्रर्ोग भी बंद कर दे गा। तब तक इस बात से छोटे बच्ों को
पररवित करा दे ना िां छनीर् जान पड़ता है वक नाखून का बढ़ना मनुष्य के भीतर की पशुता की वनशानी है और उसे नहीं
बढ़ने दे ना मनुष्य की अपनी इच्छा है , अपना आदशण है ।
बृहत्तर जीिन में अि-शिों को बढ़ने दे ना मनुष्य की पशुता की वनशानी है और उनकी बाढ़ को रोकना मनुष्यत्व की
आिश्यकता । मनुष्य में जो घृर्ा है , जो अनार्ास वबना वसखाए आ जाती है , िह पशु त्व का द्योतक है और अपने को संर्त
रखना, दू सरे के मनोभािों का आदर करना मनुष्य का स्वधमण है । अभ्यास और तप से प्राप्त िस्तुएूँ मनुष्य की मवहमा को
सूवित करती हैं । मनुष्य की िररताथणता प्रेम में है , मैत्री में है , त्याग में है , अपने को सबके मंगल के वलए वन:शेष भाि से दे
दे ने में है । नाखूनों का बढ़ना मनुष्य की उस अंध सहजात िृ वत्त का पररर्ाम है , जो उसके जीिन में सफलता ले आना
िाहती है , उसको काट दे ना उस स्व-वनधाण ररत, आत्म-बंधन का फल है , जो उसे िररताथणता की ओर ले जाती हैं ।
(क) यििोम र्ब्ोिं का स ी िोड़ा छााँयटए -घृर्ा, िुप्त।?
I. प्यार , प्रकट III.मोह ,गार्ब
II. प्रेम , प्रकट IV. प्रकट ,प्यार
(ख) मिुष्य की चररिार्शिा यकसमें ै ?
I. प्रेम , मैत्री ि त्याग में III. I ि II दोनों में
II. अपने को सबके मंगल के वलए वन:शेष भाि से दे दे ने IV. वकसी में नहीं
(ग) िाखूि का बढ़िा यिर्ािी ै :
I. मनुष्यत्व की III. पशुत्व की
II. बिपने की IV. नादानी की
(घ) मिुष्य का धमश ै :
I. अपने को संर्त रखना III. दू सरे के मनोभािों का आदर करना
II. अि शिों का वनमाण र् IV. I ि III दोनों विकल्प सही हैं

प्रश्न2 - यिम्नयिखखि काव्ािंर् को पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नोिं के उत्तर दीयिए: (कोई िार ) (1x4 =4)
मैं अविराम पवथक अलबेला रुके न मेरे कभी िरर्,
शूलों के बदले फूलों का वकर्ा न मैंने वमत्र िर्न।
मैं विपदाओं में मुसकाता नि आशा के दीप वलए ।
वफर मुझको क्या रोक सकेंगे, जीिन के उत्थान-पतन।
आूँ धी हो, ओले-िषाण हों, राह सुपररवित है मेरी,
वफर मुझको क्या डरा सकेंगे, र्े जग के खंडन-मंडन।
मैं अटका कब, कब वििवलत मैं , सतत डगर मेरी सबल।
रोक सकी पगले कब मुझको र्ह र्ुग की प्रािीर वनबल।
मुझे डरा पाए कब अंधड़, ज्वालामुस्त्रखर्ों के कंपन,
मुझे पवथक कब रोक सके हैं , अविवशखाओं के नतणन।
मैं बढ़ता अविराम वनरं तर तन-मन में उन्माद वलए,
वफर मुझको क्या डरा सकेंगे, र्े बादल-विद् र्ुत नतणन।
क . कयििा यिम्न में से कनि-सा भाि प्रस्तुि कर र ी ै

(I) दे शभस्त्रि (III) आत्म शस्त्रि

(II) ईश भस्त्रि (IV) उपर्ुणि सभी
ख . ‘िुग की प्राचीर’ से क्या िात्पिश ै?

(I) र्ुग (III) दीिार

(II) समर् की बाधाएं (IV) कोई नहीं
ग. ‘र्ूिोिं के बदिे फूिोिं का यकिा ि मैं िे कभी चिि’-पिंखि का भाि ै -

(I) कवि ने हमेशा िुनौवतर्ों से पूर्ण कविन मागण िुना है (III) कवि को फूलों की अपे क्षा शूलों से प्रेम है
(II) कवि ने हमेशा िुनौवतर्ों से पूर्ण कविन मागण को (IV) उपर्ुणि सभी
त्याग वदर्ा है
घ . 'उन्माद ‘ शब्द का सही अथण नहीं है -

(I) उमंग (III) जोश

(II) उत्साह (IV) उन्नवत
ङ . कविता में कौन सा जोड़ा विपरीताथी शब्दों का नहीं है ?

(I) उत्थान – पतन (III) खंडन- मंडन

(II) बादल -विद् र्ुत (IV) सबल -वनबल
प्रश्न3 – यिम्नयिखखि चार भागोिं में से यकन्ी िं िीि के यिदे र्ािुसार उत्तर दें - (1x3=3)
(क) कनि- सा सामायसक पद यकसी अन्य अर्श के यिए यिर्ेषर् पद का कािश करिा ै?
I.कमणधारर् II.तत्पुरुष III.बहुव्रीवह IV. द्वन्द्द्व
(ख) ‘सिसई ‘ र्ब् में समास ै -
I. द्वन्द्द्व II. वद्वगु III.तत्पुरुष IV. अव्यर्ी भाि
(ग)कमश धारि समास का स ी उदा रर् ि ी िं ै -
I.िौराहा II.सज्जन III. कमल िरर् IV. नीलां बर
(घ) यिम्न िोड़ोिं में ित्पुरुष समास का स ी िोड़ा ि ी िं ै -
I. मालगाड़ी , विद्यालर् II.रोगमुि , पथभ्रष्ट III. शोकाकुल ,दही बड़ा IV.कृष्णसपण ,दे शप्रेमी
प्रश्न4 - यिम्नयिखखि में से यकन्ी िं चार के यिदे र्ािुसार उत्तर दें - (1x4=4)
(क) मैंिे प्रिास िो बहुि यकिा यकन्तु असफि र ी | रचिा के आधार पर भेद बिाएिं -
I. सरल II संर्ुि III. वमवित IV. आज्ञािािक
(ख) ि यसिेमाघर गिा और उसिे यफल्म दे खी। -यमश्र िाक्य में बदयिए-
I) उसने वसनेमाघर जाकर वफल्म दे खी । III) जब िह वसनेमा घर गर्ा तब उसने वफल्म दे खी।
II) िह वसनेमा घर जाकर वफल्म दे ख आर्ा । IV) इनमें से कोई नहीं ।
(ग)मेरा स्वस्थ्य खराब र्ा अिः मैं ि आ सका – रचिा यक दृयि से िाक्य ै -

I) सरल III) संर्ुि

II) वमवित IV) विधान िािक

(घ)‘ ियद छु यििााँ हुईिं िो मैं य माचि प्रदे र् अिश्य िाऊाँगा।‘ इस िाक्य में अर्श के आधार पर िाक्य का कनि
सा िाक्य भेद ै ?

I) विधान िािक िाक्य III) संकेत िािक िाक्य

II) संदेह िािक िाक्य IV) आज्ञा िािक िाक्य

(ङ)‘ छात्रािास में र िे िािे सभी यिद्ार्ी पुस्तक मेिा दे खिे गए । ‘ इस िाक्य में उद्दे श्य और यिधेि छााँट
कर यिखखए –
I) उद्दे श्य – छात्रािास, विधेर् – में रहने िाले सभी III) उद्दे श्य – छात्रािास में रहने िाले, विधेर् – सभी
विद्याथी पुस्तक मेला दे खने गए । विद्याथी पुस्तक मेला दे खने गए ।
IV) उद्दे श्य – सभी विद्याथी, विधेर् – पुस्तक मेला दे खने
II) उद्दे श्य – छात्रािास में रहने िाले सभी विद्याथी,
विधेर् – पु स्तक मेला दे खने गए।

प्रश्न5 – यिम्नयिखखि गद्ािंर् को ध्यािपूिशक पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नोिं में यकन्ी िीि के उत्तर स ी उत्तर-यिकल्प
चुिकर दीयिए- (1X3=3)
संध्या समर् दोनों बैल अपने नए स्थान पर पहुूँ िे। वदन-भर के भूखे थे , लेवकन जब नाूँ द में लगाए गए तो एक ने भी उसमें
मुूँह नहीं डाला। वदल भारी हो रहा था। वजसे उन्ोंने अपना घर समझ रखा था, िह आज उनसे छूट गर्ा। र्ह नर्ा घर,
नर्ा गाूँ ि, नए आदमी उन्ें बेगाने -से लगते थे।
दोनों ने अपनी मूक भाषा में सलाह की, एक-दू सरे को कनस्त्रखर्ों से दे खा और लेट गए। जब गाूँ ि में सोता पड़ गर्ा तो
दोनों ने जोर मारकर पगहा तुड़ा डाले और घर की तरफ़ िले। पगहे बहुत मजबूत थे। अनुमान न हो सकता था वक कोई
बैल उन्ें तोड़ सकेगा, पर इन दोनों में इस समर् दू नी शस्त्रि आ गई थी। एक-एक झटके में रस्त्रिर्ाूँ टू ट गईं। झूरी प्रातः
काल सो कर उिा तो दे खा वक दोनों बैल िरनी पर खड़े हैं । दोनों की गरदनों में आधा-आधा गराूँ ि लटक रहा था। घुटने
तक पाूँ ि कीिड़ से भरे हैं और दोनों की आूँ खों में विद्रोहमर् स्नेह झलक रहा है ।

(क) दोिोिं बैि क ााँ गए र्े ?

I. झूरी की ससुराल lll. झूरी ने उनको बेि वदर्ा था
ll. कां जी हाउस lV. कोई भी विकल्प सही नहीं हैं ।
(ख) बैिोिं िे िाद में मुाँ िक क्योिं ि ी िं डािा ?

I. उनको भूख न थी। ll. िह जगह उनके lll. िे दु खी थे । lV. 2 ि 3 दोनों

वलए अपररवित थी । विकल्प सही हैं ।

(ग) ‘इि दोिोिं में इस समि दू िी र्खि आ गई र्ी।‘ ऐसा क्योिं क ा गिा ै ?

I. उन दोनों ने िहाूँ से भागने का वनश्चर् कर वलर्ा था। ll. दोनो ने जी भर कर िारा खार्ा था ।
lll. उन दोनों ने बहुत मजबूत पगहा तुड़ा वलर्ा था। lV. 1 ि 3 दोनों विकल्प सही हैं ।

(घ) दोिोिं की आाँ खोिं में यिद्रो मि स्ने झिक र ा ै। अिुच्छेद में ि कर्ि यकस सिंदभश में आिा ै ?

I. िे दोनों अपररवित घर से पगहा तुड़ा करके अपने वप्रर् मावलक के पास लौट आए थे ।

II.िे अपने विद्रोह से बहुत प्रसन्न थे ।

III. िे झूरी के घर ही रहना िाहते थे ।

IV. कोई नहीं ।

प्रश्न6- यिम्नयिखखि साखी को पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नोिं के उत्तर स ी उत्तर-यिकल्प चुिकर दीयिए - (1x3 =3)
(कोई िीि )
स्ती चयढ़ए ज्ञाि कन , स ि दु िीचा डारर ।
स्वाि रूप सिंसार ै , भूाँकि दे झख मारर ।

(क) ज्ञािी पुरुष के कमों की यििंदा कनि करिा ै ?

l. स्वान ll. हस्ती lll. अज्ञानी lV. सभी
(ख) साखी में आए दो ित्सम र्ब् ैं -
l.हस्ती, दु लीिा ll. ज्ञान , हस्ती lll. झख ,ज्ञान lV. संसार , दु लीिा
(ग)भूाँकि दे झख मारर , इस पिंखि का िात्पिश ै -

l. अज्ञावनर्ों की बातों पर ध्यान नहीं दे ना िावहए II. लोगों की बात पर ध्यान अिश्य दे ना िावहर्े
lll.अज्ञानी लोगों द्वारा कही गई बातें कभी – कभी सत्य होती हैं lV.उपरोि विकालों में से कोई नहीं
(घ) स ि दु िीचा का िात्पिश ै -
l. सहज साधना । ll. सहज अभ्यास ।
lll. उपरोि दोनों । lV.इनमें से कोई नहीं ।

खिंड -ख (िर्शिात्मक प्रश्न)

प्रश्न7 - यिम्नयिखखि में से यकन्ी िं दो प्रश्नोिं के उत्तर 25 से 30 र्ब्ोिं में दें - (2x2=4)

(क) दो बैलों की कथा’ के आधार पर वसद्ध कीवजए वक एकता में शस्त्रि होती है ।
(ख) 'दो बैलों की कथा' पाि मानि-समाज को क्या प्रे रर्ा दे ता है ?
(ग) “लेवकन औरत जात पर सींग िलाना मना है ” हीरा के इस कथन के माध्यम से िी के प्रवत प्रेमिंद के दृवष्टकोर् को
स्पष्ट कीवजए।

प्रश्न8- यिम्नयिखखि में से यकन्ी िं दो प्रश्नोिं के उत्तर 25 से 30 र्ब्ोिं में दें - (2x2=4)

(क) कबीर की भाषा पर प्रकाश डावलए ।

(ख) कबीर एक समाज सुधारक थे । अपने वििार स्पष्ट कीवजए ।

(ग) संकवलत सास्त्रखर्ों ि पदों के आधार पर कबीर के धावमणक और सां प्रदावर्क सद्भाि संबंधी वििारों पर प्रकाश
डावलए ।

प्रश्न9-यिम्नयिखखि में से यकसी एक प्रश्न का उत्तर 50 से 60 र्ब्ोिं में दें :- (3)

(क "आपदाओं से वनपटने के वलए अपनी तरफ से "इस जल प्रलर् में" पाि के आधार पर कुछ सुझाि दीवजए।
(ख) इस जल प्रलर् में" पाि के आधार पर बताइए वक बाढ़ की सही जानकारी लेने और और बाढ़ रूप दे खने के वलए
ले खक क्यों उत्सु क था ?

‘प्रश्न10- यिम्नयिखखि में से यकसी एक यिषि पर पत्र यिखखए – (4)

I. ऑनलाइन खेलों की हावनर्ाूँ बताते हुए अपने ििेरे छोटे भाई को पत्र वलखें ।

II. अंतर विद्यालर्ी फुटबॉल मैि करिानी की प्राथणना करते हुए प्रधानािार्ाण को पत्र वलखें । ।

प्रश्न11-यिम्नयिखखि में से यकसी एक यिषि पर िगभग 40 -50 र्ब्ोिं का एक सिंिाद-िेखि करें - (4)

1-दो राजनेता दू रदशणन पर िाद-वििाद कर रहे हैं और अपनी पाटी की र्ोजनाओं की प्रशंसा कर रहे हैं । उनके
िाताण लाप को संिाद के रूप में वलखें ।

2-मुंबई इं वडर्न्स और राजस्थान रॉर्ल्स वक्रकेट टीम के दो समथणकों के बीि अपनी – अपनी टीम की जीत के विषर् में
बात –िीत को संिाद के रूप में वलखें ।

प्रश्न 12 -यिम्नयिखखि यिषि पर िगभग 40 र्ब्ोिं का एक अिुच्छेद यिखें-

जैविक र्ा ऑगेवनक खेती के लाभ

सामयिक परीक्षा 1 - प्रयिदर्श प्रश्नपत्र (2023-24)

कक्षा -9
यिषि-य िंदी (सेट 3)

समि: 2 घिंटा पूर्ाांक : 40

सामान्य यिदे र्:–

● प्रस्तुत प्रश्न-पत्र में दो खंड हैं - क और ख।

● खंड 'क' में बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न तथा खंड-'ख' में िर्णनात्मक प्रश्न हैं ।
● प्रत्येक खंड के सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर दे ना अवनिायण है ।
● यथासंभि सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर क्रमशः दें ।
खिंड – क (बहुयिकल्पीि प्रश्न)

प्रश्न1 - यिम्नयिखखि गद्ािंर् को पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नोिं के उत्तर दीयिए- (कोई चार ) (1x4=4)

हर वकसी मनुष्य को अपने राष्ट्र के प्रवत गौरि, स्वावभमान होना आिश्यक है । राष्ट्र से जु डे समस्त राष्ट्र प्रतीकों के प्रवत भी
हमें स्वावभमान होना चावहए। राष्ट्र प्रतीकों का यवद कोई अपमान करता है , तो उसका पुरजोर विरोध करना चावहए। प्रत्येक
राष्ट्रावभमानी व्यक्ति के हृदय में अपने दे श, अपने दे श की संस्कृवत तथा अपने दे श की भाषा के प्रवत प्रेम होना स्वाभाविक
भािना ही है ।
राष्ट्र के प्रवत हर राष्ट्रिासी को राष्ट्र-वहत में अपने प्रार्ों का उत्सगण करने को तैयार रहना चावहए। वजस दे श के वनिावसयों
के हृदय में यह उत्सगण भािना नहीं होती है , िह राष्ट्र शीघ्र ही पराधीन होकर अपनी सु ख, शां वत और समृक्ति को सदा के
विए खो बैठता है । दे शभक्ति एिं सािण जवनक वहत के वबना राष्ट्रीय महत्ता का अक्तस्तत्व ही नहीं रह सकता है । वजसके हृदय
में राष्ट्रभक्ति है उसके हृदय में मातृ भक्ति, वपतृभक्ति, गुरुभक्ति, पररिार, समाज ि सािणजवनक वहत की बात स्वतः ही आ
जाती है ।
इन उपयुणि भािनाओं से िह आत्मबिी होकर अन्याय, अत्याचार ि अमानिीयता से िडने को तत्पर हो जाता चे मानि
धमण का अनुयायी होकर धमण एिं न्याय के पक्ष में खडा होता है । अतः राष्ट्र -धमण एिं राष्ट्र -भक्ति ही सिोपरर है । यवद हम
ऐसा नहीं करें गे तो स्वयं के प्रवत, ईश्वर के प्रवत एिं राष्ट्र के प्रवत अनु त्तरदायी ही होंगे। वकसी को हावन पहुुँ चाकर स्वयं के
विए अनुवचत िाभ उठाना अन्याय है । अपने राष्ट्र के प्रवत कत्तण व्य से विमुख न होना ही सच्ची राष्ट्रभक्ति है ।

1. एक िागररक के यिए सिोपरर क्या ै ?

(क) राष्ट्र-प्रेम (ग) राष्ट्र-स्वावभमान
(ख) राष्ट्र-भक्ति (घ) उपयुणि सभी
2-राष्ट्र के प्रयि कत्तशव्य से यिमुख ि ोिा क िािा ै -
(क) मातृभक्ति (ग) दे श भक्ति
(ख) ईश भक्ति (घ) गुरुभक्ति
3. प्रेम ोिा एक स्वाभायिक भाििा ै-
(क) राष्ट्र के प्रवत (ख) राष्ट्र सं स्कृवत के प्रवत
(ग) राष्ट्रभाषा के प्रवत (घ) उपयुण ि सभी
4. एक सच्चा मािि खडा ोिा ै -
(क) धमण के पक्ष में (ग) धमण और न्याय के पक्ष में
(ख) न्याय के पक्ष में (घ) इनमें से कोई नहीं
5. यकसी को ायि पहुुँचाकर अिुयचि िाभ उठािे को क िे ैं -
(क) चािाकी (ग) क्रूरता
(ख) अन्याय (घ) संस्कृवत

प्रश्न2 - यिम्नयिखखि काव्यािंर् को पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नोिं के उत्तर दीयिए: (कोई चार ) (1x4 =4)
शां वत नहीं तब तक, जब तक न्यायोवचत अवधकार माुँ गने
सुख-भाग न सबका सम हो। से न वमिे , तो िड के
नहीं वकसी को बहुत अवधक हो तेजस्वी छीनते समय को,
नहीं वकसी को कम हो। जीत, या वक खुद मर के।
स्वत्व माुँ गने से न वमिे , वकसने कहा पाप है ? अनुवचत
संघात पाप हो जाएुँ । स्वत्व-प्राक्ति-वहत िडना?
बोिो धमणराज, शोवषत िे उठा न्याय का खड् ग समर में
वजएुँ या वक वमट जाएुँ ? अभय मारना-मरना?
क . िेिस्वी यकस प्रकार समि को छीि िेिे ैं ?

(I) हार कर (III) जीत कर

(II) मर कर (IV) ii ि iii दोनों सही हैं
ख . धमश राि यकसे क ा गिा ै ?

(I) कृष्ण को (III) युवधविर को

(II) अजुणन को (IV) कोई नहीं

ग. कयि के अिुसार र्ािंयि के यिए क्या आिश्यक र्िश ै?

(I) जब तक सब समान रूप से सुखी न हों (III) जब तक सबको समान अवधकार न वमिें
(II) जब तक युि में जीत न हो (IV) I ि III दोनों सही है

घ . उपिुक्त र्ीषशक दीयिए-

(I) युि (III) अवधकार

(II) उत्साह (IV) धमण

ङ . खड् ग ,समर र्ब्द के यिए स ी पिाशि र्ब्दोिं का िोडा ै ?

(I) तििार, युि (III) खंडन , समय

(II) बादि -विद् यु त (IV) धनुष , बार्

प्रश्न3 – यिम्नयिखखि चार भागोिं में से यकन्ी िं िीि के यिदे र्ािुसार उत्तर दें - (self ) (1x3=3)
(क) कौि -सा सामायसक पद यिर्ेषर् -यिर्ेष्य का सिंबिंध रखिा ै ?
I.कमणधारय II.तत्पुरुष III.बहुव्रीवह IV. द्वन्द्द्व
(ख) स्वर्श -शिंखिा ‘ र्ब्द में समास ै -
I. द्वन्द्द्व II. वद्वगु III.तत्पुरुष IV. अव्ययी भाि
(ग) सीिा – राम ‘ र्ब्द में कौि सा सामायसक यिग्र स ी ोगा ?
I.सीता के राम II. सीता और राम III. सीता से राम IV. सीता के विए राम
(घ) मृगिििी का सामायसक यिग्र ि समास का स ी िोडा ै -
I. मृग जैसे नयनों िािी नावयका विशेष – बहुव्रीवह III. मृग के नयन -तत्पुरुष
II. मृग जैसे नयन-कमणधराय IV.मृग और नयन , वद्वगु समास
प्रश्न4 - यिम्नयिखखि में से यकन्ी िं चार के यिदे र्ािुसार उत्तर दें - (1x4=4)

(क) िब एक प्रधाि ि अन्य उसके आयिि िाक्य ोिं ,िो ि क िािा ै -

I. सरि II संयुि III. वमवित IV. आज्ञािाचक

(ख) बादि आए और यबििी चमकी। -यमि िाक्य में बदयिए-

I) जब बादि आए तब वबजिी चमकी । III) बादि आने पर वबजिी चमकी ।

II) बादि आए इसविए वबजिी चमकी । IV) इनमें से कोई नहीं ।

(ग) िािा सा ब िे क ा यक मैं भी िुद्ध िडूुँगा । – रचिा की दृयष्ट् से िाक्य ै -

I) सरि III) संयुि

II) वमवित IV) विधान िा
(घ) अर्श के आधार पर िाक्य भेद ोिे ैं -
I) 7 III) 4
II) 8 IV) 3

(ङ) ि बहुि बुखद्धमाि ै । इस िाक्य को प्रश्न िाचक में बदििे पर स ी िाक्य ोगा-
I) िाह ! िह बहुत बुक्तिमान है । III) क्या िह बुक्तिमान है ?
II) िह बुक्तिमान नहीं है । IV) काश ! िह बुक्तिमान

प्रश्न5 – यिम्नयिखखि गद्ािंर् को ध्यािपूिशक पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नोिं में यकन्ी िीि के उत्तर स ी उत्तर-यिकल्प
चुिकर दीयिए- (1X3=3)
एक सिाह तक दोनों वमत्र िहाुँ बंधे पडे रहे । वकसी ने चारे का एक तृर् भी न डािा। हाुँ , एक बार पानी वदखा वदया जाता
था। यही उनका आधार था। दोनों इतने दु बणि हो गए थे वक उठा तक नहीं जाता था, ठठररयाुँ वनकि आईं थीं। एक वदन
बाडे के सामने डु ग्गी बजने िगी और दोपहर होते -होते िहाुँ पचास-साठ आदमी जमा हो गए। तब दोनों वमत्र वनकािे गए
और िोग आकर उनकी सू रत दे खते और मन फीका करके चिे जाते ।ऐसे मृतक बैिों का कौन खरीददार होता? सहसा
एक दव़ियि आदमी, वजसकी आुँ खें िाि थीं और मुद्रा अत्यंत कठोर, आया और दोनों वमत्र के कूल्ों में उं गिी गोदकर
मुंशीजी से बातें करने िगा। चेहरा दे खकर अंतज्ञाण न से दोनों वमत्रों का वदि काुँ प उठे । िह कौन है और क्यों टटोि रहा
है , इस विषय में उन्हें कोई संदेह न हुआ। दोनों ने एक-दू सरे को भीत ने त्रों से दे खा और वसर झुका विया। हीरा ने कहा—
'गया के घर से नाहक़ भागे , अब तो जान न बचेगी।' मोती ने अििा के भाि से उत्तर वदया—'कहते हैं , भगिान सबके
ऊपर दया करते हैं , उन्हें हमारे ऊपर दया क्यों नहीं आती?'
(क) दोिोिं बैिोिं की दर्ा कैसी ो गई र्ी ?
I. दु बणि lll. बििान
ll. सबि lV. कोई भी विकल्प सही नहीं हैं ।
(ख) डु ग्गी क्योिं बिाई गई ?
I. मनोरं जन के विए lll. िोगों को जमा करने के विए

ll. बैिों की नीिामी के विए lV. जानिरों को भागने के विए

(ग) ि कौि ै और क्योिं टटोि र ा ै, इस यिषि में उन्ें कोई सिंदे ि हुआ। ऐसा िेखक िे क्योिं क ा ?
I. उनको आभास हो गया था वक दव़ियि कसाई है । lll. बैि अनुभिी थे
ll. दोनो ने जी भर कर चारा खाया था । lV. 1 ि 3 दोनों विकल्प सही हैं ।
(घ) यदि कािंप उठिा । इस मु ािरे का अर्श ै ?
I. ठं ड िगना । III. बीमार होना ।
II. डर िगना । IV. कोई नहीं ।
प्रश्न6- यिम्नयिखखि साखी को पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नोिं के उत्तर स ी उत्तर-यिकल्प चुिकर दीयिए - (1x3 =3)

(कोई िीि )
मोकों कहाुँ ़िूुँ़िे बंदे , मैं तो तेरे पास में।

ना मैं दे िि ना मैं मक्तिद , ना काबे कैिास में।

ना तो कौने वक्रया -कमण में , नहीं योग िैराग में।

खोजी होय तो तुरते वमविहों , पि भर की तिास में।

कहें कबीर सुनो भाई साधो , सब स्वासों की स्वास में।

(क) मोकों कहाुँ ़िूुँ़िे बंदे ? मोको शब्द वकसके विए प्रयोग वकया गया है ?
l. कबीर ll. ईश्वर lll. अज्ञानी lV. सभी

(ख) ईश्वर क ाुँ यििास करिा ै -

l. मंवदर में lll. मनुष्य की हर सां स में
ll. मक्तिद में lV. कैिाश में

(ग) – खोजी से कवि का क्या तात्पयण है ?

l. वनमणि मन िािा II.खोजने िािा

lll.अज्ञानी lV.उपरोि विकािों में से कोई नहीं
(घ) पद् खिंड के माध्यम से कयि क्या सिंदेर् दे र े ैं ?

l. सहज साधना । ll. आडं बर का विरोध ।

lll. उपरोि दोनों । lV.इनमें से कोई नहीं
खिंड -ख (िर्शिात्मक प्रश्न)

प्रश्न7 - यिम्नयिखखि में से यकन्ी िं दो प्रश्नोिं के उत्तर 25 से 30 र्ब्दोिं में दें - (2x2=4)

(क) भारतीयों के साथ अमेररका दु व्यणिहार क्यों करता था ?

(ख) दो बैिों की कथा के आधार पर बताइए वक िेखक ने बैिों को गधे से वनचिे स्तर का मूखण क्यों कहा?
(ग) बैिों के मन में एक ओर झूरी के प्रवत क्रोध था दू सरी ओर स्नेह भी था । ऐसा क्यों ?स्पष्ट् कीवजए ।
प्रश्न8- यिम्नयिखखि में से यकन्ी िं दो प्रश्नोिं के उत्तर 25 से 30 र्ब्दोिं में दें - (2x2=4)

(क) कबीर के अनुसार एक सच्चा सं त कौन होता है ?

(ख) कबीर ने आडं बर का विरोध वकया ।आप इस कथन को उनकी सं कवित साक्तखयों के आधार पर वसि कीवजए ।

(ग) मोह बविंडा टू टा। इस कथन से कवि कबीर का क्या अवभप्राय है ?

प्रश्न9-यिम्नयिखखि में से यकसी एक प्रश्न का उत्तर 50 से 60 र्ब्दोिं में दें :- (3)

(क पटना में आई बा़ि से िेखक ने जो कुछ अनुभि वकया िह वपछिे अनुभिों से वकस तरह वभन्न है ?

(ख) िेखक ने ‘गैररक आिरर्’ वकसे कहा है ? यह कब और क्यों आच्छावदत करता आ रहा था?
‘प्रश्न10- यिम्नयिखखि में से यकसी एक यिषि पर पत्र यिखखए – (4)

I. छात्रािास में रहने िािी अपने छोटी बहन को फैशन की तरफ अवधक रुझान न रख कर प़िाई पर ध्यान दे ने
की सिाह दे ते हुए पत्र विखें ।

II. अपने क्षेत्र में डाक व्यिस्था ठीक न होने की वशकायत करते हुए प्रधान डाक घर के पोस्ट मास्टर जनरि को
पत्र विख कर वशकायत करे ुँ । ।

प्रश्न11-यिम्नयिखखि में से यकसी एक यिषि पर िगभग 40 -50 र्ब्दोिं का एक सिंिाद-िेखि करें - (4)

1-आप अपने वमत्र रोहन के जन्मवदन पर नहीं जा सके । उससे वमिने पर क्षमा माुँ गते हुए संिाद विखें ।

2-मेसी और वक्रक्तस्टयानों रोनाल्डो फुटबॉि क्तखिावडयों के दो समथणकों के बीच अपने वप्रय क्तखिाडी के प्रशंसा करते हुए
संिाद विखें ।

प्रश्न 12 -यिम्नयिखखि यिषि पर िगभग 40 र्ब्दोिं का एक अिुच्छेद यिखें-

सबसे बडा सिंिोष धि -संकेत वबन्द्दु -भूवमका , ितणमान पररिेश ,कारर् , वनष्कषण

सामयिक परीक्षा 1 -प्रयिदर्श प्रश्नपत्र (2023-24)
कक्षा -9

यिषि-य िंदी (सेट 4)

समि: 2 घिंटा पूर्ाांक : 40

सामान्य यिदे र्:–

● प्रस्तुत प्रश्न-पत्र में दो खंड हैं - क और ख।

● खंड 'क' में बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न तथा खंड-'ख' में िर्णनात्मक प्रश्न हैं ।
● प्रत्येक खंड के सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर दे ना अवनिायण है ।
● यथासंभि सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर क्रमशः दें ।
खिंड – क (बहुयिकल्पीि प्रश्न)
प्रश्न1 - यिम्नयिखखि गद्ािंर् को पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नोिं के उत्तर दीयिए- (कोई चार ) (1x4=4)

सच्चा उत्साह िही होता है जो मनुष्य को कायण करने के विए प्रेरर्ा दे ता है । मनु ष्य वकसी भी कारर्िश जब वकसी के
कष्ट को दू र करने का सं कल्प करता है , तब वजस सुख को िह अनुभि करता है , िह सुख विशेष रूप से प्रेरर्ा दे नेिािा
होता है । वजस भी कायण को करने के विए मनुष्य में कष्ट, दु ःख या हावन को सहन करने की ताकत आती है , उन सबसे
उत्पन्न आनंद ही उत्साह कहिाता है उदाहरर् के विए दान दे नेिािा व्यक्ति वनश्चय ही अपने भीतर एक विशेष साहस
रखता है और िह है धन-त्याग का साहस । यही त्याग यवद मनुष्य प्रसन्नता के साथ करता है तो उसे उत्साह से वकया
गया दान कहा जाएगा उत्साह आनंद और साहस का वमिा-जुिा रूप है । उत्साह में वकसी-न-वकसी िस्तु पर ध्यान
अिश्य केंवित होता है । िह चाहे कमण पर, चाहे कमण के फि पर और चाहे व्यक्ति या िस्तु पर हो। इन्ीं के आधार पर
कमण करने में आनंद वमिता है । कमण -भािना से उत्पन्न आनंद का अनुभि केिि सच्चे िीर ही कर सकते हैं क्ोंवक
उनमें साहस की अवधकता होती है । सामान्य व्यक्ति कायण पूरा हो जाने पर वजस आनंद का अनुभि करता है , सच्चा िीर
कायण प्रारं भ होने पर ही उसका अनुभि कर िेता है । आिस्य उत्साह का सबसे बडा शत्रु है । जो व्यक्ति आिस्य से भरा
होगा, उसमें काम करने के प्रवत उत्साह कभी उत्पन्न नहीं हो सकता। उत्साही व्यक्ति असफि होने पर भी कायण करता
रहता है । उत्साही व्यक्ति सदा दृढवनश्चयी होता है ।"
क - उत्सा का प्रमुख िक्षर् ै -
(i) जोश (iii) आनंद
(ii) साहस (iv) आनंद और जोश

ख - सच्चे िीर िे ोिे ैं

(i) जो फि पाने के विए उत्साह वदखाते हैं । (iii) जो वनष्काम भाि से उत्साह वदखाते हैं

(ii) जो कमण भाि से उत्साह वदखाते हैं । (iv) जो आनंद विनोद के विए उत्साह वदखाते हैं

ग - उत्सा के मागश में सबसे बडी रुकािट ै

(i) दु ख (ii) वनराशा

(iii) िैराग्य (iv) आिस्य

घ - उत्सा के सिंदर्श में कौि सा कथि गिि ै -

(i)सच्चा उत्साह िही होता है जो मनुष्य को कायण करने के विए प्रेरर्ा दे ता है ।

(ii) मनुष्य में कष्ट, दु ःख या हावन को सहन करने की ताकत आती है , उन सबसे उत्पन्न आनंद ही उत्साह कहिाता है ।
(iii) सच्चा िीर कायण पूरा हो जाने पर आनंद का अनुभि करता है ।
(iv) कमण-भािना से उत्पन्न आनंद का अनुभि केिि सच्चे िीर ही कर सकते हैं ।

ङ - केंयिि और अयिकिा में क्रमर्ः प्रत्यि इस प्रकार ै

(i) वित, ता (iii) इत, ता

(ii) ईत, आ (iv) ईत, ता

प्रश्न2 - यिम्नयिखखि काव्ािंर् को पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नोिं के उत्तर दीयिए: (कोई चार ) (1x4 =4)
अभी न होगा मेरा अंत जगा एक प्रत्यूष मनोहर
अभी-अभी ही तो आया है । पुष्प-पुष्प से तंिािस िािसा खींच िूाँगा मैं ,
मेरे िन में मृदुि िसंत, अभी न होगा मेरा अंत। अपने निजीिन का अमृत सहषण सींच दू ं गा मैं ,
हरे -हरे ये पात, द्वार वदखा दू ं गा वफर उनको,
डावियााँ , कवियााँ , कोमि गात। हैं मेरे िे जहााँ अनंत
मैं ही अपना स्वप्न-मृदुि-कर अभी न होगा मेरा अंत।
ं गा वनवित कवियों पर
(क) कयि क्ोिं क िा ै, अर्ी ि ोगा मेरा अिंि’?
(i) अवधक जीना चाहता है । (iii) अपने सत्कमों से अमर हो जाना चाहता है ।
(ii) जीिन के िसंत को भोगना चाहता है । (iv) मीठे सपनों में खो जाना चाहता
(ख) िीिे की चा के पीछे कयि का उद्दे श्य ै यक ि -
(i) नए-नए पादपों की कवियााँ वनहारे गा (iii) पौधों को सींचकर फूि क्तखिाएगा
(ii) जीिन रूपी िन में िसं त को सजाएगा (iv) जीिन भर िसंत में िीन रहे गा
(ग) फूिोिं (िुिाओिं )से कयि आिस क्ोिं खी िंच िेिा चा िा ै ?
(i) उन्ें सुगंवधत करने के विए। (iii) उन्ें सहषण भेंट करने के विए
(ii) उन्ें अमृत दे ने के विए (iv) उन्ें नया जीिन दे ने के विए
(घ) कयि के अिुसार ‘कोमि गाि’ ैं-

(i) डावियााँ (iii) कवियााँ

(ii) पवत्तयााँ (iv) िताएाँ
(ङ) सोई कयििोिं को कयि कैसे िगािा चा िा ै ?

(i) कोमि हाथों के स्पशण से (iii) िसंती हिा के झोंकों से

(ii) निजीिन का संदेश दे कर (iv) भौंरों के गुनगुनाने से

प्रश्न3 – यिम्नयिखखि चार र्ागोिं में से यकन्ी िं िीि के यिदे र्ािुसार उत्तर दें - (1x3=3)
(क) ‘ िथार्खि ‘ र्ब्द में समास ै ?
I. अव्ययीभाि II.तत्पुरुष III.बहुव्रीवह IV. द्वन्द्द्व
(ख) ‘ित्पुरुष समास यकस सामायसक पद में ि ी िं ै -
I.निरत्न II. अकािपीवडत III. राष्टरपवत IV. परिोकगमन
(ग) यिगु समास का स ी उदा रर् ि ी िं ै -
I.चौराहा II. नौरत्न III. दु पवहया IV. वत्रनेत्र
(घ) यिम्न िोडोिं में कमश िारि समास का स ी िोडा ि ी िं ै -
I. नीि कमि , पीतां बर II. पीताम्बर, िंबोदर III.कािी वमचण ,चरर् कमि IV.कृष्णसपण , नीिां बर
प्रश्न4 - यिम्नयिखखि में से यकन्ी िं चार के यिदे र्ािुसार उत्तर दें - (1x4=4)
(क) ियद आप क ेंगे , िर्ी मैं गुिाब िामुि खाऊँगा। इस यमश्र िाक् का सरि रूप ोगा -
I. आप जब तक नहीं कहें गे ,मैं गुिाब जामुन नहीं खाऊाँगा ।
II आपके कहने पर मैं गुिाब जामुन खाऊाँगा ।
III. आप कहें गे और मैं गुिाब जामुन खाऊाँगा।
IV. इनमें से कोई नहीं ।

(ख) र्ािद अगिे िषश चुिाि ोिंगे । अथश की दृयि से िाक् ै -

I) संकेत िाचक III) संदेह िाचक
II) विधान िाचक IV) विस्मय िाचक
(ग)झरू ी िे ीरा -मोिी को अपिी ससुराि र्ेि यदिा। –रचिा के आिार पर िाक् र्ेद ै -
I) सरि II) वमवित III) संयुि IV) जवटि िाचक

(घ र्ूपशर्खा आई और झायडिोिं में छु प गई ‘ इस िाक् का सरि िाक् ोगा -

I) शूपणर्खा आकर झावडयों में छु प गई ।
II) जब शूपणर्खा आई तब झावडयों में छु प गई।
III) जो शूपणर्खा थी ,िह झावडयों में छु प गई ।
IV) इनमें कोई नहीं ।
(ङ)‘ िुम से ि काम ोिे से र ा । अथश के आिार पर िाक् ै –
I) सरि II) संकेत िाचक III) संदेह िाचक IV) वनषेध िाचक

प्रश्न5 – यिम्नयिखखि गद्ािंर् को ध्यािपूिशक पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नोिं में यकन्ी िीि के उत्तर स ी उत्तर-यिकल्प
चुिकर दीयिए- (1X3=3)
दोनों वमत्रों को जीिन में पहिी बार ऐसा सावबका पडा था वक सारा वदन बीत गया और खाने को एक वतनका भी न वमिा।
समझ में न आता था, यह कैसा स्वामी है । इससे तो गया वफर भी अच्छा था। यहााँ कई भैंसे थीं, कई बकररयााँ , कई घोडे ,
कई गधे , पर वकसी के सामने चारा न था, सब ज़मीन पर मुदों की तरह पडे थे।
कई तो इतने कमज़ोर हो गए थे वक खडे भी न हो सकते थे। सारा वदन वमत्र फाटक की ओर टकटकी िगाए रहते , पर
कोई चारा न िेकर आता वदखाई वदया। तब दोनों ने दीिार की नमकीन वमट्टी चाटनी शुरू की, पर इससे क्ा तृक्ति होती।
रात को भी जब कुछ भोजन न वमिा तो हीरा के वदि में वििोह की ज्वािा दहक उठी। मोती से बोिा—'अब नहीं रहा
जाता मोती! मोती ने वसर िटकाए हुए जिाब वदया—'मुझे तो मािूम होता है वक प्रार् वनकि रहे हैं ।'
'आओ दीिार तोड डािें।'

(क)दोिोिं यमत्र क ाँ पहुँच गए थे ?

I. झूरी की ससुराि lll. गया के घर
ll. कां जी हाउस lV. दवियि के घर
(ख) दोिोिं बैि को कािंिी ाउस आिे के बाद क्ोिं िगा यक ‘गिा’ कािंिी ाउस के िोगोिं से अच्छा था ?
I. गया उनको खाना दे ता था lll. गया उनको मारता नहीं था ।
ll. िह उनसे खेत नहीं जुतिाता था lV. 2 ि 3 दोनों विकल्प सही हैं ।
(ग) कािंिी ाउस में िाििरोिं की दु दशर्ा का मुख्य करर् क्ा था ?
I. उनको पयाण ि भोजन नहीं वमिता था lll. िहााँ बहुत गंदगी थी ।
ll. दोनो ने जी भर कर चारा खाया था । lV. 1 ि 3 दोनों विकल्प सही हैं ।
(घ) िे दोिोिं फाटक की ओर टकटकी क्ोिं िगाए थे ?
I. उनको िगता था वक कोई चारा िाएगा । III. उनको झूरी का इं तजार था ।
II. िे भागना चाहते थे । IV. कोई नहीं ।
प्रश्न6- यिम्नयिखखि साखी को पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नोिं के उत्तर स ी उत्तर-यिकल्प चुिकर दीयिए - (1x3 =3)

(कोई िीि )
पखापखी के कारिे , सब िग र ा र्ुिाि।

यिरपख ोई के रर र्िै , सोई सिंि सुिाि।।

(क) पखापखी का अथश ै?

l. पक्ष – विपक्ष ll. पक्षी lll. गृहस्थी lV. सभी

(ख) सोई सिंि सुिाि।पिंखि में कौि- सा अििंकार ै । -

l. यमक ll. रूपक lll. अनुप्रास lV.उत्प्रेक्षा

(ग) यिरपख का ित्सम रूप ै -

l. वनपख II. वनष्पक्ष

lll. विपक्ष lV.उपरोि विकल्पों में से कोई नहीं
(घ) यिरपख ोई के रर र्िै – इस पिंखि का अथश ै -
l. धावमणक मतभेदों से दू री रह कर सहज साधना । ll. आत्म सुख के विए साधना ।
lll. उपरोि दोनों । lV.इनमें से कोई नहीं ।
खिंड -ख (िर्शिात्मक प्रश्न)
प्रश्न7 - यिम्नयिखखि में से यकन्ी िं दो प्रश्नोिं के उत्तर 25 से 30 र्ब्दोिं में दें - (2x2=4)
(क) बैिों को झूरी से क्ा वशकायत थी ?उनकी वशकायत कहााँ तक उवचत थी ?
(ख) ‘कदावचत सीधापन सं सार के विए उवचत नहीं ।‘ इस कथन के व्याख्या कीवजए ।
(ग) ‘दो बैिों की कथा’ पाठ के आधार पर िेखक प्रेम चंद की विचार धारा स्पष्ट कीवजए ।
प्रश्न8- यिम्नयिखखि में से यकन्ी िं दो प्रश्नोिं के उत्तर 25 से 30 र्ब्दोिं में दें - (2x2=4)

(क) कबीर के अनुसार सच्चा संत कौन है ?

(ख) साखी से आप क्ा समझते हैं ? स्पष्ट कीवजए । ।

(ग) मानसरोिर में हं स क्रीडा करता है । कबीर का इस पंक्ति से क्ा तात्पयण है ?

प्रश्न9-यिम्नयिखखि में से यकसी एक प्रश्न का उत्तर 50 से 60 र्ब्दोिं में दें :- (3)

(क) कुछ प्राकृवतक आपदाओं का संवक्षि िर्णन कीवजए । ।
(ख) ‘ईह! जब दानापुर डूब रहा था तो पटवनयााँ बाबू िोग उिटकर दे खने भी नहीं गए…अब बूझो!’-इस कथन द्वारा
िोगों की वकस मानवसकता पर चोट की गई है ?
‘प्रश्न10- यिम्नयिखखि में से यकसी एक यिषि पर पत्र यिखखए – (4)
I. आपके क्षेत्र में सफाई कमी अक्सर तीन- चार वदन बाद कूडा िेने या सफाई करने आते हैं । इस कारर्
बीमाररयााँ फैि रही हैं । इसकी वशकायत करते हुए नगर वनगम अवधकारी को पत्र विखें ।
II. अपने छोटे भाई को फास्ट फूड से बचने, पौवष्टक आहार िेने ि अपने स्वास्थ्य का ध्यान की सिाह दे ते हुए पत्र
विखें ।
प्रश्न11-यिम्नयिखखि में से यकसी एक यिषि पर िगर्ग 40 -50 र्ब्दोिं का एक सिंिाद-िेखि करें - (4)
1-बच्चों में वशक्षा के प्रवत कम होते रुझान पर दो वशवक्षकाओं के बीच संिाद विखें ।
2-मुंबई इं वडयन्स और राजस्थान रॉयल्स वक्रकेट टीम के दो समथणकों के बीच अपनी – अपनी टीम की जीत के विषय में
बात –चीत को संिाद के रूप में विखें ।
प्रश्न 12 -यिम्नयिखखि यिषि पर िगर्ग 40 र्ब्दोिं का एक अिुच्छेद यिखें-
प्रयििोयगिा का दौर - संकेत वबन्द्दु -भूवमका , ितणमान क्तस्थवत , युिाओं पर बिता मानवसक बोझ , वनष्कषण
सामयिक परीक्षा 1 - प्रयिदर्श प्रश्नपत्र (2023-24)

कक्षा -9

यिषि-य िंदी (सेट 5 )

समि: 2 घिंटा पूर्ाांक : 40

सामान्य यिदे र्:–

● प्रस्तुत प्रश्न-पत्र में दो खंड हैं - क और ख।

● खंड 'क' में बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न तथा खंड-'ख' में िर्णनात्मक प्रश्न हैं ।
● प्रत्येक खंड के सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर दे ना अवनिायण है ।
● यथासंभि सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर क्रमशः दें ।
खिंड – क (बहुयिकल्पीि प्रश्न)

प्रश्न1 - यिम्नयिखखि गद्ािंर् को पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नोिं के उत्तर दीयिए- (कोई चार ) (1x4=4)

भारत एक बडा दे श है । बहुसां स्कृवतक, बहुजातीय, बहुभाषीय लोगों का दे श। हर वहस्से के अलग रीवत-ररिाज़, पोशाक
की विवभन्नताएँ आवद मौजू द हैं , लेवकन दे श के वकसी वहस्से में भी चले जाइए, सारी विवभन्नताओं के बीच एक समानता
ज़रूर है -सोने को लेकर गज़ब का प्यार। सौभाग्य का प्रतीक है -सोना। हमारी परं पराओं, मान्यताओं, रीवत-ररिाज़ों, त्योहारों
और संस्कारों से जुडा हुआ। युगों-युगों से ये हमें सम्मोवहत करता रहा है । गज़ब की कवशश है इसकी चमक में, न जाने
क्या जादू है इसमें। यह शुद्ध है , कालजयी, अजर और अमर है । वहं दुओं की मान्यता है वक सोना भगिान सूयण का अंग है ।
उनकी अश्रुधारा से वनकला हुआ, इसवलए उन्ीं के समान तेजिान और तीव्र ओज से भरपूर है । िैसे सोना न जाने वकतनी
पीव़ियों से विरासत की भूवमका वनभाता आ रहा है । माँ से बेटी और विर इस तरह आगे की पीव़ियों तक। यह महज़ एक
धातु नहीं, बल्कि जीिन का एक वहस्सा है । सुख-दु :ख का साथी। हमेशा संबल और आत्मविश्वास दे ने िाला। ये राजाओं
का प्यारा रहा और रं कों का भी तथा आध्याल्कत्मकता से भरपूर महात्माओं का भी।
1. दे र् में सारी यियिन्निाओिं के बीच एक समाििा क्या ै ?
(क) खानपान (ग) पोशाक
(ख) भाषा (घ)स्वर्ण के प्रवत प्रेम
2- य न्दू मान्यिा के अिुसार सोिा यकसका अिं ग ै -
(क) सूरज का (ग) पहाड का
(ख) धरती का (घ) चाँ द का
3. सोिा दु ख – सुख का य स्सा क्योिं ै -
(क) मूल्यिान होने के कारर् (ख) िैभि का प्रतीक होने के कारर्
(ग) सौभाग्य का प्रतीक होने के कारर् (घ) उपयुणक्त सभी
4. सोिे के पिाशि का स ी िोड़ा ि ी िं ै -
(क) वहरण्य , कनक (ग)कुंदन ,कंचन
(ख) रजत ,कनक (घ) स्वर्ण , हे म
5. सोिा यकसकी िूयमका यििािा आ र ा ै -
(क) विरासत (ख) संस्कृवत
(ग) केिल क (घ) क ि ख दोनों

प्रश्न2 - यिम्नयिखखि काव्ािंर् को पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नोिं के उत्तर दीयिए: (कोई चार ) (1x4 =4)
कवलयों के अधरों पर पलते रहे विलासी कायर,
जीत गए हम, जीता विद्रोही अवभमान हमारा,

उधर मृत्यु पैरों से बाँ धे, रहा जूझता यौिन।

प्रार्दान विक्षुब्ध तरं गों को वमल गया वकनारा।

उस शहीद यौिन की सुवध हम क्षर् भर को न वबसारे ,

उवदत हुआ रवि स्वतं त्रता का व्योम उगलता जीिन,

उसके पगवचह्ों पर अपने मन के मोती िारें ।

आज़ादी की आग अमर है , घोवषत करता कर्-कर्,

क . यिद्रो ी अयििाि से क्या िात्पिश ै ?

(I) विदे शी आक्रान्ताओं के प्रवत विद्रोह (III) राज नेताओं के प्रवत विद्रोह
(II) i ि iii दोनों सही हैं (IV) इनमें से कोई नहीं
ख. यमिाि करें ि स ी उत्तर का क्रम चुिें –
क-व्योम 1-भूले
ख-वबसारे 2- स्मृवत
ग-सुवध 3-अशां त
घ-विक्षुब्ध 4-आकाश

(I) क-3,ख- 1,ग-2,घ -4 (III) क-4,ख- 1,ग-2,घ -3

(II) क-4,ख- 2,ग-1,घ -3 (IV) क-2,ख- 1,ग-4,घ -3
ग. कयि के अिुसार यकसका अिुकरर् करिा चाय ए ?

(I) संन्यावसयों का (III) शहीदों का

(II) शासकों का (IV) I ि iii दोनों सही है

घ . उयदि , कािर ,यिद्रो र्ब्ोिं के यििोम र्ब्ोिं का स ी िोड़ा ै -

(I) अस्त ,िीर , अविद्रोह (III) अस्त ,डरा , अविद्रोह

(II) अस्त ,िीर , समथणन (IV) अन्यस्त ,िीर , समथणन
ङ . कयििा का मूि िाि क्या ै ?
(I) युद्ध (III) राष्ट्र भल्कक्त
(II) शहादत (IV) मातृभल्कक्त

प्रश्न3 – यिम्नयिखखि चार िागोिं में से यकन्ी िं िीि के यिदे र्ािुसार उत्तर दें - (self ) (1x3=3)
(क) स ी िोड़ा प चािे ?
I. रात ही रात में – रातों रात – अव्ययी भाि III. िीर्ा है वजसके हाथों में – िीर्ािावदनी –बहु व्रीवह
II. मन से ग़िा- मनग़ि – विगु IV. चार आनों का समाहार – चिन्नी – िन्द्ि
(ख) ‘रक्त दाि ‘ र्ब् में समास ै -
I. िन्द्ि II. विगु III.तत्पुरुष IV. अव्ययी भाि
(ग) पूिश पद सिंख्यािाची यिर्ेषर् ोिा ै ?
I. िन्द्ि समास में III. अव्ययी समास में

II. विगु समास में IV.कमण धारय समास में

(घ) ‘ सुिििा’ का सामायसक यिग्र ि समास का स ी िोड़ा ै-
I. सुंदर नयनों िाली नावयका विशेष – बहुव्रीवह III. सुंदर के नयन -तत्पुरुष
II. सुंदर जैसे नयन-कमणधराय IV. सुंदर और नयन , विगु समास
प्रश्न4 - यिम्नयिखखि में से यकन्ी िं चार के यिदे र्ािुसार उत्तर दें - (1x4=4)
(क) िब दो सरि िाक्य सिंिोिक से िुड़ें ोिं ,िो ि क िािा ै -
I. सरल II संयुक्त III. वमवश्रत IV. आज्ञािाचक
(ख) दयढ़िि आिा और बैिोिं को छू कर दे खा । -यमश्र िाक्य में बदयिए-
I) जब दव़ियल आया तब उसने बैलों को छू कर दे खा। III) दव़ियल ने आकर बैलों को छु आ ।
II) दव़ियल ने बैलों को छु आ और दे खा । IV) इनमें से कोई नहीं ।
(ग) कौि -सा िाक्य सरि ि ी िं ै -
I) मैं वशमला घू मने गया । III) मैं वशमला गया वकन्तु बिण नहीं दे खी ।
II) वशमला का प्रवसद्ध पकिान वसड् डू है । IV) मैंने वशमला की प्रवसद्ध कुल्लू टोपी खरीदी।

(घ)अर्श के आधार पर िाक्य िेद बिाएिं - इस सिंस्कृयि के फैिाि का क्या पररर्ाम ोगा ?

I) विस्मय बोधक III) प्रश्न िाचक

II) आज्ञा िाचक IV) वनषेध िाचक

(ङ) ियद मीिािी अच्छा खेििी िो म िीि िािे । अर्श की दृयि से िाक्य ै -
I) आज्ञा िाचक III) संदेह िाचक ?
II) विधान िाचक IV) संकेत िाचक

प्रश्न5 – यिम्नयिखखि गद्ािंर् को ध्यािपूिशक पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नोिं में यकन्ी िीि के उत्तर स ी उत्तर-यिकल्प
चुिकर दीयिए- (1X3=3)
राह में गाय-बैलों का एक रे िड हरे -भरे हार में चरता नज़र आया। सभी जानिर प्रसन्न थे , वचकने , चपल। कोई उछलता
था, कोई आनंद से बैठा पागुर करता था वकतना सुखी जीिन था इनका, पर वकतने स्वाथी हैं सब। वकसी को वचंता नहीं
वक उनके दो भाई बवधक के हाथ पडे कैसे दु ःखी हैं ।
सहसा दोनों को ऐसा मालूम हुआ वक पररवचत राह है । हाँ , इसी रास्ते से गया उन्ें ले गया था। िही खेत, िही बाग़, िही
गाँ ि वमलने लगे , प्रवतक्षर् उनकी चाल तेज़ होने लगी। सारी थकान, सारी दु बणलता ग़ायब हो गई। आह! यह लो! अपना ही
हार आ गया। इसी कुएँ पर हम पुर चलाने आया करते थे , यही कुआँ है ।

(क) उिके दो िाई बयधक के ार् पड़े कैसे दु ुःखी ैं । दोिोिं िाई कौि र्े ?
I. हीरा मोती lll. दव़ियल – गया
ll. गया – झूरी lV. कोई भी विकल्प सही नहीं हैं ।
(ख) ीरा मोिी की र्काि क्योिं गािब ो गई ?

I. उनको भोजन वमल गया था । lll. उन्ोंने विश्राम वकया था।

ll. उनको घर की पररवचत राह वमल गई थी। lV. इनमें से कोई नहीं ।

(ग) कुएिं को दे ख कर दोिोिं क्योिं खुर् हुए ?

I. उस कुएं पर िे पुर चलाते थे । lll. कुआँ झूरी का था ।

ll. कुआँ बहुत पुराना था । lV. इनमें से कोई नहीं ।

(घ) खेि के यिकट ी दोिोिं का यकससे िुद्ध हुआ ?

I. एक बैल से । III. एक सां ड से ।

II. दव़ियल से । IV. गया से ।

प्रश्न6- यिम्नयिखखि साखी को पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नोिं के उत्तर स ी उत्तर-यिकल्प चुिकर दीयिए - (1x3 =3)

(कोई िीि )

संतौं भाई आई ग्याँ न की आँ धी रे ।

भ्रम की टाटी सबै उडाँ नी , माया रहै न बाँ धी॥

वहवत वचत्त की िै थूँनी वगराँ नी, मोह बवलंडा तूटा।

वत्रस्ाँ छाँ वन परर घर ऊपरर, कुबुवध का भाँ डाँ िूटा।

जोग जुगवत काया का वनकस्या, हरर की गवत जब जाँ र्ी॥

आँ धी पीछै जो जल बूठा, प्रेम हरर जन भीन

ं ाँ ।

कहै कबीर भाँ न के प्रगटे उवदत भया तम खीनाँ ॥

(क) िााँडााँ र्ब् के यिए र्ाखब्क ि प्रिीक अर्श का िोड़ा छााँयटए ?

l.भेद – कुबुल्कद्ध ll. बतणन – कुबुल्कद्ध lll. बतणन – माया lV. बतणन= मोह

(ख) अज्ञाििा का िम कैसे िि ोिा ै ? -

Lज्ञान का सूरज उगने पर lll. वदया जलाने पर

lV. 1 ि 2 दोनों
ll. अज्ञानता का नाश होने पर

(ग) – परमात्मा के विषय में सत्य का ज्ञान होने पर क्या होता है ?

l. व्यल्कक्त वनमणल मन िाला हो जाता है II.मुल्कक्त वमल जाती है

lll.व्यल्कक्त धनी हो जाता है lV.उपरोक्त विकल्पों में से कोई नहीं
(घ) घर का छप्पर यकस रूप में बिािा गिा ै ?

l. बल्ली । ll. दीिार । lll. खंभा lV. छप्पर

खिंड -ख (िर्शिात्मक प्रश्न)
प्रश्न7 - यिम्नयिखखि में से यकन्ी िं दो प्रश्नोिं के उत्तर 25 से 30 र्ब्ोिं में दें - (2x2=4)

(क) झूरी अपने बैलों से बहुत प्रेम करता था । वसद्ध कीवजए ।

(ख) जापान वकस प्रकार सभ्य दे शों में वगन जाने लगा?
(ग) एकता में शल्कक्त होती है । हीरा – मोती ने कैसे वसद्ध वकया ?।
प्रश्न8- यिम्नयिखखि में से यकन्ी िं दो प्रश्नोिं के उत्तर 25 से 30 र्ब्ोिं में दें - (2x2=4)

(क) कबीर के अनुसार हं स कौन है और िह वकस स्थान पर क्रीडा करता है ?

(ख) कबीर की विचार धारा ितणमान समय में कैसे प्रासंवगक है ?

(ग) कबीर ने अंवतम दोहों में वकन सामावजक बुराइयों की ओर संकेत वकया है ?

प्रश्न9-यिम्नयिखखि में से यकसी एक प्रश्न का उत्तर 50 से 60 र्ब्ोिं में दें :- (3)

(क)कॉफी हाउस पहुँ चकर लेखक आतंवकत क्यों हो गया? इस आतंक का उस पर क्या असर हुआ?

(ख) पटना को बा़िग्रस्त दे खकर अधेड मुस्टंड ने क्या वटप्पर्ी की? उसकी वटप्पर्ी इस समय वकतनी उवचत थी, स्पष्ट्

‘प्रश्न10- यिम्नयिखखि में से यकसी एक यिषि पर पत्र यिखखए – (4)

I. आपने क्रोध में आकर अपने माँ को उलटा जिाब दे वदया,वजसका आपको पछतािा हो रहा है ।अतः क्षमा
माँ गते हुए उन्ें पत्र वलखें ।

II. अपने क्षेत्र में स्टर ीट लाइट् स खराब हैं । इसकी सूचना दे ते हुए नगर वनगम के नगर आयुक्त को पत्र वलख कर
ठीक करिाने के प्राथणना करें ।

प्रश्न11-यिम्नयिखखि में से यकसी एक यिषि पर िगिग 40 -50 र्ब्ोिं का एक सिंिाद-िेखि करें - (4)

आपके विद्यालय में कोच ने आपको खराब प्रदशणन के कारर् टीम से वनकाल वदया । अतः पररश्रम करने का आश्वासन
दे ते हुए कोच और अपने बीच संिाद वलखें ।


प्रश्न 12 -यिम्नयिखखि यिषि पर िगिग 40 र्ब्ोिं का एक अिुच्छेद यिखें-

सबसे बड़ा सिंिोष धि -संकेत वबन्द्दु -भूवमका , ितणमान पररिेश ,कारर् , वनष्कषण

Time allowed: 1 1/2 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 40
General Instructions:
1. The Question Paper contains THREE sections-READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING and
2. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.


1. Read the following text. 5m

People who support animal rights recognise that all animals have an inherent worth, a value
completely separate from their usefulness to humans. Every being with a will to live has the right
to live free from exploitation and suffering.
All animals have the ability to suffer in the same way and to the same degree that humans do.
They feel pain, pleasure, fear, frustration, loneliness, and familial love. Whenever we consider
doing something that would interfere with their needs, we are morally obligated to take them
into account.
People often ask if animal rights mean that animals should have the right to vote or drive a car.
Of course, that would be silly because those aren't rights that would benefit animals. But animals
have the right not to suffer at the hands of humans and to live their lives free from suffering and
exploitation because they have an interest in doing so. That is the difference between equal
consideration and equal treatment.
Almost everyone cares about animals in some context, whether it's a beloved family companion,
an irresistibly cute kitten or a majestic wild animal seen in a documentary. After all, we each
have some built-in capacity for empathy and compassion, as can be seen from the lengths that
children often go to in order to help animals.

Logically and morally, there is no reason to differentiate in the way we treat the animals we share
our homes with and those who are farmed for food. They are all individuals, with the same
capacity to a feel pain and fear. Animal rights help us to look past the arbitrary distinctions

1 of 7
between different species, to rediscover our innate compassion, and to respect all animals
Anyone who cares about animals can start putting these principles into practice every single day
with the food they eat, the clothes they wear and the products they buy. These choices are a form
of non-violent protest that makes a real difference both by reducing the profits of corporation
that harm or kill animals and by creating a growing market for cruelty- free food, fashion,
services and entertainment.
( Source:
1. Answer the following questions, based on the passage above.

i What do the people who support animal rights recognize? 1

ii As human beings, what are our moral obligations towards animals? 1
iii What is the right of animals as mentioned in paragraph three? 1
iv. Anyone who cares about animals can start putting these principles into practice. Which 1
is the odd one out?
(a) Showcase innate compassion and respect for the animals.
(b) Torture and cruelty are to be banned.
(c) Create a market for cruelty- free food, fashion etc.
(d) Recognize that all animals don’t have inherent worth.
v. Tick the antonym of ‘Majestic”-
(a) Exalted 1
(b) August
(c) Elevated
(d) Pathetic
2 Read the given text- 5
Playing videogames provides entertainment and many social and psychological rewards.
However, videogame addiction also needs to be considered. Researchers have noted that
the number of hours spent playing videogames is not necessarily a core indicator of
addiction. Instead, several factors such as how fun or challenging a game is, or being able
to play with friends are also important determinants to understanding whether a game
is addictive or just engaging.
A study investigated the reasons for smartphone game addiction. This was done by
analysing the reviews of games. Reviews were collected from games across different
categories in an app store. A total of 25,200 reviews were collected containing references
to the game being addictive. These reviews were analysed and the number of times
different factors were mentioned for terming a game as addictive was recorded.

2 of 7
It was seen that 22.37% of the total reviews in the study that described a game as
'addictive', also described it as 'challenging'. This was the most common factor
associated with addictive games, out of all the 9 factors. This was followed by 15.7% of
the reviews mentioning the factor of ' friends'. Although it is a cliché, the ubiquity of the
internet has made the world a global village. Friends can now play and interact as a
group, build virtual relationships within the game, and attain social recognition from
others, without even meeting in person. All of these factors can be highly engaging to
players, and for some, these could become addictive.
(248 words)

i. Based on the passage, answer ANY FIVE of the following questions given below.
I State any two reasons why we need to study videogames. 1
1. __________
2. __________
ii Layla spends two hours a day playing games on her phone. According to the passage, is
this information sufficient to say she is addicted to videogames? Why/ why not? Answer 1
in one sentence.
iii Complete the following analogy correctly with a word from paragraph 1:
flourishes: grows: __________: factors 1
iv Based on paragraph 1, it can be said that the level of __________ and __________ in a
videogame determine how addictive it can be. Which of these can go in the blanks to 1
complete the sentence correctly?
1. variety
2. violence
3. difficulty
4. popularity
5. enjoyment
A. 1 & 4
B. 2 & 3
C. 3 & 5
D. 4 & 5
v The study mentioned in the passage used game reviews to understand what makes a
game addictive. State one reason why game reviews were analysed for the purpose of 1
the study.
vi Based on the table in the passage, which type of game does the given graph represent?

A. Action

3 of 7
B. Board
C. Card
D. Word


3 Study the given notes and complete the paragraph that follows by filling up gaps
with the most appropriate words/phrases.
i. Annual Function of the school
 Inauguration by the Principal 2.5
 Organisers very happy
 The Mayor as the Chief Guest
 Prize Distribution by the Chief Guest
Last week the Annual Function of our school (a) _____________ The Mayor of the town (b)
____________ to grace the occasion (c) _________________ the Chief Guest.
The Chief Guest (d) ______________ the prizes to the winners. The success of the function
(e)............. the organisers. They were very happy.

(a) (i) was celebrated

(ii) are celebrated
(iii) celebrated
(iv) were celebrated

(b) (i) were invited

(ii) was invited
(iii) invited
(iv) is invited

(c) (i) for

(ii) with
(iii) if
(iv) as

(d) (i) take away

(ii) gave away
(iii) went away
(iv) move away

(e) (i) delighted

(ii) were delighted
(iii) was delighted
(iv) is delighted

4 of 7
ii. Edit the letter given below by making changes in the underlined words-
B-26, Sector-20
Noida 2.5

18th March 20XX

The General Manager

Full Marks Pvt Ltd.
New Delhi

Sub: Application for the post of an Editor

Dear Sir
With reference to your advertisement (a) on 'The Times of India' dated 16th March,
20XX, you (b) needs English Editors. Will you please consider (c) I an applicant for the
same position? I am postgraduate (d) from English Literature and (e) possesses nearly
five years of editing experience.
So, kindly give me an opportunity to face an interview with your esteemed organisation.
Thanking you

Yours sincerely
Kapil Gupta
(a) _________________
(b) ________________
(c) ________________
(d) ________________
(e) ________________

How to describe a person? (INTRODUCTION)
Personal Sketch can be portrayed by narrating bio sketch of an individual compiling the
gravity of experience, possession, expectation and formal requirement of the fundamental
features. Proper format with flawless narration can add feather to the cap. Apart from the
physical features, this form of writing can include the characteristics, the capabilities. The
skills and other distinctive qualities of the person concerned.

4.A Write a description of your class teacher. (100- 120 words)

Include: his/her personality, subject taught, no. of years in school, relationship with

OR 5
4.B A few days ago, you stole a fancy pen of your elder brother. You felt excited to have it but
soon you realized your mistake. You kept the pen back in the pocket of his shirt stealthily.
That very night you wrote a page of your diary. Write this diary entry in about 120 words
recording how your conscience pricked you.

5 of 7

Read the following extract and answer ANY 3 of the questions that follow:
5. The screen was lit up, and it said, "Today's arithmetic lesson is on the addition of proper
fractions. Please insert yesterday's homework in the proper slot. Margie did so with a
sigh. She was thinking about the old schools they had when her grandfather's grandfather 3
was a little boy. All the kids from the whole neighbourhood came, laughing and shouting
in the schoolyard, sitting together in the schoolroom, going home together at the end of
the day. They learned the same things, so they could help one another with the homework
and talk about it.

i. What was the arithmetic lesson about? 1

ii. Assertion – Margie did so with a sigh.
Reason – Margie hated the slot wherein she was supposed to insert yesterday’s
homework. 1
(a) Assertion and Reason both are true and Assertion is the correct explanation of reason.
(b) Assertion and Reason both are true but Assertion is not the correct explanation of
(c) Assertion is true but the Reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false but the Reason is true.
iii . Which word in the passage means 'near the house"? 1
iv. Analogy : ____________ : take out :: interject : remove 1

6. Read the following extract and answer ANY 3 of the questions that follow:
Wind, come softly 3
Don't break the shutters of the windows.
Don't scatter the papers Don't throw down the books on the shelf
There, look what you did you threw them all down. You tore the pages of the books.
You brought rain again.
You are very clever at poking fun at weaklings.
i The destructive activities of wind are. 1
(a) scattering papers
(b) breaking shutters of windows
(c) throwing down books
(d) all of these

ii The wind seems to be ............. in these lines. 1

(a) weak
(c) not effective
iii What is responsible for bringing the rain ? 1
(a) Air
(b) Sun
(c) wind
(d) moon
iv Find the word from the extract which is an antonym of 'foolish' 1
(a) scatter

6 of 7
(b) clever
(c) shutters
(d) None of the above

7 Answer ANY TWO of the following THREE questions, in about 40-50 words. 2x3=6
i ‘Pungi became the generic name for reeded noise maker’ How was it revived to 3
produce ‘soft and melodious sounds’?
ii How far was Bismillah Khan fascinated with India, Benaras and Dumrao? 3

iii ‘Men with bushy beards give me trouble’. Why did Evelyn feel so? 3

8. Answer ANY ONE of the following three questions, in about 40-50 words. 1x3=3
i How does the poet compare human life with the wind? 3
ii What is the significance of the title of the story ‘The Lost Child’? 3
9. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words. 1x5=5
(A) “If you work hard and know where you’re going, you’ll get there” says Evelyn Glennie.
You have read about two musicians, Evelyn Glennie and Ustad Bismillah Khan. Do you think
that they both worked hard? Where did they want to’ go’?
(Answer in 2 paragraphs, one on each of the two musicians.)
(B) Imagining yourself as Margie write a diary entry stating how happy you would have been to
study in the old kind of school. Your diary entry should be dated 20th May 2157. (100-150
You may begin like this:
20th May 2157
Dear Diary
Today has been the most wonderful day of my life as I have seen a real, centuries old printed
book that Tommy found in the attic of his house…….

7 of 7
Time allowed: 1 1/2 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 40
General Instructions:
1. The Question Paper contains THREE sections-READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING and
2. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.

1. Read the following text. 5m

(1) Once a tourist remarked, "I visited the Eastern States this time where the people talk in songs and
they always dance." The eastern region of India is no doubt charmingly novel in many of its features.
Mizoram, literally the land of Mizos is an expanse of blue-green hills. Mizoram is broken up
lengthwise into five major mountain ranges gradually descending from the south to the north. The
hills are rugged and their heights uneven. The name of the state Mizoram is made of two words. "Mi'
means human beings, ‘Zo’ means a hill. So, a 'Mizo' is a human dweller of a hill, Mizoram means the
land of the hill-dwellers. Aizawl is the capital town of the State built in tiers along the hill.

The Mizos have three main festivals Mim Kut, Chapchar Kut and Pawl Kut. These festivals are
associated with their agricultural activities during which they enjoy life by singing and dancing The
Mizos, blessed as they are with a beautiful environment and rich culture, are a vibrant and social
people. They love to dance as much as they love to sing. They boast a number of folk and community
dances handed down from one generation to the other through the ages. The dances are expressions
of the gay, carefree spirit of the Mizos. It should he noted here that these dances are not intended for
stage performance, rather they have been evolved for community involvement and participation.
Adapted from XII (Core Course) NCERT, 2003
Answer the following questions, based on the passage above.

i The state referred here is made of two names-MI+ZO. What does Mizoram mean? 1

1 of 7
i Which activities are associated with Mizo festivals? How do Mizos enjoy these festivals? 1
i What are the special features of a Mizo dance? 1
i The following statements characterise Mizo people. Tick the one which is not true. 1
v (a) Mizos have a beautiful culture.
(b) They live in a beautiful natural environment
(c) They have a number of community and folk dances.
(d) The community involvement and participation is always there.
(e)They love to dance and not so much to sing.

v The synonym of ‘Dweller’- 1

(a) Denizen
(b) Transient
(c) Refugee
(d) Emigrant
2 Read the given text- 5
The North-East of India is a melting pot of variegated cultural mosaic of people and races, an
ethnic tapestry of many hues and shades. Yet, these states are lesser explored as compared to the
rest of the country. The new generations of travellers who are ‘money rich and time poor’ are
increasingly looking for unique experiences --a phenomenon being called the emergence of the
‘experience economy’. For this new and growing breed of tourists, the North-East with its variety
and uniqueness holds immense attraction.
A study conducted in 2020 by Dr. Sherap Bhutia, revealed that the foreign tourist arrival in the
North-East increased from 37,380 persons in 2005 to 118,552 in 2014. The overall growth rate of
tourist (both domestic and foreign) in the North-East was as high as 26.44% during 2005-06. A
high and positive growth of 12.53% was registered in foreign tourist visits to North-East States of
India during 2012 from 2011, which further rose to register a growth of 27.93% during 2013 from
2012. Foreign tourist arrivals in the North-East witnessed a growth of 39.77% during 2014 from
2013, according to data provided from the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India.
The study recommendations for tourism planners included the need to concentrate on some key
areas like enhancement of tourist facilities, tourism financing, focus on community involvement
and others for the formulation of a sustainable tourism strategy in the North-East States of India.
Adapted –

i Based on the passage, answer ANY FIVE the following questions given below.
Infer one reason for the following, based on information in paragraph 1.
The rate of tourism in the North-East of India puzzles tourism officials. 1
i From paragraph 1, we can infer that the _____________ and ________________ of the North-Eastern states
i aid attracting the ‘money rich and time poor’ tourists. 1
1. distinctiveness
2. conventionality
3. diversity
4. uniformity
5. modernity
2 of 7
A. 1 & 3
B. 2 & 4
C. 2 & 5
D. 1 & 4
i Complete the following analogy correctly with a word/ phrase from paragraph 1:
i 1
i aroma: cooking::___________ : painting
i Select the correct option to complete the following sentence:
Travellers advocating the ‘experience economy’ seek a holiday package with (Paragraph 1)
A. grand facilities, expensive hotels and excellent services to pamper them.
B. a wholesome experience within the budget they have planned for.
C. places and cities to buy things from and opportunities spend money.
D. cost-effective services, affordable accommodation and many days of touring.

v Select the chart that appropriately represents the trend of foreign tourist travels in the North-East,
from 2011-2014, as per paragraph 2.

A. Option 1
B. Option 2
C. Option 3
D. Option 4

v Fill in the blank by selecting the correct option. 1

The study of tourist travel statistics in the North-East, from 2005 to 2014 showed ____________

A. expected
B. encouraging
C. inconsistent
D. questionable



3 of 7
3 Study the given notes and complete the paragraph that follows by filling up gaps with the
most appropriate words/phrases.
i. Instructions for using Netbanking:
 Know your customer ID and password. 2.5
 Open google search engine on the computer with internet connection.
 Type the name of your Bank and click on its official website.
 Choose the internetbanking option.
 Enter your customer ID and password.
 Don't forget to tick (✔) the Thin Coat. Then click on the 'Login' option.
 Now you have access to transact, make any request, view your account.
 Remember: Never share your customer ID or password with anyone.
 Be careful during the transactions.
For using Netbanking you (a)_____________ to have your Customer ID and password. Then
open the google search engine and type the name (b) ___________ the Bank. Thereafter by (c)
_____________ the Bank’s official website (d) ______________ the netbanking option. You
cannot access your account unless you (e) ____________ the customer ID and password correctly.

(a) (i) requires

(ii) will require
(iii) required
(iv) are required

(b) (i) for

(ii) in
(iii) of
(iv) at

(c) (i) open

(ii) opening
(iii) opened
(iv) have opened

(d) (i) on
(ii) for
(iii) with
(iv) of

(e) (i) enter

(ii) entered
(iii) entering
(iv) have entered

4 of 7
ii. In the following passage one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word, 2.5
in the sentences of the given paragraph, along with the word that comes before and the
word that comes after it in the space provided.

Thomas Hardy was younger contemporary of (a) _______ ________ ________

Charles Dickens. His style rather different, (b) _______ ________ _________
but he was influenced Dickens and achieved (c) ________ _________ ________
wide literary acclaim in own right, both (d) ________ ________ ________
as novelist and a poet. (e) ________ _________ _________

How to describe a person? (INTRODUCTION)
Personal Sketch can be portrayed by narrating bio sketch of an individual compiling the gravity of
experience, possession, expectation and formal requirement of the fundamental features. Proper
format with flawless narration can add feather to the cap. Apart from the physical features, this
form of writing can include the characteristics, the capabilities. The skills and other distinctive
qualities of the person concerned.

4.A Write a description of one of your grandparents. Include details such as : Age, How he/she looks,
his/ her hobbies, What do you like about him/her the most? (100-120 words)

4.B You witnessed some senior students carrying electronic gadgets during the exam. Being 5
frightened and hesitant, you didn’t dare to raise your voice but are depressed now due to the
guilt. Finding diary too close to your heart, you opted to pour your confession onto it.
Make a diary entry expressing your own views in about 120 words.


Read the following extract and answer ANY 3 of the questions that follow:
5. Evelyn confesses that she is something of a workaholic. "I've just got to work often 3
harder than classical musicians. But the rewards are enormous." Apart from the
regular concerts, Evelyn also gives free concerts in prisons and hospitals. She also
gives high priority to classes for young musicians. Ann Richlin of the Beethoven Fund
for Deaf Children says, "She is a shining inspiration for deaf children. They see that
there is nowhere that they cannot go."
i. What does Ann Richlin say about Evelyn? 1
ii. Assertion – Evelyn is a shining inspiration for deaf children.
Reason – Apart from the regular concerts, Evelyn also gives free concerts in prisons and 1
(a) Assertion and Reason both are true and Assertion is the correct explanation of reason.
(b) Assertion and Reason both are true but Assertion is not the correct explanation of
(c) Assertion is true but the Reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false but the Reason is true.

5 of 7
iii. Find a word in the passage that means 'a person who finds it difficult to stop working." 1
iv. Analogy : huge : _____________ :: gigantic : immense 1

6. Read the following extract and answer ANY 3 of the questions that follow:

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both 3
And be one traveller, long I stood
And looked down once as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth.
Then took the other, just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear.
Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same.

i. The first line conveys the_________season. 1

(a) Rainy Spring
(b) Summer Autumn
ii. 'I' in these lines refers to 1
(a) Robert Frost (b) W.B. Yeats
(c) Coates Kinney (d) James Kirkup

iii. Where did the first road lead to? 1

(a) Grassland
(b) Dense forest
(c) Tropical forest
(d) Desert
iv. Give the opposite to 'met at a point from the passage. 1
(a) diverged
(b) departed
(c) developed
(d) subdivided

6 Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40-50 words. 2x3=6
i Why did Tommy and Margie find ‘real book’ so ‘awfully funny’? 3
ii What was the name given to improvised Pungi? Why was the name given to it? 3
iii ‘A slight girl, looking younger than her seventeen years was nervous yet excited’. 3
While leaving for the Royal Academy of Music, Why was Evelyn excited depite her
7 Answer ANY ONE of the following three questions, in about 40-50 words. 1x3=3
i ‘The Road Not Taken is a metaphor of life’. Justify this statement. 3
ii Why does the author say, ‘Toto was not the sort of pet we could keep for long’? 3

8 Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words. 1x5=5

6 of 7
(A) E-books are need of the hour especially when we have to save trees, paper and other resources.
Defend/ Refuse taking examples from the lesson The fun They Had written by Issac Asimov.


(B)Elucidate the above mentioned quote in respect to the inspirational life journey of Evelyn Glennie
from the chapter The Sound of Music.

7 of 7
Time allowed: 1 1/2 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 40
General Instructions:
1. The Question Paper contains THREE sections-READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING and
2. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.


1. Read the following text. 5m

(1) Located at about 1,200m above sea level, the valley, tucked away in the north-eastern corner of
Andhra Pradesh, shares a border with Odisha. For guests and participants at the Araku Balloon
Festival (ABF), held between 18-20 January every year, this is sightseeing like nothing else. The
drive to far-flung coffee estates takes us through the five northern mandals of Anantha giri,
Dumbriguda , Hukumpeta. Munchingi Putu and Araku valley. The name Araku for the coffee was
chosen simply because it sounded poetic. The view from the ground level is as impressive as the
one from above- the landscape changes from densely forested hills to sweeping valleys and
terrace farms surrounding occasional village clusters. The journey of Araku Coffee from a
livelihood initiative by the Naandi Foundation to a globally appreciated product has been in the
making for over a decade. It is also intrinsically tied to the history of how coffee arrived in this
valley. It was a British civil servant, N.S. Brodie, who introduced coffee to these hill tracts in 1898.

Today, Araku coffee is a brand that works with 517 villages and 10,986 farmers, all of whom are
estate owners and entrepreneurs with a stake in the business. The reason the coffee is of such
high quality is that it follows the best practices of bio-dynamic farming by creating an
interconnected and symbiotic ecosystem .The soil is enriched through composting and a variety
of shade trees are planted, including cash-yielding fruit trees like mango and jackfruit. Terroirs
are assessed and careful standard operating procedures are put in place from "sapling to
savouring", which ensures healthier plants and sweeter cherries and eventually a far superior
coffee aroma and flavour.

1 of 7
(Source: What's Brewing in Araku Valley! by Diya Kohl, livemint, 23 Eeb, 2019)
Answer the following questions, based on the passage above.

i What is unique about Araku Valley as stated in paragraph one? 1

ii Where is Araku Valley? 1
iii State a historical fact about the coffee in the valley. 1

iv The expression “Sapling to savouring” in paragragh 4 means- (Tick the correct option) 1
(a) Coffee plant are taken care of the state of plantation till its beans are ready for an
enjoyable cup of coffee.
(b) Coffee saplings are very delicate hence a lot of care is being taken of them.
(c) The growth of coffee plants id dependent on shady trees.
(d) Coffee plant can give a cup of enjoyable coffee.
v. Find words from the text which mean the following- 1
(a) to improve the quality or flavor of something_____________

2 Read the given text-

Business activities can be classified as under: 5

Statistical methods play a vital role in major business activities. Commerce and industry
in the modern age require a great deal of planning and forecasting of various kinds.
Statistics comes to the aid of the business planner in many ways.

The producer or the manufacturer has to estimate demand for his goods in the
immediate as well as distant future. This is done by market research for which all the
steps of statistical methods have to be followed. A cost accountant uses statistical tools
to help the producer fix the prices of various commodities.
Similarly, the trader—wholesaler or retailer—depends heavily on methods of statistical
analysis for finding out solutions to problems regarding buying and selling activities.
For profitable trade he must know what the customers want and also how long the
demand would last. This is very important for international trade. For this purpose

2 of 7
statistics of export-import for various commodities and regions are collected and
analysed for decision making.
Statistics are equally important for subsidiaries of trade. The banker plays an important
role in commerce and industry. He provides finances to the producer and trader.
Therefore, he has to forecast when the demand would be high and accordingly decide
what amount of reserves he must have. Similarly, he must estimate what amounts would
be required by his depositors, otherwise his bank would fail. For this, detailed analysis of
money transactions is required where statistical tools are indispensable.
Insurance companies function on the basis of estimates of mortality rates, that is life
expectations and on this basis of calculated insurance premiums. Accordingly, they
decide what proportion of their capital can be invested and what proportion can be kept
ready for payments of matured policies.
Other public utility bodies, such as the Road transport Companies, the Railways,
Advertising concerns, Warehouses, etc., which contribute to commerce in a significant
way, also make use of statistical data for their efficient functioning. For instance, they
have to determine the extent of demand that would be made on their services and the
rates they might fix for the same. In fact, no modern organisation can survive and
efficiently function without analysis of the complex factors that influence commerce.
For systematic business analysis statistical tools are absolutely essential.
Modern business management, therefore, is an activity that requires a great deal of
analysis or making proper decisions in the face of a large number of uncertainties.

Source: Statistics for Economics—M.N. Shah

i On the basis of your understanding of the passage answer ANY FIVE of the
following questions given below : 1
(a) To find solution to problems related to buying and selling, traders depend on:
(i) profit making
(ii) statistical analysis
(iii) customer satisfaction
(iv) decision making
ii Based on your understanding of the passage choose the option that is NOT TRUE:
(1) Statistics are important for subsi- diaries of trade. 1
(2) The banker has no role to play in commerce and industry.
(3) Statistical methods can be ignored during market research.
(4) The banker provides finances to the producer and trader.
(i) Option 1 & 2
(ii) Option 3 & 4
(iii) Option 2 & 3
(iv) Option 1 & 3

iii On the basis of the above passage, the chart trade Subsidiaries DO NOT include:
(i) warehousing 1
(ii) import
(iii) advertisement
(iv) insurance
iv When does a bank fail in commerce and industry? 1

3 of 7
v How do Insurance companies calculate premiums? 1
vi Which phrase in para 4 means “mortality rate”? 1


3 Study the given notes and complete the paragraph that follows by filling up gaps
with the most appropriate words/phrases.

i. Process of Operating an ATM:

 Find an ATM of any bank. 2.5
 Take your ATM card and put it in the slot.
 Enter your secret PIN
 Select your option
 Wait a little till your transaction is complete
 Get the currency
 Collect your Card and Transaction Slip
 Leave the ATM cabin
 Never share your ID or password

For doing transaction (a) _____________ ATM you are required to find an ATM of any bank.
First you (b) ___________ to put your card (c) ____________ the card slot and it is followed by
(d) _______________ the secret PIN. You are supposed (e). ..............wait till your transaction is

(a) (i) in
(ii) from
(iii) through
(iv) by

(b) (i) needed

(ii) need
(iii) have needed
(iv) will need

(c) (i) on
(ii) in
(iii) under
(iv) at

(d) (i) entering

(ii) have entered
(iii) entered
(iv) enter

4 of 7
(e) (i) at
(ii) for
(iii) with
(iv) to

ii. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write 2.5
the incorrect word and the correction against each line.

We live in times when incomes is rising. (a) ___________ __________

The economic boom of the last 25 years have (b) ___________ ________
created a grow tribe of erstwhile-middle (c) ___________ _________
class-turned-HNIs who earn much many than (d) __________ _________
they can spend. Born on the inflation and (e) ___________ __________
scarcity-stricken 1960s and 70s, these well-paid
adults enjoy their new wealth.

How to describe a person? (INTRODUCTION)
Personal Sketch can be portrayed by narrating bio sketch of an individual compiling the
gravity of experience, possession, expectation and formal requirement of the fundamental
features. Proper format with flawless narration can add feather to the cap. Apart from the
physical features, this form of writing can include the characteristics, the capabilities. The
skills and other distinctive qualities of the person concerned.
4.A Write a description of the person living next door to you (your neighbour). Include: His
age, What does he do, Your relationship with him, How he looks. (100-120 words)

4.B You spent a part of your summer vacation with your friend Rahul in New Delhi. Since it
was your first ever visit to the capital of the country, everything amazed you. You are now
back home in Lucknow and write a diary page about your stay with Rahul in about 120
Visited Parliament House, India Gate, Lal Quila, Qutub Minar – Great buildings of fine
architecture- Chandni Chowk, Place for old cuisine – too much rush- congested- New
Delhi clean and green – enjoyed stay like a family.


Read the following extract and answer ANY 3 of the questions that follow:
5. But he half knew as he begged that his plea would not be heeded because his 3
parents would say he was greedy.
i. Who is 'he' in these lines? What was the plea made by him? 1
ii. How did he 'half knew' that his plea would not be headed? 1
iii. Analogy : petition : vindication :: claim : __________ 1
iv. Assertion – The child’s parents considered that he was greedy. 1

5 of 7
Reason – He kept on pleading for a new article / object every now and then.
(a) Assertion and Reason both are true and Assertion is the correct explanation of
(b) Assertion and Reason both are true but Assertion is not the correct explanation of
(c) Assertion is true but the Reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false but the Reason is true.

6. Read the following extract and answer ANY 3 of the questions that follow:
Then took the other, just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim, 3
Because it was grassy and wanted wear.
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same.
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
i. Why did the second road present a better claim than the first? 1
(a) It was grassy (b) It was challenging
(c) It wanted wear (d) All of these
ii. (iii) The rhyme scheme of these lines is........... 1
(a) ababa; abaab (b) aabba; aabba
(c) abaab; abaab (d) abbaa; ababa

iii. The poetic device used in line 3 is. 1

(a) metaphor
(b) alliteration
(d) repetition
(c) personification
iv. These lines tell us that the poet was 1
(a) adventurous
(b) lazy
(d) desperate
(c) hopeful

7. Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40-50 words. 2x3=6
i ‘Everything suddenly looked black.’ Why did Evelyn say so? 3
ii Where did Bismillah Khan play the Shehnai on 15th August, 1947? Why was the event 3
iii ‘Because it is not our kind of school, stupid’. What kind of school is being referred to 3
8. Answer ANY ONE of the following three questions, in about 40-50 words. 1x3=3
i How did Toto get on the nerves of everybody? 3
ii Why did the child lose interest in the things he had desired earlier? 3

6 of 7
9. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words. 1x5=5

It is well said : Parents are such gift which is irreplaceable. Illustrate the statement citing
relevant incidents from the story ‘The Lost Child’.

(B) Goodness/ Humanity still exists in the world. Compare and contrast the characters of the
strange man who rescued the child in fair and the grandfather who took so much care of Toto
with the help of respective stories.

7 of 7
Time allowed: 90 Mins. Maximum Marks: 40

General Instructions:
1.The Question Paper contains THREE sections-READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING and LITERATURE.
2.Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part


Reading Comprehension Through Unseen Passages
1. Read the following text. 5m

(1) Carrying a credit card is common these days and has become an important part of our financial
life. Some consider it as a status symbol while some consider it important for their day-to-day
Well, one of the best things about having a credit card is the ease that you get to purchase
essential or even luxury items even when you don’t have money to buy them. But, irrespective of
all these there is always a debate going on whether to have a credit card or not? Some love it for
the great benefits while others believe it can lead to debt.
The fact is- a credit card can be best when managed properly and carefully.
(2) One of the biggest advantages of having a credit card is the easy access to funds. Credit cards are
basically an account with a bank, where you get a pre-approved upper limit from which you can
borrow anytime you want. All you need to do is swipe your card. This means by using your card
you can pay for your purchases later. So, you don’t have to worry about any of your purchases
even if you are out of money.

(3) Many credit cards offer rewards to their customers, these rewards hold a lot of value as it has
the potential to reduce the cost of your future purchases.
But there is one important thing which you have to be aware of, that is about the various reward
programs offered by your card and how to use them. So, while selecting your credit card do
check for the reward programs as well, compare it with various credit cards available in the
market and then opt for a particular one.
Some rewards can be spent on flight tickets while others can be spent on petrol purchases,
groceries, and shopping. So, choose the card which can provide maximum benefit to you
depending on your uses.
(4) On the off chance that you are planning to make a big purchase that too without affecting your
bank balance, then going with a credit card is the best option for you. A credit card offers you an
EMI facility using which you can buy costlier things in one short without disturbing your
monthly budget or account balance. The fund used through credit cards can be repaid through
monthly instalments (EMIs). However, you need to pay some interest on the money used if not
repaid in the interest-free period.
Answer the following questions, based on the passage above.
i Which of the following states the biggest advantage of having a credit card? 1
A. Easily borrow funds
B. credit cards offer rewards to their customers
C. big purchasescan be made without affecting your bank balance
D. balance Easy access to funds
ii How can rewards reduce the cost of future purchases? 1
iii The fund used through credit cards can be repaid ______________________________________________ . 1

iv Find a word from the passage (2) which means to be able to use or obtain something 1
____________________________________ .

v Pick a suitable title for the above passage. 1

A. Benefits of using a Credit Card
B. Borrowing made easy
C. Ease of mind – Credit Management
D. Age of plastic Money
2. Read the following text. 5
(1) There has been an increase in forest loss in India’s mountainous states along its Himalayan
frontier, which are already in the throes of climate change, according to the latest report by the
Forest Survey of India (FSI).
India’s State of Forest Report is a biennial publication. The report for 2021 was released by Union
Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Bhupender Yadav January 13, 2022.
The report has classified India’s forests into four categories. One of them is Very Dense Forest
(with tree canopy density of 70 per cent or above).
(2) The Union territory (UT) of Jammu and Kashmir, which had very dense forests of 4,270 square
kilometres (sq km) area in 2019, had 4,155 sq km of the same forest category in 2021. This is the
highest loss of very dense forests anywhere in India.
Another category of forest as defined in the report is Open Forest (tree canopy density of 10 per
cent or above but less than 40 per cent).
Jammu and Kashmir has lost very dense forests but gained open forests, according to the report.
This has led to an increase in the UT’s total forest area to 21,387 sq km in 2021, from 21,358 in
2019. The increase in open forests is led by commercial plantations.
(3) The total forest area of Himachal Pradesh, another mountainous state, has increased by 9 sq km.
But there has been loss of open and Moderately Dense Forest (tree canopy density of 40 per cent
or above but less than 70 per cent). Moderately dense forests are usually close to human
Himachal Pradesh had an area of 7,126 sq km under moderately dense forests in 2019. This
reduced to 7,100 sq km in 2021. The state had open forests spread across 5,195 sq km of its area
in 2019. This reduced to 5,180 sq km in 2021.
The report has attributed the loss of forest cover in the Himalayas and North East to an increase
in developmental activities as well as agriculture.

Answer the following questions, based on the passage above

i Write two specifications of Moderately dense forests. 1
ii India’s State of Forest Report is a biennial publication. It is released ____________________ 1
every year.
iii Find a word from paragraph (1) which indicates something going through intense or 1
violent struggle or suffering. _________________________
iv State TRUE or FALSE. 1
According to the data released, Odisha has recorded an increase of 537 sq km in Total
Forest Area since 2019.

v Which of the following deductions is not true about the report? 1

A. The Union territory (UT) of Jammu and Kashmir reported the highest loss of very
dense forests anywhere in India.
B. Himachal Pradesh had an area of 7,126 sq km under moderately dense forests in
2019 which reduced by 26 sq km in 2021.
C. Jammu and Kashmir has lost open forests but gained very dense forests
D. Open Forests have tree canopy density of 40 per cent or above but less than 70
per cent
3. i Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given in the brackets. ½X5=
(a) The police ________________________ four thieves last night. (caught)
(b) I was _________________________ food when he came in. (cook)
(c) The students ___________________________ the classwork when the teacher came in. (do)
(d) The boy ______________________ his homework when his mother returned. (finish)
(e) I saw the policemen _________________________ the thieves. (chase)
(f) The patient _______________________ before the doctor came. (die)
ii Identify errors in the lines of the given passage and write the corrections.(ANY FIVE) ½X5=
Option No. error Correction 2.5
a) To the north-west in the Malwa Plateau lies

b) the Thar Desert or the Great Desert from

c) Rajasthan. The desert, which was madeup of sand,

d) interrupted by rocky hills orwaterless valleys,

e) began from the westof the Aravalli ranges and

f) extend deepinto Pakistan.

4. You woke up suddenly early in the morning as you felt the floor sway. You realized that it was an
earthquake and urgently alerted others in the house. Write a diary entry based on your
experience in 120-150 words.
5. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. 3

A Tommy looked at her with very superior eyes.“Because it’s not our kind of school, stupid. This is
the old kind of school that they had hundreds andhundreds of years ago.” He added loftily,
pronouncing the word carefully, “Centuries ago.”
i “Because it’s not our kind of school, stupid.” 1
What do you infer from “our kind of school”?
ii The use of the word loftily shows that Tommy considered himself 1
_______________________ to Margie.
iii Why did Tommy pronounce the words “Centuries ago”carefully? 1
(a)To prove Margie that she was ignorant
(b) To stress upon the outdated concept of the school
(c) To show his wisdom and understanding
(d) To indicate the time lapse as they were in the year 2157.
B Having run to and fro in a rage of running for a while, hestood defeated, his cries suppressed into
sobs. At little distanceson the green grass he could see, through his filmy eyes, men andwomen
talking. He tried to look intently among the patches ofbright yellow clothes, but there was no
sign of his father andmother among these people, who seemed to laugh and talk justfor the sake
of laughing and talking.
(The Lost Child)
i Which of the following expresses ‘filmy eyes’? 1
(a) Eyes filled with tears
(b) Eyes scanning the crowd line a film
(c) Eyes searching frantically
(d) Eyes observing minutely
ii State two factors which made it difficult for the child to find his parents. 1

iii A: hestood defeated 1

R: he was unable to find his parents
A. Both, A and R, are true and R is the correct explanation of A
B. Both, A and R, are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
C. A is true but R is false
D. A is false but R is true

6. Read the given extracts and answer the questions given. 3

Wind, come softly.
Don’t break the shutters of the windows.
Don’t scatter the papers.
Don’t throw down the books on the shelf.
There, look what you did — you threw them all down.
You tore the pages of the books.
You brought rain again.
i The mood of the poet in the above lines change from: 1
(a) Request to annoyance
(b) Exciting to worrying
(c) Fearful to bold
(d) Happy to sad
ii Choose the incorrect pair of poetic devices in the first line: 1
(a) Symbolism and repetition
(b) Assonance and consonance
(c) Anaphora and symbolism
(d) Personification and imagery

iii The above lines are composed by ________________________________ . 1

7 Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40-50 words. 2x3
i How is Evelyn able to understand what people say? What poses as a problem while 3

ii The Shehnai went a long way to glory after its revival by the barber. Comment. 3

iii How would you interpret the poet’s ‘sigh’? How would his decision making reflect in it? 3

8 Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 40-50 words. 1x3
i Detail the child’s struggles trying to find his parents. 3

ii Under what circumstances did was grandfather compelled to take Toto along with him 3
to Saharanpur? How did he ‘pack’ Toto along?
10 Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words. 1x5
(A) As Margie, express your disappointment of the day with regards to Tommy’s behaviour and the
quick repairing of the Mechanical Teacher.

(B) Considering yourself to be Ruskin Bond, write a descriptive paragraph on your grandfather’s new
pet Toto.
Time allowed: 90 Mins. Maximum Marks: 40

General Instructions:
1.The Question Paper contains THREE sections-READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING and LITERATURE.
2.Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part


Reading Comprehension Through Unseen Passages
1. Read the following text. 5m

(1) Politeness has been well defined as benevolence in trifles. It is the desire to put those whom we
meet perfectly at their ease, and save them from every kind of petty discomfort and annoyance.
The limited part of benevolence called politeness requires only an inclination to make them
happy temporarily, while they are in our presence, and when this can be done without any
sacrifice on our part or only with a slight sacrifice of personal comfort.
(2) Politeness is said to be one of the important characteristics of civilised person. Politeness is the
art of choosing among your thoughts. It must be implemented in every walk of life. When we
deal with people elder to us we are polite. But, an honest polite person is polite with everyone,
people of lower status, workers and even children. Not only with humans but also with animals
we must be polite as they are our helpers.
(3) Politeness is a skill. Like any other skill, you can master it with practice. The greatest enemy of
politeness is ego. To be a polite person, you have to sacrifice your ego. It is difficult for an egoist
to be polite. You have to imply politeness in your thinking, speech and actions. Actions work
more than words. Polite actions will give fine results. Politeness will reduce your stress and
boost you to be productive. Apart from your present benefits, you protect your future. Being
polite makes you mentally healthy. In our daily life we come across many incidents with people
nearby and ourselves.
(4) Different rules of behaviour have to be observed, accordingly as we are in the street or in the
drawing room, at home or at school, in the company of friends or of strangers. There is also to
be considered the great diversity of social etiquette which distinguishes one country from
(5) Politeness, besides being a duty that we owe to others, is a valuable possession for ourselves. It
costs nothing, and yet may in many cases bring much profit. The great advantage of this
excellence of conduct was very clearly expressed by Dr. Johnson, when he said that the
difference between a well-bred and an ill- bred man is that one immediately attracts your liking,
the other your dislike.
(Source- CBSE SQP/CLASS_X_2017_18/English_Comm)
Answer the following questions, based on the passage above.
i According to the passage, what are the benefits of Politeness? Express in 40 words. 1
ii Hiten, the college topper and Mihir, both engineering graduates were walking towards the 1
centre of interview. Hiten bumped into an elderly gentleman which led him to drop his
files. Hiten was annoyed as he picked up his papers but didn’t say anything, while Mihir
enquired if the elderly gentleman was fine. The same gentleman happened to be on the
interview panel but Hiten didn’t realize it. After the interview, which went well for both
the candidates, they sat contentedly waiting for the result.
Who do you think would be selected and why? Express in 40 words with reference to the
iii Politeness is an important ________________________ of a civilized person as well as a ___________. 1

iv Which of the following statements do not conform to the above extract? 1

(a) Surrendering one’s ego is an absolute necessity to be polite.
(b) Countries can be distinguished based on their display and practice of etiquettes.
(c) Politeness is display of good behavior socially generating permanent happiness.
(d) An ill- bred man is the one that immediately attracts your dislike.
v Select the appropriate synonym of ‘Tendency' (para 1) 1
(a) Benevolence
(b) Discomfort
(c) Trifles
(d) Inclination
2. Read the following text. 5
(1) The UN’s 2017 International Year tells that sustainable tourism is an important tool for
development, most importantly in poor communities and countries. Today sustainability –
environmental, social, and economic – is increasingly recognised as the benchmark for all
tourism business. As noted by the UN World Tourism Organisation, 57% of international
tourist arrivals will be in emerging economies, by 2030. The various ‘Tourism Terms’ are
defined as follows:

(3) Based on data collected by a survey by Travel Bureau, the following market profile of an
ecotourist was constructed: -
Age: 35 - 54 years old, although age varied with activity and other factors such as cost.
Gender: 50% female and 50% male, although clear differences based on activity were found.
Education: 82% were college graduates, a shift in interest in ecotourism from those who have
high levels of education to those with less education was also found, indicating an expansion into
mainstream markets.
Household composition: No major differences were found between general tourists and
experienced ecotourists**
Party composition: A majority (60%) of experienced ecotourism respondents stated they
prefer to travel as a couple, with only 15% stating they preferred to travel with their families,
and 13% preferring to travel alone. (** experienced ecotourists = Tourists that had
been on at least one “ecotourism” oriented trip.)
Trip duration: The largest group of experienced ecotourists- (50%) preferred trips lasting 8-14
Expenditure: Experienced ecotourists were willing to spend more than general tourists, the
largest group (26%) .
Important elements of trip: Experienced ecotourists top three responses were: (a) wilderness
setting, (b) wildlife viewing, (c) hiking/trekking.
Motivations for taking next trip: Experienced ecotourists top two responses were (a) enjoy
scenery/nature, (b) new experiences/places.
(Source- CBSE SQP/CLASS_X_2020_21)

Answer the following questions, based on the passage above

i In the market profile of an ecotourist, the information on gender indicates that 1
a) female ecotourists were more than the male ecotourists.
b) the activity preferences were varied in females and males.
c) the choice of things to do on a trip were quite similar for both the genders.
d) male ecotourists were frequent travellers.
ii According to the survey (refer to Party composition), the total percentage of 1
experienced ecotourists who ___________________________________________________ was 75%.
iii The survey clearly showed that the age range of ecotourists: 1
a) remained the same for the choice of tourist- attractions to visit.
b) changed with the monetary requirements for the trip.
c) fluctuated due to male-female ratio.
d) was constant across various features of the trip.
iv Choose the option that lists the correct answers for the following: 1
1. Asha Mathew, an NRI, loves animals and wishes to travel to places that safeguard
their rights and inculcate awareness of their rights. What kind of tourist is she?
2. Gurdeep Singh from UK is an environmental scientist and has always chosen to
travel to places that are examples of a symbiotic relationship between man and
nature. What kind of tourist is he?

a) (1) is an ecotourist and (2) is a geotourist

b) (1) is an ethical tourist and (2) is a geotourist
c) (1) is a sustainable tourist and (2) is a pro-poor tourist
d) (1) is a geotourist and (2) is a responsible tourist
v Based on your understanding of the passage, choose the option that lists the inherent 1
qualities of geotourism.

1. showcases adventure sports 2. promotes landscape appreciations

3. promises luxurious travel 4. includes being environmentally responsible

5. believes in commercializing forests 6. initiates donations for the underprivileged

a) 1 &2 b) 5&6 c) 2&4 d) 3&5

3. i. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given in the brackets. ½X5=2.5
An unmanned US militaryspace plane (a)_________________ (land)early onSaturday after
(b)________________________ (spend) arecord 908 days in orbit for its sixthmission and
conducting scienceexperiments. The solar-powered vehicle, which
(c)____________________ (look) like a miniature spaceshuttle, landed at NASA's Kennedy
Space Center. Its previous mission (d) _____________________ (last) 780 days."Since the X-
37B'sfirst launch in 2010, it (e)______________________ (shattered) records and (f)
__________________ (provide)our nation withan unrivalled capability to rapidly testand
integrate new space technologies," said Jim Chilton, a senior vicepresident for
Boeing, its developer.
ii. Identify errors in the lines of the given passage and write the corrections. (ANY ½X5=2.5

Option No. error Correction

a) The northern boundaries of India is provided by
b) the lofty ranges on the Himalayas. The Great Plains
c) of northern India are formed from the basins of the
d) Indus, the Ganga, or the Brahmaputra. The
e) Deccan Plateau of the Peninsular India consist
f) of huge rock blocks to very ancient times.

4. You were out buying groceries with your family when you noticed that the vendor sitting on the
other side of the road was a young boy of your age. He was poor but confident and trying to
attract the attention of the passers-by towards the wares.
Write a descriptive paragraph on him in 120 words.
5. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. 3

A Soon Bismillah started accompanying his uncle, Ali Bux, to the Vishnu temple of Benaras where
Bux was employed to play the shehnai. Ali Bux would play the shehnai and Bismillah would sit
captivated for hours on end. Slowly, he started getting lessons in playing the instrument and
would sit practising throughout the day. For years to come the temple of Balaji and Mangala
Maiya and the banks of the Ganga became the young apprentice’s favourite haunts where he
could practise in solitude. The flowing waters of the Ganga inspired him to improvise and invent
raagas that were earlier considered to be beyond the range of the shehnai.
i How did River Ganga contribute to Bismillah Khan’s music? 1

ii Select the synonym of apprentice from the following. 1

(a) Expert
(b) Professional
(c) Veteran
(d) Novice
iii Since childhood, Bismillah was drawn to shehnai. 1
State an instance from the above extract to support the above statement.
B Grandfather bought Toto from a tonga-driver for the sum of fiverupees. The tonga-driverused to
keep the little red monkey tiedto a feeding-trough, and the monkey looked so out of place
therethat Grandfather decided he would add the little fellow to hisprivate zoo.
i Which of the following expresses ‘out of place’? 1
A. His black tie on white shirt looked out of place.
B. Her beautiful row of flowers in the garden looked out of place in the countryside.
C. He high-school kid felt out place surrounded by scholars.
D. He felt out of place finishing his answers first.
ii What inference can be drawn about the narrator’s grandfather from the above 1
iii Which of the following pictures accurately depicts a feeding trough? 1

(a) (b) (c) (d)

6. Read the given extracts and answer the questions given. 3

Then took the other, just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same.

i Why did the other road seem more appealing to the poet? 1
(a) It was grassy
(b) It seemed to not have been walked upon
(c) Only (a)
(d) Both (a) & (b)
ii ‘Though as for that the passing there’ – identify the correct poetic devices in the 1
given line.
i. Alliteration
ii. Enjambment
iii. allusion
iv. irony
(a) i&ii
(b) ii&iii
(c) iii&iv
(d) iv&i
iii The rhyme scheme of the above stanza is ________________________________ . 1
7 Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40-50 words. 2x3=6

i Give a description of Margie’s mechanical teacher. What did she hate the most 3
about it?

ii Why did the young seagull’s mother cry derisively when he begged her to bring 3
some food for him?
iii How can we become friends with the Wind? 3

8 Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 40-50 words. 1x3=3

i How were the villagers going to the fair? What things did the child wish to have 3
upon reaching the fair?
ii Obviously, Toto was not the sort of pet we could keep for long. Even Grandfather 3
realised that.
What led to this realization. State any two examples from the chapter.
9 Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words. 1x5=5

(A) Imagine that you time-travelled to the future. You visited a school there which was completely
mechanized and did not have any students. Instead, there was a gigantic computer which
controlled and regulated the content imparted by other mechanical teachers placed in students’

Record your experience in your diary.

(B) You met the kind man who found the lost child crying and tried to help him. As a reporter, you
interviewed him and later aired the conversation on radio.
Write the conversation in form of dialogues.
You may begin as…
You- Sir, please tell our listeners about what happened at the fair.
TIME: 1:30 HOURS M.M :- 40
➢ This Question Paper has 5 Sections A-E.
➢ Section A has 16 MCQs carrying 1 mark each
➢ Section B has 3 questions carrying 02 marks each.
➢ Section C has 3 questions carrying 03 marks each.
➢ Section D has 1 question carrying 05 marks each.
➢ Section E has 1 case based integrated units of assessment (04 marks each) with subparts of
the values of 1, 1 and 2 marks each respectively.
𝟒𝟒 𝟒𝟒 𝟒𝟒 𝟒𝟒 𝒙
1. If 𝟒 + 𝟒 + 𝟒 + 𝟒 = 𝟒 , then x is
(a) 45 (b) 44 (c) 176 (d) 4
2. Which of the following numbers has the terminating decimal representation?
1 1 3 4
(a) (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 9
3. In between any two numbers, there are:
(a) Only one rational number (b) Two rational numbers
(c) Infinite rational numbers (d) No rational number
4. (2 −√𝟑 ) (2 +√𝟑)
(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 1 (d) 0
5. Rationalising factor of √𝟏𝟐 is
(a) 3 (b) √2 (c) √3 (d) 12
6. Degree of the polynomial 𝒙 + 𝟏𝟎𝟎 is
(a) 135 (b) 35 (c) 100 (d) 1
𝒙 𝒚
7. If x = 2, y =1, then the value of 𝒚 × 𝒙
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) -1 (d) 2
8. Coefficient if x in polynomial P(x) = (𝒙 − 𝟏)( 𝐱 + 𝐱 + 𝟏) 𝐢𝐬
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) -1 (d) 2
9. The abscissa and ordinate of a point in the first quadrant are respectively:
(a) +, + (b) –, + (c) +, – (d) –, –

10. If x – coordinate of a point is zero, then this point always lies:

(a) I quadrant (b) II quadrant (c) x – axis (d) y – axis

11. The point whose ordinate is 4 and which lies on y – axis is:

(a) (4, 0) (b) (0, 4) (c) (1, 4) (d) (4, 2)

12. Point (2,0) lies in/on

(a) x – axis (b) y – axis
(c) origin (d) None of these.

13. After comparing y=3 with ax + by + c = 0 the values a, b & c are respectively

(a) 0, 2 & 3 (b) 0, 2 & −3 (c) 0, 0 & −3 (d) 0, 1 & −3

14. The first known proof that ‘the circle is bisected by its diameter’ was given by

(a) Pythagoras (b) Thales (c) Euclid (d) None of these

In each of the following questions, a statement of Assertion is given followed by a corresponding

statement of Reason just below it. Of the statements, mark the correct answer as
(a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false but reason is true.
15. Assertion: Given two distinct points, there is a unique line that passes through them.
Reason: If A, B and C are three points on a line and B lies between A and C then AB +BC = AC
16. Assertion: If lines AB ,AC & AD and AE are parallel to line l , the point A,B,C,D & E are collinear.
Reason : One and only one line can be drawn through A and parallel to l
17. Express 0.235 in the form of 𝑄 .
18. Factorise: 𝑥 4 − 𝑦 4
19. Plot point B(3, −4) on the graph paper .Also plot reflection of B in x- axis and y- axis
20. Express 5+2√6 into the form where denominator is an integer.
21. Total number of legs in a herd of Cow and hens is 40. Represent this situation in the form a linear
equation in two variables . (Number cows as x and hens as y)
22. Prove that a line segment has only one mid points.
23. Give possible expression for the length and breadth of the rectangle whose area is : 6𝑥 2 − 5𝑥 − 6.
If 3x+2y = 13 and xy=6, Find the value of : 9𝑥 2 + 4𝑦 2


Prime Minister's National Relief Fund (also called PMNRF in short) is the fund raised to provide
support for people affected by natural disasters. Natural disasters that are covered under this
include flood, cyclone, earthquake etc.

Two friends Sita and Gita, together contributed Rs. 200 towards Prime Minister's Relief Fund.
Answer the following :
(a) How to represent the above situation in linear equations in two variables?
(b) If Sita contributed Rs. 76, then how much was contributed by Gita?
(c) If both contributed equally, then how much is contributed by each?

TIME: 1:30 HOURS M.M : 40
➢ This Question Paper has 5 Sections A-E.
➢ Section A has 16 MCQs carrying 1 mark each
➢ Section B has 3 questions carrying 02 marks each.
➢ Section C has 3 questions carrying 03 marks each.
➢ Section D has 1 questions carrying 05 marks each.
➢ Section E has 1 case based integrated units of assessment (04 marks each) with subparts of
the values of 1, 1 and 2 marks each respectively.
1. If (𝟓)𝟐𝒙−𝟏 = 𝟏𝟐𝟓, then x is
(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 10 (d) 2
2. Which of the following numbers has the non-terminating decimal representation?
1 3 3 4
(a) 2 (b) 7 (c) 100 (d) 25
3. A rational number exactly between 6 & 11 is
(a)7 (b) 8 (c)9 (d) 2
4. Rationalising factor of 𝟑 − √𝟕 is
(a) −√7 (b) 3 − √7 (c) 3 + √7 (d) √7
5. If P(x) = 𝒙 + 𝟏 find P(1)+P(−𝟏)
(a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) −2
𝒙 𝟎
6. If x = 1, y =1, then the value of 𝟐𝒚 × 𝟑𝒙
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 6 (d) 2
7. Coefficient if x in polynomial P(x) = (𝒙 − 𝟏)( 𝐱 + 𝐱 + 𝟏) 𝐢𝐬

(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) -1 (d) 2

8. If both abscissa and ordinate co-ordinates are positive, then points lie in ....... quadrant
(a) I (b) II (c) III (d) IV
9. If Y – coordinate of a point is zero, then this point always lies in/on
(a) I quadrant (b) II quadrant (c) x – axis (d) y – axis
10. The point whose abscissa is 3 and which lies on x – axis is:
(a) (0, 0) (b) (0, 3) (c) (3, 0) (d) (3, 3)
11. Graph of y−𝟑 = 0 is a line:
(a) parallel to x – axis (b) parallel to y – axis
(c) passes through origin (d) None of these.
12. The graph of the line x+ y = 0 does not pass through the point
(a) (2, −2) (b) (3, −3) (c) (0, −3) (d) (0, 0)
13. For 2x+y −7=0 for y = 3 the value of x is
(a) x = 2 (b) x = − 2 (c) x = 5 (d) x = − 5
14. Euclid divided his famous treatise ‘The Element ‘into
(a) 9 chapters (b) 11 chapters (c) 12 chapters (d) 13 chapters
15. Which of the following needs a proof ?
(a) Axioms (b) Theorems (c) Postulates (d) Definition
16. According to Euclid’s definition, the ends of a line are
(a) breadth less (b) points (c) length less (d) None of these
17. Find the value of 0.6 +0.6 in the form of 𝑄
3 3
18. Factorise: 27𝑥 − 64 𝑦
19. Plot the points A(1,0) , B(4,0) C(4,4) find the co-ordinates of the point D such that
ABCD is a rectangle point
20. If = 𝑎 + 𝑏√2 then find the value of a & b .
21. Total runs scored in a one day match by Dhoni & Raina are 180. represent this situation as a linear
equation in two variables also find its four solutions.
22. In the given figure, if AC = BD, then prove that AB = CD.

3 3
23. Find the value of 𝑥 + 𝑦 – 12xy + 64, when x + y = – 4.
Find the zeroes of the polynomial: p(x) = (x – 2)2 – (x + 2)2


The taxi fare in a city is as follows: For the first kilometre, the fare is Rs 8 and for the subsequent
distance it is Rs 5 per km. Taking the distance covered as x km and total fare as Rs y,

(a) write a linear equation for this information,

(b) Find the cost of travelling 10 km.
(c) If Total fare was Rs. 73 find the distance covered.

TIME: 1:30 HOURS M.M : 40
➢ This Question Paper has 5 Sections A-E.
➢ Section A has 16 MCQs carrying 1 mark each
➢ Section B has 3 questions carrying 02 marks each.
➢ Section C has 3 questions carrying 03 marks each.
➢ Section D has 1 question carrying 05 marks each.
➢ Section E has 1 case based integrated units of assessment (04 marks each) with subparts of the
values of 1, 1 and 2 marks each respectively.
1. √𝟏𝟐 × √𝟐𝟕 is equal to
(a) 39 (b) 15 (c) 27 (d) 18
2. 0.99999……. is equal to
1 9 1
(a) (b) 11 (c) 10 (d) 1
3. An irrational number between 2 &3 is
(a) √5 (b) 2.5 (c) √12 (d) 4
4. Product of (𝟑 − 𝟐√𝟐) (𝟑 + 𝟐√𝟐) is
(a) −√12 (b) 9 − √8 (c) 1 (d) 7
5. If P(x) = 𝒙 + 𝟏 find P (1) +P (−𝟏)
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) −2
𝟐 𝟐
6. The value of 𝟓𝟏 − 𝟒𝟗
(a) 2 (b) 100 (c) -2 (d) 200
7. Constant term in the polynomial P(x) = (𝒙 − 𝟐)( 𝐱 + 𝐱 + 𝟑) 𝐢𝐬
(a) 4 (b) 1 (c) −6 (d) 3
8. The point (–5, 2) and (2, –5) lies in:
(a) same quadrant (b) II and III quadrant, respectively
(c) II and IV quadrants, respectively (d) IV and II quadrants, respectively
9. Origin always lies in/on
(a) I quadrant (b) both axis (c) x – axis (d) y – axis
10. The distance between point (2,5) & (5,5) is
(a) 7 unit (b) 12 unit (c) 3 unit (d) 10 unit
11. The perpendicular distance of the point P(3,4) from the y – axis is:

(a) 3 unit (b) 4 unit (c) 5 unit (d) 7 unit

12. The graph of the line − x+ y = 0 pass through the point
(a) (2, −2) (b) (3, −3) (c) (0, −3) (d) (2, 2)

13. Co-ordinates of origin is given by
(a) (0, 1) (b) (0, 2) (c) (0, 0) (d) (0, − 3)
14. If equals are added to the equals the whole are equal is stated in the form of
(a) an axiom (b) a definition (c) a postulates (d) a proof
15. Boundaries of cuboid are
(a) Surface (b) Edges (c) Curves (d) Points
16. The side faces of a pyramid are
(a) Triangle (b) Squares (c) Polynomials (d) Trapezium
1 1
17. If x = find the value of x + x .
18. Factorise: 9𝑦 2 − 6𝑦 + 1 − 25𝑧 2
19. Plot the points A (4, 4) and (–4, 4) on a graph sheet. Join the lines OA, OB and BA. What figure do you
obtain. (O represent origin)
20. Find 6 rational numbers between 0 & 1.
21. Represent 2x + 3y = 12 in the standard form of linear equation in two variables also find the points
where (a) x =0 (b) y =0
22. If 3x − 1 = 8 using Euclid’s axiom find the value of x. Also write the axioms used.
23. If (x – 3) and (x− 3 ) are both factors of ax2 + 5x + b, then show that a = b.
Without finding the cubes, factorise (x – 2y)3 + (2y – 3z)3 + (3z – x)3
Aditya purchased two types of chocolates A and B at the
rate of Rs. 𝑥 and Rs. 𝑦 respectively.
The total amount spent is Rs. 7. After reaching home, he
forms a linear equation in two
Variables for two types of chocolates. He prepares a table
and a graph of the linear equation as
shown in adjoining graph:
(a) How to represent the above situation in
linear equations in two variables?
(b) If the cost of chocolates A is 5, then find the
cost of chocolates B?
(c) Find the area of triangle formed.

TIME: 1:30 HOURS F.F: 40
➢ This Question Paper has 5 Sections A-E.
➢ Section A has 16 MCQs carrying 1 mark each
➢ Section B has 3 questions carrying 02 marks each.
➢ Section C has 3 questions carrying 03 marks each.
➢ Section D has 1 question carrying 05 marks each.
➢ Section E has 1 case based integrated units of assessment (04 marks each) with subparts of
the values of 1, 1 and 2 marks each respectively.


1. If a and b are two odd prime numbers such that a + b will be a/an :
(a) Even number (b) odd number (c) odd prime (d) a and b both
2. An irrational number between π and 5 is :
(a) π (b)π +1 (c)π +2 (d)π +3
3. Decimal expansion of a rational number is terminating if its denominator is in the form of
multiple of
(a)2 or 5 (b)3 or 5 (c)9 or 11 (d)3 or 7
4. Which of the following is a rational number?
(a) 0 (b) 2√3 (c) 2+√3 (d) π
5. Degree of bi-quadratic polynomial is
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
𝟐 𝟐
6. If a + b = 5 & ab = 6 then value of 𝒂 + 𝒃
(a) 30 (b) 11 (c) 13 (d) 15
7. Zero of the polynomial P(x) = 2x+5 is
(a) 3 (b) – 5 (c) −2 (d) 2
In each of the following questions, a statement of Assertion is given followed by a corresponding
statement of Reason just below it. Of the statements, mark the correct
answer as
(a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false but reason is true.
8. Assertion: The points (-3, 5) and (5, -3) are at different positions in the cartesian plane
Reason: If x≠ y then (x, y) ≠ (y, x)
9. Assertion: The point (-5 ,0) lies on y -axis and (0, -4) on x -axis.
Reason : Every point on the x -axis has zero distance from x -axis and every point on the y -axis
has zero distance from y -axis.
10. Abscissa of a point is positive in
(a) I quadrant only (b) II quadrant only
(c) I and II quadrants (d) I and IV quadrants

11. Which of the following is the solution of given equation x + 2y = 8
(a) ( 2,2) (b) (3, 2) (c) ( 2,3) (d) (0,8)

12. The value of c if equations cx – y = 4 have (3,2) as solution will be

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 2

13. Which of the equation describe the situation cost of notebook (𝑥)is Rs.4 more than twice
of pen (𝑦):
(a) 𝑥 + 2𝑦 + 4 = 0 (b) 𝑥 – 2𝑦 + 4 = 0 (c) 𝑥 − 2𝑦 − 4 = 0 (d) 𝑦 − 2𝑥 − 4 = 0
14. The first known proof that ‘the circle is bisected by its diameter’ was given by
(a) Pythagoras (b) Thales (c) Euclid (d) None of these
15. Number of diameters that can be drawn in a circle is
(a) one (b) two (c) three (d) infinite
16. A surface of shape has:
(a) Length, breadth and thickness (b) Length and breadth only
(c) Length and thickness only (d) Breadth and thickness only
17. Add: √8 +√27 + √50 +√48
18. Factorise: 3𝑥 2 − 𝑥 − 10
19. If co-ordinate of point (𝑎 + 2, 5) & (3, 𝑏 + 2) represent same point find 𝑎 & 𝑏.
20. Represent √5 on number line.

21. Plot the following points on a graph paper and verify if they lie on a line.
A (1, 1), B (1, 2), C (1, 3), D (1, 4).

22. In the Fig. we have ∠1 = ∠3 and ∠2 = ∠4. Show that ∠A = ∠C.

23. If x + y + z =0 prove that 𝑥 3 + 𝑦 3 + 𝑧 3 = 3𝑥𝑦𝑧
Factorise (3x – 5y) + (5y – 2z) + (2z – 3x)3
3 3

Really high temperature have been recorded in
Lucknow during summers. it has exceeded more that
400 C . The linear equation that converts Fahrenheit to
Celsius is
F = 5 𝐶 + 32
Using above relation convert
(a) 450 C to Fahrenheit
(b) 00 C to Fahrenheit
(c) Is their a temperature which is numerically the
same in both Fahrenheit & Celsius?
If Yes, Find it

TIME: 1:30 HOURS M.M.: 40

➢ This Question Paper has 5 Sections A-E.
➢ Section A has 16 MCQs carrying 1 mark each
➢ Section B has 3 questions carrying 02 marks each.
➢ Section C has 3 questions carrying 03 marks each.
➢ Section D has 1 question carrying 05 marks each.
➢ Section E has 1 case based integrated units of assessment (04 marks each) with subparts of
the values of 1, 1 and 2 marks each respectively.

1. If 𝟐𝟒 × 𝟐𝟓 + 𝟐𝟓 × 𝟐𝟒 = 𝟐𝒙 , then x is
(a) 4 (b) 9 (c) 11 (d) 10

2. The Product of a rational number and irrational number is a/an

(a) rational number (b) May be rational or irrational
(c) irrational numbers (d) None of these
3. The sum of two irrational is a/an
(a) rational number (b) May be rational or irrational
(c) irrational numbers (d) None of these
4. Rationalising factor of √𝟏𝟖 × √𝟖 is
(a)√18 (b) √8 (c) √3 (d) Already rational
5. Degree of the zero polynomial is
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) not defined (d) −1
𝒙 𝒚
6. If x = 0, y =2, then the value of 𝒚 × 𝒙
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) -1 (d) 2
7. Coefficient if x in polynomial P(x) = (𝒙 − 𝟐)( 𝐱 − 𝟑) 𝐢𝐬
(a) 1 (b) –5 (c) 5 (d) 2
8. The abscissa and ordinate of a point in the third quadrant are respectively:
(a) +, + (b) –, + (c) +, – (d) –, –

9. If a > 𝟎 & 𝐛 < 𝟎 then this point always lies in/on

(a) I quadrant (b) II quadrant (c) IV quadrant (d) y – axis
10. The point at which the two coordinate axes meet is called the

(a) abscissa (b) ordinate (c) origin (d) quadrant

11. If (2, 0) is a solution of the linear equation 2x + 3y = k, then the value of k is

(a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 5 (d) 2:

12. The point where y = 0 for 2x + 3y −𝟔 = 𝟎 is

(a) (2,0) (b) (0, 3) (c)(3,0) (d) (0, 2)

13. x = 5 and y = 2 is a solution of the linear equation

(a) x + 2y = 7 (b) 5x + 2y = 7 (c) x + y = 7 (d) 5x + y

14. The number of interwoven isosceles triangles in Sriyantra (in the Atharvaveda) is:
(a) Seven (b) Eight (c) Nine (d) Eleven
15. In Ancient India, Altars with combination of shapes like rectangles, triangles and
trapeziums were used for:
(a) Public worship (b) Household rituals
(c) Both A and B (d) None of A, B, C
16. A line segment has____________ mid-point
(a) one (b) two (c) three (d) four
1 1 1
17. Simplify : + +
1+√2 √2+√3 √3+√4
8 8
18. Factorise: 𝑥 − 𝑦
19. Plot point B (3, −4) on the graph paper. Also plot reflection of B in x- axis and y- axis
7−4√3 7+4√3
20. Simplify +
7+4√3 7−4√3
21. The Auto rickshaw fare in a city is charged Rs 10 for the first kilometre and @ Rs 4 per kilometre
for subsequent distance covered. Write the linear equation to express the above statement. Using
this equation find the cost of travelling 5 kilometres.
22. A line segment AB have C as mid-point prove 𝐴𝐶 = 𝐴𝐵
23. Factorise the given polynomial P(x) = 𝒙𝟑 − 𝟑𝒙𝟐 − 𝟗𝒙 − 𝟓
Read the text carefully and answer the questions:
Reeta was studying in the class 9th of Lucknow
Public school. Once Ranjeet and his daughter
Reeta were returning after attending teachers'
parent meeting. As the home of Ranjeet was
close to the school so they were coming by walking. Reeta asked her father, "Daddy how old are
you?" Ranjeet said, "I am 5 years more than thrice of your present Age” using above information
answer the following questions. (Take age of daughter as x and age of father as y)
(a) Form an equation to represent this situation.
(b) If Daughter’s present age was 8 year what will be age of father.
(c) If father’s present age was 50 year what will be age of daughter.



General instructions
➢ All questions are compulsory.
➢ Section A consists of 15 objective-type questions carrying 1 mark each including multiple choice questions,
true and false and assertion and reason.
➢ Section B consists of2 very short questions carrying 2 marks each. Answers to these questions should be in
the range of 30 to 50 marks.
➢ Section C consists of 2 short questions carrying 3 marks each. Answers to these questions should be in the
range of 50 to 80 marks.
➢ Section D consists of 2long questions carrying 5 marks each. Answers to these questions should be in the
range of 80 to 120 marks
➢ Section E consists of 1 sources based/ Case-based units of assessment of 4 marks.

1. Plasmolysis in a plant cell is defined as: 1x8=8
a) Break down (lysis) of the plasma membrane in the hypotonic medium.
b) shrinkage of cytoplasm in the hypertonic medium.
c) Shrinkage of the nucleoplasm.
d)None of these.
2. The cells capable of changing shape are
a) Amoeba b) WBC c) Both of these d) None of these
3. Rahul travels 20 km to East but then come back to West for 10 km. Find displacement.
a) 30km
b) 20km
c) 10km
d) none of the above
4. Which of the following is true about particles of matter?
a.) Particles of matter has spaces between them
b.) Particles of matter are continuously moving

c.) Particles of matter attract each other
d.) All of these
5. Who coined the term ‘Protoplasm’?
a) Robert Hooke
b) Leeuwenhoek
c) Robert Brown
d) Purkinje
6. A man travelled on square field of side 10m. he completed one round of field by taking time 2s, 3s, 1s
and 2s respectively for each side. Find his average speed.
a) 4m/s
b) 5m/s
c) 6m/s
d) 7m/s

7. The direct change of gas to solid without changing into liquid is called
a.) Sublimation
b.) Deposition
c.) Boiling point
d.) None of these
8. Cyclist on circular track with constant speed is example of
a) uniform circular motion
b) nonuniform circular motion
c)both a and b
d)none of these
a) Forces of attraction in liquids are greater than in solid.
b) When a ball is thrown vertically upwards, its motion is uniform throughout.
Each of the following questions, a statement of Assertion is given and a
corresponding statement of Reason is given just below it. Of the statements, given
below, mark the correct answer as:
(a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of
(b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of
(c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) Both Assertion and Reason are false. 1X3=3
10. ASSERTION: Leucoplasts perform photosynthesis.
REASON: Mitochondria generate energy.
11. ASSERTION: An object may have acceleration even if it is moving with uniform speed.
REASON: An object may be moving with uniform speed but it may be changing its direction of motion.
12. ASSERTION: Naphthalene balls disappear with time leaving no residue.
REASON: Naphthalene balls get converted into vapours due to evaporation.
13. What are rod shaped structures inside nucleus called? What are they made up of?
14. What does protoplasm refer to?
15. What are plastids? Name the two types.
16. Why does the temperature of a substance remain constant during melting and boiling even
when heat is being supplied to it continuously?
What is Brownian motion? What is it caused due to?
17. Why is Golgi body called secretory organelle of cell?
18a) Convert the following Kelvin temperature to Celsius,
175K, 225K.
b) Convert the following Celsius temperature to Kelvin.
-150 C, 250C
19. The brakes applied to a car produce an acceleration of 6 ms -2 in the opposite direction to the motion. If
the car takes 2s to stop after the application of brakes, calculate the distance it travels during this time.
An artificial satellite is moving in a circular orbit of radius 42250km. Calculate its speed if it takes 24 hours
To revolve around the earth.


20. a) Label the parts 1to 5 of given cell.

b) Which of these parts is called powerhouse of cell and why?

21. a) Name the three kinds of solutions. What happens to a living cell when placed in each of these



Read the following passage and answer the following questions

Aditya started driving his car. He increases the speed till 4 seconds and then he kept his car in constant
speed for 6 seconds. Then after he decreased the speed of the car up to another 6 seconds. After
reaching at the starting place, he draws the speed-time graph of his 16 seconds driving as shown

22. a) What type of motion is represented by OA?

b) What is the acceleration of car during the motion in OA?
c) Calculate distance travelled between A to B.
d) What is the retardation in BC?

General instruction:
➢ All questions are compulsory.
➢ Section A consists of 16 objective-type questions carrying 1 mark each including multiple choice questions,
True and false and assertion and reason.
➢ Section B consists of2 very short questions carrying 2 marks each. Answers to these questions should be in the
range of 30 to 50 marks.
➢ Section C consists of 2 short questions carrying 3 marks each. Answers to these questions should be in the range
of 50 to 80 marks.
➢ Section D consists of 2long questions carrying 5 marks each. Answers to these questions should be in the range
of 80 to 120 marks
➢ Section E consists of 1source based /case-based unit of assessment
1.During summer water kept in an earthen pot becomes cool because of 1x8=8
a) Diffusion b) Osmosis c) Transpiration d) evaporation
2. Ribosomes are the sites of
a) Fat synthesis b) Carbohydrate synthesis c) protein synthesis d) None of these
3. A freely falling body is said to be moving with
a) Zero velocity b) Non uniform motion c) Zero acceleration d) Constant velocity
4. Dry ice is
a) Water in solid state b) Water in gaseous state c) CO2 in gaseous state d) CO2in solid state
5. Plasma membrane is
a) Semi permeable b) Permeable c) Selectively permeable d) Impermeable
6. SI unit of acceleration is
a) m/s b) m/h c) m/s 2 d) M
7. Arrangement of molecules is least ordered in_____________ state.
a) Gaseous b) Solid c) Liquid d) Vapour
8. A body moves in uniform circular motion.
a) It is moving with constant velocity.
b) It has acceleration.
c) Its acceleration is zero.
d)None of these.
9. Cell division occurring during growth in a body is_____________.
10. In 12minutes a car travelling at a speed of 35km/h covers a distance of__________ km.
Each of the following questions, a statement of Assertion is given and a corresponding
statement of Reason is given just below it. Of the statements, given below, mark the correct
answer as:
(a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of
(c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
11. Assertion: Chromosome are constituted by hormone and protein 1x3=3
Reason: These are thread like structures present in nucleus.
12. Assertion: Gases exert pressure on the walls of a container.
Reason: The intermolecular force of attraction is very strong in gases.
13. Assertion: Speedometer of a car measures instantaneous speed of car.
Reason: Average speed is equal to the total distance covered divided by total time taken.
14. Give the expanded form of ATP.
15. Can uniform linear motion be accelerated?
16. Define melting point.

17. Mitochondria and plastids are able to synthesize their own proteins. Why?
Name two organelle which are not found in plant cell. Give their functions
18. Why does a balloon when kept in the sun bursts after some time?


What is the total distance covered during journey from O to C?

20.Differentiate between evaporation and boiling. (Three points).


21. Why is cell called the structural and functional unit of life? Name two organelle of cell and write
their functions.
What is plasmolysis? When does it happen? How can we reverse it?

22. What is negative acceleration? Give an example. Which is greater30m/s or 30km/h?


23. There are three states of matter – solid, liquid and gas.
Solids have a definite shape, distinct boundaries and fixed volumes, that is, have negligible
compressibility. Solids have a tendency to maintain their shape when subjected to outside force. Solids may
break under force but it is difficult to change their shape, so they are rigid.
Liquids have no fixed shape but have a fixed volume. They take up the shape of the container in which they
are kept. Liquids flow and change shape, so they are not rigid but can be called fluid.
Gas as has indefinite shape, no fixed volume. Gas gets the shape and volume of container.
a) Which state of matter takes shape of container when filled?
b) Distance between particles is least in?
c) Compressibility is least in?
d) What are fluids?

General instruction:
➢ All questions are compulsory.
➢ Section A consists of 15 objective-type questions carrying 1 mark each including multiple choice questions,
True and false and assertion and reason.
➢ Section B consists of2 very short questions carrying 2 marks each. Answers to these questions should be in the
range of 30 to 50 marks.
➢ Section C consists of 2 short questions carrying 3 marks each. Answers to these questions should be in the range
of 50 to 80 marks.
➢ Section D consists of 2long questions carrying 5 marks each. Answers to these questions should be in the range
of 80 to 120 marks
➢ Section E consists of 1source based /case-based unit of assessment

1. Digestive enzymes are found in 1x8=8
a) Protoplasm b) Cell wall c) lysosome d) Mitochondria
2. Zig zag movement of solute particles in a solution is known as
a) Linear motion b) Circular motion c) Curved motion d) Brownian motion
3. A particle is moving on a circular path of radius R. The displacement after half a circle would be
a) Zero b)𝜋𝑅 c) 2R d) 2πR
4. Which one of the following sets of the phenomena would increase on raising the temperature?
a) Evaporation, compression of gases, solubility.
b) Evaporation, diffusion, expansion of gases.
c)Diffusion, evaporation, compression of gases
d) Evaporation, diffusion, solubility, compression of gases
5. Area under a V-T graph represents a physical quantity which has the unit
a) m 2 b) m c) m 3 d) m/s
6. Living cells were discovered by
a) Robert Hooke b) Purkinje c) Leeuwenhoek d) Robert Brown
7. Which of the following has the strongest inter particular forces of the following at room temperature?
a) Bromine b) Oxygen c) Water d) Iron
8. Acceleration is a vector quantity which indicates that its value can be
a) Can be positive, negative or zero.
b) Always positive
c) Always negative
d) Is zero.
1. Chloroplast a. Packing and dispatching unit
2. Golgi body b. Control room
3. Nucleus c. Storage sac
4. Vacuole d. Kitchen of cell
Each of the following questions, a statement of Assertion is given and a corresponding
statement of Reason is given just below it. Of the statements, given below, mark the correct
answer as:
(a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of
(c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
10. Assertion: It is easier to cook food at sea level as compared to higher altitudes.
Reason: The boiling point of water increases at higher altitudes.
11. Assertion: Displacement of a body may be zero when distance travelled by it may not be zero.
Reason: Displacement is the longest distance between initial and final positions
12. Assertion: Prokaryotic cells are larger and primitive than eukaryotic cells.
Reason: Prokaryotic cells lack membrane bound cytoplasmic organelle.
13. Write down the equation for velocity time relation.
14. What is the physical state of water at 250 degrees Celsius and 0 degree Celsius?
15. Which organism can also be stored as crystals?

16. It is a hot summer day. Raj and Ali are wearing cotton and nylon clothes respectively. Who would be
17. A cyclist rides from A to B with a uniform speed of 30 km/h and returns back with a speed of 20 km/h.
Find its average speed.
18. Write three differences between cell wall and plasma membrane.
Earthworms die when they come in contact with salt. Explain
19. Why does our palm feel cold when we put some acetone or perfume on it?
During rainy season we dry our clothes under the fan. Explain.

20. Write the three equations of motion.
An object moves along a straight line with an acceleration of 2 m/s 2. If its initial speed is 10 m/s, what will
be its speed 2 s later?
21. In certain investigatory project 150 ml of water is taken in each of the four beakers A , B ,
C and D. Beaker A and B are maintained at temperature 25 oC while C and D are maintained at
temperature 65oC. Four crystals of copper sulphate of approximately same mass (say 2g) are taken
and two of them are ground into powder form. Now, crystals are added in beaker A and C
while powdered form of the salt are added in beaker B and D. In which beaker will you see
Dissolution of salt fastest and slowest? Explain. Which phenomenon is responsible for
dissolving of salt?

22. The cellular components of cells are called cell organelles. These cell organelles include both

Membrane-bound and non-membrane organelles. They are found in cells and have different shapes and

activities. To allow cells to function normally, they must coordinate and work together. Most of them

provide support and form, but others play a role in cell motility and reproduction. The presence or absence

of a membrane can classify organelles into one of three types.

a) What is cell organelle?

b) Name an organelle which is non membranous.
c) Name two organelle with double membranes.
d) Which cell organelle is important for reproduction?
General instruction:
➢ All questions are compulsory.
➢ Section A consists of 15 objective-type questions carrying 1 mark each including multiple choice questions,
True and false and assertion and reason.
➢ Section B consists of2 very short questions carrying 2 marks each. Answers to these questions should be in the
range of 30 to 50 marks.
➢ Section C consists of 2 short questions carrying 3 marks each. Answers to these questions should be in the range
of 50 to 80 marks.
➢ Section D consists of 2long questions carrying 5 marks each. Answers to these questions should be in the range
of 80 to 120 marks
➢ Section E consists of 1source based /case-based unit of assessment

1. The melting point of ice is 1x8=8
a) 273.16K b) 723 K c)263.16K d) 373 K
2. A physical quantity which has both magnitude and direction is called
a) Scalar quantity b) Vector quantity c) Neither of these d) Fundamental quantity
3. Shape and size of cell depend on
a) Texture b) Function c) Location d) None of these
4. Which of the following are matter?
a) Chair b) love c) Cold d) Smell
5. The slope of a velocity graph gives
a) Distance b) Speed c) Acceleration d) Displacement
6. Silver nitrate solution is used to study
a) Mitochondria b) Golgi body c) Plastids d) Endoplasmic reticulum
7. When we add a few drops of Dettol in a bucket of water, Dettol mixes due to
a) Osmosis b) Evaporation c) Diffusion d) endosmosis
8. An ant moves from one corner of a room of dimensions 8mx6m to the diagonally opposite end. What is its
a) 10m b) 14m c) 28m d) 2m
9.When a body moves ________________ distances in equal intervals of time, then its motion is _____________.
In uniform motion, speed is __________________, distance is a ___________________ quantity.
Each of the following questions, a statement of Assertion is given and a corresponding statement of Reason
is given just below it. Of the statements, given below, mark the correct answer as:
(a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) Both Assertion and Reason are false
10.Assertion: A cell swells up when placed in a hypotonic solution.
Reason: More water molecules enter cell than they leave.
11 Assertion: A stone tied with string showing circular motion when released moves in a straight line.
Reason: Along the circular path, the direction of motion remains the same at every point.
12 Assertion: On applying pressure liquids get converted to gases.
Reason: On applying pressure intermolecular space decreases.
13. How does an Amoeba obtain its food? OR Who gave cell theory?
14. What is uniform circular motion?
15. Define sublimation.
16. Name the various kinds of plastids and state their functions. Which plastid is semi-autonomous?
17. When 50g of sugar is dissolved in 100ml of water, there is no increase in volume. What characteristic of
Of matter is illustrated by this observation? Explain.
Name the Panch Tattva.
18. Draw the diagram of nucleus, label its various parts and write their functions.
19. A bullet hits a sandbox with a velocity of 20m/s and penetrates it up to a distance of 6cm. Find the
deceleration of the bullet.
20. Why is the diffusion of one solid into another a slow process? What could be an example of diffusion of
One solid in another. Give an example. How can we increase the rate of diffusion in matter?
21. What is the difference between chromatin, chromosome and chromatid? What is a gene? Where is
It located? What is it made up of?

22. The speed of an object need not be constant. In most cases, objects will be in non-uniform
motion. Therefore, we describe the rate of motion of such objects in terms of their average speed. The
average speed of an object is obtained by dividing the total distance travelled by the total time taken. That
is, average speed =total distance travelled / total time taken.
a) An object travels 20 m in 5 s and then another 20 m in 5s. What is the average speed in m/s of the object?
b) A man starts walking from a point P on a circular field of radius 7 km and after 1 hour later he comes to
same point P after one complete round. find his speed. (Take pi=22/7)
c) Define average speed. Write its formula and SI unit
d) Define non uniform motion.
General instruction:
➢ All questions are compulsory.
➢ Section A consists of 15 objective-type questions carrying 1 mark each including multiple choice questions,
True and false and assertion and reason.
➢ Section B consists of 2 very short questions carrying 2 marks each. Answers to these questions should be in the
range of 30 to 50 marks.
➢ Section C consists of 2 short questions carrying 3 marks each. Answers to these questions should be in the range
of 50 to 80 marks.
➢ Section D consists of 2long questions carrying 5 marks each. Answers to these questions should be in the range
of 80 to 120 marks
➢ Section E consists of 1source based /case-based unit of assessment

1. Identify the multicellular organism. 1x8=8
a) Fungi b) Amoeba c) Paramecium d) Bacteria
2. Which of the following has maximum fluidity?
a) Solid b) Gas c) Liquid d) None of these
3. Which equation represents equation for position time relation?
a) v=u+at b) s=ut+1/2at 2 c)) v 2 - u 2 =2as d) v=2πr/t
4. What is the layer that separates the protoplasm and outer environment in animal cell?
a) Cell wall b) Nuclear membrane c) Plasma membrane d) Tonoplast
5. With increase in temperature the kinetic energy of the particles also
a) Increases b) Decreases c) Remains same d) None of these
6. A body is thrown vertically upwards with velocity u, the greatest height it will achieve is
a) u/g b) u 2 /2g c) u 2 /g d) u/2g
7. The cell in which genetic material is not enclosed by a membrane is
a) Eukaryotic cell b) Prokaryotic cell c) Nerve cell d) Muscle cell
8. A diver is able to cut through water in a swimming pool. Which property of matter does this observation
a) Due to strong force of attraction between water molecules.
b) Due to weak force of attraction between water molecules.
c) Due to strong force of attraction between diver and water.
d) Due to weak force of attraction between diver and water
a. Acceleration i. V 2-u 2=2as
b. Velocity ii. S=ut+1/2at 2
c. Position time relation iii. m/s
d. Position velocity relation iv. m/s 2
Each of the following questions, a statement of Assertion is given and a corresponding statement of Reason
is given just below it. Of the statements, given below, mark the correct answer as:
(a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) Both Assertion and Reason are false
10. Assertion: The accelerated motion of an object may be due to change in magnitude of velocity or direction or
both of them.
Reason: Acceleration can be produced only by change in magnitude of the velocity. It does not depend on the
11. Assertion: Heat energy when supplied to a solid, melts it.
Reason: Solid particles take up the heat and move away from each other which helps in melting.
12. Assertion: Cell wall is not found in animal cell.
Reason: Animal cells are covered by cell membrane.
13. Which dyes are used to stain cells for study under a microscope?
Write down the meaning of the word prokaryote and eukaryote
14. Why do we consider sponge a solid, although it compresses?
15. Define rest.

16. What do these four D-T graphs indicate? State the kind of motion in each.
17. Give two differences between plant and animal cells.
18. Compare solids, liquids and gases with respect to interparticular spaces, interparticular forces
And kinetic energy.
19. Draw velocity- time graph to show uniform acceleration, uniform retardation and zero acceleration.
20. How is a lysosome made? What is its function? In which cell is a lysosome usually present?
When does a lysosome lead to the death of a cell?

The above graph shows the motion of a cyclist. Find acceleration, velocity and distance covered in
15 seconds.

In the above graph, a particle is moving in a straight line. Calculate displacement at t=2s.

22. Evaporation happens when a liquid is heated. This means that the liquids molecules have to gain
kinetic energy. As a liquids molecules gain kinetic energy, the molecules begin to spread apart and vibrate
faster. This causes the liquid to change its state of matter from liquid to gas. Evaporation helps to dry
Clothes and make salt.
a) Define evaporation.
b) How is evaporation useful?
c) On a cloudy day, would rate of evaporation increase or decrease?
d) Evaporation is a surface/bulk phenomenon? Why?
SESSION (2023-24)
M.M = 40
1. Tick & choose the correct option: (1x10 = 10)
i) What is the latitudinal extent of India?
a) 8°4'N and 37°6'N b) 68°7'E and 97°25'E c) 37°6'N and 97°25'E d) 8°4'N and 68°7'E
ii) The longitude of Indian standard time passes from how many states?
a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8
iii) Raw material and money in hand is called as?
a) Working capital b) Fixed capital c) Running capital d) Moving capital
iv) Which of the following is not a disadvantage of the green revolution?
a) Over irrigation b) Reducing soil fertility
c) Excessive use of chemical fertilizers d) Multiple cropping
v) The virtuous cycle, in context to human resource is associated with:
a) Uneducated parents b) Educated parents c) Healthy parents d) Both a) & b)
vi) Unemployment is said to exist when people cannot find jobs on?
(a) High wages (b) Low wages (c) Poor wages (d) Existing wages
vii) ‘Al-Baath’ party is associated with which country:
a) Syria b) Pakistan c) Zimbabwe d) Cuba
viii) In comparison to other form of the government, democracy is:
a) best b) better c) poor d) dictator
ix) Island where nelson Mandela was kept for 28 years:
a) Barren island b) Robben island c) Bobben island d) None of these
x) In preamble equality has been granted for:
a) Status b) opportunity c) economic d) only option a) & b)
2. Assertion – Reason: (2x1 = 2)
i) Assertion: The most common form of democracy is a representative democracy.
Reason: The majority of people rule through their elected representatives.
a) Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R is true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is correct but R is wrong.
d) A is wrong but R is correct.
ii) Assertion: India shares its land boundaries with Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Reason: India is a peninsula.
a) Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R is true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is correct but R is wrong.
d) A is wrong but R is correct.
3. Read the given source and answer the following questions: (4)
Unemployment leads to wastage of manpower resource. People who are an asset for the economy turn
into a liability. There is a feeling of hopelessness and despair among the youth. People do not have
enough money to support their family. Inability of educated people who are willing to work to find
gainful employment implies a great social waste. Unemployment tends to increase economic overload.
The dependence of the unemployed on the working population increases. The quality of life of an
individual as well as of society is adversely affected. When a family has to live on a bare subsistence
level there is a general decline in its health status and rising withdrawal from the school system.
i) How unemployment lads to the wastage of human resource? 2
ii) How government can generate more employment opportunities? 2
4.What does this sign on a Durban beach signifies. Can you notice such sign boards in a
contemporary world? (2)

5. Complete the following: (0.5X4=2)

i) India shares its land boundaries in north west with the countries ______________________________.
ii) India is a south ward extension of _______________________ continent.
iii) India’s total area accounts ____________ % of the total geographical area.
iv) The longitudinal extent of India is ________________________.
6. Answer the following questions in one sentence or word: (1x4 = 4)
i) What is multiple cropping?
ii) What do you understand by people as a resource?
iii) PRI party belongs to which country?
iv) Who was Nelson Mandela?
7. Answer the following questions in short: (2x3 = 6)
i) What is green revolution. Explain its advantages. (1+2)
ii) Japan has very less natural resource but is a developed country. Why? (1+2)
8. Answer the following questions in detail. (2x5 = 10)
i) Write important features of democracy.
ii) What is constitution. Explain its importance.
SESSION (2023-24)
M.M = 40
1. Tick & choose the correct option: (1x10 = 10)
i) India is bounded by the young folded mountains in the:
a) North b) North – West c) North East d) All of these
ii) The rank, India holds in terms of its area or size?
a) 4th b) 3rd c) 5th d) 7th
iii) Animal husbandry, fishing, poultry framing are the activities of:
a) Primary sector b) Tertiary sector c) Secondary sector d) Quaternary sector
iv) Scheme has been implemented to encourage attendance and retention of children and
improve their nutritional status:
a) Sarva Siksha Abhiyan b) Mid-Day meal c) Operation blackboard d) None of these
v) ‘Legal framework order’ was passed by:
a) Parvez Musharraf b) Robert Mugabe c) Nawaz sharif d) Imran khan
vi) Which one of the given statements is in favour of democracy:
a) Leaders keep changing in a democracy & this leads to instability.
b) Democracy is all about political competition and power play.
c) So many people have to be consulted in a democracy which leads to better decision making.
d) Democracy leads to corruption for it is based on electoral competition.
vii) The white people treated races considered as inferior are:
a) blacks b) coloured c) whites d) only option a & b
viii) ‘Bill of rights’ is associated with the country:
a) USA b) Britain c) Russia d) Germany
ix) Tools, machines & buildings are the example of:
a) working capital b) fixed capital c) floating capital d) none of these
x) Jowar & bajra are the examples of the:
a) Rabi crop b) Zaid crop c) Kharif crop d) All of these
2. Assertion – Reason: (2x1 = 2)
i) Assertion: The most common form of democracy is a representative democracy.
Reason: The majority of people rule through their elected representatives.
a) Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R is true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is correct but R is wrong.
d) A is wrong but R is correct.
ii) Assertion: India shares its land boundaries with Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Reason: India is a peninsula.
a) Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R is true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is correct but R is wrong.
d) A is wrong but R is correct.
3. Read the given source and answer the following questions: (4)
Like South Africa, India’s Constitution was also drawn up under very difficult circumstances. The making
of the constitution for a huge and diverse country like India was not an easy affair. At that time the
people of India were emerging from the status of subjects to that of citizens. The country was born
through a partition on the basis of religious differences. This was a traumatic experience for the people
of India and Pakistan. At least ten lakh people were killed on both sides of the border in partition related
violence. There was another problem. The British had left it to the rulers of the princely states to decide
whether they wanted to merge with India or with Pakistan or remain independent. The merger of these
princely states was a difficult and uncertain task. When the constitution was being written, the future
of the country did not look as secure as it does today.
i) Why making of the Indian constitution was not an easy affair? 2
ii) Despite lot of challenges, how we have come up with the most successful and dynamic
constitution? 2
4. The given cartoon is associated with which country? Identify the challenge in the given
picture: (2)
5. Look at pie chart given and write two important features of land distribution in village
palampur: (2)

6. Answer the following questions in one sentence or word: (1x4 = 4)

i) What was constituent assembly?
ii) What is referendum?
iii)What are factors of production?
iv) What influences duration of day and night as one moves from South to North?
7. Answer the following questions in short: (2x3 = 6)
i) Why there is a time difference of two hours in between Gujarat and Arunachal Pradesh?
ii) Differentiate between seasonal and disguised unemployment?
8. Answer the following questions in detail. (2x5 = 10)
i) What is apartheid? Why this had been the subject of struggle in European colonies?
ii) ‘Regular elections are not only the important criteria for a real democracy’. Justify the statement
with suitable examples.
SESSION (2023-24)
M.M = 40
1. Tick & choose the correct option: (1x10 = 10)
i) East-west extent of India is:
a) 2942 kms b) 3214 kms c) 3010 kms d) 2933 kms
ii) The tropic of cancer passes from how many states in India?
a) 7 b) 8 c) 9 d) 5
iii) Potato is grown in between:
a) October-December b) March-May c) April-June d) July-august
iv) The crops taken in green revolution:
a) Sarva Siksha Abhiyan b) Mid-Day meal c) Operation blackboard d) None of these
v) ‘Legal framework order’ was passed by:
a) Parvez Musharraf b) Robert Mugabe c) Nawaz sharif d) Imran khan
vi) Which one of the given statements is in favour of democracy:
a) Leaders keep changing in a democracy & this leads to instability.
b) Democracy is all about political competition and power play.
c) So many people have to be consulted in a democracy which leads to better decision making.
d) Democracy leads to corruption for it is based on electoral competition.
vii) The white people treated races considered as inferior are:
a) blacks b) coloured c) whites d) only option a & b
viii) ‘Bill of rights’ is associated with the country:
a) USA b) Britain c) Russia d) Germany
ix) Tools, machines & buildings are the example of:
a) working capital b) fixed capital c) floating capital d) none of these
x) Jowar & bajra are the examples of the:
a) Rabi crop b) zaid crop c) kharif crop d) All of these
2. Assertion – Reason: (2x1 = 2)
i) Assertion: In China, elections are regularly held after every five years.
Reason: In China the government is always formed by the Communist Party.
a) Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R is true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is correct but R is wrong.
d) A is wrong but R is correct.
ii) Assertion: The Indian landmass has a central location between the East and the West Asia.
Reason: India is a southward extension of the Asian continent.
a) Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R is true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is correct but R is wrong.
d) A is wrong but R is correct.
3. Read the given source and answer the following questions: (4)
Constitution making is not unique to South Africa. Every country has diverse groups of people. Their
relationship may not have been as bad as that between the whites and the blacks in South Africa. But
all over the world people have differences of opinion and interests. Whether democratic or not, most
countries in the world need to have these basic rules. This applies not just to governments. Any
association needs to have its constitution. It could be a club in your area, a cooperative society or a
political party, they all need a constitution
i) Mention some general challenges in making of the South African constitution? 2
ii) is constitution necessary to run only a country? Do you have any constitution at home? 2
4. Look at the following bar graph about literacy rate in India and answer the following
question it follows: (0.5X4=2)
i) Have the literacy rates of the
population increased since 1951?
ii) In which year India has the
highest literacy rates?
iii)Why literacy rate is high among
the males of India?
iv) Why are women less educated
than men?
5. State true and false: (0.5X4=2)
i) Palk strait separates India and Srilanka. ____________
ii) Kanyakumari in India is situated on three seas. ______________
iii) The smallest state in India is goa _________________
iv) Tripura is surrounded by Bangladesh from Three sides ________________
6. Answer the following questions in one sentence or word: (1x4 = 4)
i) What is the use of knowledge and enterprise in production?
ii) Why are women employed in low paid work?
iii) ZANU -PF party belongs to which country?
iv) Who was Sarojini Naidu ?
7. Answer the following questions in short: (2x3 = 6)
i) How the land distribution in Palampur was a challenge for farmers. What were the main factor
for such distribution? (1+2)
ii) What are the various activities undertaken in the primary sector, secondary sector and tertiary
8. Answer the following questions in detail. (2x5 = 10)
i) Explain the different key words used in the Preamble of the Indian Constitution.
ii) Why did the Institutional Revolutionary Party in Mexico never lose any election till 2000?
SESSION (2023-24)
M.M = 40
1. Tick & choose the correct option: (1x10 = 10)
i) The Tropic of Cancer does not pass through which of the following states?
a) Chhattisgarh b) Tripura c) Madhya Pradesh d) Maharashtra
ii) Which country among the India’s neighbours is the smallest?
a) Nepal b) Bhutan c) Sri Lanka d) Bangladesh
iii)Modern farming methods were tried in India for the first time in
a) Punjab b) Western U.P c) Haryana d) All of the above
iv) Who is a person who puts together land, labour and capital?
a) Moneylender b) Entrepreneur c) Zamindar d) Manager
v) What is the source of capital for the large farmers?
a) Banks and own savings b) Money lenders and relatives
c) Banks and money lenders d) Poor farmers
vi) ‘People as a resource refers to their
a) educational skills b) productive skills c) health skills d) none of the above
vii) ‘who led a military coup in Pakistan in the year 1999:
a) Pervez Musharraf b) Benazir Bhutto c) Nawaz Sharif d) Bilal Akhtar
viii) In which of these cases democracy cannot give complete solution:
a) Providing jobs to all b) eradicating poverty from India
c) Providing education to all d) coalition government
ix)When was the Constitution of India adopted?
a) 26thNov,1949 b) 26thJan,1949 c) 26thJan,1950 d) 26th Nov, 1950
x) Which of these features were accepted by all the Indian leaders much before they sat
down to make the Constitution?
a) Universal adult franchise b) Right to freedom
c) Protection of the rights of minorities d) All the above
2. Assertion – Reason: (2x1 = 2)
i) Assertion: a democratic government does whatever it likes because it is elected.
Reason: Democratic government has to work within the limits set by the Constitution.
a) Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R is true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is correct but R is wrong.
d) A is wrong but R is correct.
ii) Assertion: Fixed capital used in production exhausts with time.
Reason: Capital plays an important role in the process of production.
a) Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R is true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is correct but R is wrong.
d) A is wrong but R is correct.
3. Read the given source and answer the following questions: (4)
Values that inspired and guided the Freedom struggle and were in turn Nurtured by it, formed the
Foundation for India’s democracy. These values are embedded in the Preamble of the Indian
Constitution. They guide all the 28Articles of the Indian Constitution. The Constitution begins with a
short Statement of its basic values. This is called the Preamble to the Constitution. Taking inspiration
From American model, most Countries in the contemporary World have chosen to begin their
Constitutions with a preamble.
i) Mention some values that formed the foundation of the Indian democracy? 2
ii) What is preamble? From which country concept of preamble was taken? 2
4. Match the following: (0.5X4 = 2)

a) Sovereign (i) Government will not favour any religion.

b) Republic (ii) People have the supreme right to make decisions.
c) Fraternity (iii) Head of the state is an elected person.
d) Secular (iv) People should live like brothers and sisters.

5. Look at the following cartoon and highlight the challenge for democracy? (2)
6. Answer the following questions in one sentence or word: (1x4 = 4)
i) What is constituent assembly debates?
ii) Write two features of democracy?
iii) How the opening of a Suez Canal helped in the Indian trade?
iv) What is secondary sector?
7. Answer the following questions in short: (2x3 = 6)
i) Explain the size and location of India.
ii)’Unemployment tends to increase the economic overload’. Explain
8. Answer the following questions in detail. (2x5 = 10)
i) Democracy provides a method to deal with differences and conflicts?
ii) Like South Africa, India’s Constitution was also drawn up under very difficult circumstances.
SESSION (2023-24)
M.M = 40
1. Tick & choose the correct option: (1x10 = 10)
i) What is the southernmost point of the Indian Union?
a) Indira Point b) Thiruvananthapuram c) Kanyakumari d) None of these
ii) What is the approximate length of India’s land boundary?
a) 15,000 km b) 12,500 km c) 15,200 km d)10,000 km
iii) urban areas mostly have?
a) educated employment b) educated unemployment c) employment d) none of these
iv) 'Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan' includes children in the age group of?
a) 5 to 10 b) 10-12 c) 6-9 d) 14-16
v) What is the source of capital for the large farmers?
a) Banks and own savings b) Money lenders and relatives
c) Banks and money lenders d) Poor farmers
vi) ‘Operation Flood’ is related to:
a) Control flood b) Produce fish c) Milk production d) Grain productions
vii) ‘some drawbacks related to democracies are:
a) Instability and delays b) corruption c) electoral competition d) all of these
viii) Democracy must base on:
a) One party system b) Free & Fair election c) poverty d) coalition government
ix) The Constitution of India is:
a) partly flexible and partly rigid b) flexible c) rigid d) None of these
x) the president of constitutional assembly was:
a) Motilal Nehru b) Dr. B.R Ambedkar c) Dr. Rajendra Prasad d) C. Rajagopalachari
2. Assertion – Reason: (2x1 = 2)
i) Assertion: Democracy improves the quality of decision-making.
Reason: Democracy enhances the dignity of citizens.
a) Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R is true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is correct but R is wrong.
d) A is wrong but R is correct.
ii) Assertion: Green revolution was based on the use of modern tools and technologies.
Reason: Green revolution emphasized to boost the production of Jowar and Bajra.
a) Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R is true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is correct but R is wrong.
d) A is wrong but R is correct.
3. Read the given source and answer the following questions: (4)
Education helps individual to make better use of the economic opportunities available before him.
Education and skill are the major determinants of the earning of any individual in the market. A
majority of women have meagre education and low skill formation. Women are paid low compared to
men. Most women work where job security is not there. Various activities relating to legal protection is
meagre. Employment in this sector is characterised by irregular and low income. In this sector there is
an absence of basic facilities like maternity leave, childcare and other social security systems. However,
women with high education and skill formation are paid at par with the men. Among the organised
sector, teaching and medicine attract them the most. Some women have entered administrative and
other services including job, that need high levels of scientific and technological competence.
i) Why a majority of women has meagre education and low skill information? 2
ii) What are the benefits of the organized sector? 2
4. Match the following leaders with their roles in the making of the Constitution: (0.5X4=2)
A. Motilal Nehru i) President of the Constituent Assembly
B. B.R. Ambedkar ii) Member of the Constituent Assembly
C. Rajendra Prasad iii) Chairman of the Drafting Committee
D. Sarojini Naidu iv) Prepared a Constitution for India in 1928
5. What US Army is trying to do in Iraq. Why letter ‘M' is shown bigger? (2)

6. Answer the following questions in one sentence or word: (1x4 = 4)

i) What are non-market activities.
ii) From where do small farmers borrow money?
iii) What is the electoral system in Fizi?
iv) What is constitutional amendment?
7. Answer the following questions in short: (2x3 = 6)
i) Modern farming methods require more inputs which are manufactured in industry. Do you agree?
ii) Why is educated unemployed, a peculiar problem of India.
8. Answer the following questions in detail : (2x5 = 10)
i) The central location of India at the head of the Indian Ocean is considered of great significance.
ii) Explain the causes and efforts taken by black communities against white domination in south
M.M.: 30

Q.1 Multiple choice questions. [1 x 10 = 10]

a) Which of the following operating system part is responsible for interacting with hardware?
i) Shell ii) Kernel
iii) Both (i) and (ii) iv) None of these
b) Which of the following wildcard is not allowed while specifying file name?
i) > ii) –(hyphen)
iii) / iv) None of these
c) Which of the following protocol is used for sending and receiving mails?
i) FTP ii) SMTP
iii) HTTP iv) All of these
d) Which if the following software comb the Internet looking for documents and their web addresses?
i) Indexing Software ii) File Transfer protocol
iii) Spiders iv) Google Search Engine
e) The content of cut and copy operations are temporarily placed in:
i) Title bar ii) Standard Toolbar
iii) Clip Area iv) Clipboard
f) Shortcut menu will be displayed by:
i) Single left click of mouse ii) Point and Drag
iii) Double left click the Mouse iv) Right click the mouse
g) The first page that you normally view at a web site is its:
i) Master Page ii) Banner Page
iii) target Page iv) Homepage
h) Which symbol is used as a tab mark?
i) ¶ ii) full stop (.)
iii) → iv) #
i) ____________ is the area where the text to be typed is displayed.
i) Text Area ii) Canvas
iii) Text Box iv) Text panel
j) Which of the following is the way of selecting a word in a word processor using mouse?
i) Single Click ii) Double Click
iii) Triple Click iv) Scrolling
Q.2 Very short answer questions. [1 x 6= 6]
a) Name the type of document views available in writer.
b) Name types of Page orientation.
c) Name three system software.
d) Give two search engine names.
e) Mention two weaknesses of computer.
f) Mention the parts of an e-mail address.
Q.3 Assertion/Reason based questions. [1 X 3 = 3]
a) Assertion: A keyboard is used to type data or instructions and for some other functions.
Reason: Keyboard is a popular input device.
(i) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(ii) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(iii) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(iv) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
b) Assertion: While specifying the file names in search box, Wild Cards can be used.
Reason: The '*' is a Wild Card Character.
(i) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(ii) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(iii) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(iv) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.

Assertion: A file is the common storage unit in a computer.
Reason: A folder is a container that holds one or more files as well as subfolders.
(i) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(ii) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(iii) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(iv) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
c) Assertion: Orientation refers to whether the text is to be printed length-wise or width-wise.
Reason: When the text is printed width-wise is called Landscape Page Orientation.
(i) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(ii) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(iii) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(iv) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
Q.4 Answer the following questions based on case study. [1 x 3 = 3]
Sometimes you need to search a particular text or word in the document. Or sometimes your situation
requires the replacements of some text or word. In word processing package this feature is available.
Writer also provides functions/ commands for searching and replacing text.

Based on above paragraph, give the answer of the following:

(i) What feature of word processing is used to search a particular text or word?
(ii) Which shortcut key is used to replace a word or a sentence?
(iii) Name the menu in which this option is available.
Q.5 Short answer questions. [2 x 4 = 8]
a) What is Autocorrect? How is it useful?
b) What is thesaurus feature?
c) Write difference between WWW and Internet. (2 Points)
d) Write two advantages and two disadvantages of e-mail.
M.M.: 30

Q.1 Multiple choice questions. [1 x 10 = 10]

a) For highly productive work, which of the following will you prefer to use?
i) Smartphone ii) Tablet
iii) Laptop iv) All of these
b) ___________is radio navigation system.
i) > ii) –(hyphen)
iii) / iv) None of these
c) Which of the following protocol is used for sending and receiving mails?
i) Bluetooth ii) GPS
iii) Gestures iv) Wi-fi
d) Unprocessed raw facts and figures are called?
i) Hardware ii) Information
iii) Software iv) Data
e) General arrangement of text that affects its appearance is known as__________.
i) Change Case ii) Formatting
iii) Tables iv) Sorting
f) _________ is a tool that is used to copy formatting from one thing in a document to another.
i) Format Painter/Paintbrush ii) Character Formatting
iii) Paragraph Formatting iv) None of these
g) Autocorrect dialog box can be launched from ____________menu.
i) Edit ii) Tools
iii) File iv) Format
h) The shortcut key to insert page break is__________
i) Alt + Enter ii) Ctrl + Enter
iii) Shift + Ctrl + Enter iv) None of these
i) Which of following is not a component of the Office Suite?
i) Writer ii) Impress
iii) Internet Explorer iv) Base
j) To hide or view ruler we should go to which of the following menus?
i) Tools Menu ii) Insert Menu
iii) View Menu iv) Edit Menu
Q.2 Expand the following terms [1 x 5= 5]
a) CLI
d) IAS
e) USB
Q.3 Give short answers to the following questions. [1 x 6=6]
a) Write two limitations of RAM
b) Give two common Digital India Services
c) Mention three elements of search engine
d) Who proposed the term www?
e) What is Formatting?
f) Write two advantages of Mail-Merge.
Q.4 Assertion/Reason based questions. [1 X 3 = 3]
a) Assertion: Main Document contains the main body of your letter, field names and merge instructions.
Reason: The mail merge feature merges documents containing similar information with some differences in a
very quick and easy way.
(i) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(ii) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(iii) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(iv) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
b) Assertion: WYSIWYG means What You See IS What You Get.
Reason: A WYSIWYG is a program that shows the document on screen, exactly the way it’ll when you take
print put.
(i) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(ii) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(iii) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(iv) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.

Assertion: A folder within a folder is known as subfolder.
Reason: When we delete a folder, the folder containing files and subfolders will also get deleted.
(i) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(ii) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(iii) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(iv) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
c) Assertion: When a word does not fit on a line, it automatically flows to the beginning of the next line, this
process is known as Word Wrap.
Reason: The Word wrap feature places the text going beyond the right margin to the next without pressing
enter key.
(i) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(ii) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(iii) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(iv) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
Q.5 Write difference between the following. (Two-Two Points each) [2 x 3 = 6]
a) Web Server and Web Browser.
b) WWW and Internet
c) Open Office and Microsoft Office
M.M.: 30

Q.1 Multiple choice questions. [1 x 10 = 10]

a) A Collection of eight bits is called-
i) MB ii) KB
iii) Byte iv) GB
b) ______ is the storage brain of computer, which holds the data during processing.
i) Process ii) Memory
iii) Input iv) Software
c) The ____ is pointing device that points to a position on computer screen.
i) Scanner ii) Keyboard
iii) Light Pen iv) None of these
d) Cut operation places the selected text into an area in memory called_______
i) Disk ii) Primary Area
iii) Clipboard iv) None of these
e) We can change the mistakes noticed in which of the following?
i) Word Processor Software ii) Electronic Typewriter
iii) Simple Typewriter iv) Both (i) and (ii)
f) In Writer, Mail Merge wizard can be started through ________menu
i) Insert ii) Format
iii) Tools iv) View
g) _______feature divides one cell into two or more table cells.
i) Merge ii) Split
iii) Join iv) Break
h) Mosaic, Netscape, Chrome, Firefox are:
i) Web Browsers ii) Web Servers
iii) Search Engines iv) Blogs
i) In ___________component of e-mail, the recipients do not get to know each other.
i) Bcc ii) Cc
iii) To iv) Softcopy
j) Loading up of operating system files into the computer’s memory is called-
i) Exploring ii) Boosting
iii) Booting iv) Processing
Q.2 Write the shortcut keys for the followings. [1 x 6 = 6]
a) To align text center
b) AutoText Feature
c) Spelling & Grammar Check
d) Insert table dialog box
e) Viewing/Toggling non-printing characters
f) To exit from document
Q.3 Give short answer for the following questions. [1 x 5 = 5]
a) Extension of Writer
b) Name three non-printing characters
c) Two Examples of Word Processor
d) What is the default view of Writer Document?
e) Three elements of search engine.
Q.4 Assertion/Reason based questions. [1 X 3 = 3]
a) Assertion: The appearance of the fonts is controlled by the text attributes.
Reason: Text Attributes are used to emphasize upon certain things and makes it appear differently from the
normal text.
(i) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(ii) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(iii) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(iv) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
b) Assertion: The type of character is known as Font.
Reason: A Font is collection of characters with a similar design.
(i) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(ii) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(iii) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(iv) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.

Assertion: Tables are used to organize data which is too detailed or complicated, allowing the reader to
quickly see the results.
Reason: The intersection of row and column is known as cell.
(i) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(ii) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(iii) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(iv) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
c) Assertion: The PDF format is popular file format which has become industry standard for sharing files.
Reason: The PDF files cannot be modified but still need to be easily shared and printed.
(i) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(ii) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(iii) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(iv) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
Q.5 Short-answer questions. [2 x 3 = 6]
a) Differentiate between Carbon Copy and Blind Carbon Copy. (2-2 points each)
b) What is a word processor? Write its features.
c) What do you mean by word processing?
M.M.: 30

Q.1 Multiple choice questions. [1 x 10 = 10]

a) Which of the following key moves the text cursor to the beginning of the line?
i) End Key ii) Home key
iii) Backspace Key iv) None of these
b) Total height of a line of text including extra spacing is known as _______
i) Line Area ii) Line Height
iii) Line Weight iv) Line Spacing
c) To close an opened document, we should to go to which of the following menus?
i) File Menu ii) Edit Menu
iii) Insert menu iv) Tools menu
d) To check grammar, we should go to which of the following menu?
i) File ii) Tools
iii) Insert iv) None of these
e) ______bar shows opened applications in minimized form.
i) Status ii) Formatting Toolbar
iii) Task iv) Both (i) and (ii)
f) Ethernet port is also known as ___________
i) RJ 35 port ii) RJ 40 port
iii) RJ 45 port iv) RJ 65 port
g) HTML acronyms for
i) Hyper text Transfer protocol ii) Hyper Transfer Mail Language
iii) Hyper Text markup Language iv) Hyper Tech Mail Language
h) The Compact disks or CDs are _____________
i) Solid State ii) Optical Media
iii) Volatile iv) Peripheral Device
i) _____________based operating systems have shells that offer graphical elements for interaction.
i) Graphical User Interface ii) Command User Interface
iii) Character User Interface iv) User Oriented Interface
j) The ________is pointing device that points to a position on computer system.
i) Barcode Reader ii) Printer
iii) Scanner iv) Mouse
Q.2 Write very short answers for the followings. [1 x 10 = 10]
a) Name three web-based word processors.
b) Name three non-printing characters.
c) Name three system software.
d) What is webpage?
e) Name any four ICT tools.
f) Write two types of OS based on user interface.
g) What is Digital India?
h) Write two weaknesses of computer.
i) What is an operating system?
j) What is Home page?
Q.3 Assertion/Reason based questions. [1 X 3 = 3]
a) Assertion: Website is a group of related web pages hosted on a web server.
Reason: All webpages in a website are linked together and share a common interface and design.
(i) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(ii) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(iii) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(iv) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
b) Assertion: Sometimes we need to search a particular text or word in the document.
Reason: Click on Edit menu, click Find & Replace option to open Find & Replace dialog box.
(i) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(ii) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(iii) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(iv) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.

Assertion: The intersection of row and column is known as cell
Reason: The Cell is a working area where we type text, numbers & formulas.
(i) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(ii) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(iii) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(iv) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
c) Assertion: Grammar and spell check feature help the user to produce error-free document.
Reason: Spelling & Grammar is done with the help of internally available dictionaries.
(i) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(ii) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(iii) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(iv) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
Q.4 Competency based questions. [1 x 4 = 4]
a) Anjana is good at writing so her English Teacher keeps encouraging het to participate in online and offline
writing competitions. Anjana showed an article for a new competition to her teacher. But her teacher asked
her to pick better words, taking help of thesaurus. Which option should she pick from tools menu for this?
i. Spelling & Grammar
ii. Thesaurus
iii. Language→ Thesaurus
iv. Auto Correct
b) Ramesh has to type a lot of Applications. In all the applications, the last lines of text have her name, school
name and contact number. Rather than typing it again and again for each application, she wants to assign a
shortcut for this text. Which option in Writer, will allow her to do this?
i. AutoCorrect
ii. AutoText
iii. Spell Check
iv. Auto Format
c) Ravina has typed her assignment in Open Office Writer, but she forgot to types the heading. To type the
heading, she has to go to the beginning of the document. Which key should she press for the same?
i. Home
ii. Shift + Home
iii. Ctrl + Home
iv. Ctrl + Shift + Home
d) Rustom undoing some actions in Word Processor as he did some mistakes. But he accidently performed unto
on a valid action. Now he wants to undo the last ‘undo i.e. revert the last undo. What should he press for
i. Ctrl + S
ii. Ctrl + Y
iii. Ctrl + Z
iv. Ctrl + V
Q.5 Differentiate between the followings. (2-2 Points each) [1 ½ x 2 = 3]
a) Web Portal and Website
b) RAM and ROM
M.M.: 30

Q.1 Multiple choice questions. [1 x 10 = 10]

a) Which of the following key moves the text cursor to the END of the line?
i) End Key ii) Home key
iii) Backspace Key iv) None of these
b) Which option should be used to type H2O, to get 2 at its proper place?
i) Bold ii) SuperScript
iii) Underline iv) SubScript
c) The default orientation of page is-
i) Landscape ii) Portrait
iii) Book iv) None of these
d) To check grammar, we should go to which of the following menu?
i) File ii) Format
iii) Insert iv) None of these
e) Save option is appeared on ________toolbar.
i) Status ii) Formatting
iii) Standard iv) Both (i) and (ii)
f) Which shortcut key is used to insert table?
i) Ctrl + F11 ii) Ctrl + F12
iii) Ctrl + F1 iv) None of these
g) Spellings are corrected automatically in Writer because of which of the following features?
i) Auto Text ii) Auto Correct
iii) Auto Complete iv) All of the above
h) In Writer, The Mail Merge wizard can be started through _____ menu.
i) Insert ii) Format
iii) Tools iv) View
i) ________feature divides one cell into two or more table cells.
i) Merge ii) Split
iii) Join iv) Break
j) You want to send a revised product list to all the customers. The revised product list is the _______
i) Main Document ii) Data Source
iii) Merge Field iv) Merged Document
Q.2 Write the shortcut keys for the followings. [1 x 6 = 6]
a) For Spell & Grammar check
b) For page break
c) For Auto Text
d) For line break
e) For thesaurus
f) To insert table
Q.3 Competency based questions. [1 x 3 = 3]
a) Anwesha keeps making mistakes while certain words e.g. in place of absence, she keeps typing absense. So
her teacher asked her to use an option so that Writer should itself take not of it and change it to right
spelling. Which option should she pick from tools menu of Writer?
i. Spelling and Grammar
ii. Language → Thesaurus
iii. Autocorrect
iv. Thesaurus
b) Rashi is an accountant. She wants to take out the printout of the balance sheet widthwise, Which option she
should use to print the document so that the height of the page is less than its width?
i. Portrait
ii. Indent
iii. Landscape
iv. Tab Settings
c) Mr Raman wants to write x2. But when he writes this, it shows x2. Which option he should use to get 2 at its
proper place?
i. Superscript
ii. Strikethrough
iii. Subscript
iv. ChangeCase
Q.4 Complete the analogies: [1 x 5 = 5]
a) Ctrl + C: Copy :: Ctrl + X : _____________
b) Font Size: Character Formatting :: ______________: Paragraph Formatting
c) X2: SuperScript:: X2 :: ___________
d) Ctrl + E : Center align :: Ctrl + _________: Justify align
e) Positive indent: inward from margins :: _____________ Indent : outward from margins
Q.5 Short Answer questions. [2 x 3 = 6]
a) How search engine works? Explain
b) What are the advantages of word processor over type writer?
c) How is paragraph formatting different from character formatting?
Dear Children,

Exciting time is here again! Summer holidays are for relaxation and

enjoyment. As important as it is to rest and enjoy, it is also important to

continue to learn. Strike a balance between work and play and allow

yourself to grow in the process.

The Holiday Homework is designed specifically for providing a better

practice, before June’ 2023 Assessments.

The Practice Question Papers are to be solved in A-4 sheets and are to be

submitted to the respective Subject Teacher, once the School re-opens.

Let the vacation time be a doorway to creativity, learning growth and joy !

Relax, enjoy, have loads of fun and come back refreshed.



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