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Past Simple: finished actions specific time

Past Continuous: actions happening at specific time in the past | Interruption

Past Perfect: actions happened before another action in the past

Present Simple: states,routines,facts

Present Continuous: actions happening now
Present Perfect: introduce a topic, experience (without specific time)| state past → continue |
complete actions unspecific time now important results
Present Perfect Continuous: process action(period of time) → continue | process in past
important results

Will: quickly decisions | definite | probably (opinion) predictions | Promise
Be going to: predictions (evidence) | Plans (expected to happen, mid-term, formal)
Present Continuous: arrangements (near future, informal) | Not stative verbs
Present Simple: timetable
Would prefer/rather
- Right now, Diego would prefer to have history class. (+)
- Right now, Diego would prefer not to have history class. (-)
- Right now, Diego would rather have history class. (+)
- Right now, Diego would rather not have history class. (-)

- Right now, I would prefer Mr. Ivan to do a project.

- Right now, I would prefer Mr. Ivan not to do grammar.
- Right now, I would rather Mr. Ivan did a project.
- Right now, I would rather Mr. Ivan didn’t do grammar.
Used to/Would
- used to + base form of verb Any type of verb
- didn’t used to + base form of verb

- Would + base form of verbs Dynamic verbs (run, jump, sleep,)

- wouldn’t + base form of verbs
Zero Conditional: If your heart stops beating, you die. (simple present/simple present)
First Conditional: If it is sunny, we will go to the beach. (simple present/will)
Second Conditional: If I had money, I would travel to Paris. (past simple/would+base form)
Third Conditional: If you had looked at the hour, we wouldn’t have missed the party. (past
perfect/would + present perfect)
Present Simple: am/is/are + past participle
Present Continuous: am/is/are + being + past participle
Past Simple: was/were + past participle
Past Continuous: was/were + being + past participle
Present Perfect: have/has + been + past participle
Past Perfect: had + been + past participle
Will: am/is/are + be + past participle
Be going to: am/is/are + going to + be + past participle
Future perfect: will + have + been + past participle

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